To listen to a recording of the meeting, please click here: https://bit.ly/3KuZAOf
DATE: April 6, 2023
PRESENT: Ann Kuendig, Joyce Stevens, AJ Ruben
PUBLIC PRESENT: (via Teams) Brett Yates
AGENDA MODIFICATIONS: NB#1 – tabled to the next meeting.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: March 16, 2023 Regular Meeting
1. Bethel Energy Committee – invitation
2. VTrans – Killington projects
3. Vermont Attorney General – Opioid Settlement response
4. Grants – Municipal Roads Grants-in-Aid Program
5. Citizen Concern/Complaint – Rubin Correspondence follow-up
6. GMNF – new project
1. Town Plan – update
2. Appointments – Town Officers
3. Finance – CD Rates/Investments
4. Treasurer’s Report – January and February Financials
5. RCSWD – Outreach Project
1. Dogs – Delinquent License list
2. US Treasury – ARPA Spending Report
3. Capital Planning – improvement projects schedule: basketball courts, gazebo, firehouse paving,
Town garage, Town Hall
4. Permits & Licenses – Clear River Tavern
NEXT MEETING DATE: Thursday, April 20, 2023
Ann called the meeting to order at 6pm. Seconded by AJ. All in favor. Ann introduced an Agenda Modification (see above). She noted that the Fire Department was waiting for more information. AJ moved to accept the Minutes of the March 16, 2023 Regular Meeting. Seconded by Ann. All in favor. The Minutes of the March 2, 2023 meeting were signed. They were approved at the last meeting.
1. Bethel Energy Committee – invitation. Ann said that Pittsfield received notification from the Bethel Energy Committee and the Vermont Council on Rural Development. They will be holding regional
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 2
April 6, 2023
discussions among energy leaders in the White River valley. They are inviting Pittsfield to take part and would like to have a representative appointed. They would also like to send a representative to our meeting to give an overview. Discussion. It was decided to invite them to a meeting to provide more information. AJ suggested waiting on any appointment until this committee has attended our meeting. Ann said she would follow up with them.
2. VTrans – Killington projects. VTrans has sent out notification of road projects in Killington that might have an effect on Pittsfield. Ann said that she would post future updates on the Town’s Facebook page.
3. Vermont Attorney General – Opioid Settlement response. A request to have every Vermont town sign on to this was received. It’s possible Pittsfield might receive some money for being in the subdivision. It could be turned over to the State. Documents will be forwarded to the Town and Select Board. Ann moved to join and sign. Seconded by AJ. All in favor.
4. Grants – Municipal Roads Grants-in-Aid Program. An Invitation to participate in VTrans Municipal Roads Grants-in-Aid Program was received. It includes a Letter of Intent to Participate for FY’24. The deadline is May 5, 2023 via email. No information on possible projects or the amount of the grant is available. Ann moved to authorize the Chair to sign the Letter of Intent to apply for the Municipal Grants-in-Aid Program. Seconded by AJ. All in favor.
5. Citizen Concern/Complaint – Rubin Correspondence follow-up. Ann said that she responded to Suana’s letter presented at the last meeting. She summarized the letters. The Board decided to wait until spring to inspect the property.
6. GMNF – new project. Ann said this new project is called the Forest-wide Opening Maintenance Project. It pertains to 4 stands of about 2,000 trees over 64 acres in Pittsfield. The Forest Service is requesting comments on this project. Permanent openings will be made within the national forest via mowing, chain saw, chipping, and prescribed fire. Ann wasn’t clear where the openings were going to be. It was felt that there should be a general posting to make people aware of this and how to submit comments. Ann said she would post the letter on the public boards.
1. Town Plan – update. Joyce said she had one change she wanted to make in the plan. Discussion. Ann felt the plan could be edited after the public meeting. The meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 2nd at 6pm and will be publicized today.
2. Appointments – Town Officers. Ann said that the currently vacant positions of Health Officer and Energy Coordinator will be posted on the Town’s website and FB page. There was discussion about reducing the number of appointments to the Zoning Board of Adjustment. The Board will look into reducing the number of members from five to three.
The Town’s Emergency Plan needs to be certified by May 1st. Ann said she would reach out to the two Energy Management Coordinators and the Fire Department.
Ann said she met with Stockbridge and Rochester and shared services were discussed. She presented a summary of points of discussion. She noted that those towns are also looking into administrative position within the Listers.
3. Finance – CD Rates/Investments. Ann asked if the Board had looked over Henry Hotchkiss’ comments. He is one of the Trustees of Public Funds. The Board addressed each fund and discussed whether to invest
long-term or short-term and how much to invest. Various banks were also reviewed. Joyce moved to have Trish call various banks and get the best rate and move forward. Ann seconded. All in favor.
