To listen to a recording of the meeting, click here: https://bit.ly/3UvSy2t
DATE: February 1, 2024
PRESENT: Ann Kuendig, Joyce Stevens, AJ Ruben
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: January 18, 2024
1.Green Mountain Power – Charge VT information
2.Green Mountain Power – Energy Development Grants
3.Citizen Concern/Complaint – snowmobiles on Upper Michigan Road
1. Townsend Brook Road – road discontinuance update
2.113 Park Place – Deed Restriction complete
3.593 Route 100 – buyout update
4.Grants – MERP Energy Audit update
5.Grants – MTAP for updating capital budget
6.Finances – December update
1.Town Meeting – preparations
2.Town Office – floor mats
3.Permits & Licenses – Liquor License – Toasted Pecan
4.Permits & Licenses – Driveway Permit –201 Lower Michigan Road
NEXT MEETING: Thursday, February 15, 2024 @6pm Town Hall
Ann called the meeting to order at 5:58pm. Joyce seconded. All in favor. Joyce moved to approve the Minutes of the January 18, 2024 meeting. AJ seconded. All in favor.
1. Green Mountain Power – Charge VT information. This information pertains to a grant opportunity for the installation of a charging station. Discussion. The Board expressed mixed feelings. Ann said she would obtain more information to present at the next meeting.
2. Green Mountain Power – Energy Development Grants. This information pertains to grants available for various energy related projects. Ann said she would obtain more information.
3. Citizen Concern/Complaint – snowmobiles on Upper Michigan Road. Marsha Hopkins expressed concern over the number of snowmobilers using Upper Michigan Road this past weekend. She felt that signs needed to be posted or an ordinance that carried fines for the homeowner be considered. Discussion. Joyce said that Ryan Thompson spoke with her, and Joyce identified the property. Ryan then spoke with the party concerned and then followed up with
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 2
February 1, 2024
letters to every homeowner in Hawk stating that snowmobiles are not allowed to operate on any highway not opened to snowmobile travel (State Statute). Ann said she would send a note to Marsha stating this and should there be any further issue of snowmobilers on the town road, to let the Board know.
1. Townsend Brook Road – road discontinuance update. There have been no new responses as of now. The Board discussed the site visit which is scheduled for February 21st at 11am. A brief meeting will follow at the Town Hall. George will be invited to attend.
2. 113 Park Place – Deed Restriction complete. A copy of the deed was sent to Trish, and she recorded it. A copy also went to Lisa Kolb and she sent us an email stating that a formal closeout letter from FEMA. Ann said she thought this was the last of the reviews of buyouts from TS Irene.
3. 593 Route 100 – buyout update. Ann said there has been a lot of activity. She said she spoke with Attorney Jim Goss and Lisa Kolb at State mitigation Office who has prepared the voluntary transaction agreement which both the owner and Town have to sign. This is the official acceptance of the appraisal. The attorney pointed out some things to consider. There is still a lot of paperwork for Carrie to complete. The Board discussed whether an environmental study needs to be done. The initial cost would be $2,500. Joyce said she would speak with CV Oil to see if any information on underground tanks was known. It was decided to table this conversation to the next meeting.
4. Grants – MERP Energy Audit update. The audit was performed, and Ann said that the report won’t be ready for nine weeks. It was decided in the meantime to obtain some bids for some potential projects, such as heat pumps. Ann added that Betty Warner is applying or may be applying for a grant to use ARPA money. She also said that Herb had obtained an estimate to replace all the windows and it was $33,500 just for the materials.
5. Grants – MTAP for updating capital budget. Ann said that TRORC has requested to see a copy of the Capital Improvement Budget plan to see what we are working with the tailor the scope of work to what needs to be done. After that, a draft agreement will be sent for review. If TRORC provides a format, we could forward it to all the departments so they can see what we need come budget time.
6. Finances – December update. The Board reviewed the changes suggested at the last meeting. Discussion. Ann moved to accept the December report. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
1. Town Meeting – preparations. Ann said that the downstairs was almost complete. The floor is to be sanded and painted. She wondered if a brunch or potluck would be nice since the meeting starts at 9am. People could check out the basement and see what has been accomplished. It was felt that coffee and Danish might be offered. It was decided to put a notice on the website asking for volunteers for a mini potluck.
2. Town Office – floor mats. Trish has requested the purchase of new floormats. The Board wasn’t exactly sure where Trish wanted them, but probably in the vestibule and by the door to the elevator area. AJ moved to approve the purchase of two floormats. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
3. Permits & Licenses – Liquor License – Toasted Pecan. Ann moved to approve the outside consumption permit. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
4. Permits & Licenses – Driveway Permit – 201 Lower Michigan Road. Pam Brocklehurst submitted this driveway permit. George reviewed and approved it. Ann moved to approve. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
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February 1, 2024
1. Joyce said that the snowmobile club would like to use the Town Hall basement for their landowner’s dinner in April. Discussion. It was decided to review the rental policy at the next meeting.
