DATE: June 27, 2017
PRESENT: Matt Corron, Peter Borden, Patty Haskins, Charles Piso arrived 7:30 p.m.
Agenda Modifications:
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting June 20, 2017
Public Present:
Old Business:
1. Request to Cater Malt – Vermont Farms Catering, LLC: 7/1-7/2/17 and 7/14-7/15/17
2. Application for Special Event Permit – Cold River Spirits: 7/16/17
3. HMGP Financial Report Form – request for 2335 Rt 100
4. Park Place Demolition – Casella follow up
5. Paving review/appointment with VTrans – Follow-up
6. Set Municipal Tax Rate
7. VTrans – Trees in Tweed River Open Space
New Business:
1. Town Hall Use Request
Matt motioned to open the meeting; Peter seconded; the meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. The meeting recessed at 6:55 p.m. while the BCA conducted their meeting. The Select Board Meeting reconvened at 7:30 p.m.
Minutes Approval: Peter motioned to approve the regular meeting minutes for June 20 2017; Matt seconded; motion carried.
Old Business:
1. Request to Cater Malt, Vinous, and/or Spirituous Liquors – Vermont Farms Catering, LLC: 7/1-7/2/17 and 7/14-7/15/17 – Peter recused himself from this business. Matt motioned to approve both requests; Charlie seconded; motion carried.
2. Application for Special Event Permit – Cold River Spirits for 7/16/17: Fork to Fondo event with Cold River Spirits requesting to serve tasting samples of liquor. Peter recused himself from this business. Charlie motioned to approve both requests; Matt seconded; motion carried.
3. HMGP Financial Report Form – request for 2335 Rt 100: This is for the former Halligan property. Peter motioned to sign the report; Matt seconded; motion carried.
4. Park Place Demolition – Casella follow up: They will install large boulders as specified in the plan. Stone for the road has been laid and the road is in good shape. Area is temporarily blocked with a tree until boulders are put in place.
5. Paving review/appointment with VTrans – Follow-up: Paving project has been moved to 2020. Dave Colton has expressed concern about culvert by the pond at the fire station. Charlie will contact VTrans engineers to review this issue and the run-off from Upper Michigan so VTrans can plan appropriately.
6. Set Municipal Tax Rate – School tax rate has not been received yet however the Board cannot change it anyway. Patty presented the approved 2017 municipal budget totals and the Actual 2017 Grand List total. Using these figures the 2017 municipal tax rate will be .45. The municipal tax rate was estimated at .45 at town meeting. Peter motioned to set the municipal tax rate at .45 and add the school tax rate on once the town receives it and that figure is the resultant tax rate; Matt seconded; motion carried.
7. VTrans – Trees in Tweed River Open Space: Peter suggests having TRORC review the situation. He will send them the information via e-mail and will follow-up by telephone. Relocation of the trees, telephone pole placement, guardrail placement, ROW for culvert and FEMA approval all need to be in writing from VTrans. Will discuss further at next meeting.
New Business:
Adjournment: Peter motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:45 p.m.; Matt seconded; meeting adjourned.
Approved: August 10, 2017 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher
Matt Corron
Peter Borden
DATE: June 27, 2017
PRESENT: Matt Corron, Peter Borden, Patty Haskins, Charles Piso arrived 7:30 p.m.
Agenda Modifications:
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting June 20, 2017
Public Present:
Old Business:
1. Request to Cater Malt – Vermont Farms Catering, LLC: 7/1-7/2/17 and 7/14-7/15/17
2. Application for Special Event Permit – Cold River Spirits: 7/16/17
3. HMGP Financial Report Form – request for 2335 Rt 100
4. Park Place Demolition – Casella follow up
5. Paving review/appointment with VTrans – Follow-up
6. Set Municipal Tax Rate
7. VTrans – Trees in Tweed River Open Space
New Business:
1. Town Hall Use Request
Matt motioned to open the meeting; Peter seconded; the meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. The meeting recessed at 6:55 p.m. while the BCA conducted their meeting. The Select Board Meeting reconvened at 7:30 p.m.
Minutes Approval: Peter motioned to approve the regular meeting minutes for June 20 2017; Matt seconded; motion carried.
Old Business:
1. Request to Cater Malt, Vinous, and/or Spirituous Liquors – Vermont Farms Catering, LLC: 7/1-7/2/17 and 7/14-7/15/17 – Peter recused himself from this business. Matt motioned to approve both requests; Charlie seconded; motion carried.
2. Application for Special Event Permit – Cold River Spirits for 7/16/17: Fork to Fondo event with Cold River Spirits requesting to serve tasting samples of liquor. Peter recused himself from this business. Charlie motioned to approve both requests; Matt seconded; motion carried.
3. HMGP Financial Report Form – request for 2335 Rt 100: This is for the former Halligan property. Peter motioned to sign the report; Matt seconded; motion carried.
4. Park Place Demolition – Casella follow up: They will install large boulders as specified in the plan. Stone for the road has been laid and the road is in good shape. Area is temporarily blocked with a tree until boulders are put in place.
5. Paving review/appointment with VTrans – Follow-up: Paving project has been moved to 2020. Dave Colton has expressed concern about culvert by the pond at the fire station. Charlie will contact VTrans engineers to review this issue and the run-off from Upper Michigan so VTrans can plan appropriately.
6. Set Municipal Tax Rate – School tax rate has not been received yet however the Board cannot change it anyway. Patty presented the approved 2017 municipal budget totals and the Actual 2017 Grand List total. Using these figures the 2017 municipal tax rate will be .45. The municipal tax rate was estimated at .45 at town meeting. Peter motioned to set the municipal tax rate at .45 and add the school tax rate on once the town receives it and that figure is the resultant tax rate; Matt seconded; motion carried.
7. VTrans – Trees in Tweed River Open Space: Peter suggests having TRORC review the situation. He will send them the information via e-mail and will follow-up by telephone. Relocation of the trees, telephone pole placement, guardrail placement, ROW for culvert and FEMA approval all need to be in writing from VTrans. Will discuss further at next meeting.
New Business:
- Town Hall Use Request – Dolly Curry wanted to rent the space however the $100 fee is too high. It will cost $80 to clean the hall before renting. Insurance through PACIF is $77 however Patty will suggest Dolly use homeowner’s insurance for a $10-15 fee. Rental fee remains at $100.
Adjournment: Peter motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:45 p.m.; Matt seconded; meeting adjourned.
Approved: August 10, 2017 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher
Matt Corron
Peter Borden