DATE: June 30, 2020
To listen to meeting please click here https://fccdl.in/BdBKIq5fD4
PRESENT: Ann Kuendig, Joyce Stevens, Mona Colton (via phone)
MINUTES APPROVAL: Regular Meeting June 16, 2020
Old Business:
1.Box Culvert #33 bid discussion and award
2.Board’s summer schedule
New Business:
1.EWP Parmenter Place/Tweed River Road bids
Next Meeting: July 7, 2020 (*see OB2)
Ann called the meeting to order at 6:05pm. Ann motioned to accept the Minutes of the June 16thmeeting. Seconded by Joyce. All in favor.
Old Business:
1. Box Culvert #33 bid discussion and award. George said that the bids for this project were sent out on June 4thand were due by June 25th. He explained that he had to send out an addendum to the bid as it was found that the concrete precast box culvert would not be available until later in the fall due to COVID stoppage of manufacturing businesses, so the deadline was extended. There were four bids made: Champlain Construction $141,000, Harvey’s P&E $187,176, Avery Excavating $209,168, and Mosher’s $217,950 (concrete)/$185,250 (open bottom arch). These prices would be good for 2021 and road closure would be minimal. George said that he has worked well with Champlain Construction. The need for extensions from the State of Vermont and FEMA were discussed. Joyce made a motion to accept George’s recommendation of Champlain Construction for the box culvert project on Upper Michigan Road pending extensions from the State of Vermont and FEMA. Seconded by Ann. All were in favor. Ann added that she will check with Jaron Borg as to what is needed to file for an extension.
2. Board’s Summer schedule. Ann recommended changing the July 7thmeeting to the 14thto coincide with the deadline for receiving and awarding the two EWP project bids. The August meeting will be held on the 11th. These dates were agreeable with all members. The regular schedule will resume in September.
New Business:
1. EWP Parmenter Place/Tweed River Road bids. George handed out copies of the two proposals. The first is for the Streambank Protection Project off of Tweed River Drive and the second is for the Streambank Protection Project off of Parmenter Place. The deadlines for receiving these bids is July 14thand they will be awarded at the meeting that evening. Mona made a motion to accept these bid proposals as outlined for the two EWP projects and authorize George to send them to the following: Mosher Excavating, Daniels Construction, Champlain Construction, Winterset Construction, Casella, and Markowski as well as Avery Excavating of Williamstown. Joyce seconded. All were in favor.
1. Joyce asked about what is being planned for the Cemetery. It was noted that Jaron Borg did the sketch and key information needed by the contractor. Access would have to be made from the far side of the river. There may be an existing right-of-way or permission from the property owner would need to be obtained. The deed would need to be researched to determine this. There was discussion as to having George prepare and send out a bid proposal for this project now due to time restraints, etc. Ann made a motion to collect the information for the Cemetery bid proposal, draft the proposal and once accessibility is determined, finalize it via email. This bid proposal would also have a deadline of July 14th. Seconded by Joyce. All were in favor. Ann said she would research the right-of-way or obtain the property owners’ permission.
Next Meeting: July 14, 2020
Adjournment: There being no further business, Ann made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:37pm. Seconded by Joyce. All were in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved: July 14, 2020
Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens Mona Colton
DATE: June 30, 2020
To listen to meeting please click here https://fccdl.in/BdBKIq5fD4
PRESENT: Ann Kuendig, Joyce Stevens, Mona Colton (via phone)
MINUTES APPROVAL: Regular Meeting June 16, 2020
Old Business:
1.Box Culvert #33 bid discussion and award
2.Board’s summer schedule
New Business:
1.EWP Parmenter Place/Tweed River Road bids
Next Meeting: July 7, 2020 (*see OB2)
Ann called the meeting to order at 6:05pm. Ann motioned to accept the Minutes of the June 16thmeeting. Seconded by Joyce. All in favor.
Old Business:
1. Box Culvert #33 bid discussion and award. George said that the bids for this project were sent out on June 4thand were due by June 25th. He explained that he had to send out an addendum to the bid as it was found that the concrete precast box culvert would not be available until later in the fall due to COVID stoppage of manufacturing businesses, so the deadline was extended. There were four bids made: Champlain Construction $141,000, Harvey’s P&E $187,176, Avery Excavating $209,168, and Mosher’s $217,950 (concrete)/$185,250 (open bottom arch). These prices would be good for 2021 and road closure would be minimal. George said that he has worked well with Champlain Construction. The need for extensions from the State of Vermont and FEMA were discussed. Joyce made a motion to accept George’s recommendation of Champlain Construction for the box culvert project on Upper Michigan Road pending extensions from the State of Vermont and FEMA. Seconded by Ann. All were in favor. Ann added that she will check with Jaron Borg as to what is needed to file for an extension.
2. Board’s Summer schedule. Ann recommended changing the July 7thmeeting to the 14thto coincide with the deadline for receiving and awarding the two EWP project bids. The August meeting will be held on the 11th. These dates were agreeable with all members. The regular schedule will resume in September.
New Business:
1. EWP Parmenter Place/Tweed River Road bids. George handed out copies of the two proposals. The first is for the Streambank Protection Project off of Tweed River Drive and the second is for the Streambank Protection Project off of Parmenter Place. The deadlines for receiving these bids is July 14thand they will be awarded at the meeting that evening. Mona made a motion to accept these bid proposals as outlined for the two EWP projects and authorize George to send them to the following: Mosher Excavating, Daniels Construction, Champlain Construction, Winterset Construction, Casella, and Markowski as well as Avery Excavating of Williamstown. Joyce seconded. All were in favor.
1. Joyce asked about what is being planned for the Cemetery. It was noted that Jaron Borg did the sketch and key information needed by the contractor. Access would have to be made from the far side of the river. There may be an existing right-of-way or permission from the property owner would need to be obtained. The deed would need to be researched to determine this. There was discussion as to having George prepare and send out a bid proposal for this project now due to time restraints, etc. Ann made a motion to collect the information for the Cemetery bid proposal, draft the proposal and once accessibility is determined, finalize it via email. This bid proposal would also have a deadline of July 14th. Seconded by Joyce. All were in favor. Ann said she would research the right-of-way or obtain the property owners’ permission.
Next Meeting: July 14, 2020
Adjournment: There being no further business, Ann made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:37pm. Seconded by Joyce. All were in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved: July 14, 2020
Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens Mona Colton