DRAFT Pittsfield Select Board Meeting Minutes – October 1, 2020
To listen to a recording of the meeting please click: https://fccdl.in/hPkSo4nvP9
Agenda Modifications:
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting-September 17, 2020
Public Present:
Old Business:
Ann called the meeting to order at 6:03pm. Joyce Stevens, and Board Secretary, Dot Lucian, in attendance.
Agenda Modifications: The Board has three agenda modifications:
Extension on box culvert project is correspondence #1.
Email from VTRNS on grants is correspondence #2
Town Hall building committee design contract is Old Business #6.
Ann moved that the Board accept these agenda modifications. Joyce seconded.
Public Present: None.
Minutes Approval: Ann moved that the Board accept the minutes from the Regular Meeting-September 17, 2020. Joyce seconded.
#1. Box Culvert Project Extension– An email from Kim Canarecci has been received notifying the town that we have received an extension to complete the Box Culvert project until June 12, 2021. Due to ANR streambed permit, this project can’t start before July 01, 2021. The Board will have to file for a second extension from FEMA with a valid reason before that start date. Board Secretary requested to set up a tickle file and place this item on file for an April 2021 reminder.
#2 VTRNS Grants– We have received an email from VTRNS announcing the they are now accepting grant applications for the Transportation Alternatives Program. Applications are due by Friday, November 27. There is an informational workshop available on the program that will be held virtually on October 14th. Ann moved to forward this email to George Deblon. Joyce seconded.
Old Business
1. Dog Ordinance Amendment– Additional edits have been made to the amended Dog Ordinance. Ann moved the amended Ordinance be sent to the Town Attorney for review. Joyce seconded. Ann moved to ask Tim Hunt to speak to the owner of two dogs that remain unlicensed. Joyce seconded.
2. Quintown Regional Energy Committee Agreement– As directed by the Board, Ann signed the intermunicipal agreement that forms the committee for Pittsfield, Rochester, Hancock, and Granville. Matt Corron has agreed to continue as our Energy Coordinator and attend the quarterly meetings. An alternate Coordinator is still needed. Joyce volunteered to be the temporary alternate while the Board identifies other potential candidates. Ann moved to name Joyce the temporary alternate Coordinator. Joyce seconded.
3. Budget Hearing Schedule– Ann announced that the Town Treasurer will be available to start budget hearings the second week of November. Judging from past years, this process will take at least 4-5 hearings. Ann will draft a hearing schedule that will tentatively start on Thursday November 12 at 5PM and run each Thursday until early December. The schedule will be circulated to all parties for approval then posted and advertised. The Board discussed reaching out to all departments to have managers begin putting a capital budget together. Select Board members want to attend other Board/department meetings to hear their proposals. Ann will draft an email for review.
4. Quintown Halloween– Betty Warren is our Pittsfield representative, and has been meeting with the other Quintown committee members. Events will begin Friday, 10/30. Decorating volunteers have been secured. More info to come from Betty.
5. Playground Tasks Update– Fence parts have arrived. Dig safe approved. Still need swing brackets.
6. Town Hall Building Committee– A meeting will be held 10/6, with Kevin Smith, Marble Engineering, Rutland, answering any questions regarding the design system for the floor. Contingent on a vote of approval from the PTH Building Committee with a maximum cost not to exceed $1100., Ann moved to have the Board approve the contract. Joyce seconded.
New Business:
1. Seugling Tax Abatement– Board members discussed Paul Seuglings request to have four months of tax penalty interest abated that was assessed after he was found to be late in paying his August 2019 tax bill. Mr. Seugling claimed he hand delivered the tax payment and the Town Clerk’s office lost it, but he did not provide any receipt which the Town Clerk’s office normally provides those who pay in person. The Town Clerk also testified that Mr. Seugling told her that he had mailed in the payment. Ann moved to deny the request for abatement. Joyce seconded.
2. FEMA Reimbursements– Town Clerk has been notified by FEMA that they are sending the Town a check for $25,184 that was never paid for the demolition of a house in the buy-out program from Tropical Storm Irene. Discussion by the Board to set up a detailed record of all projects that have been settled or are in the process of settling so as to track amounts of reimbursements and ensure they are received
3. VT Alerts– Training is available on updating the Pittsfield local hazard Mitigation plan. Ann contacted Ian Kilburn who is managing the training and is willing to set up online presentations for the Select Board and Emergency Management Director. The Board is looking for anyone interested in this training. The Board must sign an agreement with VT Alerts
Next Meeting Date: Thursday, October 15, 2020
Adjournment: With no further business, Ann moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:22pm. Joyce seconded.
