DATE: March 21, 2017
PRESENT: Matt Corron, Peter Borden, Charles Piso, Patty Haskins, Betty Warner, Ed Hershon, Rebecca Steward
Agenda Modifications: New Business #9 VT Better Roads Grant Program; New Business #10 Liquor License Renewal – Casa Bella Inn & Restaurant
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting - 2/21/17; Special Meeting – 2/24/17
Public Present: Jay Strand for GMNF Robinson Project – will re-schedule; Marion Abrams for EC Fiber update – Betty Warner, EC Fiber Alternate, will report
1.VLCT News March 2017
2.Rural Fire Protection Grant Program
3.Prevent Child Abuse Vermont Fundraiser
4.Fairpoint Communications and Consolidated Communications Merger Update
5.Local Leadership in Economic Development Workshop
6.Stream Alteration General Permit Public Notice
7.Letter from Glen Hayes Regarding Civil War Battlefield Preservation
8.Letter from J. Hutchins, inc.
9.Hearing for Proposed Amendments to the TRORC Regional Plan
10.Letter from Tricia Jarecki Regarding the Time of Town Meeting
11.Letter from Parmenter Place Residents Regarding the Snowmobile Trail
Old Business:
1.GMNF Robinson Project Update
2.ECFiber Update
3.RT 100 Paving Project Update
4.Contract with Pezzetti Property Management
5.Stephens v. Town of Pittsfield et al
6.Oren v. Town of Pittsfield
New Business:
1.Select Board Reorganization
2.Conflict of Interest Policy & Select Board Rules of Procedure Adoption
3.Town Officials Appointments
4.TRORC LEOP Reminder
5.Mona Colton Select Board Resignation
6.Farm to Fork Fondo
7.Proposed Uses of the FEMA Buyout Parcels from the Pittsfield Zoning Administrator
8.Thank You Notes
9.VT Better Roads Grant Program
10.Liquor License Renewal – Casa Bella Inn & Restaurant
Next Meeting Date: March 28, 2017 – re-scheduled to April 4, 2017
Matt motioned to open the meeting; Charles seconded; the meeting was called to order at 6:03 p.m. Agenda modifications: New Business #9 VT Better Roads Grant Program; and New Business #10 Liquor License Renewal – Casa Bella Inn & Restaurant
Minutes Approval: Matt approved the regular meeting minutes for February 21, 2017; and the special meeting minutes for February 24, 2017.
Charlie moved to have Matt as the Vice Chair run tonight’s meeting; Peter seconded; all in favor. (See New Business #1 Select Board Reorganization)
Note: Peter Borden will abstain from any town business that is related to his place of employment which includes Riverside Farm, Amee Farm and the Original General Store.
1.VLCT News March 2017 – no action required.
2.Rural Fire Protection Grant Program – Grants available for various fire protection resources up to $4,000 with a 25% match. There are three application deadlines spread throughout the year. Charlie will share information with fire department to determine if there are any needs.
3.Prevent Child Abuse Vermont Fundraiser – April is Child Abuse Prevention month and the fundraiser “Pinwheels for Prevention” requests schools, towns, businesses and communities plant a Pinwheel Garden. Recommend 100 pinwheels at $1 each. No action.
4.Fairpoint Communications and Consolidated Communications Merger Update – Letter stating the merger should not affect current service. No action.
5.Local Leadership in Economic Development Workshop – Sponsored by VLCT will be held March 22, 2017 at Capitol Plaza in Montpelier. No action.
6.Stream Alteration General Permit Public Notice – Comments on permit accepted until April 5, 2017.
7.Letter from Glen Hayes Regarding Civil War Battlefield Preservation – Requesting letter of support to save 17 acres of land at the battlefield. Targeted the town as a civil war soldier is buried in the Pittsfield cemetery. Matt will send a letter of support.
8.Letter from J. Hutchins, Inc. – Paving services. Information will be forwarded to George.
