To listen to a recording of the meeting, please click here: https://bit.ly/3rFQ2Kz
DATE: July 13, 2023
PRESENT: Ann Kuendig, Joyce Stevens, AJ Ruben
PUBLIC PRESENT: (via Teams) Susan Fox
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: June 15, 2023 Regular Meeting; July 7, 2023 Special Meeting
1. Green Mountain National Forest – Schedule of Proposed Actions
2. TRORC – Municipal Technical Assistance Program (MTAP)
1. Village Green – Use Policy/Waiver
2. Village Center Designation – update
3. Insurance – Loss Control Inspection Report
4. Village Green - Concert
5. Dogs – Delinquent Dogs update
6. Recreation Area – Basketball Court paving update
1. Citizen Concern/Complaint – Rolf-Dieter Krenz complaint
2. Citizen Concern/Complaint – Todd Jones complaint
3. Recreation Area – Playground/Gazebo missing items
4. Fuel – 2023 Fuel Pre-buy
5. Appointments – WRVA Representative
NEXT MEETING DATE: August 17, 2023
Ann called the meeting to order at 6:08pm. Seconded by Joyce. All in favor. Joyce moved to accept the Minutes of the June 15, 2023 Regular Meeting. Seconded by Ann. All in favor. AJ moved to accept the Minutes of the July 7, 2023 Special Meeting. Seconded by Ann. All in favor.
Following Correspondence, Ann moved to take NB#1 out of order as Susan Fox, one of the complainants called in via Teams. Seconded by Joyce. All in favor.
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 2
July 13, 2023
1. Green Mountain National Forest – Schedule of Proposed Actions. This quarterly mailing included information on Telephone Gap and General Maintenance of Open Spaces. Those were the only items pertaining to Pittsfield.
2. TRORC – Municipal Technical Assistance Program (MTAP). Regional Planning Commissions through the State of Vermont are offering small communities help with this program. This helps small communities get projects started with funds and free assistance. Pittsfield has nothing on the drawing board at present. Ann made a motion that the Town agrees to participate in MTAP. Seconded by Joyce. All in favor.
1. Village Green – Use Policy/Waiver. AJ said he had some questions and had not prepared a document draft. Ann asked if a motion should be made to have anyone planning to use the Green for an event and inviting vendors submit an application to the Select Board? She cited a recent announcement on the Pittsfield Community Facebook page about an event to be held in August. None of the Board members were aware of this. Discussion. Ann offered a motion that any organization wanting to reserve the Village Green or Gazebo must request approval from the Select Board and if vendors/exhibitors are to be present they must have them fill out a waiver. Seconded by AJ with concern if this was going to be an ordinance. He was assured this was not. It would be a policy. All in favor. AJ will draft this document and send it to Ann for review.
2. Village Center Designation – update. TRORC will put the application together. Ann explained the narrative she put together, and the Board added a few more items to the list. Ann will send this to TRORC.
3. Insurance – Loss Control Inspection Report. This was tabled to the next meeting.
4. Village Green – Concert. AJ said that Rusty will contact the Board. A logo for him to use in his advertising was mentioned. No one has a digital copy, but George has one and will be contacted.
5. Dogs – Delinquent Dogs update. Ann said that Karen Marion has taken Colby’s dog. The dog owned by Mike Menard has still not been registered. A letter was previously sent. If there is no response from the owner, it will be sent to Collections.
6. Recreation Area – Basketball Court paving update. Ann announced that Shayd Pecor from Freshcoat
Asphalt has backed out of the contract citing issues with the berm. Ann explained her response. Ann said she has sought estimates and availability from Twin State Paving and Charlie Bowen. She also spoke with the grant people, and we have until September 2024 to use the money.
1. Citizen Concern/Complaint – Rolf-Dieter Krenz complaint. Ann noted that the complaint was received on July 1st and addressed the neighbor’s dog barking incessantly, junk and broken vehicles on the property, and possible fluids leaking onto the ground. Their concern was for the health and well-being of the dog. Susan said that the owner is not approachable. It was also noted that there are no septic or sanitation measures to deal with human and animal waste. She felt that there are rules to deal with this. Some political graffiti is also visible from the road. She said that they enjoy their time here in Pittsfield when they come but feel they cannot invite guests and expose them to all of this. Ann thanked Susan for voicing her concerns. The Board said they need to determine what can be done and which direction to go. She said she would keep Susan in the loop. Joyce asked if it appeared there was a business operating on the property. Susan said their initial concern was for the dog. AJ asked if any agencies had been contacted and encouraged her to contact the Department of Health. He also voiced his concern and advised her of
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 3
July 13, 2023
options she could pursue herself. Susan inquired about any Town ordinances that would pertain to the property. Ann said that the Select Board would work on this and thanked her for attending.
