DATE: August 10, 2017
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Matt Corron, Charles Piso, George Deblon
Agenda Modifications: None
Minutes Approval: Special Meeting June 27, 2017 and Regular Meeting July 18, 2017
Public Present: George Deblon re: Town Loader
1. TRORC – FY18 Annual Dues
2. Invitation to The Mint – Rutland’s Makerspace Grand Opening
3. WW Permit – Gregory Mountford, Stephen M. Cottrell Trustee
4. Petition for Party Status – Joseph Naser Memorandum of Law
5. Response of Riverside Horse Farm, LLC to Nasers’ Memorandum of Law
6. Municipal Impact Questionnaire – Riverside Horse Farm
7. Natural Resources Board – Riverside Horse Farm, LLC – Hearing Recess Order
Old Business:
1.George Deblon re: Town
2.VTrans – Tweed River Open space easement with VTrans
3.Town Office and Town Hall Maintenance Projects
4.Park Place Demolition
5.Paving Review/Appointment with VTrans
6.Town Hall Dehumidifier
7.Basketball court and bike rack
8.Elan radar signs
9.Open Meeting Seminar by Garrett Baxter
10.Tweed River Open Space Sign
11.Tweed River Open Space Mowing
12.VHCB Easement
13. Killington Valley Initiative
New Business:
1. Town Hall Dehumidifier – need approval to purchase
2. TRORC – Grant closed on 6 & 11 Parmenter Place and 3604 Route 100 Reuse Project
3. TRORC – Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Plan Adoption
4. Resignation – Sarah Gray, Planning Commission
5. Town Clerk/Treasurer July Financials
Next Meeting Date: September 5, 2017
Charlie motioned to open the meeting at 6:07 p.m., Peter seconded, meeting opened. There are no agenda modifications. Peter motioned to approve the minutes of the Special Meeting held June 27, 2017; Matt seconded; minutes approved. Charlie motioned to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting held July 18, 2017; Matt seconded; minutes approved.
Public Present: George Deblon re: Town Loader
Reviewed and discussed various purchasing options. Pricing from Nortrax is good for 30 days. Nortrax provided 3 year and 5 year leasing options at 3.5% interest with an $80,000 initial payment plus trading in the old loader. There is no penalty to pay off early. Charlie will contact VLCT about what type of leasing and loans the board is allowed to transact as they would like to find a lower interest rate. Vermont Treasury Department does offer a municipal equipment loan program that caps at $110,000 with a 2% interest rate up to 5 years. Town would need to apply before October 15th and awards are made December 1st. George will update Nortrax on the discussion and request quotes with a $70,000 initial payment. It takes approximately two months to build the loader. The board would like to make a decision at the next meeting.
1. TRORC – FY18 Annual Dues – thank you letter for payment of annual dues. No action
2. Invitation to The Mint – Rutland’s Makerspace Grand Opening – event is August 12 from noon to 5 p.m. No action.
3. WW-3-2680 Permit – Gregory Mountford, Stephen M. Cottrell Trustee –Notice of amendment to revise design of approved wastewater disposal system. No action.
4. Petition for Party Status – Joseph Naser Memorandum of Law – informational, no action.
5. Response of Riverside Horse Farm, LLC to Nasers’ Memorandum of Law – informational, no action.
6. Municipal Impact Questionnaire – Riverside Horse Farm – informational, no action.
7. Natural Resources Board – Riverside Horse Farm, LLC – Hearing Recess Order – informational, no action.
Old Business:
1.George Deblon re: Town Loader – see Public Present
2.VTrans – Tweed River Open space easement with VTrans - Charlie is waiting to hear back from Doug Bonneau with a contact to discuss this topic. Matt is waiting to hear back from the tree company to provided a quote to move and warranty trees. Peter would like Patty to send another certified letter to the state requesting engineers name for this project and to address the FEMA portion. The state did not answer the questions from the last certified letter.