9.Hearing for Proposed Amendments to the TRORC Regional Plan – Hearings will be held Wed. April 12 in Bethel at 6:30 pm and Thurs. April 13 in Thetford at 6:30 pm. No action.
10.Letter from Tricia Jarecki Regarding the Time of Town Meeting – Requesting the Board consider adding an article on next Town Meeting warning for changing Town Meeting from daytime to evening hours. Board will tickle for Town Meeting planning in December 2017.
11.Letters from Parmenter Place Residents Regarding the Snowmobile Trail – Matt read Ed Hershon’s letter of February 21st. Ed appreciates the club’s efforts in closing the trail due to issues. Despite the trail closure snowmobilers continue to use it. This is affecting Ed’s ability to enjoy his property especially on a busy weekend. Ed suggests forming a committee with the club and others to work together on addressing the issues and come up with options for an alternate route. Matt reviewed letter submitted by Rebecca Steward on February 21st. Rebecca states snowmobilers are not obeying the rules and ignoring speed limits. She provided information from FEMA guidelines for the board to review. Rebecca found trail closure signage was not adequate and she had contacted Tim Hunt and Dot Williamson to address the problem. Patty noted the on-line VAST trail information did indicate the trail was closed. Peter would like some time to review and digest the information, then hold a discussion.
Old Business:
1.GMNF Robinson Project Update – tabled to a future meeting.
2.ECFiber Update – Matt read Marion Abrams update on EC Fiber installation. Betty Warner present to discuss options for moving the town services from FairPoint to EC Fiber. EC Fiber provides a special municipal rate for high-speed optical service. The Board approved Betty to work with Patty to gather all the details on making this change. Betty recommends making a PR event about the town signing a contract with EC Fiber if the town decides to change.
3.RT 100 Paving Project Update – Paving from Route 4 in Killington to Route 107 in Stockbridge is scheduled for the summer of 2019. The north end of the Green needs to be re-paved and the issue of water flowing across Route 100 from Upper Michigan to the north end of the Green needs to be addressed. Peter will contact VTrans to arrange a meeting to discuss.
4.Contract with Pezzetti Property Management – Peter moved to have Patty contact VLCT for more guidance on this issue; Matt seconded; all in favor.
5.Stephens v. Town of Pittsfield et al – VLCT attorney updated the town that the suit has been dismissed as the plaintiff missed the appeal deadline.
6.Oren v. Town of Pittsfield (Executive Session) - Discussing litigation strategy in public places the Town at a substantial disadvantage. Matt Corron made a motion to enter Executive Session to discuss this legal matter. Motion seconded by Charlie Piso, motion carried. The Board entered Executive Session at 7:11 p.m. Matt Corron motioned to exit Executive Session. Motion seconded by Peter Borden, motion carried. The Board exited Executive Session at 7:25 p.m. Peter Borden motioned to have Patty contact Marylou Scofield, town attorney, to draw up a letter to Mr. Oren’s attorney to settle the suit for a final payment of $1,991.87; and authorize the order for payment. Matt Corron seconded; all in favor.
New Business:
1.Select Board Reorganization - Peter moved to have Charlie serve as Chair of the board for consistency as he has the longest term; Matt seconded; all in favor. Matt moved to serve as the Vice Chair of the board; Charlie seconded; all in favor. Matt nominated himself to handle Buildings; Peter seconded; all in favor. Charlie moved to authorize Peter to sign payment orders on behalf of the Select Board; Matt seconded; all in favor. Matt moved to authorize Charlie to sign payment orders on behalf of the Select Board in Peter’s absence; Peter seconded; all in favor.
2.Conflict of Interest Policy & Select Board Rules of Procedure Adoption – Matt moved to sign both documents; Peter seconded; all in favor; documents signed by all three Select Board members.
