DATE: July 14, 2020
To listen to the Select Board meeting click https://fccdl.in/LO7p3g5xQZ
PRESENT: Ann Kuendig, Joyce Stevens, Mona Colton (via phone)
PUBLIC PRESENT: George Deblon, Tori Littlefield – TRORC (via phone), AJ Ruben (via phone for short time)
AGENDA MODIFICATIONS: OB#4 – Champlain Construction Company Independent Contractor paperwork; NB#8 – Change date of August meeting; NB#2 – Letter from Paul Seugling.
MINUTES APPROVAL: Special Meeting June 30, 2020
1.Town Attorney - resignation
2. Planning Board report
Old Business:
1. EWP Project Bid Awards
2. 236 Lower Michigan – project closeout
3. Playground update projects schedule
4. Box Culvert #33 project update
5. Delinquent Dog fines
6. Jones Dog Complaint update
7. Planning Commission/Zoning Board of Adjustment vacancies
8. Garbage/recycling options
9. Local Hazard Mitigation Plan update
New Business:
1. Budget Summary 2020 – set tax rate
2. Abatement of Interest – Seugling
3. Town Hall 1stPhase Project Discussion
4. Town Clerk Requests – mini fridge; vault shelves
5. Select Board Secretary
6. Select Board Meeting Schedule
7. Town Attorney
8. August meeting change
Next Meeting: August 11, 2020
Ann called the meeting to order at 6:00pm. Ann motioned to accept the Minutes of the June 30th Special Meeting. Seconded by Mona. All in favor.
1. Town Attorney – resignation. Mary Lou Scofield submitted her resignation as Town Attorney on July 8th, saying that she is no longer able to act as Town Attorney. Ann moved to accept her resignation. Seconded by Joyce. All in favor.
2. Planning Board report. Sarah Gallagher, Chair of the Planning Commission recommended reappointing Charles Piso to the Planning Commission who resigned on in March. See Old Business #7.
Old Business:
1. EWP Project Bid Awards. George stated that bids had been received from the following contractors for the two projects: Tweed River Drive – 1) Harvey’s $18,934; 2) Moshers $31,539; 3) Champlain Construction $50,873 and Parmenter Drive – 1) Harvey’s $19,687; 2) Moshers $29,619; 3) Champlain Construction $31,166. There are no stipulation or restrictions and there are no indications they cannot complete the project by September 1, 2020. George recommended accepting both bids from Harvey’s with the Tweed River Road project being a priority. Ann moved to award the bid for Tweed River Drive to Harveys for $18,934 and Parmenter Place for $19,687, and have the Chair seek an extension of completion deadline if necessary. Joyce seconded. Motion approved.
2. 236 Lower Michigan – project closeout. Ann said that Harvey’s completed the work during the second week of July. Kevin Geiger has suggested the Board do a walk-through, although it is nothing official. There was a brief discussion as to potential uses of the property. It does become public land. It was decided to keep an eye on the property so that it is not used as a hangout area for partying, etc.
3. Playground update projects schedule. Ann said the Board was hoping to receive an update from Mona, but she has left the meeting due to communication issues online. She noted that the swings have arrived but a date for a work party still needs to be set up. Dig Safe also needs to be contacted. Tabled until the next meeting.
4. Box Culvert #33 project update. George said that Champlain Construction is working hard to get a culvert but there are no guarantees. JaronBorg has indicated that they need to apply for a permit for permanent repairs and an extension permit to 1/1/2022. Ann made a motion to sign the contract. Seconded by Joyce. Motion passed.
5. Delinquent Dog fines. The updated list lists 5 dogs and 4 owners. Statutes and regulations were reviewed. As of today, there have been no requests for hearings, no one has paid the fine, and no dogs have been registered. It was decided to have the Town Clerk send a demand notice and follow up at the next meeting. Joyce made the motion, Ann seconded. Motion passed.
6. Jones Dog Complaint update. After legal review, the Town can issue a ticket. Doug Mianulli, the dog officer, has been asked to contact the owner and Todd Jones has indicated that there have not been any sightings of the dog/owners since the second complaint was filed. The situation seems to have resolved itself.
