DATE: June 16, 2020
To listen to meeting recording click here https://fccdl.in/IZOLbiEw9k
PRESENT: Ann Kuendig, Mona Colton, Joyce Stevens
PUBLIC PRESENT:Todd Jones, Betty Warner, A.J. Ruben, Michelline Bissell
AGENDA MODIFICATIONS: C#2 – Summer Reading Program Update
MINUTES APPROVAL:Regular Meeting June 2, 2020
1.TRORC – Regional Plan Public Hearing
2.Summer Reading Program Update
Old Business:
1.Salmeri property flooding update
2.April 2019 Disaster FEMA reimbursement update (ERAF Status)
3.Playground Upgrades update
4.4thof July Reverse Parade
5.EWP Applications/Projects update
6.Delinquent Dogs update
New Business:
1.Treasurer’s Financial Report – May
2.State Educations Tax Rate Delay
3.Dog Complaint – Todd Jones
4.Events/Demonstrations on Village Green
5.Cemetery Project Bid
6.FEMA Flood Mapping Project
7.Fuel Pre-buy Plan
8.Independent Contractor Paperwork – Carl Oertel
9.Garbage Disposal/Composting Law
10.Summer Select Board Meeting Schedule
Next Meeting Date: Special Meeting June 30, 2020
Ann called the meeting to order at 6:02pm. She reminded those participating that because the meeting is being held electronically, certain requests are made of any speaker. There was one Agenda Modification. It was decided to dispense with the reading of the Minutes. Ann moved the minutes of the June 2, 2020 Select Board meeting be approved. Mona seconded, all in favor. Since Todd Jones and Betty Warner were in attendance, Ann made a motion to take their business out of order. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
1. TRORC – Regional Plan Public Hearing. The TRORC Board met on May 27thand acted on input by approving additional changes to the draft of the Regional Plan. This requires TRORC to hold another public hearing on the draft. The final hearing will be held on July 1, 2020 at 10:00am via ZOOM. Ann made a motion to forward this information to Sarah Gallagher and the Planning Commission. Seconded by Joyce. All in favor.
2. Summer Reading Program Update. Maya updated the Board on her plans to attach beanstalk branches to the inner walls of the Bandstand. As the children read books they will be noted on a leaf. The goal is to read fifty books as a group and the children will be invited to view the beanstalk. No further action by the Board.
Old Business:
1. Salmeri property flooding update. Ann said that an email with options was being edited. No further action by the Board currently. The email to be sent to Sal, Greg Martin, and Paul Grindel will go out this week.
2. April 2019 Disaster FEMA reimbursement update (ERAF Status). Ann said that she received word that Pittsfield does have River Corridor Protection and therefore is eligible for 17.5% reimbursement. The State ERAF website does reflect this. John Brooker Campbell would like to meet with the Board and review river corridor protections and permitting information on the Town website and include A.J. Ruben, Zoning Administrator in these meetings. In addition, the Hazard Mitigation Plan expires in August. She has reached out to TROC TORY Littlefield to find out what is needed to update and certify it before the deadline.
3. Playground Upgrades update. Trish informed the Board that she had found a swing and felt that new swings should be purchased. She is researching what is available in funding for playground maintenance/basketball court resurfacing. The Board questioned how much was in the current Recreation Fund and how much was earmarked for the playground and where the money for the fencing came from. Ann said she checked out the equipment currently in the playground to assess their condition. In addition, the basketball lighting should possibly be rewired and put on a timer. Ann made a motion to purchase new sling seats and baby seats and hardware and obtain a new estimate on resurfacing the court and updating the lighting. Joyce seconded. All were in favor.
4. 4thof July Reverse Parade. Dana Decker is organizing this event for the Town. The plan is to decorate the Green and properties along Route 100. Mona said that the Fire Department will have their trucks outside, but there will be no lights/sirens. Ann would like the Select Board to decorate the Bandstand and she has plenty of decorations but could use some help. Joyce and Mona both felt this was a good idea. Ann would also like copies of a patriotic heart made for people to put in their windows like the hearts for Valentine’s Day. Ann made a motion to have the Town contribute up to $50 for the printing. Joyce seconded. All were in favor.
