To listen to a recording of the meeting, please click here: https://bit.ly/3TeoFBn
DATE: March 2, 2023
PRESENT: Ann Kuendig, AJ Ruben (Absent: Joyce Stevens)
PUBLIC PRESENT: via Teams - Robert Fracchia
AGENDA MODIFICATIONS: NB#4 – Colton Excavating Independent Contractor paperwork; move NB#4 to NB#5.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: February 16, 2023 Regular Meeting Minutes
1. Resignations – WRVA Representative Martha Beyersdorf
1. Telephone Gap Informational Meeting – follow-up
2. Insurance – Health Reimbursement Account
3. Town Meeting – finalize hand-outs and refreshments
1. Town Hall – kitchen invoice
2. Permits & Licenses – Liquor & Tobacco License renewals
3. Grant Writer – update Perfect Pitch contract
4. Independent Contractor – paperwork for Colton Excavating
5. Executive Session – 1 V.S.A. § 313 (1)(E) contract
NEXT MEETING DATE: Thursday, March 16, 2023
Ann called the meeting to order at 6:02pm. Seconded by AJ. All in favor. Ann introduced the Agenda Modifications (see above). The Colton Excavation paperwork will be NB#4 and Executive Session will become NB#5. Ann moved to accept. AJ seconded. All in favor. AJ moved to approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of February 16, 2023. Ann seconded. All in favor.
1. Resignations – WRVA Representative Martha Beyersdorf. Ann said that she had been notified by Martha that she would not like to be reappointed as the Town’s WRVA Representative. This was accepted and she was thanked for her service. Martha brought to the Board’s attention that Mary Lee Stevens has said she will not run for the position of Cemetery Commissioner again. Ann added it to the list of position vacancies that will be posted at Town Meeting.
1. Telephone Gap Informational Meeting – follow-up. Ann stated that the turn-out was very good. It was noted that more detailed information was available at this meeting than the previous public meeting held in Mendon. Ann had passed around a sign-up sheet for attendance purposes but also for folks that wanted to get on the GMNF’s email list for further information. Ann asked if the Select Board should write up a comment sheet and submit it? AJ responded that yes, they should but that they should discuss the issues further before submitting them. Ann felt her main concern was possible damage to the roads which would be used to move timber from other towns within the forest. Perhaps it would be possible to look into permits, bonds, etc. but that George should be involved. AJ felt that there is more to learn about the roads and if the town would become financially involved. It was noted that the first public comment deadline is March 13th. Ann expressed her concern about the management of wildlife and the old/new forests. The Secretary was asked to send a letter to Christ thanking him for his presentation.
2. Insurance – Health Reimbursement Account. Ann explained that PACIF does not carry forward the deposits made to the HRA. A concern was raised about possible tax implications. It was decided that as of June 30th, whatever is left in the fund can be repurposed with a vote of the taxpayers to an unused surplus fund if not restricted and deal with it in the next budget. The amount in question totals $6,091.00. It has been accumulating for several years. Also, George should be counselled regarding the use of this fund as he has not been utilizing it.
3. Town Meeting – finalize hand-outs and refreshments. Ann reviewed the brochure and indicated that there were few edits. She said that a table will be set up at the Town Meeting with various organization brochures and other public information that can be taken. Katie at the General Store has agreed to bring cookies and hot chocolate. Joyce will be notified and can bring what she wants. There will be reimbursement for the refreshment. Johanna will be coming to clean the Town Hall prior to the meeting and the Building Committee will clean the basement floor should anyone want to go down and see what has been done so far.
1. Town Hall – kitchen invoice. Ann said that the Building Committee met Tuesday and finalized the order for cabinets and countertops. The cost for Lavalley comes to $5,348.00. There is a 2-week wait and a 50% deposit needs to be made. Ann showed AJ the proposed layout. She also reviewed what has been spent from the undesignated surplus funds so far. The Building Committee asked the Select Board to approve the order and take the money from the Undesignated Surplus Fund. Ann reviewed what has already been taken from this fund so far. Ann motioned to approve the purchase of the cabinets and countertops and money to be taken from the undesignated surplus fund. AJ seconded. All in favor.
2. Permits & Licenses – Liquor & Tobacco License renewals. Swiss Farm is applying or a Second-Class Liquor and Tobacco License. VT Farms Catering has applied for a First-Class Restaurant and Bar License and a Third-Class Restaurant and Bar License. Ann moved to approve all license renewals. AJ seconded. All in favor.
3. Grant Writer – update Perfect Pitch contract. Ann explained that she amended the contract from the expiration of December 31, 2022 to December 31, 2023. Ann moved to accept. AJ seconded. All in favor.
4. Independent Contractor – paperwork for Colton Excavating. This paperwork will run from February 27, 2023 to December 31, 2025. Ann moved to approve. AJ seconded. All in favor.
5. Executive Session – 1 V.S.A. § 313 (1)(E) contract. Ann moved to close the Regular Meeting and enter into Executive Session at 6:47pm. AJ seconded. All in favor.
Ann moved to reopen the Regular Meeting at 7:30 and adjourn. AJ seconded. The meeting concluded at 7:31pm with no further business.