2. Citizen Concern/Complaint – Todd Jones complaint. Ann explained the original complaint. This one is a little different. This involves the grandfather. Discussion. Ann moved to have Trish send a violation notice and Ann will respond to Todd Jones.
3. Recreation Area – Playground/Gazebo missing items. This pertains to the teeter-totter in the playground and the large flag that was hanging in the Gazebo. The teeter-totter was cut in half and the pieces removed by someone unknown. The flag was torn down and removed by someone unknown. Discussion. Joyce said that a bowsaw was found in the woods. AJ said that Otel is willing to construct another one. Ann said she would like to get a price first. It was also suggested was the installation of cameras on the front and back of the Town Hall.
4. Fuel – 2023 Fuel Pre-buy. Ann wanted to know why the Town Office Building went through as much fuel as it did when others didn’t. Are thermostats on timers? This will be checked on. It was decided to buy, applying the credit to the purchase as following: Town Hall: 518 gallons $2 heating oil @ $3.45/gallon; Town Office Building: 1300 gallons LP @ $2.31/gallon; Town Garage: 460 gallons @ $2.31/gallon; and Fire Station: 842 gallons LP @ $2.31/gallon.
5. Appointments – WRVA Representative. Ann said that Rachel Hunt was appointed but that there wasn’t any follow up as to when WRVA meets, etc. However, because she is on staff at WRVA, she cannot serve as Town Representative. She asked if there were any suggestions. Martha offered to fill the position. Ann moved to appoint Martha as WRVA Representative. Seconded by Joyce. All in favor.
NEXT MEETING DATE: August 17, 2023
As there was no other business to conduct, Ann moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:19pm. Seconded by Joyce. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha L. Beyersdorf, Secretary
/ /
Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens A.J. Ruben
To listen to a recording of the meeting, please click here: https://bit.ly/3rFQ2Kz
DATE: July 13, 2023
PRESENT: Ann Kuendig, Joyce Stevens, AJ Ruben
PUBLIC PRESENT: (via Teams) Susan Fox
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: June 15, 2023 Regular Meeting; July 7, 2023 Special Meeting
1. Green Mountain National Forest – Schedule of Proposed Actions
2. TRORC – Municipal Technical Assistance Program (MTAP)
1. Village Green – Use Policy/Waiver
2. Village Center Designation – update
3. Insurance – Loss Control Inspection Report
4. Village Green - Concert
5. Dogs – Delinquent Dogs update
6. Recreation Area – Basketball Court paving update
1. Citizen Concern/Complaint – Rolf-Dieter Krenz complaint
2. Citizen Concern/Complaint – Todd Jones complaint
3. Recreation Area – Playground/Gazebo missing items
4. Fuel – 2023 Fuel Pre-buy
5. Appointments – WRVA Representative
NEXT MEETING DATE: August 17, 2023
Ann called the meeting to order at 6:08pm. Seconded by Joyce. All in favor. Joyce moved to accept the Minutes of the June 15, 2023 Regular Meeting. Seconded by Ann. All in favor. AJ moved to accept the Minutes of the July 7, 2023 Special Meeting. Seconded by Ann. All in favor.
Following Correspondence, Ann moved to take NB#1 out of order as Susan Fox, one of the complainants called in via Teams. Seconded by Joyce. All in favor.
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 2
July 13, 2023
1. Green Mountain National Forest – Schedule of Proposed Actions. This quarterly mailing included information on Telephone Gap and General Maintenance of Open Spaces. Those were the only items pertaining to Pittsfield.
2. TRORC – Municipal Technical Assistance Program (MTAP). Regional Planning Commissions through the State of Vermont are offering small communities help with this program. This helps small communities get projects started with funds and free assistance. Pittsfield has nothing on the drawing board at present. Ann made a motion that the Town agrees to participate in MTAP. Seconded by Joyce. All in favor.
