DATE: May 23, 2017
PRESENT: Matt Corron, Peter Borden, Charles Piso, Patty Haskins, Suana Rubin, Sarah Gallahger, Marsha Hopkins, Jennifer Howard, Erica Hurd
Agenda Modifications: Correspondence #2 – Thank you-Ed Herson; Old Business #3 113 Park Place
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting 5/9/17
Public Present: 1. Erica Hurd; 2. Planning Commission
Old Business:
New Business:
1.Erica Hurd Recreation area
2.Pittsfield Planning Commission Review 2015 town plan implementation Matrix
3.Liquor Lic. Application, Original General store
4.Delinquent dog lic list approval of letter to be mailed on June 7th
5.Park tree update
6.Town Clerk/Treasurer - April Financial Reporting
Next Meeting Date: June 6, 2017
Agenda Modifications: Charlie motioned to open the meeting; Peter seconded; the meeting was called to order at 6:05 p.m. Charlie presented agenda modifications: Correspondence #2 Thank you-Ed Herson; and Old Business #3 113 Park Place. Peter motioned to accept agenda modifications; Charlie seconded; motion carried.
Minutes Approval: Peter motioned to approve the regular meeting minutes for May 9, 2017; Charlie seconded; motion carried.
Public Present:
1.Property demolition Invoice Casella – 113 Park Place and 2335 Route 100 projects were invoiced as one project. Patty requested two separate invoices in order to submit to TRORC for payment.
2.Thank you – Ed Herson: The Board received a thank you from Ed for their time and attention to address the snowmobile issue at Parmenter Place.
Old Business:
1.Paving Questions – Charlie spoke with an engineer from VTrans. The paving of Route 100 has been delayed however the engineer did drive through the area and believes the problem at the intersection of Upper Michigan Road and Route 100 can be addressed with a catch basin. He is willing to visit with the board to view the problem area in person. Charlie will get in touch with him.
2.Buy out properties update – Tweed River Open Space/Park project is on-going. Willow stakes are planted; berms have been removed; and the parking area graveled. The board will contact Harvey’s to be sure project is finished on-time for grant process.
3.113 Park Place- Charlie did a walk-through of the properties with Kyle. Route 100 property is complete. There are some concerns with Park Place property. The road needs additional work, gravel and grading, which George will take care of. The plan requires large boulders to be placed on the property and these are not in place yet. Charlie will follow-up with Kyle on this piece of the project.
New Business:
1.Erica Hurd Recreation area – See Public Present #1
2.Pittsfield Planning Commission Review 2015 town plan implementation Matrix – See Public Present #2
3.Liquor License Application, Original General store – Peter recused himself from this item. Application to serve Beer and Wine in the regular seating area of the facility and in the wine cellar area. Matt motioned to approve the application; Charlie seconded; motion carried.
4.Delinquent dog license list approval of letter to be mailed on June 7, 2017 – Patty presented the board with a list of un-licensed dogs and is asking for approval to send the letter reminding owners of the $250 fine for not licensing their animal(s). Charlie motioned to send the letter; Peter seconded; all in favor.
5.Park tree update – The trees for the Tweed River Open Space/Park will be planted temporarily in the middle of the park due to the upcoming bridge project. The board will include re-location of trees is the responsibility of VTrans in their contract once the bridge project is completed. Peter will contact Eric Furs at VTrans.
6.Town Clerk/Treasurer - April Financials: Patty reviewed the financials with board; all in order.
Next Meeting Date: May 23, 2017
Adjournment: Charlie motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:10 p.m.; Matt seconded; all in favor.