NEXT MEETING DATE: Thursday, March 16, 2023
Respectfully submitted,
Martha L. Beyersdorf, Secretary
Approved: March 16, 2023
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Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens A.J. Ruben
To listen to a recording of the meeting, please click here: https://bit.ly/3TeoFBn
DATE: March 2, 2023
PRESENT: Ann Kuendig, AJ Ruben (Absent: Joyce Stevens)
PUBLIC PRESENT: via Teams - Robert Fracchia
AGENDA MODIFICATIONS: NB#4 – Colton Excavating Independent Contractor paperwork; move NB#4 to NB#5.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: February 16, 2023 Regular Meeting Minutes
1. Resignations – WRVA Representative Martha Beyersdorf
1. Telephone Gap Informational Meeting – follow-up
2. Insurance – Health Reimbursement Account
3. Town Meeting – finalize hand-outs and refreshments
1. Town Hall – kitchen invoice
2. Permits & Licenses – Liquor & Tobacco License renewals
3. Grant Writer – update Perfect Pitch contract
4. Independent Contractor – paperwork for Colton Excavating
5. Executive Session – 1 V.S.A. § 313 (1)(E) contract
NEXT MEETING DATE: Thursday, March 16, 2023
Ann called the meeting to order at 6:02pm. Seconded by AJ. All in favor. Ann introduced the Agenda Modifications (see above). The Colton Excavation paperwork will be NB#4 and Executive Session will become NB#5. Ann moved to accept. AJ seconded. All in favor. AJ moved to approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of February 16, 2023. Ann seconded. All in favor.
1. Resignations – WRVA Representative Martha Beyersdorf. Ann said that she had been notified by Martha that she would not like to be reappointed as the Town’s WRVA Representative. This was accepted and she was thanked for her service. Martha brought to the Board’s attention that Mary Lee Stevens has said she will not run for the position of Cemetery Commissioner again. Ann added it to the list of position vacancies that will be posted at Town Meeting.
1. Telephone Gap Informational Meeting – follow-up. Ann stated that the turn-out was very good. It was noted that more detailed information was available at this meeting than the previous public meeting held in Mendon. Ann had passed around a sign-up sheet for attendance purposes but also for folks that wanted to get on the GMNF’s email list for further information. Ann asked if the Select Board should write up a comment sheet and submit it? AJ responded that yes, they should but that they should discuss the issues further before submitting them. Ann felt her main concern was possible damage to the roads which would be used to move timber from other towns within the forest. Perhaps it would be possible to look into permits, bonds, etc. but that George should be involved. AJ felt that there is more to learn about the roads and if the town would become financially involved. It was noted that the first public comment deadline is March 13th. Ann expressed her concern about the management of wildlife and the old/new forests. The Secretary was asked to send a letter to Christ thanking him for his presentation.
2. Insurance – Health Reimbursement Account. Ann explained that PACIF does not carry forward the deposits made to the HRA. A concern was raised about possible tax implications. It was decided that as of June 30th, whatever is left in the fund can be repurposed with a vote of the taxpayers to an unused surplus fund if not restricted and deal with it in the next budget. The amount in question totals $6,091.00. It has been accumulating for several years. Also, George should be counselled regarding the use of this fund as he has not been utilizing it.
3. Town Meeting – finalize hand-outs and refreshments. Ann reviewed the brochure and indicated that there were few edits. She said that a table will be set up at the Town Meeting with various organization brochures and other public information that can be taken. Katie at the General Store has agreed to bring cookies and hot chocolate. Joyce will be notified and can bring what she wants. There will be reimbursement for the refreshment. Johanna will be coming to clean the Town Hall prior to the meeting and the Building Committee will clean the basement floor should anyone want to go down and see what has been done so far.
1. Town Hall – kitchen invoice. Ann said that the Building Committee met Tuesday and finalized the order for cabinets and countertops. The cost for Lavalley comes to $5,348.00. There is a 2-week wait and a 50% deposit needs to be made. Ann showed AJ the proposed layout. She also reviewed what has been spent from the undesignated surplus funds so far. The Building Committee asked the Select Board to approve the order and take the money from the Undesignated Surplus Fund. Ann reviewed what has already been taken from this fund so far. Ann motioned to approve the purchase of the cabinets and countertops and money to be taken from the undesignated surplus fund. AJ seconded. All in favor.
2. Permits & Licenses – Liquor & Tobacco License renewals. Swiss Farm is applying or a Second-Class Liquor and Tobacco License. VT Farms Catering has applied for a First-Class Restaurant and Bar License and a Third-Class Restaurant and Bar License. Ann moved to approve all license renewals. AJ seconded. All in favor.
3. Grant Writer – update Perfect Pitch contract. Ann explained that she amended the contract from the expiration of December 31, 2022 to December 31, 2023. Ann moved to accept. AJ seconded. All in favor.
4. Independent Contractor – paperwork for Colton Excavating. This paperwork will run from February 27, 2023 to December 31, 2025. Ann moved to approve. AJ seconded. All in favor.
5. Executive Session – 1 V.S.A. § 313 (1)(E) contract. Ann moved to close the Regular Meeting and enter into Executive Session at 6:47pm. AJ seconded. All in favor.
Ann moved to reopen the Regular Meeting at 7:30 and adjourn. AJ seconded. The meeting concluded at 7:31pm with no further business.
NEXT MEETING DATE: Thursday, March 16, 2023
Respectfully submitted,
Martha L. Beyersdorf, Secretary
Approved: March 16, 2023
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Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens A.J. Ruben