7. Planning Commission/Zoning Board of Adjustment vacancies. Tim Carter and Micheline Bissell have both accepted positions on the boards. Joyce presented some background on Tim and Ann did the same with Micheline. Ann moved the Tim Carter be appointed to the vacant position on the Planning Commission expiring in 2023 and Micheline Bissell to fill out the term of Charles Piso on the Zoning Board of Adjustment expiring 2022. Seconded by Joyce. All in favor. Ann thanked
them for their commitment to Pittsfield public service. The Board is still looking to fill two positions on the Zoning Board of Adjustment.
8. Garbage/recycling options. Joyce said that she has spoken with Killington and that Killington would charge the Town of Pittsfield for the service and each resident would have to purchase a permit. Killington was not sure what the cost would be. Joycesaid that she looked at Killington’s budget and noted that Killington is more than willing to talk further dependent on how many anticipate participating. Ann suggested investigatingmoving from the Bethel Solid Waste District to RutlandSolid Waste. Killington permits may also be used at the station in Rutland although you would still have to pay by bag or truck load. Stockbridge is being used by some Pittsfield residents, but it is not known how many. Ann asked if more information could be obtained for the next meeting, so that all three membersof the Board could discuss it.
9. Local Hazard Mitigation Plan update. Tori was asked to explain to the Board what this plan is and what its purpose is. Ann then moved to accept the proposal to designate TRORC as consultant on updating the LHMP at a total estimated cost of $2,000 - $4,000 (Pittsfield’s share will be $1,500). Tori will send a proposal for the Chair to review and sign. The Board will forward names and suggested contact information of suggested candidates to serve on the LHMP Update Committee. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
New Business:
1. Budget Summary 2020 – set tax rate. The Board approved the following resultant tax rates for 2020-2021: Homestead (Resident) rate: $2.134 per $100 and Non-Residential $2.0687. Ann made the motion with Joyce seconding. Motion passed.
2. Abatement of Interest – Seugling. There has been an issue with Paul’s property and an adjacent neighbor being switched. The error has since been corrected by the Listers, but issues with payments being late, etc developed. Janice Stumpf, the Delinquent Tax Collector, has requested that the interest on Paul’s tax bill be abated since the interest charged was an error in the NEMRC system. Ann moved to abate $216.16 interest from Paul Seugling’s tax bill and instruct the Town Clerk to include that the Select Board has been assured this will not happen again. Seconded by Joyce. Motion passed.
3. Town Hall 1stPhase Project Discussion. Ann said that the Board would like to begin discussion as to how to proceed. She said she would send links to the other Board members for everything connected with this project (meeting Minutes, past discussions, etc). She would like to list the jobs that can be done by volunteers (take down the drop ceiling; move Historical Society property, etc) and become familiar with any regulations pertaining to public buildings. Also form a new Building Committee made up of residents with needed skills (engineering, construction, etc). The Board agreed to approach some of these residents prior to the next meeting.
4. Town Clerk Requests – mini fridge; vault shelves. Ann said she would like to offer the Town Office a small refrigerator she has if Trish is willing to accept it. The Board did approve Trish’s request to purchase more shelving from the Record Preservation Fund not to exceed $200.00.
5. Select Board Secretary. Joyce said that she has always felt that the position should be in house for various reasons. The new Assistant Town Clerk/Treasurer Louis Cocci has been asked and has accepted the job. He will begin in September. Martha Beyersdorf was consulted and agreed this was a good change. When asked, she said she would serve as back-up in the event Louis is not available for a meeting. The pay will remain the same. Ann said she would like to see a job description for this position. Ann moved that Louis Cocci take over the duties as Select Board
Secretary with the pay of $97.31 per meeting with an extra $25.00 for extra correspondence/research beginning in September. Seconded by Joyce. Motion passed.
6. Select Board Meeting Schedules. The Board decided that beginning in September meetings will be moved from Tuesdays to Thursdays to accommodate the new Secretary’s schedule.
7. Town Attorney. Ann said that she has contacted several legal firms regarding serving the Town. Jim Goss sent a proposal and stated that he would assign a staff attorney at a reduced hourly wage who could handle the everyday matters. Ann explained how his practice was set up and what types of law they deal with. The Board opted to table this until Mona is available to participate in this discussion at the next meeting in August.
8. August meeting change. The previous date of August 11 falls on a primary election day and the Board will be involved in counting ballots. The date of Thursday, August 13thwas accepted.
Next Meeting: Thursday, August 13, 2020 at 6:00pm.