Approved: June 20, 2017 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher
Charles Piso
Matt Corron
Peter Borden
DATE: May 23, 2017
PRESENT: Matt Corron, Peter Borden, Charles Piso, Patty Haskins, Suana Rubin, Sarah Gallahger, Marsha Hopkins, Jennifer Howard, Erica Hurd
Agenda Modifications: Correspondence #2 – Thank you-Ed Herson; Old Business #3 113 Park Place
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting 5/9/17
Public Present: 1. Erica Hurd; 2. Planning Commission
- Property demolition Invoice Casella
- Thank you – Ed Herson
Old Business:
- Paving Questions
- Buy out properties update
- 113 Park Place
New Business:
1.Erica Hurd Recreation area
2.Pittsfield Planning Commission Review 2015 town plan implementation Matrix
3.Liquor Lic. Application, Original General store
4.Delinquent dog lic list approval of letter to be mailed on June 7th
5.Park tree update
6.Town Clerk/Treasurer - April Financial Reporting
Next Meeting Date: June 6, 2017
Agenda Modifications: Charlie motioned to open the meeting; Peter seconded; the meeting was called to order at 6:05 p.m. Charlie presented agenda modifications: Correspondence #2 Thank you-Ed Herson; and Old Business #3 113 Park Place. Peter motioned to accept agenda modifications; Charlie seconded; motion carried.
Minutes Approval: Peter motioned to approve the regular meeting minutes for May 9, 2017; Charlie seconded; motion carried.
Public Present:
- Erica Hurd – Presented board with quotes for re-paving the basketball courts. Fundraising for this project has been on-going since the Annual Town Picnic that started in 2012. The recreation fund has $6,980 and the quotes range from $10,000 and up for paving. Goal post installation was quoted at $4,000 and she hopes someone local will do for little to no cost. She would like to see the court paved by this year’s picnic scheduled for August 27, 2017. The board will review the quotes and re-visit this topic in a month.
- Planning Commission (PC) – Shared the Town Plan Implementation Matrix to the board to review action items and timeframes. They request that the board consider developing a Capital Budget to address items listed under Utilities & Facilities. The next Town Plan is due in 2020. The topic of Energy was also discussed. The PC will approach Erica about inviting various groups to attend the picnic to provide information on saving energy (Efficiency Vermont, GMP, Sun Solar, Heat Squad) and learning more about EC Fiber. PC will invite Eric Lantiegne to their July 11th meeting to discuss the topic of energy. The Board will review the matrix.
1.Property demolition Invoice Casella – 113 Park Place and 2335 Route 100 projects were invoiced as one project. Patty requested two separate invoices in order to submit to TRORC for payment.
2.Thank you – Ed Herson: The Board received a thank you from Ed for their time and attention to address the snowmobile issue at Parmenter Place.
Old Business:
1.Paving Questions – Charlie spoke with an engineer from VTrans. The paving of Route 100 has been delayed however the engineer did drive through the area and believes the problem at the intersection of Upper Michigan Road and Route 100 can be addressed with a catch basin. He is willing to visit with the board to view the problem area in person. Charlie will get in touch with him.
2.Buy out properties update – Tweed River Open Space/Park project is on-going. Willow stakes are planted; berms have been removed; and the parking area graveled. The board will contact Harvey’s to be sure project is finished on-time for grant process.
3.113 Park Place- Charlie did a walk-through of the properties with Kyle. Route 100 property is complete. There are some concerns with Park Place property. The road needs additional work, gravel and grading, which George will take care of. The plan requires large boulders to be placed on the property and these are not in place yet. Charlie will follow-up with Kyle on this piece of the project.
New Business:
1.Erica Hurd Recreation area – See Public Present #1
2.Pittsfield Planning Commission Review 2015 town plan implementation Matrix – See Public Present #2
3.Liquor License Application, Original General store – Peter recused himself from this item. Application to serve Beer and Wine in the regular seating area of the facility and in the wine cellar area. Matt motioned to approve the application; Charlie seconded; motion carried.
4.Delinquent dog license list approval of letter to be mailed on June 7, 2017 – Patty presented the board with a list of un-licensed dogs and is asking for approval to send the letter reminding owners of the $250 fine for not licensing their animal(s). Charlie motioned to send the letter; Peter seconded; all in favor.
5.Park tree update – The trees for the Tweed River Open Space/Park will be planted temporarily in the middle of the park due to the upcoming bridge project. The board will include re-location of trees is the responsibility of VTrans in their contract once the bridge project is completed. Peter will contact Eric Furs at VTrans.
6.Town Clerk/Treasurer - April Financials: Patty reviewed the financials with board; all in order.
Next Meeting Date: May 23, 2017
Adjournment: Charlie motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:10 p.m.; Matt seconded; all in favor.
Approved: June 20, 2017 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher
Charles Piso
Matt Corron
Peter Borden