DATE: October 24, 2017
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Charles Piso, Matt Corron, George Deblon, Becky Donnet, Alan Barrows, Tim Hunt, Elizabeth Warner, Dot Williamson, Roger Stevens, Sarah Gallagher, Lynda Colton, Ray Colton, Erica Hurd, Amelia Hurd, Ed Herson, Rebecca Stewart, Gregg Russ, Sue Wuerthele
Agenda Modifications: New Business #8 – South Hill Rd TRORC Pilot Aid Grant
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting October 10, 2017
Public Present: #1 - Becky Donnet 6 pm; #2 - Alan Barrows 6:15 pm; #3 - Erica Hurd 6:30 pm; #4 - Tim Hunt and Tweed Valley Snow Travellers 6:45 pm; #5 - Gregg Russ 7 pm; #6 - Sue Wuerthele 7:15 pm
Charlie motioned to open the meeting at 6:03 p.m., Peter seconded, meeting opened. New Business #8 South Hill Rd TRORC Pilot Aid Grant added to the agenda. Peter motioned to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting held October 10, 2017; Charlie seconded; minutes approved.
Public Present #1: Becky Donnet of Lubek Computer – Reviewed option to segregate the Library from the Town Office network using a new more secure router with two separate IP addresses off the EC Fiber connection. In the interest of protecting the town’s records the Board would like two separate EC Fiber connections. Becky agrees this would be the most secure option. Betty Warner will get pricing from EC Fiber for the library; Becky will get pricing on a smaller secure router for the town; the library can use the town’s wireless router and offer visitors internet access. This change will increase costs for the library and they will need to determine an internet usage policy.
Public Present #2: Alan Barrows requests the town consider taking over Pine Needle Hill Road which is currently a private road. The board reviewed the town road specifications and the state road standards. The town cannot pursue as there are fewer than 3 houses on the road and the road is less than 500 feet long. A copy of the town standards were given to Mr. Barrows. Trash pick-up is another concern as the local provider will not go up this road. Charlie has not heard back from Stockbridge about joining efforts for establishing a central trash pick-up for town residents.
Public Present #3: Erica Hurd updated the board on the basketball court project. Charlie Bowen installed the new posts and backboards. Due to all the estimates being so different she is focusing on the estimate from Charlie for the re-surfacing which requires 2-3 inches of asphalt with an approximate cost of $20,000. Erica is not comfortable pursuing grant monies on behalf of the town and feels a town employee should handle this task. She is willing to do more fundraising for the project and suggests the town set aside additional funds for the recreation area as it will need more work in the future.
Public Present #4: Tim Hunt representing the Tweed Valley Snow Travelers reports the club no longer needs to pursue an alternative route into town as they are working out details of an agreement to utilize the old trail through Riverside Farm. The club will be posting more speed limits signs. The certified letter from the board was received after the October 10 meeting therefore he was not aware of the invitation before the meeting. Tim asked the board what is the policy on open comments. The board believes topics need to be warned so interested parties are informed ahead of time. Charlie will contact VLCT for clarification. Ed Herson thanked Tim and the club for their efforts to work out an agreement to use the old trail and offered to help in any way that he can. Rebecca Stewart asked if anyone would be contacting her neighbors about the old trail being re-instituted. Tim said no as the club will not need access through Parmenter Place.
Public Present #5: Gregg Russ of White River Partnership (WRP) updated the board on the data collection they conducted in 2016 through a culverts grant. They studied fish passage, condition of structures, will the structure fail and how critical to the road network should it wash out. WRP has now received a grant from VT Fish & Wildlife to do engineering for replacing structures that qualify. The goal is to complete the project without any funding from the town. The culvert is located at the junction of Forsha Road and Liberty Hill Road. Gregg will contact George about the project, do the engineering and report back to the board on progress. The design would be ready at the end of the summer in 2018.
Public Present #6: Sue Wuerthele, Town Health Office, reported on a current health violation being investigated. Charlie accompanied Clairetta on the property site visit as the tenants requested an inspection. The inspection found numerous deficiencies. The property owner is deceased and no one knows who is representing the estate. The tenant mails rent payment to someone named Frank Sparrow. The Board has asked Sue to send the letter to Mr. Sparrow and to report the situation to VT Department of Health. The VT Department of Lead, The Homeless Prevention Center, VT DCF and the VT Fire Marshal are aware the situation. VT DCF told Clairetta they cannot do anything about the situation as the parents are not endangering the child.
