To listen to a recording of the meeting, click here: https://bit.ly/4a9Q8LV
DATE: March 14, 2024
PRESENT: Ann Kuendig, Joyce Stevens, AJ Ruben
PUBLIC PRESENT: Scott Allen; (via TEAMS) Robert Fracchia
NEXT MEETING: Thursday, March 21, 2024 @ 5:30pm
Ann called the meeting to order at 5:31pm. AJ seconded. All in favor. Ann asked if there was a motion to approve the Minutes of both meetings. Joyce so moved. Ann seconded. All in favor. As this was the first meeting following Town Meeting, Ann moved to take NB# 1 out of order. She also moved to take OB#1 and #3 out of order. Joyce seconded both. All in favor. .
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 2
March 14, 2024
1. Citizen Concern/Complaint – Robert Leitch. Robert sent an email wondering why nothing has been done regarding the water run-off onto his property. He had written previously about this. Ann said in her response that the Town can’t do anything until at least spring. She also said that the Board would contact George about having the contractor see about extending the ditch and eliminating the water bar that goes onto his property. There was discussion as to whether or not there had previously been a culvert. Ann said she was going to refer this to George.
2. Comcast – Webinar. Comcast is going to have a webinar on March 19th from 11:00-12:00 on how cities and local municipalities are leveraging smart technology for an improved citizen experience, insights, and security. It’s on lighting, video, and analytics.
1. Townsend Brook Road – road discontinuance final steps. A packet including approved Minutes, the petition, order, and declaration of road discontinuance will be put together for Scott Allen. Ann moved that the Board sign the order to discontinue the Town’s right-of-way on Townsend Brook Road. AJ seconded. All in favor. The order was signed. This will be attached to the deed in the land records.
2. Listers – Administrative Contractor. Ann said that Joyce had previously made a suggestion to permanently transfer the Lister’s administrative duties to the Town Clerk and increase her pay to reflect these additional responsibilities. She added that Pittsfield has allocated funding and hired a certified service to perform appraisal services and some of the administrative tasks. Ann said she wrote to VLCT and asked if the Town Clerk can perform the administrative duties of another Town office and can she be paid out of the Independent Contractor Lister line item? Their response was that she could take on those duties but wasn’t sure if she could be paid as an IC. Discussion. AJ said he would follow up with VLCT. Ann said they should table action until they get a list of the exact duties from Betty and hear from VLCT.
3. GMNF – Telephone Gap Public Hearing. Ann said she received an email from GMNF Ranger Chris Mattrick and he has offered to attend the next Select Board meeting after March 21st. Ann suggested having an abbreviated meeting on the 21st with a public meeting to follow at 6:30pm. She noted that the comment period ends April 8th. Discussion. AJ moved to hold an abbreviated Select Board meeting on March 21st from 5:30-6:30, and then invite Chris from 6:30-8:00. Ann seconded. All in favor. Notices will be posted.
4. Town Hall – art prints. Ann said that she obtained pricing on seven prints to be made into 24’x36’ and 36’x24’ canvas prints. She said it would be $59.94 for each of the seven prints. A framed print would cost more. Discussion. It was decided to have one done and see how it comes out and pay for it out of the maintenance funds. Ann moved to have one done. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
1. Select Board – Organization. It was suggested that the new Board remain the same. Ann accepted the Chair position but proposed that everyone share in these meetings and understand what’s involved in running a meeting (creating agenda, etc.). She would like to set up at least two meetings for both Joyce and AJ. She also suggested that Joyce take over the buildings and AJ do the weekly orders. Joyce explained to AJ what was involved with the orders. AJ moved to have Ann as Chair, Joyce to be in charge of buildings, and AJ in charge of weekly orders. Ann seconded. All in favor
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 3
March 14, 2024
2. Select Board – Rules of Procedure. Ann said she made three changes. The Board approved. AJ moved to accept the changes and sign. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
3. Select Board – Conflict of Interest and Ethical Conduct. There were no changes. Ann moved to approve and sign. AJ seconded. All in favor.
4. Select Board – Complaint Procedure. There were no changes. AJ moved to approve and sign. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
5. Select Board – Procurement Policy. There were no changes. Ann moved to approve and acknowledge. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
6. Appointments – Town Officials. The Board reviewed the current list. Most were reappointed and names were discussed for vacant positions. The Secretary will send out appointment/reappointment letters and Ann said she would draft a letter to be sent to people the Board is interested in. the three vacant terms on the Planning Commission will be staggered with two, three and four year terms.(see last page for listing of appointed/reappointed positions)
7. MRPG – Annual Report/Payment. Ann said that every April this report has to be filed saying that we’re in compliance and make the payment. Ann moved to have the chair sign. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
8. Town Office – AC maintenance. Ann said that Trish just needs approval to set up the maintenance of the AC. It came to $246.99. Ann moved to accept. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
9. Permits/Licenses – Swiss Farm Liquor & Tobacco License. Ann said this is for a Tobacco and Second-Class License. She so moved to approve. AJ seconded. Joyce recused herself.