Recorded by: Dot Lucian
Ann Kuendig Mona Colton Joyce Stevens
To listen to a recording of the meeting please click: https://fccdl.in/hPkSo4nvP9
Agenda Modifications:
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting-September 17, 2020
Public Present:
Old Business:
- Dog Ordinance Amendment
- Quintown Regional Energy Committee
- Budget Hearings Schedule
- Quintown Halloween
- Playground Tasks update
- Seugling Tax Abatement
- FEMA Reimbursements
- VT Alerts
Ann called the meeting to order at 6:03pm. Joyce Stevens, and Board Secretary, Dot Lucian, in attendance.
Agenda Modifications: The Board has three agenda modifications:
Extension on box culvert project is correspondence #1.
Email from VTRNS on grants is correspondence #2
Town Hall building committee design contract is Old Business #6.
Ann moved that the Board accept these agenda modifications. Joyce seconded.
Public Present: None.
Minutes Approval: Ann moved that the Board accept the minutes from the Regular Meeting-September 17, 2020. Joyce seconded.
#1. Box Culvert Project Extension– An email from Kim Canarecci has been received notifying the town that we have received an extension to complete the Box Culvert project until June 12, 2021. Due to ANR streambed permit, this project can’t start before July 01, 2021. The Board will have to file for a second extension from FEMA with a valid reason before that start date. Board Secretary requested to set up a tickle file and place this item on file for an April 2021 reminder.
#2 VTRNS Grants– We have received an email from VTRNS announcing the they are now accepting grant applications for the Transportation Alternatives Program. Applications are due by Friday, November 27. There is an informational workshop available on the program that will be held virtually on October 14th. Ann moved to forward this email to George Deblon. Joyce seconded.
Old Business
1. Dog Ordinance Amendment– Additional edits have been made to the amended Dog Ordinance. Ann moved the amended Ordinance be sent to the Town Attorney for review. Joyce seconded. Ann moved to ask Tim Hunt to speak to the owner of two dogs that remain unlicensed. Joyce seconded.
2. Quintown Regional Energy Committee Agreement– As directed by the Board, Ann signed the intermunicipal agreement that forms the committee for Pittsfield, Rochester, Hancock, and Granville. Matt Corron has agreed to continue as our Energy Coordinator and attend the quarterly meetings. An alternate Coordinator is still needed. Joyce volunteered to be the temporary alternate while the Board identifies other potential candidates. Ann moved to name Joyce the temporary alternate Coordinator. Joyce seconded.
3. Budget Hearing Schedule– Ann announced that the Town Treasurer will be available to start budget hearings the second week of November. Judging from past years, this process will take at least 4-5 hearings. Ann will draft a hearing schedule that will tentatively start on Thursday November 12 at 5PM and run each Thursday until early December. The schedule will be circulated to all parties for approval then posted and advertised. The Board discussed reaching out to all departments to have managers begin putting a capital budget together. Select Board members want to attend other Board/department meetings to hear their proposals. Ann will draft an email for review.
4. Quintown Halloween– Betty Warren is our Pittsfield representative, and has been meeting with the other Quintown committee members. Events will begin Friday, 10/30. Decorating volunteers have been secured. More info to come from Betty.
5. Playground Tasks Update– Fence parts have arrived. Dig safe approved. Still need swing brackets.
6. Town Hall Building Committee– A meeting will be held 10/6, with Kevin Smith, Marble Engineering, Rutland, answering any questions regarding the design system for the floor. Contingent on a vote of approval from the PTH Building Committee with a maximum cost not to exceed $1100., Ann moved to have the Board approve the contract. Joyce seconded.
New Business:
1. Seugling Tax Abatement– Board members discussed Paul Seuglings request to have four months of tax penalty interest abated that was assessed after he was found to be late in paying his August 2019 tax bill. Mr. Seugling claimed he hand delivered the tax payment and the Town Clerk’s office lost it, but he did not provide any receipt which the Town Clerk’s office normally provides those who pay in person. The Town Clerk also testified that Mr. Seugling told her that he had mailed in the payment. Ann moved to deny the request for abatement. Joyce seconded.
2. FEMA Reimbursements– Town Clerk has been notified by FEMA that they are sending the Town a check for $25,184 that was never paid for the demolition of a house in the buy-out program from Tropical Storm Irene. Discussion by the Board to set up a detailed record of all projects that have been settled or are in the process of settling so as to track amounts of reimbursements and ensure they are received
3. VT Alerts– Training is available on updating the Pittsfield local hazard Mitigation plan. Ann contacted Ian Kilburn who is managing the training and is willing to set up online presentations for the Select Board and Emergency Management Director. The Board is looking for anyone interested in this training. The Board must sign an agreement with VT Alerts
Next Meeting Date: Thursday, October 15, 2020
Adjournment: With no further business, Ann moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:22pm. Joyce seconded.
Recorded by: Dot Lucian
Ann Kuendig Mona Colton Joyce Stevens