5. EWP Applications/Projects update. It was noted that the EWP agreement is due to expire on July 3rd. ANR is doing the designs and amount of river rock for the project and the town must submit a request for a 60-day extension to September 1. Mike Lapointe from NCRS indicated that both projects will require permits from the Army Corp of Engineers and he will fill out the applications, if we provide landowner information. If we get the applications in by Friday Mike estimates we will get the permits by July 20 giving contractors 40 days to complete the projects. Mike indicated we could prepare and send out invitations to bid the two projects before we receive the permits. Ann will find out if we can another project completion extension to October 1 which is the state mandated deadline for working in rivers. Joyce made a motion to approve the grant agreement, draft a letter requesting an extension and get the information Mike needs out by Friday. Mona seconded. All were in favor.
6. Delinquent Dogs update. Twelve certified letters were sent out and six have responded. The next step is for dog owners to request a hearing or license their dog by June 25thand for those that do not, the deadline for paying the $250 per dog fine is July 9th.
New Business:
1. Treasurer’s Financial Report – May. Joyce questioned an item under Payroll – Emergency/Unusual Circumstances. Ann said this was for Trish for work done last year calculating FEMA expenses. It should have been paid at time + one-half, not straight time. Ann made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s report. Seconded by Joyce. All were in favor.
2. State Education Tax Rate Delay. It appears that this information will be available on July 1stwith no delay. This information is needed for the Board to set the tax rates. Joyce suggested that if the information is received, that it be added to the June 30thagenda. It was decided not to delay any penalty for a late payment. The tax bills should go out with no delay and with the first installment due the 3rdThursday in August, on August 20th. No further action.
3. Dog Complaint – Todd Jones. This is the second complaint made against the dog and its owners. He stated that his road is private and as the dog lives on The Commons, they have no right to be on the private one. He said he has researched their deed and his for further validations. His land has No Trespassing signage and he has been in touch with the State Police. They wanted to know if he posted his land with the yellow No Trespassing signs that need to be registered with the Town. He only has generic signage. He emailed a dated photo taken recently of the owner and dog walking by his house off leash. It was noted that after the latest letter was sent, the dog was still off leash, but the owner had a leash in hand. Ann said she would speak with Doug Mianulli, the Second Constable about any previous enforcements he may have been involved in and contact VLCT on whether a date-stamped photo and eyewitness accounts can be the basis of issuing a fine. Following discussion of how best to proceed, Ann made a motion to take this matter under consideration, obtain a legal opinion and speak with the Second Constable. Seconded by Joyce. Mona chose to abstain. Motion passed.
4. Events/Demonstrations on Village Green. Betty said that a planned Black Lives Matter event will be held on the Green June 27thfrom 10-noon. She said she thought perhaps 10-50 people might attend with two tables spaced 6’ apart and encouraging masks and social distancing. Masks will be available at the event and it was felt that most of the people would be cooperative.
Betty discussed plans that the Library has for this year’s September Bazaar. Joyce recommended using the area behind the Town Office. Ann suggesting fencing off part of the area to allow for an entrance and exit. Betty said that a Letter of Agreement would be sent to all interested vendors who register prior to the event listing the guidelines to be followed regarding COVID-19. Betty also asked for the Board’s thoughts on including property owners’ porches/yards adjacent to the Green for vendors. It was felt this was not a good idea due to potential liability issues. Mona indicated that the Governor has cancelled all fairs/festivals through October this year due to COVID-19. Betty said that she had a couple of other ideas. She said she would like the last Saturday in September to remain something specific for the Town. Ann suggested leaving it up to the Library Board and if something else is planned, to make the Select Board aware.
5. Cemetery Project Bid. This is tabled until June 30th.
6. FEMA Flood Mapping Project. Ann attended a meeting recently regarding FEMA/U.S. Geological Survey’s plans to conduct a flood restudy and remapping effort in the White River Watershed. This will ultimately update the Flood Insurance Studies and Flood Insurance Rate Maps, which are
the basis of the adopted flood hazard regulations and depict flood risk in our community. It was suggested that this information be forwarded to the Planning Commission for follow/up.
7. Fuel Pre-buy Plan. The Board reviewed the pre-buy history that Trish had forwarded. Ann motioned to approve the figures used last year. These are HW: 550-gal LP @$1.59, TH: 400-gal #2 fuel oil @ $1.98, and TOB 1350-gal LP @$1.59. Joyce seconded. All in favor