Adjournment: There being no further business, Ann made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:39pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved: September 3, 2020
Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens Mona Colton
DATE: July 14, 2020
To listen to the Select Board meeting click https://fccdl.in/LO7p3g5xQZ
PRESENT: Ann Kuendig, Joyce Stevens, Mona Colton (via phone)
PUBLIC PRESENT: George Deblon, Tori Littlefield – TRORC (via phone), AJ Ruben (via phone for short time)
AGENDA MODIFICATIONS: OB#4 – Champlain Construction Company Independent Contractor paperwork; NB#8 – Change date of August meeting; NB#2 – Letter from Paul Seugling.
MINUTES APPROVAL: Special Meeting June 30, 2020
1.Town Attorney - resignation
2. Planning Board report
Old Business:
1. EWP Project Bid Awards
2. 236 Lower Michigan – project closeout
3. Playground update projects schedule
4. Box Culvert #33 project update
5. Delinquent Dog fines
6. Jones Dog Complaint update
7. Planning Commission/Zoning Board of Adjustment vacancies
8. Garbage/recycling options
9. Local Hazard Mitigation Plan update
New Business:
1. Budget Summary 2020 – set tax rate
2. Abatement of Interest – Seugling
3. Town Hall 1stPhase Project Discussion
4. Town Clerk Requests – mini fridge; vault shelves
5. Select Board Secretary
6. Select Board Meeting Schedule
7. Town Attorney
8. August meeting change
Next Meeting: August 11, 2020
Ann called the meeting to order at 6:00pm. Ann motioned to accept the Minutes of the June 30th Special Meeting. Seconded by Mona. All in favor.
1. Town Attorney – resignation. Mary Lou Scofield submitted her resignation as Town Attorney on July 8th, saying that she is no longer able to act as Town Attorney. Ann moved to accept her resignation. Seconded by Joyce. All in favor.
2. Planning Board report. Sarah Gallagher, Chair of the Planning Commission recommended reappointing Charles Piso to the Planning Commission who resigned on in March. See Old Business #7.
Old Business:
1. EWP Project Bid Awards. George stated that bids had been received from the following contractors for the two projects: Tweed River Drive – 1) Harvey’s $18,934; 2) Moshers $31,539; 3) Champlain Construction $50,873 and Parmenter Drive – 1) Harvey’s $19,687; 2) Moshers $29,619; 3) Champlain Construction $31,166. There are no stipulation or restrictions and there are no indications they cannot complete the project by September 1, 2020. George recommended accepting both bids from Harvey’s with the Tweed River Road project being a priority. Ann moved to award the bid for Tweed River Drive to Harveys for $18,934 and Parmenter Place for $19,687, and have the Chair seek an extension of completion deadline if necessary. Joyce seconded. Motion approved.
2. 236 Lower Michigan – project closeout. Ann said that Harvey’s completed the work during the second week of July. Kevin Geiger has suggested the Board do a walk-through, although it is nothing official. There was a brief discussion as to potential uses of the property. It does become public land. It was decided to keep an eye on the property so that it is not used as a hangout area for partying, etc.
3. Playground update projects schedule. Ann said the Board was hoping to receive an update from Mona, but she has left the meeting due to communication issues online. She noted that the swings have arrived but a date for a work party still needs to be set up. Dig Safe also needs to be contacted. Tabled until the next meeting.
4. Box Culvert #33 project update. George said that Champlain Construction is working hard to get a culvert but there are no guarantees. JaronBorg has indicated that they need to apply for a permit for permanent repairs and an extension permit to 1/1/2022. Ann made a motion to sign the contract. Seconded by Joyce. Motion passed.
5. Delinquent Dog fines. The updated list lists 5 dogs and 4 owners. Statutes and regulations were reviewed. As of today, there have been no requests for hearings, no one has paid the fine, and no dogs have been registered. It was decided to have the Town Clerk send a demand notice and follow up at the next meeting. Joyce made the motion, Ann seconded. Motion passed.
6. Jones Dog Complaint update. After legal review, the Town can issue a ticket. Doug Mianulli, the dog officer, has been asked to contact the owner and Todd Jones has indicated that there have not been any sightings of the dog/owners since the second complaint was filed. The situation seems to have resolved itself.
7. Planning Commission/Zoning Board of Adjustment vacancies. Tim Carter and Micheline Bissell have both accepted positions on the boards. Joyce presented some background on Tim and Ann did the same with Micheline. Ann moved the Tim Carter be appointed to the vacant position on the Planning Commission expiring in 2023 and Micheline Bissell to fill out the term of Charles Piso on the Zoning Board of Adjustment expiring 2022. Seconded by Joyce. All in favor. Ann thanked
them for their commitment to Pittsfield public service. The Board is still looking to fill two positions on the Zoning Board of Adjustment.