1. Village Green – Use Policy/Waiver. AJ said he had some questions and had not prepared a document draft. Ann asked if a motion should be made to have anyone planning to use the Green for an event and inviting vendors submit an application to the Select Board? She cited a recent announcement on the Pittsfield Community Facebook page about an event to be held in August. None of the Board members were aware of this. Discussion. Ann offered a motion that any organization wanting to reserve the Village Green or Gazebo must request approval from the Select Board and if vendors/exhibitors are to be present they must have them fill out a waiver. Seconded by AJ with concern if this was going to be an ordinance. He was assured this was not. It would be a policy. All in favor. AJ will draft this document and send it to Ann for review.
2. Village Center Designation – update. TRORC will put the application together. Ann explained the narrative she put together, and the Board added a few more items to the list. Ann will send this to TRORC.
3. Insurance – Loss Control Inspection Report. This was tabled to the next meeting.
4. Village Green – Concert. AJ said that Rusty will contact the Board. A logo for him to use in his advertising was mentioned. No one has a digital copy, but George has one and will be contacted.
5. Dogs – Delinquent Dogs update. Ann said that Karen Marion has taken Colby’s dog. The dog owned by Mike Menard has still not been registered. A letter was previously sent. If there is no response from the owner, it will be sent to Collections.
6. Recreation Area – Basketball Court paving update. Ann announced that Shayd Pecor from Freshcoat
Asphalt has backed out of the contract citing issues with the berm. Ann explained her response. Ann said she has sought estimates and availability from Twin State Paving and Charlie Bowen. She also spoke with the grant people, and we have until September 2024 to use the money.
1. Citizen Concern/Complaint – Rolf-Dieter Krenz complaint. Ann noted that the complaint was received on July 1st and addressed the neighbor’s dog barking incessantly, junk and broken vehicles on the property, and possible fluids leaking onto the ground. Their concern was for the health and well-being of the dog. Susan said that the owner is not approachable. It was also noted that there are no septic or sanitation measures to deal with human and animal waste. She felt that there are rules to deal with this. Some political graffiti is also visible from the road. She said that they enjoy their time here in Pittsfield when they come but feel they cannot invite guests and expose them to all of this. Ann thanked Susan for voicing her concerns. The Board said they need to determine what can be done and which direction to go. She said she would keep Susan in the loop. Joyce asked if it appeared there was a business operating on the property. Susan said their initial concern was for the dog. AJ asked if any agencies had been contacted and encouraged her to contact the Department of Health. He also voiced his concern and advised her of
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 3
July 13, 2023
options she could pursue herself. Susan inquired about any Town ordinances that would pertain to the property. Ann said that the Select Board would work on this and thanked her for attending.
2. Citizen Concern/Complaint – Todd Jones complaint. Ann explained the original complaint. This one is a little different. This involves the grandfather. Discussion. Ann moved to have Trish send a violation notice and Ann will respond to Todd Jones.
3. Recreation Area – Playground/Gazebo missing items. This pertains to the teeter-totter in the playground and the large flag that was hanging in the Gazebo. The teeter-totter was cut in half and the pieces removed by someone unknown. The flag was torn down and removed by someone unknown. Discussion. Joyce said that a bowsaw was found in the woods. AJ said that Otel is willing to construct another one. Ann said she would like to get a price first. It was also suggested was the installation of cameras on the front and back of the Town Hall.
4. Fuel – 2023 Fuel Pre-buy. Ann wanted to know why the Town Office Building went through as much fuel as it did when others didn’t. Are thermostats on timers? This will be checked on. It was decided to buy, applying the credit to the purchase as following: Town Hall: 518 gallons $2 heating oil @ $3.45/gallon; Town Office Building: 1300 gallons LP @ $2.31/gallon; Town Garage: 460 gallons @ $2.31/gallon; and Fire Station: 842 gallons LP @ $2.31/gallon.
5. Appointments – WRVA Representative. Ann said that Rachel Hunt was appointed but that there wasn’t any follow up as to when WRVA meets, etc. However, because she is on staff at WRVA, she cannot serve as Town Representative. She asked if there were any suggestions. Martha offered to fill the position. Ann moved to appoint Martha as WRVA Representative. Seconded by Joyce. All in favor.
NEXT MEETING DATE: August 17, 2023
As there was no other business to conduct, Ann moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:19pm. Seconded by Joyce. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha L. Beyersdorf, Secretary
/ /
Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens A.J. Ruben