3.Town Office and Town Hall Maintenance Projects - Patty reports Corey Novotny is scheduled to refinish the floor on August 18th. Matt has not heard back from the window cleaning contractor yet; he and Don Marshall are playing phone tag regarding the Town Office front building sections that need to be scraped and painted; he spoke with Doug Johnstone about repairing the separated trim on upper right corner of Town Hall and rotted wood near handicap entrance however is not available. Matt will reach out to some other contractors and he plans to obtain the painting supplies needed for Mona to do the agreed upon paint projects at the Town Hall.
4. Park Place Demolition – Charlie spoke with Casella and they are scheduled to install the rocks August 14th.
5.Paving Review/appointment with VTrans follow-up - Charlie is waiting to hear back from Doug Bonneau for a contact regarding the water from Route 100 flowing into Village Green and into residents properties; and to discuss the fire pond culvert.
6.Town Hall Dehumidifier – Matt has found a suitable dehumidifier for the Town Hall basement an Amazon. Matt motioned to spend $250 for the dehumidifier with the town business card; Charlie seconded the motion; motion carried.
7.Basketball court and bike rack – Charlie will contact Erica tomorrow morning to discuss the installation of the ‘goal system’ in time for the town picnic on Sunday August 27th. The board has several concerns: Charles Bowen has provided a quote to install however there is not paperwork on file to do work for the town; no written quote with the scope of work outlined; no formal request to spend the money from the town account. If necessary the board will hold a special meeting. Discussion on re-surfacing the basketball court or purchasing a bicycle rack will need to be added to a future agenda.
8.Elan radar signs – These are stationary signs installed on poles. Charlie will contact TRORC about doing a traffic study to help the board determine what is needed.
9.Open Meeting Seminar by Garrett Baxter – Charlie contacted Garrett and they discussed a possible seminar in November and inviting other nearby towns to join in. Need to pin down a date at a future meeting.
10.Tweed River Open Space sign – There are no guidelines on the font size to use for 911. Jim Brown of Artcast in Hancock produced the high water mark sign. Peter took a photo of the proposed sign and will contact Jim for a mock-up and pricing.
11.Tweed River Open Space Mowing – George will mow the open space in the next week or so. After this is complete Connie can mow on a regular basis as needed.
12.VHCB Easement – Charlie thought the document seemed okay regarding compliance with
24 VSA 1061 however he would like Marylou to review it and he will contact her about it. The document has not been signed and will need to be addressed at next meeting. Patty found there are no samples from either TRORC or VHCB for a management plan for this type of property however Wade Masure (VLCT) has offered to help with management plans for both the open space and the playground. The board did not discuss enlisting Wade’s assistance so need to re-visit at the next meeting.
13. Killington Valley Initiative (KVI) – Mary Cohen and Lyle Jepson looking for the board to appoint a Pittsfield representative to their quality of life committee. Peter Borden is already a member of this committee. Matt will post on Front Porch Forum to find out if there is anyone else interested in this appointment. KVI is also looking for financial support with a suggested $1.00 per resident. Add to November Tickle file when the board starts budgeting discussions.
New Business:
1. Town Hall Dehumidifier – need approval to purchase: See Old Business #6
2.TRORC – Grant closed on 6 & 11 Parmenter Place and 3604 Route 100 Reuse Project: This paperwork needs to be kept on file for three years as required and available for auditing purposes. Town Clerk will keep file.
3. TRORC – Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Plan Adoption: The Board received a thumb drive with the plan for reference. Charlie currently has the file. No action.
4.Resignation – Sarah Gray, Planning Commission: Charlie will contact Suana for recommendations on finding a replacement. Matt motioned for the Board secretary to check with the Town Clerk on years of service for Sarah so a certificate of appreciation can be sent; Peter seconded; motion carried.
5. Town Clerk/Treasurer July Financials: The Board reviewed the reports and did not have any questions or concerns
Next Meeting Dates: September 12 and 26, 2017; October 10 and 24, 2017
Adjournment: Charlie motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:35 p.m.; Matt seconded; meeting adjourned.