8. Garbage/recycling options. Joyce said that she has spoken with Killington and that Killington would charge the Town of Pittsfield for the service and each resident would have to purchase a permit. Killington was not sure what the cost would be. Joycesaid that she looked at Killington’s budget and noted that Killington is more than willing to talk further dependent on how many anticipate participating. Ann suggested investigatingmoving from the Bethel Solid Waste District to RutlandSolid Waste. Killington permits may also be used at the station in Rutland although you would still have to pay by bag or truck load. Stockbridge is being used by some Pittsfield residents, but it is not known how many. Ann asked if more information could be obtained for the next meeting, so that all three membersof the Board could discuss it.
9. Local Hazard Mitigation Plan update. Tori was asked to explain to the Board what this plan is and what its purpose is. Ann then moved to accept the proposal to designate TRORC as consultant on updating the LHMP at a total estimated cost of $2,000 - $4,000 (Pittsfield’s share will be $1,500). Tori will send a proposal for the Chair to review and sign. The Board will forward names and suggested contact information of suggested candidates to serve on the LHMP Update Committee. Joyce seconded. All in favor.
New Business:
1. Budget Summary 2020 – set tax rate. The Board approved the following resultant tax rates for 2020-2021: Homestead (Resident) rate: $2.134 per $100 and Non-Residential $2.0687. Ann made the motion with Joyce seconding. Motion passed.
2. Abatement of Interest – Seugling. There has been an issue with Paul’s property and an adjacent neighbor being switched. The error has since been corrected by the Listers, but issues with payments being late, etc developed. Janice Stumpf, the Delinquent Tax Collector, has requested that the interest on Paul’s tax bill be abated since the interest charged was an error in the NEMRC system. Ann moved to abate $216.16 interest from Paul Seugling’s tax bill and instruct the Town Clerk to include that the Select Board has been assured this will not happen again. Seconded by Joyce. Motion passed.
3. Town Hall 1stPhase Project Discussion. Ann said that the Board would like to begin discussion as to how to proceed. She said she would send links to the other Board members for everything connected with this project (meeting Minutes, past discussions, etc). She would like to list the jobs that can be done by volunteers (take down the drop ceiling; move Historical Society property, etc) and become familiar with any regulations pertaining to public buildings. Also form a new Building Committee made up of residents with needed skills (engineering, construction, etc). The Board agreed to approach some of these residents prior to the next meeting.
4. Town Clerk Requests – mini fridge; vault shelves. Ann said she would like to offer the Town Office a small refrigerator she has if Trish is willing to accept it. The Board did approve Trish’s request to purchase more shelving from the Record Preservation Fund not to exceed $200.00.
5. Select Board Secretary. Joyce said that she has always felt that the position should be in house for various reasons. The new Assistant Town Clerk/Treasurer Louis Cocci has been asked and has accepted the job. He will begin in September. Martha Beyersdorf was consulted and agreed this was a good change. When asked, she said she would serve as back-up in the event Louis is not available for a meeting. The pay will remain the same. Ann said she would like to see a job description for this position. Ann moved that Louis Cocci take over the duties as Select Board
Secretary with the pay of $97.31 per meeting with an extra $25.00 for extra correspondence/research beginning in September. Seconded by Joyce. Motion passed.
6. Select Board Meeting Schedules. The Board decided that beginning in September meetings will be moved from Tuesdays to Thursdays to accommodate the new Secretary’s schedule.
7. Town Attorney. Ann said that she has contacted several legal firms regarding serving the Town. Jim Goss sent a proposal and stated that he would assign a staff attorney at a reduced hourly wage who could handle the everyday matters. Ann explained how his practice was set up and what types of law they deal with. The Board opted to table this until Mona is available to participate in this discussion at the next meeting in August.
8. August meeting change. The previous date of August 11 falls on a primary election day and the Board will be involved in counting ballots. The date of Thursday, August 13thwas accepted.
Next Meeting: Thursday, August 13, 2020 at 6:00pm.
Adjournment: There being no further business, Ann made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:39pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha L. Beyersdorf
Approved: September 3, 2020
Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens Mona Colton