DATE: September 26, 2017
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Charles Piso, Patty Haskins, Jon Benson, Art Lynds
Agenda Modifications: Old Business #11 Route 100 Bridge Replacement and FEMA;
New Business #6 Snowmobile Trail Issue
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting September 12, 2017
Public Present: #1 - Able Waste; #2 - Erica Hurd; #3 - Snowmobile club members
Old Business:
New Business:
b. PACIF Insurance Renewal
5. Artist exhibit town office building
6. Snowmobile Trail Issue
Next Meeting Date: October 10, 2017
Charlie motioned to open the meeting at 6:00 p.m., Peter seconded, meeting opened. Agenda modifications approved: Old Business #11 Route 100 Bridge Replacement and FEMA; New Business #6 Snowmobile Trail Issue. Charlie motioned to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting held September 12, 2017; Peter seconded; minutes approved.
Public Present #1: Art Lynds of Able Waste and Jon Benson have merged businesses. They shared the new pricing structure as well as the Fast Trash program. Currently Granville, Hancock and Rochester has Fast Trash program. Pricing is based on number of hours the truck and manpower are on site plus a per capita fee monthly. Saturdays are booked unless Pittsfield and Stockbridge join forces. Stockbridge is booking a 2-hour window and it would be possible to increase this to a 4-hour window if Pittsfield joins. The truck is manned and self-contained; and they take bagged trash and recycling. Peter motioned to approve the every other week pick-up at a cost of $20 service fee per month and $3.00 per bag for the Town Office and Garage trash; Charlie seconded; motion carried. The Board will discuss the Fast Trash option further when Matt is present.
Public Present #2: Erica Hurd – Did not attend.
Public Present #3: Snowmobile club members – Did not attend.
Old Business:
New Business:
b. PACIF Insurance Renewal – Patty reviewed new questions with the board to complete survey. Charlie motioned to continue insurance with PACIF at guaranteed replacement value; Peter seconded; motion carried.
5. Artist exhibit town office building – Betty Warner is seeking board approval to display art produced by Pittsfield artisans in the hallway to the library from late September to December. Peter motioned to allow tasteful art displays in the building during this time period; Charlie seconded; motion carried.
6. Snowmobile Trail Issue – The board is concerned that the snowmobile club did not attend tonight’s meeting to discuss the trail situation. The board will send an updated letter to the club re-iterating the expectations that were outlined in the April 2017 certified letter.
Next Meeting Dates: September 26, 2017; October 10 and 24, 2017
Adjournment: Charlie motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:52 p.m.; Peter seconded; meeting adjourned.
Approved: October 10, 2017 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher
Charles Piso
Peter Borden
DATE: September 26, 2017
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Charles Piso, Patty Haskins, Jon Benson, Art Lynds
Agenda Modifications: Old Business #11 Route 100 Bridge Replacement and FEMA;
New Business #6 Snowmobile Trail Issue
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting September 12, 2017
Public Present: #1 - Able Waste; #2 - Erica Hurd; #3 - Snowmobile club members
- TRORC Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation Watershed Management
- VLCT Health Officer Training
- VCIL Thank you for donation
- MRGP Public notice PDF
- MSK Notice of amendment application. Ref Naser
- BCBS Breakfast
Old Business:
- Follow-up Paving project
- Loader info
- Playground inspection
- Discussion Basketball court grant and plans
- Signage Park and Ride, Playground, Village Green purchase of signs
- Custodian for town buildings
- EC Fiber Fire department update
- Update on securing Town’s internet
- Review VHCB sample management plan
- Parmenter Place, Tweed River Drive, snowmobile trail updates
- Route 100 Bridge Replacement and FEMA
New Business:
- Able Waste
- Update budget conference
- Tree removal and up righting of maple tree Rt 100
- Clerk Treasurer Report
b. PACIF Insurance Renewal
5. Artist exhibit town office building
6. Snowmobile Trail Issue
Next Meeting Date: October 10, 2017
Charlie motioned to open the meeting at 6:00 p.m., Peter seconded, meeting opened. Agenda modifications approved: Old Business #11 Route 100 Bridge Replacement and FEMA; New Business #6 Snowmobile Trail Issue. Charlie motioned to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting held September 12, 2017; Peter seconded; minutes approved.