10. VT 100 on 100 – permission request. Ann said that they are requesting permission to go through Pittsfield for their run/walk on August 10th. Ann moved to welcome them. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
· Joyce said that Charlie Bowen is coming next week to look at the basketball court, give us an estimate, and when to start.
· Joyce will also check with VTrans regarding their paving schedule.
· Regular Meeting Thursday, March 21, 2024 @ 5:30pm
· Public Hearing to follow at 6:30pm
As there was no further business to discuss, Ann moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:11pm. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved: March 21, 2024
/ /
Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens A.J. Ruben
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 4
March 14, 2024
On March 14, 2022 the following appointments were made by the Pittsfield Select Board:
Name Position Term
David Colton Civil Defense one year
Greg Martin Civil Defense one year
Martha Beyersdorf E911 Coordinator one year
Elizabeth Warner EC Fibernet Delegate one year
Herb Kuendig EC Fibernet Delegate, Alternate one year
Robert Giolito Emergency Management Co-Director one year
Ryan Thompson Emergency Management Co-Director one year
Rebecca Seward Green Up Coordinator one year
Olivia Grasso Green Up Coordinator one year
Connie Martin Park Commissioner one year
George Deblon Road Commissioner one year
Beth Philhower Rutland County Solid Waste District
Board of Directors one year
Ann Kuendig Rutland County Solid Waste District
Board of Directors, Alt. one year
Richard Gaston Select Board Building Advisory Board one year
Herb Kuendig Select Board Building Advisory Board one year
Mike Moran Select Board Building Advisory Board one year
Jeremy Rayner Select Board Building Advisory Board one year
Glenn Reinauer Select Board Building Advisory Board one year
George Deblon TAC Representative one year
Kris Sperber Tree Warden one ye
Tricia Abbondelo Unemployment Compensation Representative one year
Martha Beyersdorf WRVA Representative one year
A.J. Ruben Zoning Administrator one year
Herbert Kuendig Zoning Board of Adjustment three years
David Larkin Zoning Board of Adjustment three years
To listen to a recording of the meeting, click here: https://bit.ly/4a9Q8LV
DATE: March 14, 2024
PRESENT: Ann Kuendig, Joyce Stevens, AJ Ruben
PUBLIC PRESENT: Scott Allen; (via TEAMS) Robert Fracchia
- February 15, 2024 Regular Meeting
- February 21, 2024 Special Meeting
- Citizen Concern/Complaint – Robert Leitch
- Comcast – Webinar
- Townsend Brook Road – road discontinuance final steps
- Listers – Administrative Contractor
- GMNF – Telephone Gap Public Hearing
- Town Hall – art prints
- Select Board – Organization
- Select Board – Rules of Procedure
- Select Board – Conflict of Interest and Ethical Conduct
- Select Board – Complaint Procedure
- Select Board – Procurement Policy
- Appointments – Town Officials
- MRPG – Annual Report/Payment
- Town Office – AC maintenance
- Permits/Licenses – Swiss Farm Liquor & Tobacco License
- VT 100 on 100 – permission request
NEXT MEETING: Thursday, March 21, 2024 @ 5:30pm
Ann called the meeting to order at 5:31pm. AJ seconded. All in favor. Ann asked if there was a motion to approve the Minutes of both meetings. Joyce so moved. Ann seconded. All in favor. As this was the first meeting following Town Meeting, Ann moved to take NB# 1 out of order. She also moved to take OB#1 and #3 out of order. Joyce seconded both. All in favor. .
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 2
March 14, 2024
1. Citizen Concern/Complaint – Robert Leitch. Robert sent an email wondering why nothing has been done regarding the water run-off onto his property. He had written previously about this. Ann said in her response that the Town can’t do anything until at least spring. She also said that the Board would contact George about having the contractor see about extending the ditch and eliminating the water bar that goes onto his property. There was discussion as to whether or not there had previously been a culvert. Ann said she was going to refer this to George.
2. Comcast – Webinar. Comcast is going to have a webinar on March 19th from 11:00-12:00 on how cities and local municipalities are leveraging smart technology for an improved citizen experience, insights, and security. It’s on lighting, video, and analytics.
1. Townsend Brook Road – road discontinuance final steps. A packet including approved Minutes, the petition, order, and declaration of road discontinuance will be put together for Scott Allen. Ann moved that the Board sign the order to discontinue the Town’s right-of-way on Townsend Brook Road. AJ seconded. All in favor. The order was signed. This will be attached to the deed in the land records.
2. Listers – Administrative Contractor. Ann said that Joyce had previously made a suggestion to permanently transfer the Lister’s administrative duties to the Town Clerk and increase her pay to reflect these additional responsibilities. She added that Pittsfield has allocated funding and hired a certified service to perform appraisal services and some of the administrative tasks. Ann said she wrote to VLCT and asked if the Town Clerk can perform the administrative duties of another Town office and can she be paid out of the Independent Contractor Lister line item? Their response was that she could take on those duties but wasn’t sure if she could be paid as an IC. Discussion. AJ said he would follow up with VLCT. Ann said they should table action until they get a list of the exact duties from Betty and hear from VLCT.