4. Treasurer’s Report – January and February Financials. Ann moved to accept. AJ seconded. All in favor.
5. RCSWD – Outreach Project. Ann said that she spoke with Mark Shea regarding the presentation on April 13th at 6pm. She was told it would be about 15 – 20 minutes long and present and discuss ways to
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 3
April 6, 2023
increase participation in recycling and composting. The district’s mission is to reduce reliance on landfills through waste reduction, reuse, and recycling programs. To participate in the outreach project, a pre-survey, attendance at a meeting, and post-survey would be required. Discounts on Soil Saver Composters and Recycling Blue Bins would be available to participants completing the project. The Secretary was provided a list of community member’s emails to send information to and encourage them to spread the word and attend the meeting.
1. Dogs – Delinquent License list. The Board discussed the letter process including whether or not to have reminders and whether to send Certified or not.
2. US Treasury – ARPA Spending Report. A total of $119,542 has been spent. The listing was reviewed and discussed. The deadline for the report is April 30th.
3. Capital Planning – improvement projects schedule:
· basketball courts – Ann said that new quotes have been received. Fresh Coat Asphalt from Barre will do the job. The quote for fencing is still good. The Board discussed removing the fencing themselves. Will check with George about removing the fencing and posts. This project will be put on the schedule ASAP.
· Gazebo – Ann has checked with Don Marshall and the end of June is good. Don has some ideas about the flower boxes. They would need to come down. Discussion. Pretty Up Pittsfield will be made aware of the action and will be asked to remove them.
· firehouse paving – Joyce said she would contact Fresh Coat Asphalt.
· Town garage – This involves siding and windows. Joyce said she would contact Denis Vellieux.
· Town Hall – The Committee has narrowed to two bids. Vermont Home Improvement submitted $57,979 for residing the front of the building, west and south sides. Eric Schambach submitted $134,040 and this would include some work on the library building. Ann presented a list of what still needs to be done.
4. Ann moved to approve the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Class Licenses applications. AJ seconded. All in favor.
As there was no further business to discuss, Ann moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:55pm. AJ seconded. All in favor.
NEXT MEETING DATE: Thursday, April 20, 2023
Respectfully submitted,
Martha L. Beyersdorf, Secretary
Approved: April 20, 2023
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Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens A.J. Ruben
To listen to a recording of the meeting, please click here: https://bit.ly/3KuZAOf
DATE: April 6, 2023
PRESENT: Ann Kuendig, Joyce Stevens, AJ Ruben
PUBLIC PRESENT: (via Teams) Brett Yates
AGENDA MODIFICATIONS: NB#1 – tabled to the next meeting.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: March 16, 2023 Regular Meeting
1. Bethel Energy Committee – invitation
2. VTrans – Killington projects
3. Vermont Attorney General – Opioid Settlement response
4. Grants – Municipal Roads Grants-in-Aid Program
5. Citizen Concern/Complaint – Rubin Correspondence follow-up
6. GMNF – new project
1. Town Plan – update
2. Appointments – Town Officers
3. Finance – CD Rates/Investments
4. Treasurer’s Report – January and February Financials
5. RCSWD – Outreach Project
1. Dogs – Delinquent License list
2. US Treasury – ARPA Spending Report
3. Capital Planning – improvement projects schedule: basketball courts, gazebo, firehouse paving,
Town garage, Town Hall
4. Permits & Licenses – Clear River Tavern
NEXT MEETING DATE: Thursday, April 20, 2023
Ann called the meeting to order at 6pm. Seconded by AJ. All in favor. Ann introduced an Agenda Modification (see above). She noted that the Fire Department was waiting for more information. AJ moved to accept the Minutes of the March 16, 2023 Regular Meeting. Seconded by Ann. All in favor. The Minutes of the March 2, 2023 meeting were signed. They were approved at the last meeting.
1. Bethel Energy Committee – invitation. Ann said that Pittsfield received notification from the Bethel Energy Committee and the Vermont Council on Rural Development. They will be holding regional
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 2
April 6, 2023
discussions among energy leaders in the White River valley. They are inviting Pittsfield to take part and would like to have a representative appointed. They would also like to send a representative to our meeting to give an overview. Discussion. It was decided to invite them to a meeting to provide more information. AJ suggested waiting on any appointment until this committee has attended our meeting. Ann said she would follow up with them.
2. VTrans – Killington projects. VTrans has sent out notification of road projects in Killington that might have an effect on Pittsfield. Ann said that she would post future updates on the Town’s Facebook page.
