DATE: February 18, 2020
PRESENT: Charles Piso , Matt Corron, Ann Kuendig, Marylou Scofield, Herb Kuendig, Joyce Stevens
Agenda Modifications: Correspondence #3 – Heatley noise ordinance inquiry, #4 – Prevent Child Abuse VT; Old Business # 5 – Clarification of Church Reimbursement; New Business #1 – January Financials, #2 – Roof Panel, #3 – Parking Ordinance Plan, #4 – Town Meeting Prep
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting Minutes February 11, 2020
Public Present: HR Counsel John Klesch of Stitzel, Page & Fletcher via telephone
1.TRORC Project Prioritization
2.Women's Alliance Fund (Monies) Letter
3.Heatley noise ordinance inquiry
4.Prevent Child Abuse VT
Old Business:
1.Executive Session §313(F) Confidentiality Attorney/Client Communications
2.Discussion Justice Circle Dates
3.234 Lower Michigan Road Demolition
4.Town Meeting Date and Time Updated Letter
5.Clarification of Church Reimbursement
New Business:
1.January Financials
2.Roof Panel
3.Parking Ordinance Plan
4.Town Meeting Prep
Meeting Opened, Minutes Approval & Agenda Modifications
Charlie motioned to open the meeting at 6:11 p.m., Ann seconded, meeting opened. All are in favor of the agenda modifications: Correspondence #3 – Heatley noise ordinance inquiry, #4 – Prevent Child Abuse VT; Old Business # 5 – Clarification of Church Reimbursement; New Business #1 – January Financials, #2 – Roof Panel, #3 – Parking Ordinance Plan, #4 – Town Meeting Prep. Charlie motioned to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting held February 11, 2020; Ann seconded; minutes approved.
1.TRORC Project Prioritization – 2022 top ten projects submitted by TRORC for prioritization. Paving of Route 100 from Killington to Stockbridge is listed third.
2. Women’s Alliance Fund (Monies) Letter – The Women’s Alliance Fund account with a balance of $1,842.36 has been closed. The last activity was dated 2013. The monies will go in the Civic Sign and Bench Fund.
3.Heatley noise ordinance inquiry – Jacqueline e-mailed the town office concerning noise from a neighboring house that rents rooms via Air BnB. She wants to know if the town has regulations for this type of rental. The board will ask Trish to find out what the address is of the property.
4.Prevent Child Abuse VT – This is their annual pinwheel fundraiser. Information to be forwarded to the Library.
Old Business:
1.Executive Session §313(F) Confidentiality Attorney/Client Communications - The board is scheduled to call Attorney John Klesch at 7:00 p.m. Discussion ensued from 6:55 pm to 7:17 pm as to whether or not Executive Session was warranted. Charlie motioned to close the regular board meeting at 7:17 p.m. and to enter an Executive Session per §313(F) Confidentiality Attorney/Client Communications to hear Mr. Klesch explain his opinion; Matt seconded; all in favor – Charlie and Matt in favor; Ann no in favor; motion carried. The call ended at 8:54 pm. Charlie motioned to exit Executive Session at 8:58 pm; Matt seconded; motion carried.
2.Discussion Justice Circle Dates – Dana Decker has sent dates she has available for mediation. The dates have been distributed to Select Board members.
3.234 Lower Michigan Road Demolition – Charlie has contacted TRORC regarding a bid document for the demolition. He has a list of items that need to be addressed per HUD. The assessment report has been received and the cost was included at the property closing. Many items were left behind in the house. The house has been locked. Charlie motioned to authorize George to spend up to $100 to purchase chain and hardware to block entry via the driveway; Ann seconded; all in favor.
4.Town Meeting Date and Time Updated Letter – The flyer posted will be included in the Town Report mailing. The date change is also listed on the town sandwich board and posted electronically via various outlets. Charlie would like to add a letter to the mailing and will forward to board members to review. The report needs to mail February 19th. Charlie has fielded several calls about the date change and upon explanation the callers were okay with the change. George remains the moderator until there is a new election at town meeting.
5.Clarification of Church Reimbursement – The $600 expense last year included plowing and other related costs in addition to the heating fuel. The board has already approved covering the heating expense and this will require a fuel reading before and after the use of the building.
New Business:
1.January Financials – Ann asked if a donation was received from Highwood Association for the Fire Dept. This is a question for Del ‘Rae. Payment from state into the General Fund was reallocated to the Highway Fund per usual past practices. The difference between the Abrams closing costs and payment to the Abrams included refund of taxes that had to be included.
2.Roof Panel – There is an end metal roofing panel slipping out of place on the Town Office. Anne has contacted numerous roofers to fix and no responses as of now. It was recommended to try Heather Turnbull which Ann will pursue.
3.Parking Ordinance Plan – Ann will draft some language to address the overnight parking change to the ordinance for the next regular board meeting.
4.Town Meeting Prep – Information on the Fire and Rescue budget will be available at the meeting. The board will meet at the Town Office on March 2nd at 5 pm to review final plans for the meeting. Charlie will contact Scott about cleaning the church after Town Meeting.
Adjournment: Charlie motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:59 pm; Ann seconded; meeting adjourned.
