DATE: 10 March 2020
PRESENT: Matt Corron, Ann Kuendig, Joyce Stevens
PUBLIC PRESENT: Herb Kuendig, Sarah Gallagher, George Deblon, Charles Piso
AGENDA MODIFICATIONS: Correspondence 4, Resignation of Tyna Gallagher; 5, LEMP; 6, LEPC Attendance; 7, COVID-19 Measures; 8, Act 250 Request for Abandonment; New Business 4, Iron Horse Roofing; 5, Battery Backup; 6, Appointments of Town Officials; 7, Town Truck
MINUTES APPROVAL: 2 March 2020 meeting
1.Select Board Training
2.VLCT News March-April 2020
4.Resignation of Tyna Gallagher
5.LEMP 2020 Update
6.LEPC #12 Attendance
7.COVID-19 Measures
8.Act 250 Request for Abandonment
Old Business:
1.Update – 234 Lower Michigan Road
2.Closing out of complaints involving Ann D. Kuendig, Select Board, Town of Pittsfield
3.Closing out of complaints involving Herbert Kuendig, Lister, Town of Pittsfield
New Business:
1.Board Reorganization
2.Select Board Rules of Procedure and Conflict of Interest Policy
3.February Town Financials
4.Iron Horse Roofing
5.Battery Backup
6.Appointments of Town Officials
7.Town Truck
Matt called the meeting to order at 6:04pm. Agenda Modifications were reviewed and approved by all. Motion made by Matt to approve the Minutes of the 2 March meeting. Ann asked that the comment made by Marylou regarding Tyna be stricken. Discussion of how to handle a deletion. Ann made a motion to approve the Minutes with the deletion. Seconded by Matt. All In favor.
1. Select Board Training. Meetings are being held in both Montpelier and Woodstock. All members plan to register and attend.
2. VLCT News March-April 2020. Available for review.
3. FEMA Risk MAP. An informational meeting about the Risk Mapping, Assessment, and Planning Discovery Meeting for the White Watershed in Vermont will be held on March 31st at 1:30pm at the Bethel Town Hall.
4. Resignation of Tyna Gallagher. Accepted.
5. LEMP 2020 Update. Table for review.
6. LEPC #12 Attendance. This correspondence from Bruce Martin, Chair, states that records show that neither Cathy Capetta nor Trish Fryer have attended any meetings. Meetings are held on the 3rd Thursdays of March, June, September, and December from 6-8pm in various locations. No action taken.
7. COVID-19 Measures. Myra Newroot, the RCML Librarian, would like to know what measures are being considered/taken regarding the virus. Discussion. The Board agreed that it sounded more like a topic of discussion for the RCML Board. Ann asked if someone should check with the Fire Department as to what they are doing. The Select Board decided not to take a position on this. If the Library Board would like to take any action/s they feel necessary, the Select Board will respect their decisions.
8. Act 250 Request for Abandonment. This pertains to Colton Enterprises #3W0405-6. The deadline for a hearing request is March 30th. No further action taken.
Old Business:
1. Update – 234 Lower Michigan Road. Ann said that Kevin Geiger of TRORC has prepared a bid. Since the chimney has to be removed by April 1st, Ann asked if she could speak with Kevin as to whether this could be accomplished with a separate RFP just for the chimney removal and if someone local could remove it instead of three contractors or a public posting to save time. In the meantime, she had contacted Harper Environmental. They are the least expensive and most responsive and could come later this week if contacted now. She outlined some other firms and their pricing. It was decided to have Ann speak with Kevin.
2. Closing out of complaints involving Ann D. Kuendig, Select Board, Town of Pittsfield. Ann said that she would like to make a statement regarding this complaint. Sarah felt that Ann should recuse herself as she is part of the complaint. Matt said that he would like to hear what Ann has to say. Discussion as to whether to meet with Dana Decker or have the 2-hour meeting with VLCT. Ann agreed to sit with Dana and Trish. Matt will check with Dana regarding available dates.
3. Closing out of complaints involving Herbert Kuendig, Lister, Town of Pittsfield. Herb said he spoke with Trish today, offered her congratulations on her re-election and felt that they could work together. He agreed not to make any inappropriate remarks or social postings. No further action by the Board.
New Business:
1. Board Reorganization. Motion made by Matt to appoint himself as Chair, Ann as Vice Chair (buildings) and Joyce (orders). Joyce seconded. Approved
2. Select Board Rules of Procedure and Conflict of Interest Policy. Ann proposed that these be updated to include definitions and include specific examples. It was decided to distribute copies of these to all Board members for review/editing. Signing by all members will be tabled until all have had a chance to review and make recommendations.
3. February Town Financials. Copies were handed out and reviewed. Joyce suggested to change the format to include the Month amount, Budgeted Amount, and Year to Date amount. This will be passed on to the Town Treasurer.