3. GMNF – Telephone Gap Public Hearing. Ann said she received an email from GMNF Ranger Chris Mattrick and he has offered to attend the next Select Board meeting after March 21st. Ann suggested having an abbreviated meeting on the 21st with a public meeting to follow at 6:30pm. She noted that the comment period ends April 8th. Discussion. AJ moved to hold an abbreviated Select Board meeting on March 21st from 5:30-6:30, and then invite Chris from 6:30-8:00. Ann seconded. All in favor. Notices will be posted.
4. Town Hall – art prints. Ann said that she obtained pricing on seven prints to be made into 24’x36’ and 36’x24’ canvas prints. She said it would be $59.94 for each of the seven prints. A framed print would cost more. Discussion. It was decided to have one done and see how it comes out and pay for it out of the maintenance funds. Ann moved to have one done. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
1. Select Board – Organization. It was suggested that the new Board remain the same. Ann accepted the Chair position but proposed that everyone share in these meetings and understand what’s involved in running a meeting (creating agenda, etc.). She would like to set up at least two meetings for both Joyce and AJ. She also suggested that Joyce take over the buildings and AJ do the weekly orders. Joyce explained to AJ what was involved with the orders. AJ moved to have Ann as Chair, Joyce to be in charge of buildings, and AJ in charge of weekly orders. Ann seconded. All in favor
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 3
March 14, 2024
2. Select Board – Rules of Procedure. Ann said she made three changes. The Board approved. AJ moved to accept the changes and sign. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
3. Select Board – Conflict of Interest and Ethical Conduct. There were no changes. Ann moved to approve and sign. AJ seconded. All in favor.
4. Select Board – Complaint Procedure. There were no changes. AJ moved to approve and sign. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
5. Select Board – Procurement Policy. There were no changes. Ann moved to approve and acknowledge. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
6. Appointments – Town Officials. The Board reviewed the current list. Most were reappointed and names were discussed for vacant positions. The Secretary will send out appointment/reappointment letters and Ann said she would draft a letter to be sent to people the Board is interested in. the three vacant terms on the Planning Commission will be staggered with two, three and four year terms.(see last page for listing of appointed/reappointed positions)
7. MRPG – Annual Report/Payment. Ann said that every April this report has to be filed saying that we’re in compliance and make the payment. Ann moved to have the chair sign. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
8. Town Office – AC maintenance. Ann said that Trish just needs approval to set up the maintenance of the AC. It came to $246.99. Ann moved to accept. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
9. Permits/Licenses – Swiss Farm Liquor & Tobacco License. Ann said this is for a Tobacco and Second-Class License. She so moved to approve. AJ seconded. Joyce recused herself.
10. VT 100 on 100 – permission request. Ann said that they are requesting permission to go through Pittsfield for their run/walk on August 10th. Ann moved to welcome them. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
· Joyce said that Charlie Bowen is coming next week to look at the basketball court, give us an estimate, and when to start.
· Joyce will also check with VTrans regarding their paving schedule.
· Regular Meeting Thursday, March 21, 2024 @ 5:30pm
· Public Hearing to follow at 6:30pm
As there was no further business to discuss, Ann moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:11pm. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved: March 21, 2024
/ /
Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens A.J. Ruben
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 4
March 14, 2024
On March 14, 2022 the following appointments were made by the Pittsfield Select Board:
Name Position Term
David Colton Civil Defense one year
Greg Martin Civil Defense one year
Martha Beyersdorf E911 Coordinator one year
Elizabeth Warner EC Fibernet Delegate one year
Herb Kuendig EC Fibernet Delegate, Alternate one year
Robert Giolito Emergency Management Co-Director one year
Ryan Thompson Emergency Management Co-Director one year
Rebecca Seward Green Up Coordinator one year
Olivia Grasso Green Up Coordinator one year
Connie Martin Park Commissioner one year
George Deblon Road Commissioner one year
Beth Philhower Rutland County Solid Waste District
Board of Directors one year
Ann Kuendig Rutland County Solid Waste District
Board of Directors, Alt. one year
Richard Gaston Select Board Building Advisory Board one year
Herb Kuendig Select Board Building Advisory Board one year
Mike Moran Select Board Building Advisory Board one year
Jeremy Rayner Select Board Building Advisory Board one year
Glenn Reinauer Select Board Building Advisory Board one year
George Deblon TAC Representative one year
Kris Sperber Tree Warden one ye
Tricia Abbondelo Unemployment Compensation Representative one year
Martha Beyersdorf WRVA Representative one year
A.J. Ruben Zoning Administrator one year
Herbert Kuendig Zoning Board of Adjustment three years
David Larkin Zoning Board of Adjustment three years