3.Town Officials Appointments: List reviewed – Matt nominated Herb Kuendig to fill the position of TRORC Representative; Peter seconded; all in favor. Peter nominated himself to fill the Emergency Management Coordinator position; Matt seconded; all in favor. Peter nominated Charlie Piso to fill the Local Emergency Planning Commission position; Matt seconded; all in favor. Peter moved to discontinue the Service Officer position when it expires in April as it is no longer required by the state; Charlie seconded; all in favor. Peter moved to re-new the remaining positions as listed; Charlie seconded; all in favor. Secretary requested $25 additional pay for preparing all the appointment letters. Matt moved to approve additional pay; Charlie seconded; all in favor.
4.TRORC LEOP Reminder – Making towns aware this will be coming up soon. Charlie is the representative for the town. Charlie, Peter and Patty will review once plan is received.
5.Mona Colton Select Board Resignation – Matt read Mona’s resignation letter from the Select Board to take effect immediately on March 6, 2017.
6.Farm to Fork Fondo proposes to host their event at Riverside Farm on July 16, 2017. Matt moved to accept their proposal; Charlie seconded; Peter abstained; so moved.
7.Proposed Uses of the FEMA Buyout Parcels from the Pittsfield Zoning Administrator – Tabled for future meeting.
8.Thank You Notes – Board secretary will send Thank You letters to Jim Finger of Regional Ambulance Service, Inc. and Nick Tarr of White River Valley Ambulance, Inc. for attending Town Meeting to field questions about their services.
9.VT Better Roads Grant Program – George submitted grant application for Road Erosion Inventory project. Total cost is $6,211 with $5,522 in grant funding. The Town match is $1,380 split out as $689 in cash and $691 in labor. Matt moved to sign the application; Peter seconded; all in favor.
10.Liquor License Renewal – Casa Bella Inn & Restaurant submitted renewals for a 1st Class Restaurant and Bar license and Outside Consumption license. Matt moved to renew licenses; Charlie seconded; all in favor.
Next Meeting Date: April 4, 2017
Adjournment: Peter motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:58 p.m.; Charlie seconded; all in favor, meeting adjourned.
Approved: April 4, 2017 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher
Charles Piso
Matt Corron
Peter Borden
DATE: March 21, 2017
PRESENT: Matt Corron, Peter Borden, Charles Piso, Patty Haskins, Betty Warner, Ed Hershon, Rebecca Steward
Agenda Modifications: New Business #9 VT Better Roads Grant Program; New Business #10 Liquor License Renewal – Casa Bella Inn & Restaurant
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting - 2/21/17; Special Meeting – 2/24/17
Public Present: Jay Strand for GMNF Robinson Project – will re-schedule; Marion Abrams for EC Fiber update – Betty Warner, EC Fiber Alternate, will report
1.VLCT News March 2017
2.Rural Fire Protection Grant Program
3.Prevent Child Abuse Vermont Fundraiser
4.Fairpoint Communications and Consolidated Communications Merger Update
5.Local Leadership in Economic Development Workshop
6.Stream Alteration General Permit Public Notice
7.Letter from Glen Hayes Regarding Civil War Battlefield Preservation
8.Letter from J. Hutchins, inc.
9.Hearing for Proposed Amendments to the TRORC Regional Plan
10.Letter from Tricia Jarecki Regarding the Time of Town Meeting
11.Letter from Parmenter Place Residents Regarding the Snowmobile Trail
Old Business:
1.GMNF Robinson Project Update
2.ECFiber Update
3.RT 100 Paving Project Update
4.Contract with Pezzetti Property Management
5.Stephens v. Town of Pittsfield et al
6.Oren v. Town of Pittsfield
New Business:
1.Select Board Reorganization
2.Conflict of Interest Policy & Select Board Rules of Procedure Adoption
3.Town Officials Appointments
4.TRORC LEOP Reminder
5.Mona Colton Select Board Resignation
6.Farm to Fork Fondo
7.Proposed Uses of the FEMA Buyout Parcels from the Pittsfield Zoning Administrator
8.Thank You Notes
9.VT Better Roads Grant Program
10.Liquor License Renewal – Casa Bella Inn & Restaurant
Next Meeting Date: March 28, 2017 – re-scheduled to April 4, 2017
Matt motioned to open the meeting; Charles seconded; the meeting was called to order at 6:03 p.m. Agenda modifications: New Business #9 VT Better Roads Grant Program; and New Business #10 Liquor License Renewal – Casa Bella Inn & Restaurant
Minutes Approval: Matt approved the regular meeting minutes for February 21, 2017; and the special meeting minutes for February 24, 2017.