4. Iron Horse Roofing. The performed an emergency repair on the roof but it was found that the Town had none of the paperwork required for contractors. Ann said she would like to see the policy for what is required for paperwork. The company does have the proper insurance, and would be glad to complete the paperwork, but without adding the Town to its Certificate of Insurance. The Board felt that since this was an emergency repair and they went ahead and completed the repair before the Town realized they didn’t have the paperwork on file, it would be alright to pay them. Future work would require the proper paperwork, however.
5. Battery Backup. Becky Donnet has recommended this purchase for the Assistant Town Clerk/Treasurer’s computer as it is showing signs of failing. The purchase would cost $165.00. Motion by Matt to approve the purchase. Seconded by Joyce. All in favor.
6. Appointments of Town Officials. Discussion of 2 vacant positions on the Zoning Board of Adjustment and one on the Local Emergency Planning Commission. Trish has been on the LEPC but does not wish to continue. Matt asked Charles if he was interested. Charles said he would do it. Charles discussed how the Commission worked. Ann requested that the LEPC position be reviewed as to what they do and whether the position is necessary. Matt said he would let Charles know. Motion made by Matt to reinstate all appointments for another term except for the positions discussed. Seconded by Joyce. All in favor.
7. Town Truck. George said that he has been looking for the past 2-3 years. The current truck is 23 years old. The Town of Braintree has a 2013 truck for sale that is reasonably priced ($75,000), in good condition, and with low mileage. Delivery would probably be in August. The sale is being handled by Sheldon Trucks (formerly Sheldon Mack) in Williston. They are requesting a deposit. George suggested the deposit be $5,000. Ann asked if there were contingencies in place. George responded that there were. Joyce asked if the Town would be keeping or selling the current truck. George responded that it probably would be sold. It has a lot of rust in the double frame. Matt made a motion to approve the $5,000 deposit. Joyce seconded. All in favor. The balance would be due at delivery.
Next Meeting: Tuesday, 24 March 2020 at 6:30pm at the Town Office Building. Note: the time change was requested by Joyce and is for this meeting only.
Adjournment: Motion to adjourn passed at 8:31pm. (Matt/Joyce-all in favor)
Respectfully submitted,
Martha L. Beyersdorf, Secretary
Matt Corron, Chair Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens
DATE: 10 March 2020
PRESENT: Matt Corron, Ann Kuendig, Joyce Stevens
PUBLIC PRESENT: Herb Kuendig, Sarah Gallagher, George Deblon, Charles Piso
AGENDA MODIFICATIONS: Correspondence 4, Resignation of Tyna Gallagher; 5, LEMP; 6, LEPC Attendance; 7, COVID-19 Measures; 8, Act 250 Request for Abandonment; New Business 4, Iron Horse Roofing; 5, Battery Backup; 6, Appointments of Town Officials; 7, Town Truck
MINUTES APPROVAL: 2 March 2020 meeting
1.Select Board Training
2.VLCT News March-April 2020
4.Resignation of Tyna Gallagher
5.LEMP 2020 Update
6.LEPC #12 Attendance
7.COVID-19 Measures
8.Act 250 Request for Abandonment
Old Business:
1.Update – 234 Lower Michigan Road
2.Closing out of complaints involving Ann D. Kuendig, Select Board, Town of Pittsfield
3.Closing out of complaints involving Herbert Kuendig, Lister, Town of Pittsfield
New Business:
1.Board Reorganization
2.Select Board Rules of Procedure and Conflict of Interest Policy
3.February Town Financials
4.Iron Horse Roofing
5.Battery Backup
6.Appointments of Town Officials
7.Town Truck
Matt called the meeting to order at 6:04pm. Agenda Modifications were reviewed and approved by all. Motion made by Matt to approve the Minutes of the 2 March meeting. Ann asked that the comment made by Marylou regarding Tyna be stricken. Discussion of how to handle a deletion. Ann made a motion to approve the Minutes with the deletion. Seconded by Matt. All In favor.
1. Select Board Training. Meetings are being held in both Montpelier and Woodstock. All members plan to register and attend.
2. VLCT News March-April 2020. Available for review.
3. FEMA Risk MAP. An informational meeting about the Risk Mapping, Assessment, and Planning Discovery Meeting for the White Watershed in Vermont will be held on March 31st at 1:30pm at the Bethel Town Hall.
4. Resignation of Tyna Gallagher. Accepted.
5. LEMP 2020 Update. Table for review.
6. LEPC #12 Attendance. This correspondence from Bruce Martin, Chair, states that records show that neither Cathy Capetta nor Trish Fryer have attended any meetings. Meetings are held on the 3rd Thursdays of March, June, September, and December from 6-8pm in various locations. No action taken.