2. Joyce requested that any purchases need to come before the Board from now on. The Board agreed.
NEXT MEETING: Thursday, February 15, 2024 @6pm Town Hall
ADJOURNMENT: As there was no further business, Ann moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:04pm. AJ seconded. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha L. Beyersdorf, Secretary
/ /
Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens A.J. Ruben
To listen to a recording of the meeting, click here: https://bit.ly/3UvSy2t
DATE: February 1, 2024
PRESENT: Ann Kuendig, Joyce Stevens, AJ Ruben
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: January 18, 2024
1.Green Mountain Power – Charge VT information
2.Green Mountain Power – Energy Development Grants
3.Citizen Concern/Complaint – snowmobiles on Upper Michigan Road
1. Townsend Brook Road – road discontinuance update
2.113 Park Place – Deed Restriction complete
3.593 Route 100 – buyout update
4.Grants – MERP Energy Audit update
5.Grants – MTAP for updating capital budget
6.Finances – December update
1.Town Meeting – preparations
2.Town Office – floor mats
3.Permits & Licenses – Liquor License – Toasted Pecan
4.Permits & Licenses – Driveway Permit –201 Lower Michigan Road
NEXT MEETING: Thursday, February 15, 2024 @6pm Town Hall
Ann called the meeting to order at 5:58pm. Joyce seconded. All in favor. Joyce moved to approve the Minutes of the January 18, 2024 meeting. AJ seconded. All in favor.
1. Green Mountain Power – Charge VT information. This information pertains to a grant opportunity for the installation of a charging station. Discussion. The Board expressed mixed feelings. Ann said she would obtain more information to present at the next meeting.
2. Green Mountain Power – Energy Development Grants. This information pertains to grants available for various energy related projects. Ann said she would obtain more information.
3. Citizen Concern/Complaint – snowmobiles on Upper Michigan Road. Marsha Hopkins expressed concern over the number of snowmobilers using Upper Michigan Road this past weekend. She felt that signs needed to be posted or an ordinance that carried fines for the homeowner be considered. Discussion. Joyce said that Ryan Thompson spoke with her, and Joyce identified the property. Ryan then spoke with the party concerned and then followed up with
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 2
February 1, 2024
letters to every homeowner in Hawk stating that snowmobiles are not allowed to operate on any highway not opened to snowmobile travel (State Statute). Ann said she would send a note to Marsha stating this and should there be any further issue of snowmobilers on the town road, to let the Board know.
1. Townsend Brook Road – road discontinuance update. There have been no new responses as of now. The Board discussed the site visit which is scheduled for February 21st at 11am. A brief meeting will follow at the Town Hall. George will be invited to attend.
2. 113 Park Place – Deed Restriction complete. A copy of the deed was sent to Trish, and she recorded it. A copy also went to Lisa Kolb and she sent us an email stating that a formal closeout letter from FEMA. Ann said she thought this was the last of the reviews of buyouts from TS Irene.
3. 593 Route 100 – buyout update. Ann said there has been a lot of activity. She said she spoke with Attorney Jim Goss and Lisa Kolb at State mitigation Office who has prepared the voluntary transaction agreement which both the owner and Town have to sign. This is the official acceptance of the appraisal. The attorney pointed out some things to consider. There is still a lot of paperwork for Carrie to complete. The Board discussed whether an environmental study needs to be done. The initial cost would be $2,500. Joyce said she would speak with CV Oil to see if any information on underground tanks was known. It was decided to table this conversation to the next meeting.
4. Grants – MERP Energy Audit update. The audit was performed, and Ann said that the report won’t be ready for nine weeks. It was decided in the meantime to obtain some bids for some potential projects, such as heat pumps. Ann added that Betty Warner is applying or may be applying for a grant to use ARPA money. She also said that Herb had obtained an estimate to replace all the windows and it was $33,500 just for the materials.
5. Grants – MTAP for updating capital budget. Ann said that TRORC has requested to see a copy of the Capital Improvement Budget plan to see what we are working with the tailor the scope of work to what needs to be done. After that, a draft agreement will be sent for review. If TRORC provides a format, we could forward it to all the departments so they can see what we need come budget time.
6. Finances – December update. The Board reviewed the changes suggested at the last meeting. Discussion. Ann moved to accept the December report. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
1. Town Meeting – preparations. Ann said that the downstairs was almost complete. The floor is to be sanded and painted. She wondered if a brunch or potluck would be nice since the meeting starts at 9am. People could check out the basement and see what has been accomplished. It was felt that coffee and Danish might be offered. It was decided to put a notice on the website asking for volunteers for a mini potluck.
2. Town Office – floor mats. Trish has requested the purchase of new floormats. The Board wasn’t exactly sure where Trish wanted them, but probably in the vestibule and by the door to the elevator area. AJ moved to approve the purchase of two floormats. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
3. Permits & Licenses – Liquor License – Toasted Pecan. Ann moved to approve the outside consumption permit. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
4. Permits & Licenses – Driveway Permit – 201 Lower Michigan Road. Pam Brocklehurst submitted this driveway permit. George reviewed and approved it. Ann moved to approve. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 3
February 1, 2024
1. Joyce said that the snowmobile club would like to use the Town Hall basement for their landowner’s dinner in April. Discussion. It was decided to review the rental policy at the next meeting.
2. Joyce requested that any purchases need to come before the Board from now on. The Board agreed.
NEXT MEETING: Thursday, February 15, 2024 @6pm Town Hall
ADJOURNMENT: As there was no further business, Ann moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:04pm. AJ seconded. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha L. Beyersdorf, Secretary
/ /
Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens A.J. Ruben