Old Business:
New Business:
Next Meeting Date: November 14, 2017
Adjournment: Charlie motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:45 p.m.; Peter seconded; meeting adjourned.
Approved: November 14, 2017 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher
Charles Piso
Peter Borden
Matt Corron
DATE: October 24, 2017
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Charles Piso, Matt Corron, George Deblon, Becky Donnet, Alan Barrows, Tim Hunt, Elizabeth Warner, Dot Williamson, Roger Stevens, Sarah Gallagher, Lynda Colton, Ray Colton, Erica Hurd, Amelia Hurd, Ed Herson, Rebecca Stewart, Gregg Russ, Sue Wuerthele
Agenda Modifications: New Business #8 – South Hill Rd TRORC Pilot Aid Grant
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting October 10, 2017
Public Present: #1 - Becky Donnet 6 pm; #2 - Alan Barrows 6:15 pm; #3 - Erica Hurd 6:30 pm; #4 - Tim Hunt and Tweed Valley Snow Travellers 6:45 pm; #5 - Gregg Russ 7 pm; #6 - Sue Wuerthele 7:15 pm
- VT Better Roads Grant Program
- REDC annual meeting
- Hazard Mitigation Grant Program
- RA Contracting Roadside mowing option
- AOT Bridge pole permits
- Motion to Alter (Act 250) Riverside Farm
- TRORC Certificate of Compliance/Determination of Energy Compliance
- CCV Annual Report
- EC Fiber update for Library and Town Office network security
- Signage update
- Green-up Coordinator appointment
- VTrans Right of way
- FEMA Easement
- Sign language approval and purchase
- Pavement follow-up
- Rock placement on Park Place
- VHCB Easement
- Elevator inspection contract
- Culverts Guernsey Brook
- Pine Needle Hill – request private to town road
- Current Violations Health department
- Basketball court
- Tweed Valley Snow Travelers trail update
- Permit Vermont Farms Catering
- South Hill Rd TRORC Pilot Aid Grant
Charlie motioned to open the meeting at 6:03 p.m., Peter seconded, meeting opened. New Business #8 South Hill Rd TRORC Pilot Aid Grant added to the agenda. Peter motioned to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting held October 10, 2017; Charlie seconded; minutes approved.
Public Present #1: Becky Donnet of Lubek Computer – Reviewed option to segregate the Library from the Town Office network using a new more secure router with two separate IP addresses off the EC Fiber connection. In the interest of protecting the town’s records the Board would like two separate EC Fiber connections. Becky agrees this would be the most secure option. Betty Warner will get pricing from EC Fiber for the library; Becky will get pricing on a smaller secure router for the town; the library can use the town’s wireless router and offer visitors internet access. This change will increase costs for the library and they will need to determine an internet usage policy.
Public Present #2: Alan Barrows requests the town consider taking over Pine Needle Hill Road which is currently a private road. The board reviewed the town road specifications and the state road standards. The town cannot pursue as there are fewer than 3 houses on the road and the road is less than 500 feet long. A copy of the town standards were given to Mr. Barrows. Trash pick-up is another concern as the local provider will not go up this road. Charlie has not heard back from Stockbridge about joining efforts for establishing a central trash pick-up for town residents.
Public Present #3: Erica Hurd updated the board on the basketball court project. Charlie Bowen installed the new posts and backboards. Due to all the estimates being so different she is focusing on the estimate from Charlie for the re-surfacing which requires 2-3 inches of asphalt with an approximate cost of $20,000. Erica is not comfortable pursuing grant monies on behalf of the town and feels a town employee should handle this task. She is willing to do more fundraising for the project and suggests the town set aside additional funds for the recreation area as it will need more work in the future.
Public Present #4: Tim Hunt representing the Tweed Valley Snow Travelers reports the club no longer needs to pursue an alternative route into town as they are working out details of an agreement to utilize the old trail through Riverside Farm. The club will be posting more speed limits signs. The certified letter from the board was received after the October 10 meeting therefore he was not aware of the invitation before the meeting. Tim asked the board what is the policy on open comments. The board believes topics need to be warned so interested parties are informed ahead of time. Charlie will contact VLCT for clarification. Ed Herson thanked Tim and the club for their efforts to work out an agreement to use the old trail and offered to help in any way that he can. Rebecca Stewart asked if anyone would be contacting her neighbors about the old trail being re-instituted. Tim said no as the club will not need access through Parmenter Place.