8. Independent Contractor Paperwork – Carl Oertel. Ann moved to sign the agreement. Joyce seconded. Motion passed.
9. Garbage Disposal/Composting Law. Tabled to the next July meeting.
10. Summer Select Board Meeting Schedule. Tabled to June 30thmeeting.
Next Meeting Date: Special Meeting June 30, 2020
Adjournment: As there was no other business, Ann made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:46pm. Seconded by Joyce. Motion passed.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Select Board Secretary
Approved: June 30, 2020
Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens Mona Colton
DATE: June 16, 2020
To listen to meeting recording click here https://fccdl.in/IZOLbiEw9k
PRESENT: Ann Kuendig, Mona Colton, Joyce Stevens
PUBLIC PRESENT:Todd Jones, Betty Warner, A.J. Ruben, Michelline Bissell
AGENDA MODIFICATIONS: C#2 – Summer Reading Program Update
MINUTES APPROVAL:Regular Meeting June 2, 2020
1.TRORC – Regional Plan Public Hearing
2.Summer Reading Program Update
Old Business:
1.Salmeri property flooding update
2.April 2019 Disaster FEMA reimbursement update (ERAF Status)
3.Playground Upgrades update
4.4thof July Reverse Parade
5.EWP Applications/Projects update
6.Delinquent Dogs update
New Business:
1.Treasurer’s Financial Report – May
2.State Educations Tax Rate Delay
3.Dog Complaint – Todd Jones
4.Events/Demonstrations on Village Green
5.Cemetery Project Bid
6.FEMA Flood Mapping Project
7.Fuel Pre-buy Plan
8.Independent Contractor Paperwork – Carl Oertel
9.Garbage Disposal/Composting Law
10.Summer Select Board Meeting Schedule
Next Meeting Date: Special Meeting June 30, 2020
Ann called the meeting to order at 6:02pm. She reminded those participating that because the meeting is being held electronically, certain requests are made of any speaker. There was one Agenda Modification. It was decided to dispense with the reading of the Minutes. Ann moved the minutes of the June 2, 2020 Select Board meeting be approved. Mona seconded, all in favor. Since Todd Jones and Betty Warner were in attendance, Ann made a motion to take their business out of order. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
1. TRORC – Regional Plan Public Hearing. The TRORC Board met on May 27thand acted on input by approving additional changes to the draft of the Regional Plan. This requires TRORC to hold another public hearing on the draft. The final hearing will be held on July 1, 2020 at 10:00am via ZOOM. Ann made a motion to forward this information to Sarah Gallagher and the Planning Commission. Seconded by Joyce. All in favor.
2. Summer Reading Program Update. Maya updated the Board on her plans to attach beanstalk branches to the inner walls of the Bandstand. As the children read books they will be noted on a leaf. The goal is to read fifty books as a group and the children will be invited to view the beanstalk. No further action by the Board.
Old Business:
1. Salmeri property flooding update. Ann said that an email with options was being edited. No further action by the Board currently. The email to be sent to Sal, Greg Martin, and Paul Grindel will go out this week.
2. April 2019 Disaster FEMA reimbursement update (ERAF Status). Ann said that she received word that Pittsfield does have River Corridor Protection and therefore is eligible for 17.5% reimbursement. The State ERAF website does reflect this. John Brooker Campbell would like to meet with the Board and review river corridor protections and permitting information on the Town website and include A.J. Ruben, Zoning Administrator in these meetings. In addition, the Hazard Mitigation Plan expires in August. She has reached out to TROC TORY Littlefield to find out what is needed to update and certify it before the deadline.
3. Playground Upgrades update. Trish informed the Board that she had found a swing and felt that new swings should be purchased. She is researching what is available in funding for playground maintenance/basketball court resurfacing. The Board questioned how much was in the current Recreation Fund and how much was earmarked for the playground and where the money for the fencing came from. Ann said she checked out the equipment currently in the playground to assess their condition. In addition, the basketball lighting should possibly be rewired and put on a timer. Ann made a motion to purchase new sling seats and baby seats and hardware and obtain a new estimate on resurfacing the court and updating the lighting. Joyce seconded. All were in favor.
4. 4thof July Reverse Parade. Dana Decker is organizing this event for the Town. The plan is to decorate the Green and properties along Route 100. Mona said that the Fire Department will have their trucks outside, but there will be no lights/sirens. Ann would like the Select Board to decorate the Bandstand and she has plenty of decorations but could use some help. Joyce and Mona both felt this was a good idea. Ann would also like copies of a patriotic heart made for people to put in their windows like the hearts for Valentine’s Day. Ann made a motion to have the Town contribute up to $50 for the printing. Joyce seconded. All were in favor.