Charlie moved to have Matt as the Vice Chair run tonight’s meeting; Peter seconded; all in favor. (See New Business #1 Select Board Reorganization)
Note: Peter Borden will abstain from any town business that is related to his place of employment which includes Riverside Farm, Amee Farm and the Original General Store.
1.VLCT News March 2017 – no action required.
2.Rural Fire Protection Grant Program – Grants available for various fire protection resources up to $4,000 with a 25% match. There are three application deadlines spread throughout the year. Charlie will share information with fire department to determine if there are any needs.
3.Prevent Child Abuse Vermont Fundraiser – April is Child Abuse Prevention month and the fundraiser “Pinwheels for Prevention” requests schools, towns, businesses and communities plant a Pinwheel Garden. Recommend 100 pinwheels at $1 each. No action.
4.Fairpoint Communications and Consolidated Communications Merger Update – Letter stating the merger should not affect current service. No action.
5.Local Leadership in Economic Development Workshop – Sponsored by VLCT will be held March 22, 2017 at Capitol Plaza in Montpelier. No action.
6.Stream Alteration General Permit Public Notice – Comments on permit accepted until April 5, 2017.
7.Letter from Glen Hayes Regarding Civil War Battlefield Preservation – Requesting letter of support to save 17 acres of land at the battlefield. Targeted the town as a civil war soldier is buried in the Pittsfield cemetery. Matt will send a letter of support.
8.Letter from J. Hutchins, Inc. – Paving services. Information will be forwarded to George.
9.Hearing for Proposed Amendments to the TRORC Regional Plan – Hearings will be held Wed. April 12 in Bethel at 6:30 pm and Thurs. April 13 in Thetford at 6:30 pm. No action.
10.Letter from Tricia Jarecki Regarding the Time of Town Meeting – Requesting the Board consider adding an article on next Town Meeting warning for changing Town Meeting from daytime to evening hours. Board will tickle for Town Meeting planning in December 2017.
11.Letters from Parmenter Place Residents Regarding the Snowmobile Trail – Matt read Ed Hershon’s letter of February 21st. Ed appreciates the club’s efforts in closing the trail due to issues. Despite the trail closure snowmobilers continue to use it. This is affecting Ed’s ability to enjoy his property especially on a busy weekend. Ed suggests forming a committee with the club and others to work together on addressing the issues and come up with options for an alternate route. Matt reviewed letter submitted by Rebecca Steward on February 21st. Rebecca states snowmobilers are not obeying the rules and ignoring speed limits. She provided information from FEMA guidelines for the board to review. Rebecca found trail closure signage was not adequate and she had contacted Tim Hunt and Dot Williamson to address the problem. Patty noted the on-line VAST trail information did indicate the trail was closed. Peter would like some time to review and digest the information, then hold a discussion.
Old Business:
1.GMNF Robinson Project Update – tabled to a future meeting.
2.ECFiber Update – Matt read Marion Abrams update on EC Fiber installation. Betty Warner present to discuss options for moving the town services from FairPoint to EC Fiber. EC Fiber provides a special municipal rate for high-speed optical service. The Board approved Betty to work with Patty to gather all the details on making this change. Betty recommends making a PR event about the town signing a contract with EC Fiber if the town decides to change.
3.RT 100 Paving Project Update – Paving from Route 4 in Killington to Route 107 in Stockbridge is scheduled for the summer of 2019. The north end of the Green needs to be re-paved and the issue of water flowing across Route 100 from Upper Michigan to the north end of the Green needs to be addressed. Peter will contact VTrans to arrange a meeting to discuss.