Public Present #1: Art Lynds of Able Waste and Jon Benson have merged businesses. They shared the new pricing structure as well as the Fast Trash program. Currently Granville, Hancock and Rochester has Fast Trash program. Pricing is based on number of hours the truck and manpower are on site plus a per capita fee monthly. Saturdays are booked unless Pittsfield and Stockbridge join forces. Stockbridge is booking a 2-hour window and it would be possible to increase this to a 4-hour window if Pittsfield joins. The truck is manned and self-contained; and they take bagged trash and recycling. Peter motioned to approve the every other week pick-up at a cost of $20 service fee per month and $3.00 per bag for the Town Office and Garage trash; Charlie seconded; motion carried. The Board will discuss the Fast Trash option further when Matt is present.
Public Present #2: Erica Hurd – Did not attend.
Public Present #3: Snowmobile club members – Did not attend.
- TRORC Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation Watershed Management – Draft MRGP Public Notice for General Permit 3-9040 for storm water discharges from municipal roads with dates and times. Written comments due October 27, 2017. No action.
- VLCT Health Officer Training – October 17 or 24 training on the duties of Town Health Officer. Information has been forwarded to Sue Wuerthele and Clairetta Corron.
- VCIL Thank you for donation – No action.
- MRGP Public notice PDF – Duplication of Correspondence #1
- MSK Notice of amendment application. Ref: Naser – Murphy, Sullivan and Kronk, the law firm retained by the Nasers, has submitted their response to Riverside Horse Farm Act 250 Amendment Application #3W-0948. No action.
- BCBS Breakfast – Invitation to Informational Meeting at the Holiday Inn in Rutland October 18, 2017. No action.
Old Business:
- Follow-up Paving project – Charlie has not heard back from the State yet regarding paving of Route 100, run-off issue across Route 100 from Upper Michigan and the Fire Department pond.
- Loader info – Peter signed the credit application for Nortrax lease to purchase new Loader.
- Playground inspection – Charlie, Peter and Patty went through items listed on PACIF loss control report for the playground. Charlie has contacted manufacturer of equipment for items that need replacement and/or repair. Charlie & Peter will take care of rototilling the play areas. Charlie will contact PACIF for specifics on the replacement sand.
- Discussion Basketball court grant and plans – Public Present #2. No action was taken as Erica was not present to discuss future plans for Basketball Court and grant opportunities.
- Signage Park and Ride, Playground, Village Green purchase of signs – Peter has this on his to do list.
- Custodian for town buildings – An interested person has picked up an application. Patty is waiting to hear back from him.
- EC Fiber Fire department update – Fire department is waiting for EC Fiber to make a site visit.
- Update on securing Town’s internet – The town IT contractor has eliminated the “guest password” option thus closing the internet service off from the public. Board Secretary will inform the Library Trustees so they can develop alternate plans for guest users if this is something they want to offer to the public. The Library would need to present options to the Select Board for approval. Guests will no longer be able to access WiFi internet at the town office location.
- Review VHCB sample management plan – Copies were distributed to board and they will discuss when Matt is present.
- Parmenter Place, Tweed River Drive, snowmobile trail updates – Public Present #3: No one from the snowmobile club showed up for the meeting.
- Route 100 Bridge Replacement and FEMA – Lauren Oates has given okay for VTrans to pursue easements with the town. It is VTrans responsibility to provide the town with proof of permits and to obtain permission from the town.
New Business:
- Able Waste – See Public Present #1
- Update budget conference – Patty and Charlie attended the conference today and felt it was a worthwhile training.
- Tree removal and up righting of maple tree Rt 100 – George submitted an estimate from Trees, Inc. for $770+/- to remove the uprooted pine tree from the former Andrews property and stake up the maple tree in an effort to salvage it. Charlie motioned to accept the estimate; Peter seconded; motion carried. Sal Salmeri has concerns about trees behind his property that have fallen partially into the river due to the last storm. The board would like George to contact VTrans District 3 office for recommendations on how to handle this situation. The trees could pose a risk to the Tweed River Drive bridge should they dis-lodge and jam at the bridge.
- Clerk Treasurer Report
b. PACIF Insurance Renewal – Patty reviewed new questions with the board to complete survey. Charlie motioned to continue insurance with PACIF at guaranteed replacement value; Peter seconded; motion carried.
5. Artist exhibit town office building – Betty Warner is seeking board approval to display art produced by Pittsfield artisans in the hallway to the library from late September to December. Peter motioned to allow tasteful art displays in the building during this time period; Charlie seconded; motion carried.
6. Snowmobile Trail Issue – The board is concerned that the snowmobile club did not attend tonight’s meeting to discuss the trail situation. The board will send an updated letter to the club re-iterating the expectations that were outlined in the April 2017 certified letter.
Next Meeting Dates: September 26, 2017; October 10 and 24, 2017
Adjournment: Charlie motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:52 p.m.; Peter seconded; meeting adjourned.
Approved: October 10, 2017 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher
Charles Piso
Peter Borden