Approved Date: March 2, 2020 Recorded by: s/Tyna Gallagher
s/Charles Piso
s/Matt Corron
s/Ann Kuendig
DATE: February 18, 2020
PRESENT: Charles Piso , Matt Corron, Ann Kuendig, Marylou Scofield, Herb Kuendig, Joyce Stevens
Agenda Modifications: Correspondence #3 – Heatley noise ordinance inquiry, #4 – Prevent Child Abuse VT; Old Business # 5 – Clarification of Church Reimbursement; New Business #1 – January Financials, #2 – Roof Panel, #3 – Parking Ordinance Plan, #4 – Town Meeting Prep
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting Minutes February 11, 2020
Public Present: HR Counsel John Klesch of Stitzel, Page & Fletcher via telephone
1.TRORC Project Prioritization
2.Women's Alliance Fund (Monies) Letter
3.Heatley noise ordinance inquiry
4.Prevent Child Abuse VT
Old Business:
1.Executive Session §313(F) Confidentiality Attorney/Client Communications
2.Discussion Justice Circle Dates
3.234 Lower Michigan Road Demolition
4.Town Meeting Date and Time Updated Letter
5.Clarification of Church Reimbursement
New Business:
1.January Financials
2.Roof Panel
3.Parking Ordinance Plan
4.Town Meeting Prep
Meeting Opened, Minutes Approval & Agenda Modifications
Charlie motioned to open the meeting at 6:11 p.m., Ann seconded, meeting opened. All are in favor of the agenda modifications: Correspondence #3 – Heatley noise ordinance inquiry, #4 – Prevent Child Abuse VT; Old Business # 5 – Clarification of Church Reimbursement; New Business #1 – January Financials, #2 – Roof Panel, #3 – Parking Ordinance Plan, #4 – Town Meeting Prep. Charlie motioned to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting held February 11, 2020; Ann seconded; minutes approved.
1.TRORC Project Prioritization – 2022 top ten projects submitted by TRORC for prioritization. Paving of Route 100 from Killington to Stockbridge is listed third.
2. Women’s Alliance Fund (Monies) Letter – The Women’s Alliance Fund account with a balance of $1,842.36 has been closed. The last activity was dated 2013. The monies will go in the Civic Sign and Bench Fund.
3.Heatley noise ordinance inquiry – Jacqueline e-mailed the town office concerning noise from a neighboring house that rents rooms via Air BnB. She wants to know if the town has regulations for this type of rental. The board will ask Trish to find out what the address is of the property.
4.Prevent Child Abuse VT – This is their annual pinwheel fundraiser. Information to be forwarded to the Library.
Old Business:
1.Executive Session §313(F) Confidentiality Attorney/Client Communications - The board is scheduled to call Attorney John Klesch at 7:00 p.m. Discussion ensued from 6:55 pm to 7:17 pm as to whether or not Executive Session was warranted. Charlie motioned to close the regular board meeting at 7:17 p.m. and to enter an Executive Session per §313(F) Confidentiality Attorney/Client Communications to hear Mr. Klesch explain his opinion; Matt seconded; all in favor – Charlie and Matt in favor; Ann no in favor; motion carried. The call ended at 8:54 pm. Charlie motioned to exit Executive Session at 8:58 pm; Matt seconded; motion carried.
2.Discussion Justice Circle Dates – Dana Decker has sent dates she has available for mediation. The dates have been distributed to Select Board members.
3.234 Lower Michigan Road Demolition – Charlie has contacted TRORC regarding a bid document for the demolition. He has a list of items that need to be addressed per HUD. The assessment report has been received and the cost was included at the property closing. Many items were left behind in the house. The house has been locked. Charlie motioned to authorize George to spend up to $100 to purchase chain and hardware to block entry via the driveway; Ann seconded; all in favor.
4.Town Meeting Date and Time Updated Letter – The flyer posted will be included in the Town Report mailing. The date change is also listed on the town sandwich board and posted electronically via various outlets. Charlie would like to add a letter to the mailing and will forward to board members to review. The report needs to mail February 19th. Charlie has fielded several calls about the date change and upon explanation the callers were okay with the change. George remains the moderator until there is a new election at town meeting.
5.Clarification of Church Reimbursement – The $600 expense last year included plowing and other related costs in addition to the heating fuel. The board has already approved covering the heating expense and this will require a fuel reading before and after the use of the building.
New Business:
1.January Financials – Ann asked if a donation was received from Highwood Association for the Fire Dept. This is a question for Del ‘Rae. Payment from state into the General Fund was reallocated to the Highway Fund per usual past practices. The difference between the Abrams closing costs and payment to the Abrams included refund of taxes that had to be included.
2.Roof Panel – There is an end metal roofing panel slipping out of place on the Town Office. Anne has contacted numerous roofers to fix and no responses as of now. It was recommended to try Heather Turnbull which Ann will pursue.
3.Parking Ordinance Plan – Ann will draft some language to address the overnight parking change to the ordinance for the next regular board meeting.
4.Town Meeting Prep – Information on the Fire and Rescue budget will be available at the meeting. The board will meet at the Town Office on March 2nd at 5 pm to review final plans for the meeting. Charlie will contact Scott about cleaning the church after Town Meeting.
Adjournment: Charlie motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:59 pm; Ann seconded; meeting adjourned.
Approved Date: March 2, 2020 Recorded by: s/Tyna Gallagher
s/Charles Piso
s/Matt Corron
s/Ann Kuendig