4.Contract with Pezzetti Property Management – Peter moved to have Patty contact VLCT for more guidance on this issue; Matt seconded; all in favor.
5.Stephens v. Town of Pittsfield et al – VLCT attorney updated the town that the suit has been dismissed as the plaintiff missed the appeal deadline.
6.Oren v. Town of Pittsfield (Executive Session) - Discussing litigation strategy in public places the Town at a substantial disadvantage. Matt Corron made a motion to enter Executive Session to discuss this legal matter. Motion seconded by Charlie Piso, motion carried. The Board entered Executive Session at 7:11 p.m. Matt Corron motioned to exit Executive Session. Motion seconded by Peter Borden, motion carried. The Board exited Executive Session at 7:25 p.m. Peter Borden motioned to have Patty contact Marylou Scofield, town attorney, to draw up a letter to Mr. Oren’s attorney to settle the suit for a final payment of $1,991.87; and authorize the order for payment. Matt Corron seconded; all in favor.
New Business:
1.Select Board Reorganization - Peter moved to have Charlie serve as Chair of the board for consistency as he has the longest term; Matt seconded; all in favor. Matt moved to serve as the Vice Chair of the board; Charlie seconded; all in favor. Matt nominated himself to handle Buildings; Peter seconded; all in favor. Charlie moved to authorize Peter to sign payment orders on behalf of the Select Board; Matt seconded; all in favor. Matt moved to authorize Charlie to sign payment orders on behalf of the Select Board in Peter’s absence; Peter seconded; all in favor.
2.Conflict of Interest Policy & Select Board Rules of Procedure Adoption – Matt moved to sign both documents; Peter seconded; all in favor; documents signed by all three Select Board members.
3.Town Officials Appointments: List reviewed – Matt nominated Herb Kuendig to fill the position of TRORC Representative; Peter seconded; all in favor. Peter nominated himself to fill the Emergency Management Coordinator position; Matt seconded; all in favor. Peter nominated Charlie Piso to fill the Local Emergency Planning Commission position; Matt seconded; all in favor. Peter moved to discontinue the Service Officer position when it expires in April as it is no longer required by the state; Charlie seconded; all in favor. Peter moved to re-new the remaining positions as listed; Charlie seconded; all in favor. Secretary requested $25 additional pay for preparing all the appointment letters. Matt moved to approve additional pay; Charlie seconded; all in favor.
4.TRORC LEOP Reminder – Making towns aware this will be coming up soon. Charlie is the representative for the town. Charlie, Peter and Patty will review once plan is received.
5.Mona Colton Select Board Resignation – Matt read Mona’s resignation letter from the Select Board to take effect immediately on March 6, 2017.
6.Farm to Fork Fondo proposes to host their event at Riverside Farm on July 16, 2017. Matt moved to accept their proposal; Charlie seconded; Peter abstained; so moved.
7.Proposed Uses of the FEMA Buyout Parcels from the Pittsfield Zoning Administrator – Tabled for future meeting.
8.Thank You Notes – Board secretary will send Thank You letters to Jim Finger of Regional Ambulance Service, Inc. and Nick Tarr of White River Valley Ambulance, Inc. for attending Town Meeting to field questions about their services.
9.VT Better Roads Grant Program – George submitted grant application for Road Erosion Inventory project. Total cost is $6,211 with $5,522 in grant funding. The Town match is $1,380 split out as $689 in cash and $691 in labor. Matt moved to sign the application; Peter seconded; all in favor.
10.Liquor License Renewal – Casa Bella Inn & Restaurant submitted renewals for a 1st Class Restaurant and Bar license and Outside Consumption license. Matt moved to renew licenses; Charlie seconded; all in favor.
Next Meeting Date: April 4, 2017
Adjournment: Peter motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:58 p.m.; Charlie seconded; all in favor, meeting adjourned.
Approved: April 4, 2017 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher
Charles Piso
Matt Corron
Peter Borden