3. Vermont Attorney General – Opioid Settlement response. A request to have every Vermont town sign on to this was received. It’s possible Pittsfield might receive some money for being in the subdivision. It could be turned over to the State. Documents will be forwarded to the Town and Select Board. Ann moved to join and sign. Seconded by AJ. All in favor.
4. Grants – Municipal Roads Grants-in-Aid Program. An Invitation to participate in VTrans Municipal Roads Grants-in-Aid Program was received. It includes a Letter of Intent to Participate for FY’24. The deadline is May 5, 2023 via email. No information on possible projects or the amount of the grant is available. Ann moved to authorize the Chair to sign the Letter of Intent to apply for the Municipal Grants-in-Aid Program. Seconded by AJ. All in favor.
5. Citizen Concern/Complaint – Rubin Correspondence follow-up. Ann said that she responded to Suana’s letter presented at the last meeting. She summarized the letters. The Board decided to wait until spring to inspect the property.
6. GMNF – new project. Ann said this new project is called the Forest-wide Opening Maintenance Project. It pertains to 4 stands of about 2,000 trees over 64 acres in Pittsfield. The Forest Service is requesting comments on this project. Permanent openings will be made within the national forest via mowing, chain saw, chipping, and prescribed fire. Ann wasn’t clear where the openings were going to be. It was felt that there should be a general posting to make people aware of this and how to submit comments. Ann said she would post the letter on the public boards.
1. Town Plan – update. Joyce said she had one change she wanted to make in the plan. Discussion. Ann felt the plan could be edited after the public meeting. The meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 2nd at 6pm and will be publicized today.
2. Appointments – Town Officers. Ann said that the currently vacant positions of Health Officer and Energy Coordinator will be posted on the Town’s website and FB page. There was discussion about reducing the number of appointments to the Zoning Board of Adjustment. The Board will look into reducing the number of members from five to three.
The Town’s Emergency Plan needs to be certified by May 1st. Ann said she would reach out to the two Energy Management Coordinators and the Fire Department.
Ann said she met with Stockbridge and Rochester and shared services were discussed. She presented a summary of points of discussion. She noted that those towns are also looking into administrative position within the Listers.
3. Finance – CD Rates/Investments. Ann asked if the Board had looked over Henry Hotchkiss’ comments. He is one of the Trustees of Public Funds. The Board addressed each fund and discussed whether to invest
long-term or short-term and how much to invest. Various banks were also reviewed. Joyce moved to have Trish call various banks and get the best rate and move forward. Ann seconded. All in favor.
4. Treasurer’s Report – January and February Financials. Ann moved to accept. AJ seconded. All in favor.
5. RCSWD – Outreach Project. Ann said that she spoke with Mark Shea regarding the presentation on April 13th at 6pm. She was told it would be about 15 – 20 minutes long and present and discuss ways to
Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes page 3
April 6, 2023
increase participation in recycling and composting. The district’s mission is to reduce reliance on landfills through waste reduction, reuse, and recycling programs. To participate in the outreach project, a pre-survey, attendance at a meeting, and post-survey would be required. Discounts on Soil Saver Composters and Recycling Blue Bins would be available to participants completing the project. The Secretary was provided a list of community member’s emails to send information to and encourage them to spread the word and attend the meeting.
1. Dogs – Delinquent License list. The Board discussed the letter process including whether or not to have reminders and whether to send Certified or not.
2. US Treasury – ARPA Spending Report. A total of $119,542 has been spent. The listing was reviewed and discussed. The deadline for the report is April 30th.
3. Capital Planning – improvement projects schedule:
· basketball courts – Ann said that new quotes have been received. Fresh Coat Asphalt from Barre will do the job. The quote for fencing is still good. The Board discussed removing the fencing themselves. Will check with George about removing the fencing and posts. This project will be put on the schedule ASAP.
· Gazebo – Ann has checked with Don Marshall and the end of June is good. Don has some ideas about the flower boxes. They would need to come down. Discussion. Pretty Up Pittsfield will be made aware of the action and will be asked to remove them.
· firehouse paving – Joyce said she would contact Fresh Coat Asphalt.
· Town garage – This involves siding and windows. Joyce said she would contact Denis Vellieux.
· Town Hall – The Committee has narrowed to two bids. Vermont Home Improvement submitted $57,979 for residing the front of the building, west and south sides. Eric Schambach submitted $134,040 and this would include some work on the library building. Ann presented a list of what still needs to be done.
4. Ann moved to approve the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Class Licenses applications. AJ seconded. All in favor.
As there was no further business to discuss, Ann moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:55pm. AJ seconded. All in favor.
NEXT MEETING DATE: Thursday, April 20, 2023
Respectfully submitted,
Martha L. Beyersdorf, Secretary
Approved: April 20, 2023
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Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens A.J. Ruben