5. EWP Applications/Projects update. It was noted that the EWP agreement is due to expire on July 3rd. ANR is doing the designs and amount of river rock for the project and the town must submit a request for a 60-day extension to September 1. Mike Lapointe from NCRS indicated that both projects will require permits from the Army Corp of Engineers and he will fill out the applications, if we provide landowner information. If we get the applications in by Friday Mike estimates we will get the permits by July 20 giving contractors 40 days to complete the projects. Mike indicated we could prepare and send out invitations to bid the two projects before we receive the permits. Ann will find out if we can another project completion extension to October 1 which is the state mandated deadline for working in rivers. Joyce made a motion to approve the grant agreement, draft a letter requesting an extension and get the information Mike needs out by Friday. Mona seconded. All were in favor.
6. Delinquent Dogs update. Twelve certified letters were sent out and six have responded. The next step is for dog owners to request a hearing or license their dog by June 25thand for those that do not, the deadline for paying the $250 per dog fine is July 9th.
New Business:
1. Treasurer’s Financial Report – May. Joyce questioned an item under Payroll – Emergency/Unusual Circumstances. Ann said this was for Trish for work done last year calculating FEMA expenses. It should have been paid at time + one-half, not straight time. Ann made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s report. Seconded by Joyce. All were in favor.
2. State Education Tax Rate Delay. It appears that this information will be available on July 1stwith no delay. This information is needed for the Board to set the tax rates. Joyce suggested that if the information is received, that it be added to the June 30thagenda. It was decided not to delay any penalty for a late payment. The tax bills should go out with no delay and with the first installment due the 3rdThursday in August, on August 20th. No further action.
3. Dog Complaint – Todd Jones. This is the second complaint made against the dog and its owners. He stated that his road is private and as the dog lives on The Commons, they have no right to be on the private one. He said he has researched their deed and his for further validations. His land has No Trespassing signage and he has been in touch with the State Police. They wanted to know if he posted his land with the yellow No Trespassing signs that need to be registered with the Town. He only has generic signage. He emailed a dated photo taken recently of the owner and dog walking by his house off leash. It was noted that after the latest letter was sent, the dog was still off leash, but the owner had a leash in hand. Ann said she would speak with Doug Mianulli, the Second Constable about any previous enforcements he may have been involved in and contact VLCT on whether a date-stamped photo and eyewitness accounts can be the basis of issuing a fine. Following discussion of how best to proceed, Ann made a motion to take this matter under consideration, obtain a legal opinion and speak with the Second Constable. Seconded by Joyce. Mona chose to abstain. Motion passed.
4. Events/Demonstrations on Village Green. Betty said that a planned Black Lives Matter event will be held on the Green June 27thfrom 10-noon. She said she thought perhaps 10-50 people might attend with two tables spaced 6’ apart and encouraging masks and social distancing. Masks will be available at the event and it was felt that most of the people would be cooperative.
Betty discussed plans that the Library has for this year’s September Bazaar. Joyce recommended using the area behind the Town Office. Ann suggesting fencing off part of the area to allow for an entrance and exit. Betty said that a Letter of Agreement would be sent to all interested vendors who register prior to the event listing the guidelines to be followed regarding COVID-19. Betty also asked for the Board’s thoughts on including property owners’ porches/yards adjacent to the Green for vendors. It was felt this was not a good idea due to potential liability issues. Mona indicated that the Governor has cancelled all fairs/festivals through October this year due to COVID-19. Betty said that she had a couple of other ideas. She said she would like the last Saturday in September to remain something specific for the Town. Ann suggested leaving it up to the Library Board and if something else is planned, to make the Select Board aware.
5. Cemetery Project Bid. This is tabled until June 30th.
6. FEMA Flood Mapping Project. Ann attended a meeting recently regarding FEMA/U.S. Geological Survey’s plans to conduct a flood restudy and remapping effort in the White River Watershed. This will ultimately update the Flood Insurance Studies and Flood Insurance Rate Maps, which are
the basis of the adopted flood hazard regulations and depict flood risk in our community. It was suggested that this information be forwarded to the Planning Commission for follow/up.
7. Fuel Pre-buy Plan. The Board reviewed the pre-buy history that Trish had forwarded. Ann motioned to approve the figures used last year. These are HW: 550-gal LP @$1.59, TH: 400-gal #2 fuel oil @ $1.98, and TOB 1350-gal LP @$1.59. Joyce seconded. All in favor
