Minutes of the Pittsfield Select Board Meeting, January 7, 2020
6:00 pm in the Town Office building.
DATE: 7 January, 2020
PRESENT: Charles Piso, Matt Corron, Sarah Gallagher
AGENDA MODIFICATIONS: Correspondence # 5 - 99 Hawk Rd; Old Business #4 - E911 Coordinator; New Business #1 - Certificate of Highway Mileage
MINUTES APPROVAL: December 4, 2019; December 17, 2019; December 26, 2019; January 2, 2020.
Old Business
New Business
Due to the inability of town counsel to be present at this meeting there will be no discussion of the complaint issue. It will be taken up at the next scheduled meeting on January 21, 2020.
Charles called the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m. Agenda modifications were reviewed and approved by all. Motion to approved the December 4, 17, and 26, 2019, and the January 2, 2020 Minutes was passed (Charles/Matt).
Old Business
New Business
Adjournment. Motion to adjourn passed at 8:13 p.m. (Matt/Charles)
Respectfully submitted,
Sarah Gallagher
Secretary pro tem
Approved: February 11, 2020
s/Charles Piso, chair
s/Matt Corron
Ann Kuendig
6:00 pm in the Town Office building.
DATE: 7 January, 2020
PRESENT: Charles Piso, Matt Corron, Sarah Gallagher
AGENDA MODIFICATIONS: Correspondence # 5 - 99 Hawk Rd; Old Business #4 - E911 Coordinator; New Business #1 - Certificate of Highway Mileage
MINUTES APPROVAL: December 4, 2019; December 17, 2019; December 26, 2019; January 2, 2020.
- PACIF Loss Control
- CV South Act 250 amendment notification
- Preservation Trust of Vermont
- Education Grand List Equalization Study results
- 99 Hawk Rd
- Colton Act 250 appeal
Old Business
- Town Meeting Warrant
- Budget discussion
- Overnight parking response
- E911 Coordinator
New Business
- Certificate of Highway Mileage
Due to the inability of town counsel to be present at this meeting there will be no discussion of the complaint issue. It will be taken up at the next scheduled meeting on January 21, 2020.
Charles called the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m. Agenda modifications were reviewed and approved by all. Motion to approved the December 4, 17, and 26, 2019, and the January 2, 2020 Minutes was passed (Charles/Matt).
- PACIF – information regarding grant and scholarship opportunities for safety and security related items and trainings/conferences.
- CV South – Act 250 amendment, ANR notice of appearance. Discussion of possible letter of support for the project. Charles will follow up.
- Preservation Trust of Vermont. Matching grant notification. TH Committee applied for 2 matching grants. Charles will pass along to Town Clerk for required completion of documentation.
- Education Grant List Equalization Study results. Received, no action required.
- 99 Hawk Rd. Driveway issue. Charles reviewed and will ask George Deblon to review and advise.
- Colton Act 250 appeal. Notification, no action required.
Old Business
- Town Meeting warrant. Two articles finalized: 1. Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize $50,000.00 to replenish the Contingency Fund? This number may change depending on tax rate implications. 2. Will the voters of Pittsfield authorize $40,000.00 for Phase One Town Hall repairs as recommended by the Town Hall Citizens’ Advisory Committee?
- Budget Discussion Undesignated fund balances not available until accounts reconciled later this week. Sand shed numbers provided by Fellows. Insurance numbers finalized. Lister salaries to remain at $1500, lister training level funded. It was felt that any additional training required for the new mapping system could come from the mapping funds. New line item for the Listers will be for annual fee and support for the mapping system. Departments which haven’t provided 2019 actuals and projected 2020 budgets will be level funded.
- Overnight parking response. Tabled while Charles checks with Tory Littlefield of TRORC regarding any grant requirements.
- E911 Coordinator. The Board welcomed Michelle Hunt who is interested in serving as E911 Coordinator. Motion to appoint Michelle Hunt as E911 Coordinator was made and passed (Charles/Matt). Charles will ask Trish to forward information to Michelle.
New Business
- Certificate of Highway Mileage. Received. 14.72 Class III miles, 4.87 State Highway miles.
Adjournment. Motion to adjourn passed at 8:13 p.m. (Matt/Charles)
Respectfully submitted,
Sarah Gallagher
Secretary pro tem
Approved: February 11, 2020
s/Charles Piso, chair
s/Matt Corron
Ann Kuendig