Approved: September 12, 2017 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher
Charles Piso
Peter Borden
DATE: August 10, 2017
PRESENT: Peter Borden, Matt Corron, Charles Piso, George Deblon
Agenda Modifications: None
Minutes Approval: Special Meeting June 27, 2017 and Regular Meeting July 18, 2017
Public Present: George Deblon re: Town Loader
1. TRORC – FY18 Annual Dues
2. Invitation to The Mint – Rutland’s Makerspace Grand Opening
3. WW Permit – Gregory Mountford, Stephen M. Cottrell Trustee
4. Petition for Party Status – Joseph Naser Memorandum of Law
5. Response of Riverside Horse Farm, LLC to Nasers’ Memorandum of Law
6. Municipal Impact Questionnaire – Riverside Horse Farm
7. Natural Resources Board – Riverside Horse Farm, LLC – Hearing Recess Order
Old Business:
1.George Deblon re: Town
2.VTrans – Tweed River Open space easement with VTrans
3.Town Office and Town Hall Maintenance Projects
4.Park Place Demolition
5.Paving Review/Appointment with VTrans
6.Town Hall Dehumidifier
7.Basketball court and bike rack
8.Elan radar signs
9.Open Meeting Seminar by Garrett Baxter
10.Tweed River Open Space Sign
11.Tweed River Open Space Mowing
12.VHCB Easement
13. Killington Valley Initiative
New Business:
1. Town Hall Dehumidifier – need approval to purchase
2. TRORC – Grant closed on 6 & 11 Parmenter Place and 3604 Route 100 Reuse Project
3. TRORC – Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Plan Adoption
4. Resignation – Sarah Gray, Planning Commission
5. Town Clerk/Treasurer July Financials
Next Meeting Date: September 5, 2017
Charlie motioned to open the meeting at 6:07 p.m., Peter seconded, meeting opened. There are no agenda modifications. Peter motioned to approve the minutes of the Special Meeting held June 27, 2017; Matt seconded; minutes approved. Charlie motioned to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting held July 18, 2017; Matt seconded; minutes approved.
Public Present: George Deblon re: Town Loader
Reviewed and discussed various purchasing options. Pricing from Nortrax is good for 30 days. Nortrax provided 3 year and 5 year leasing options at 3.5% interest with an $80,000 initial payment plus trading in the old loader. There is no penalty to pay off early. Charlie will contact VLCT about what type of leasing and loans the board is allowed to transact as they would like to find a lower interest rate. Vermont Treasury Department does offer a municipal equipment loan program that caps at $110,000 with a 2% interest rate up to 5 years. Town would need to apply before October 15th and awards are made December 1st. George will update Nortrax on the discussion and request quotes with a $70,000 initial payment. It takes approximately two months to build the loader. The board would like to make a decision at the next meeting.
1. TRORC – FY18 Annual Dues – thank you letter for payment of annual dues. No action
2. Invitation to The Mint – Rutland’s Makerspace Grand Opening – event is August 12 from noon to 5 p.m. No action.
3. WW-3-2680 Permit – Gregory Mountford, Stephen M. Cottrell Trustee –Notice of amendment to revise design of approved wastewater disposal system. No action.
4. Petition for Party Status – Joseph Naser Memorandum of Law – informational, no action.
5. Response of Riverside Horse Farm, LLC to Nasers’ Memorandum of Law – informational, no action.
6. Municipal Impact Questionnaire – Riverside Horse Farm – informational, no action.
7. Natural Resources Board – Riverside Horse Farm, LLC – Hearing Recess Order – informational, no action.
Old Business:
1.George Deblon re: Town Loader – see Public Present
2.VTrans – Tweed River Open space easement with VTrans - Charlie is waiting to hear back from Doug Bonneau with a contact to discuss this topic. Matt is waiting to hear back from the tree company to provided a quote to move and warranty trees. Peter would like Patty to send another certified letter to the state requesting engineers name for this project and to address the FEMA portion. The state did not answer the questions from the last certified letter.