8. Independent Contractor Paperwork – Carl Oertel. Ann moved to sign the agreement. Joyce seconded. Motion passed.
9. Garbage Disposal/Composting Law. Tabled to the next July meeting.
10. Summer Select Board Meeting Schedule. Tabled to June 30thmeeting.
Next Meeting Date: Special Meeting June 30, 2020
Adjournment: As there was no other business, Ann made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:46pm. Seconded by Joyce. Motion passed.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Select Board Secretary
Approved: June 30, 2020
Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens Mona Colton
DATE: June 16, 2020
PRESENT: Ann Kuendig, Mona Colton, Joyce Stevens
PUBLIC PRESENT:Todd Jones, Betty Warner, A.J. Ruben, Michelline Bissell
AGENDA MODIFICATIONS: C#2 – Summer Reading Program Update
MINUTES APPROVAL:Regular Meeting June 2, 2020
1.TRORC – Regional Plan Public Hearing
2.Summer Reading Program Update
Old Business:
1.Salmeri property flooding update
2.April 2019 Disaster FEMA reimbursement update (ERAF Status)
3.Playground Upgrades update
4.4thof July Reverse Parade
5.EWP Applications/Projects update
6.Delinquent Dogs update
New Business:
1.Treasurer’s Financial Report – May
2.State Educations Tax Rate Delay
3.Dog Complaint – Todd Jones
4.Events/Demonstrations on Village Green
5.Cemetery Project Bid
6.FEMA Flood Mapping Project
7.Fuel Pre-buy Plan
8.Independent Contractor Paperwork – Carl Oertel
9.Garbage Disposal/Composting Law
10.Summer Select Board Meeting Schedule
Next Meeting Date: Special Meeting June 30, 2020
Ann called the meeting to order at 6:02pm. She reminded those participating that because the meeting is being held electronically, certain requests are made of any speaker. There was one Agenda Modification. It was decided to dispense with the reading of the Minutes. Ann moved the minutes of the June 2, 2020 Select Board meeting be approved. Mona seconded, all in favor. Since Todd Jones and Betty Warner were in attendance, Ann made a motion to take their business out of order. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
1. TRORC – Regional Plan Public Hearing. The TRORC Board met on May 27thand acted on input by approving additional changes to the draft of the Regional Plan. This requires TRORC to hold another public hearing on the draft. The final hearing will be held on July 1, 2020 at 10:00am via ZOOM. Ann made a motion to forward this information to Sarah Gallagher and the Planning Commission. Seconded by Joyce. All in favor.
2. Summer Reading Program Update. Maya updated the Board on her plans to attach beanstalk branches to the inner walls of the Bandstand. As the children read books they will be noted on a leaf. The goal is to read fifty books as a group and the children will be invited to view the beanstalk. No further action by the Board.
Old Business:
1. Salmeri property flooding update. Ann said that an email with options was being edited. No further action by the Board currently. The email to be sent to Sal, Greg Martin, and Paul Grindel will go out this week.
2. April 2019 Disaster FEMA reimbursement update (ERAF Status). Ann said that she received word that Pittsfield does have River Corridor Protection and therefore is eligible for 17.5% reimbursement. The State ERAF website does reflect this. John Brooker Campbell would like to meet with the Board and review river corridor protections and permitting information on the Town website and include A.J. Ruben, Zoning Administrator in these meetings. In addition, the Hazard Mitigation Plan expires in August. She has reached out to TROC TORY Littlefield to find out what is needed to update and certify it before the deadline.
3. Playground Upgrades update. Trish informed the Board that she had found a swing and felt that new swings should be purchased. She is researching what is available in funding for playground maintenance/basketball court resurfacing. The Board questioned how much was in the current Recreation Fund and how much was earmarked for the playground and where the money for the fencing came from. Ann said she checked out the equipment currently in the playground to assess their condition. In addition, the basketball lighting should possibly be rewired and put on a timer. Ann made a motion to purchase new sling seats and baby seats and hardware and obtain a new estimate on resurfacing the court and updating the lighting. Joyce seconded. All were in favor.
4. 4thof July Reverse Parade. Dana Decker is organizing this event for the Town. The plan is to decorate the Green and properties along Route 100. Mona said that the Fire Department will have their trucks outside, but there will be no lights/sirens. Ann would like the Select Board to decorate the Bandstand and she has plenty of decorations but could use some help. Joyce and Mona both felt this was a good idea. Ann would also like copies of a patriotic heart made for people to put in their windows like the hearts for Valentine’s Day. Ann made a motion to have the Town contribute up to $50 for the printing. Joyce seconded. All were in favor.