Public Present #5: Gregg Russ of White River Partnership (WRP) updated the board on the data collection they conducted in 2016 through a culverts grant. They studied fish passage, condition of structures, will the structure fail and how critical to the road network should it wash out. WRP has now received a grant from VT Fish & Wildlife to do engineering for replacing structures that qualify. The goal is to complete the project without any funding from the town. The culvert is located at the junction of Forsha Road and Liberty Hill Road. Gregg will contact George about the project, do the engineering and report back to the board on progress. The design would be ready at the end of the summer in 2018.
Public Present #6: Sue Wuerthele, Town Health Office, reported on a current health violation being investigated. Charlie accompanied Clairetta on the property site visit as the tenants requested an inspection. The inspection found numerous deficiencies. The property owner is deceased and no one knows who is representing the estate. The tenant mails rent payment to someone named Frank Sparrow. The Board has asked Sue to send the letter to Mr. Sparrow and to report the situation to VT Department of Health. The VT Department of Lead, The Homeless Prevention Center, VT DCF and the VT Fire Marshal are aware the situation. VT DCF told Clairetta they cannot do anything about the situation as the parents are not endangering the child.
- VT Better Roads Grant Program – information being forwarded to George.
- REDC annual meeting is being held November 2 at Castleton University, no action.
- Hazard Mitigation Grant Program – Lauren Oates update on eligible uses for the grant program, no action.
- RA Contracting Roadside mowing option – solicitation for mowing services, forward to George.
- AOT Bridge pole permits – all the permits have not been obtained and the town wants to see the actual permits. No action.
- Motion to Alter (Act 250) Riverside Farm – Facey Goss & McPhee P.C. on behalf of Riverside Farm has made a motion to amend their application and request to continue operations. No action.
- TRORC Certificate of Compliance/Determination of Energy Compliance – Charlie will review information and put on next agenda.
- CCV Annual Report was received, no action.
Old Business:
- EC Fiber Update for Library and Town Office Network Security – Public Present #1
- Signage update – combine with #6: Charlie has requested a new catalog from the Department of Corrections and will bring to the next meeting for board to review options.
- Green-up Coordinator appointment – Charlie spoke to Johanna and she was to get back to Patty with an answer. Will need update at next meeting.
- VTrans Right of Way – Letter states they have all the permits except one however no copies of actual permits were included. The board will not sign any agreement with VTrans until all permits meet their satisfaction.
- FEMA Easement – Quit Claim and Right-of-Way proposal dated 10/10/17 received from Eric Furs of VTrans. Peter will draft a response and circulate to other board members for review and input.
- Sign language approval and purchase – see #2
- Pavement follow-up – Charlie will give the VTrans contact updated Board meeting dates.
- Rock placement on Park Place – Casella’s is suppose to let Charlie know when they are coming up to place rocks in the proper location.
- VHCB Easement – Ray asked about the easement public notice. Charlie gave a brief overview and stated the maintenance plan will be minimal.
New Business:
- Elevator inspection contract – Charlie motioned to allocate funds for the inspection contract; Matt seconded; motion carried.
- Culverts Guernsey Brook – see Public Present #5
- Pine Needle Hill – request private to town road – see Public Present #2
- Current Violations Health department – see Public Present #6
- Basketball court – see Public Present #3
- Tweed Valley Snow Travelers trail update – see Public Present #4
- Permit Vermont Farms Catering – Request to Cater Malt, Vinous, and/or Spirituous Liquors – Vermont Farms Catering, LLC on October 21, 2017 was approved by Charlie and Matt via e-mail October 14, 2017
- South Hill Rd TRORC Pilot Aid Grant – George asked the board to sign. It was for ditching on South Hill Road and the Grant funded $5,300 with the town paying $2,326.60 of the $7,626.60 invoice.
Next Meeting Date: November 14, 2017
Adjournment: Charlie motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:45 p.m.; Peter seconded; meeting adjourned.
Approved: November 14, 2017 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher
Charles Piso
Peter Borden
Matt Corron