3.Town Office and Town Hall Maintenance Projects - Patty reports Corey Novotny is scheduled to refinish the floor on August 18th. Matt has not heard back from the window cleaning contractor yet; he and Don Marshall are playing phone tag regarding the Town Office front building sections that need to be scraped and painted; he spoke with Doug Johnstone about repairing the separated trim on upper right corner of Town Hall and rotted wood near handicap entrance however is not available. Matt will reach out to some other contractors and he plans to obtain the painting supplies needed for Mona to do the agreed upon paint projects at the Town Hall.
4. Park Place Demolition – Charlie spoke with Casella and they are scheduled to install the rocks August 14th.
5.Paving Review/appointment with VTrans follow-up - Charlie is waiting to hear back from Doug Bonneau for a contact regarding the water from Route 100 flowing into Village Green and into residents properties; and to discuss the fire pond culvert.
6.Town Hall Dehumidifier – Matt has found a suitable dehumidifier for the Town Hall basement an Amazon. Matt motioned to spend $250 for the dehumidifier with the town business card; Charlie seconded the motion; motion carried.
7.Basketball court and bike rack – Charlie will contact Erica tomorrow morning to discuss the installation of the ‘goal system’ in time for the town picnic on Sunday August 27th. The board has several concerns: Charles Bowen has provided a quote to install however there is not paperwork on file to do work for the town; no written quote with the scope of work outlined; no formal request to spend the money from the town account. If necessary the board will hold a special meeting. Discussion on re-surfacing the basketball court or purchasing a bicycle rack will need to be added to a future agenda.
8.Elan radar signs – These are stationary signs installed on poles. Charlie will contact TRORC about doing a traffic study to help the board determine what is needed.
9.Open Meeting Seminar by Garrett Baxter – Charlie contacted Garrett and they discussed a possible seminar in November and inviting other nearby towns to join in. Need to pin down a date at a future meeting.
10.Tweed River Open Space sign – There are no guidelines on the font size to use for 911. Jim Brown of Artcast in Hancock produced the high water mark sign. Peter took a photo of the proposed sign and will contact Jim for a mock-up and pricing.
11.Tweed River Open Space Mowing – George will mow the open space in the next week or so. After this is complete Connie can mow on a regular basis as needed.
12.VHCB Easement – Charlie thought the document seemed okay regarding compliance with
24 VSA 1061 however he would like Marylou to review it and he will contact her about it. The document has not been signed and will need to be addressed at next meeting. Patty found there are no samples from either TRORC or VHCB for a management plan for this type of property however Wade Masure (VLCT) has offered to help with management plans for both the open space and the playground. The board did not discuss enlisting Wade’s assistance so need to re-visit at the next meeting.
13. Killington Valley Initiative (KVI) – Mary Cohen and Lyle Jepson looking for the board to appoint a Pittsfield representative to their quality of life committee. Peter Borden is already a member of this committee. Matt will post on Front Porch Forum to find out if there is anyone else interested in this appointment. KVI is also looking for financial support with a suggested $1.00 per resident. Add to November Tickle file when the board starts budgeting discussions.
New Business:
1. Town Hall Dehumidifier – need approval to purchase: See Old Business #6
2.TRORC – Grant closed on 6 & 11 Parmenter Place and 3604 Route 100 Reuse Project: This paperwork needs to be kept on file for three years as required and available for auditing purposes. Town Clerk will keep file.
3. TRORC – Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Plan Adoption: The Board received a thumb drive with the plan for reference. Charlie currently has the file. No action.
4.Resignation – Sarah Gray, Planning Commission: Charlie will contact Suana for recommendations on finding a replacement. Matt motioned for the Board secretary to check with the Town Clerk on years of service for Sarah so a certificate of appreciation can be sent; Peter seconded; motion carried.
5. Town Clerk/Treasurer July Financials: The Board reviewed the reports and did not have any questions or concerns
Next Meeting Dates: September 12 and 26, 2017; October 10 and 24, 2017
Adjournment: Charlie motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:35 p.m.; Matt seconded; meeting adjourned.
Approved: September 12, 2017 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher
Charles Piso
Peter Borden