5. EWP Applications/Projects update. It was noted that the EWP agreement is due to expire on July 3rd. ANR is doing the designs and amount of river rock for the project and the town must submit a request for a 60-day extension to September 1. Mike Lapointe from NCRS indicated that both projects will require permits from the Army Corp of Engineers and he will fill out the applications, if we provide landowner information. If we get the applications in by Friday Mike estimates we will get the permits by July 20 giving contractors 40 days to complete the projects. Mike indicated we could prepare and send out invitations to bid the two projects before we receive the permits. Ann will find out if we can another project completion extension to October 1 which is the state mandated deadline for working in rivers. Joyce made a motion to approve the grant agreement, draft a letter requesting an extension and get the information Mike needs out by Friday. Mona seconded. All were in favor.
6. Delinquent Dogs update. Twelve certified letters were sent out and six have responded. The next step is for dog owners to request a hearing or license their dog by June 25thand for those that do not, the deadline for paying the $250 per dog fine is July 9th.
New Business:
1. Treasurer’s Financial Report – May. Joyce questioned an item under Payroll – Emergency/Unusual Circumstances. Ann said this was for Trish for work done last year calculating FEMA expenses. It should have been paid at time + one-half, not straight time. Ann made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s report. Seconded by Joyce. All were in favor.
2. State Education Tax Rate Delay. It appears that this information will be available on July 1stwith no delay. This information is needed for the Board to set the tax rates. Joyce suggested that if the information is received, that it be added to the June 30thagenda. It was decided not to delay any penalty for a late payment. The tax bills should go out with no delay and with the first installment due the 3rdThursday in August, on August 20th. No further action.
3. Dog Complaint – Todd Jones. This is the second complaint made against the dog and its owners. He stated that his road is private and as the dog lives on The Commons, they have no right to be on the private one. He said he has researched their deed and his for further validations. His land has No Trespassing signage and he has been in touch with the State Police. They wanted to know if he posted his land with the yellow No Trespassing signs that need to be registered with the Town. He only has generic signage. He emailed a dated photo taken recently of the owner and dog walking by his house off leash. It was noted that after the latest letter was sent, the dog was still off leash, but the owner had a leash in hand. Ann said she would speak with Doug Mianulli, the Second Constable about any previous enforcements he may have been involved in and contact VLCT on whether a date-stamped photo and eyewitness accounts can be the basis of issuing a fine. Following discussion of how best to proceed, Ann made a motion to take this matter under consideration, obtain a legal opinion and speak with the Second Constable. Seconded by Joyce. Mona chose to abstain. Motion passed.
4. Events/Demonstrations on Village Green. Betty said that a planned Black Lives Matter event will be held on the Green June 27thfrom 10-noon. She said she thought perhaps 10-50 people might attend with two tables spaced 6’ apart and encouraging masks and social distancing. Masks will be available at the event and it was felt that most of the people would be cooperative.
Betty discussed plans that the Library has for this year’s September Bazaar. Joyce recommended using the area behind the Town Office. Ann suggesting fencing off part of the area to allow for an entrance and exit. Betty said that a Letter of Agreement would be sent to all interested vendors who register prior to the event listing the guidelines to be followed regarding COVID-19. Betty also asked for the Board’s thoughts on including property owners’ porches/yards adjacent to the Green for vendors. It was felt this was not a good idea due to potential liability issues. Mona indicated that the Governor has cancelled all fairs/festivals through October this year due to COVID-19. Betty said that she had a couple of other ideas. She said she would like the last Saturday in September to remain something specific for the Town. Ann suggested leaving it up to the Library Board and if something else is planned, to make the Select Board aware.
5. Cemetery Project Bid. This is tabled until June 30th.
6. FEMA Flood Mapping Project. Ann attended a meeting recently regarding FEMA/U.S. Geological Survey’s plans to conduct a flood restudy and remapping effort in the White River Watershed. This will ultimately update the Flood Insurance Studies and Flood Insurance Rate Maps, which are
the basis of the adopted flood hazard regulations and depict flood risk in our community. It was suggested that this information be forwarded to the Planning Commission for follow/up.
7. Fuel Pre-buy Plan. The Board reviewed the pre-buy history that Trish had forwarded. Ann motioned to approve the figures used last year. These are HW: 550-gal LP @$1.59, TH: 400-gal #2 fuel oil @ $1.98, and TOB 1350-gal LP @$1.59. Joyce seconded. All in favor