7. COVID-19 Measures. Myra Newroot, the RCML Librarian, would like to know what measures are being considered/taken regarding the virus. Discussion. The Board agreed that it sounded more like a topic of discussion for the RCML Board. Ann asked if someone should check with the Fire Department as to what they are doing. The Select Board decided not to take a position on this. If the Library Board would like to take any action/s they feel necessary, the Select Board will respect their decisions.
8. Act 250 Request for Abandonment. This pertains to Colton Enterprises #3W0405-6. The deadline for a hearing request is March 30th. No further action taken.
Old Business:
1. Update – 234 Lower Michigan Road. Ann said that Kevin Geiger of TRORC has prepared a bid. Since the chimney has to be removed by April 1st, Ann asked if she could speak with Kevin as to whether this could be accomplished with a separate RFP just for the chimney removal and if someone local could remove it instead of three contractors or a public posting to save time. In the meantime, she had contacted Harper Environmental. They are the least expensive and most responsive and could come later this week if contacted now. She outlined some other firms and their pricing. It was decided to have Ann speak with Kevin.
2. Closing out of complaints involving Ann D. Kuendig, Select Board, Town of Pittsfield. Ann said that she would like to make a statement regarding this complaint. Sarah felt that Ann should recuse herself as she is part of the complaint. Matt said that he would like to hear what Ann has to say. Discussion as to whether to meet with Dana Decker or have the 2-hour meeting with VLCT. Ann agreed to sit with Dana and Trish. Matt will check with Dana regarding available dates.
3. Closing out of complaints involving Herbert Kuendig, Lister, Town of Pittsfield. Herb said he spoke with Trish today, offered her congratulations on her re-election and felt that they could work together. He agreed not to make any inappropriate remarks or social postings. No further action by the Board.
New Business:
1. Board Reorganization. Motion made by Matt to appoint himself as Chair, Ann as Vice Chair (buildings) and Joyce (orders). Joyce seconded. Approved
2. Select Board Rules of Procedure and Conflict of Interest Policy. Ann proposed that these be updated to include definitions and include specific examples. It was decided to distribute copies of these to all Board members for review/editing. Signing by all members will be tabled until all have had a chance to review and make recommendations.
3. February Town Financials. Copies were handed out and reviewed. Joyce suggested to change the format to include the Month amount, Budgeted Amount, and Year to Date amount. This will be passed on to the Town Treasurer.
4. Iron Horse Roofing. The performed an emergency repair on the roof but it was found that the Town had none of the paperwork required for contractors. Ann said she would like to see the policy for what is required for paperwork. The company does have the proper insurance, and would be glad to complete the paperwork, but without adding the Town to its Certificate of Insurance. The Board felt that since this was an emergency repair and they went ahead and completed the repair before the Town realized they didn’t have the paperwork on file, it would be alright to pay them. Future work would require the proper paperwork, however.
5. Battery Backup. Becky Donnet has recommended this purchase for the Assistant Town Clerk/Treasurer’s computer as it is showing signs of failing. The purchase would cost $165.00. Motion by Matt to approve the purchase. Seconded by Joyce. All in favor.
6. Appointments of Town Officials. Discussion of 2 vacant positions on the Zoning Board of Adjustment and one on the Local Emergency Planning Commission. Trish has been on the LEPC but does not wish to continue. Matt asked Charles if he was interested. Charles said he would do it. Charles discussed how the Commission worked. Ann requested that the LEPC position be reviewed as to what they do and whether the position is necessary. Matt said he would let Charles know. Motion made by Matt to reinstate all appointments for another term except for the positions discussed. Seconded by Joyce. All in favor.
7. Town Truck. George said that he has been looking for the past 2-3 years. The current truck is 23 years old. The Town of Braintree has a 2013 truck for sale that is reasonably priced ($75,000), in good condition, and with low mileage. Delivery would probably be in August. The sale is being handled by Sheldon Trucks (formerly Sheldon Mack) in Williston. They are requesting a deposit. George suggested the deposit be $5,000. Ann asked if there were contingencies in place. George responded that there were. Joyce asked if the Town would be keeping or selling the current truck. George responded that it probably would be sold. It has a lot of rust in the double frame. Matt made a motion to approve the $5,000 deposit. Joyce seconded. All in favor. The balance would be due at delivery.
Next Meeting: Tuesday, 24 March 2020 at 6:30pm at the Town Office Building. Note: the time change was requested by Joyce and is for this meeting only.
Adjournment: Motion to adjourn passed at 8:31pm. (Matt/Joyce-all in favor)
Respectfully submitted,
Martha L. Beyersdorf, Secretary
Matt Corron, Chair Ann Kuendig Joyce Stevens