8. Independent Contractor Paperwork – Carl Oertel. Ann moved to sign the agreement. Joyce seconded. Motion passed.
9. Garbage Disposal/Composting Law. Tabled to the next July meeting.
10. Summer Select Board Meeting Schedule. Tabled to June 30thmeeting.
Next Meeting Date: Special Meeting June 30, 2020
Adjournment: As there was no other business, Ann made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:46pm. Seconded by Joyce. Motion passed.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Select Board Secretary
Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens Mona Colton
DATE: June 16, 2020
PRESENT: Ann Kuendig, Mona Colton, Joyce Stevens
PUBLIC PRESENT:Todd Jones, Betty Warner, A.J. Ruben, Michelline Bissell
AGENDA MODIFICATIONS: C#2 – Summer Reading Program Update
MINUTES APPROVAL:Regular Meeting June 2, 2020
1.TRORC – Regional Plan Public Hearing
2.Summer Reading Program Update
Old Business:
1.Salmeri property flooding update
2.April 2019 Disaster FEMA reimbursement update (ERAF Status)
3.Playground Upgrades update
4.4thof July Reverse Parade
5.EWP Applications/Projects update
6.Delinquent Dogs update
New Business:
1.Treasurer’s Financial Report – May
2.State Educations Tax Rate Delay
3.Dog Complaint – Todd Jones
4.Events/Demonstrations on Village Green
5.Cemetery Project Bid
6.FEMA Flood Mapping Project
7.Fuel Pre-buy Plan
8.Independent Contractor Paperwork – Carl Oertel
9.Garbage Disposal/Composting Law
10.Summer Select Board Meeting Schedule
Next Meeting Date: Special Meeting June 30, 2020
Ann called the meeting to order at 6:02pm. She reminded those participating that because the meeting is being held electronically, certain requests are made of any speaker. There was one Agenda Modification. It was decided to dispense with the reading of the Minutes. Ann moved the minutes of the June 2, 2020 Select Board meeting be approved. Mona seconded, all in favor. Since Todd Jones and Betty Warner were in attendance, Ann made a motion to take their business out of order. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
1. TRORC – Regional Plan Public Hearing. The TRORC Board met on May 27thand acted on input by approving additional changes to the draft of the Regional Plan. This requires TRORC to hold another public hearing on the draft. The final hearing will be held on July 1, 2020 at 10:00am via ZOOM. Ann made a motion to forward this information to Sarah Gallagher and the Planning Commission. Seconded by Joyce. All in favor.
2. Summer Reading Program Update. Maya updated the Board on her plans to attach beanstalk branches to the inner walls of the Bandstand. As the children read books they will be noted on a leaf. The goal is to read fifty books as a group and the children will be invited to view the beanstalk. No further action by the Board.
Old Business:
1. Salmeri property flooding update. Ann said that an email with options was being edited. No further action by the Board currently. The email to be sent to Sal, Greg Martin, and Paul Grindel will go out this week.
2. April 2019 Disaster FEMA reimbursement update (ERAF Status). Ann said that she received word that Pittsfield does have River Corridor Protection and therefore is eligible for 17.5% reimbursement. The State ERAF website does reflect this. John Brooker Campbell would like to meet with the Board and review river corridor protections and permitting information on the Town website and include A.J. Ruben, Zoning Administrator in these meetings. In addition, the Hazard Mitigation Plan expires in August. She has reached out to TROC TORY Littlefield to find out what is needed to update and certify it before the deadline.
3. Playground Upgrades update. Trish informed the Board that she had found a swing and felt that new swings should be purchased. She is researching what is available in funding for playground maintenance/basketball court resurfacing. The Board questioned how much was in the current Recreation Fund and how much was earmarked for the playground and where the money for the fencing came from. Ann said she checked out the equipment currently in the playground to assess their condition. In addition, the basketball lighting should possibly be rewired and put on a timer. Ann made a motion to purchase new sling seats and baby seats and hardware and obtain a new estimate on resurfacing the court and updating the lighting. Joyce seconded. All were in favor.
4. 4thof July Reverse Parade. Dana Decker is organizing this event for the Town. The plan is to decorate the Green and properties along Route 100. Mona said that the Fire Department will have their trucks outside, but there will be no lights/sirens. Ann would like the Select Board to decorate the Bandstand and she has plenty of decorations but could use some help. Joyce and Mona both felt this was a good idea. Ann would also like copies of a patriotic heart made for people to put in their windows like the hearts for Valentine’s Day. Ann made a motion to have the Town contribute up to $50 for the printing. Joyce seconded. All were in favor.
5. EWP Applications/Projects update. It was noted that the EWP agreement is due to expire on July 3rd. ANR is doing the designs and amount of river rock for the project and the town must submit a request for a 60-day extension to September 1. Mike Lapointe from NCRS indicated that both projects will require permits from the Army Corp of Engineers and he will fill out the applications, if we provide landowner information. If we get the applications in by Friday Mike estimates we will get the permits by July 20 giving contractors 40 days to complete the projects. Mike indicated we could prepare and send out invitations to bid the two projects before we receive the permits. Ann will find out if we can another project completion extension to October 1 which is the state mandated deadline for working in rivers. Joyce made a motion to approve the grant agreement, draft a letter requesting an extension and get the information Mike needs out by Friday. Mona seconded. All were in favor.
6. Delinquent Dogs update. Twelve certified letters were sent out and six have responded. The next step is for dog owners to request a hearing or license their dog by June 25thand for those that do not, the deadline for paying the $250 per dog fine is July 9th.
New Business:
1. Treasurer’s Financial Report – May. Joyce questioned an item under Payroll – Emergency/Unusual Circumstances. Ann said this was for Trish for work done last year calculating FEMA expenses. It should have been paid at time + one-half, not straight time. Ann made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s report. Seconded by Joyce. All were in favor.
2. State Education Tax Rate Delay. It appears that this information will be available on July 1stwith no delay. This information is needed for the Board to set the tax rates. Joyce suggested that if the information is received, that it be added to the June 30thagenda. It was decided not to delay any penalty for a late payment. The tax bills should go out with no delay and with the first installment due the 3rdThursday in August, on August 20th. No further action.
3. Dog Complaint – Todd Jones. This is the second complaint made against the dog and its owners. He stated that his road is private and as the dog lives on The Commons, they have no right to be on the private one. He said he has researched their deed and his for further validations. His land has No Trespassing signage and he has been in touch with the State Police. They wanted to know if he posted his land with the yellow No Trespassing signs that need to be registered with the Town. He only has generic signage. He emailed a dated photo taken recently of the owner and dog walking by his house off leash. It was noted that after the latest letter was sent, the dog was still off leash, but the owner had a leash in hand. Ann said she would speak with Doug Mianulli, the Second Constable about any previous enforcements he may have been involved in and contact VLCT on whether a date-stamped photo and eyewitness accounts can be the basis of issuing a fine. Following discussion of how best to proceed, Ann made a motion to take this matter under consideration, obtain a legal opinion and speak with the Second Constable. Seconded by Joyce. Mona chose to abstain. Motion passed.
4. Events/Demonstrations on Village Green. Betty said that a planned Black Lives Matter event will be held on the Green June 27thfrom 10-noon. She said she thought perhaps 10-50 people might attend with two tables spaced 6’ apart and encouraging masks and social distancing. Masks will be available at the event and it was felt that most of the people would be cooperative.
Betty discussed plans that the Library has for this year’s September Bazaar. Joyce recommended using the area behind the Town Office. Ann suggesting fencing off part of the area to allow for an entrance and exit. Betty said that a Letter of Agreement would be sent to all interested vendors who register prior to the event listing the guidelines to be followed regarding COVID-19. Betty also asked for the Board’s thoughts on including property owners’ porches/yards adjacent to the Green for vendors. It was felt this was not a good idea due to potential liability issues. Mona indicated that the Governor has cancelled all fairs/festivals through October this year due to COVID-19. Betty said that she had a couple of other ideas. She said she would like the last Saturday in September to remain something specific for the Town. Ann suggested leaving it up to the Library Board and if something else is planned, to make the Select Board aware.
5. Cemetery Project Bid. This is tabled until June 30th.
6. FEMA Flood Mapping Project. Ann attended a meeting recently regarding FEMA/U.S. Geological Survey’s plans to conduct a flood restudy and remapping effort in the White River Watershed. This will ultimately update the Flood Insurance Studies and Flood Insurance Rate Maps, which are
the basis of the adopted flood hazard regulations and depict flood risk in our community. It was suggested that this information be forwarded to the Planning Commission for follow/up.
7. Fuel Pre-buy Plan. The Board reviewed the pre-buy history that Trish had forwarded. Ann motioned to approve the figures used last year. These are HW: 550-gal LP @$1.59, TH: 400-gal #2 fuel oil @ $1.98, and TOB 1350-gal LP @$1.59. Joyce seconded. All in favor
8. Independent Contractor Paperwork – Carl Oertel. Ann moved to sign the agreement. Joyce seconded. Motion passed.
9. Garbage Disposal/Composting Law. Tabled to the next July meeting.
10. Summer Select Board Meeting Schedule. Tabled to June 30thmeeting.
Next Meeting Date: Special Meeting June 30, 2020
Adjournment: As there was no other business, Ann made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:46pm. Seconded by Joyce. Motion passed.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Select Board Secretary
Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens Mona Colton