DATE: April 4, 2017
PRESENT: Matt Corron, Peter Borden, Charles Piso, Patty Haskins, Robert Mulzac, Betty Warner, Rebecca Steward, Dot Williamson, Jan Carbone, John Carbone, Jack Conboy, Margaret Conboy, Karen Marion, Bruce Shaw, Karen Waterworth, Tim Hunt, Chris Brun, Bill Oren
Agenda Modifications: New Business #5 Lister appointment
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting 3/21/17
Public Present:
Old Business:
1.LEOP – Peter, Charlie, Patty set date to review and update
2.Village Green Paving update – Water issues and coordination with VTrans
3.Tweed River Open Space – Power poles and snowmobiles
4.Lower Michigan/Parmenter Place Snowmobile Service Trail – update
5.Discontinuance of TH #15 – plan of action
6.Independent Contractor Documentation - Pezzetti
New Business:
1.Lister Resignation – Colleen Stevens
2.Vermont Liquor License Renewal – Swiss Farm Market, Original General Store, Vermont Farms Catering, Clear River Tavern
3.Clerk/Treasurer Report
a.First quarter financials
b.Credit Card Use approval – HW Garage Surveillance System
4.Casella – Buyout properties demolition contract
5.Lister Appointment
Next Meeting Date: April 18, 2017 – re-scheduled to April 25, 2017; schedule May meetings
Charlie motioned to open the meeting; Peter seconded; the meeting was called to order at 6:03 p.m. Agenda modified to include: New Business #5 Lister Appointment. Charlie motioned to keep the meetings to 90-minutes or less; a motion will be needed to extend the meeting an additional 30 minutes; limit attendees speaking time to two minutes; and follow Robert’s Rules of Order to conduct meetings. Matt seconded the motion; all in favor.
Minutes Approval: Peter motioned to approve the regular meeting minutes for March 21, 2017; Matt seconded; all in favor.
Public Present:
Old Business:
1.LEOP – Peter, Charlie, Patty set date to review and update: They will meet April 5th at 10 a.m. to review the Local Emergency Operations Plan.
2.Village Green Paving update – Water issues and coordination with VTrans: Charlie will make an appointment to meet with a representative from Vermont Better Roads to review the situation.
3.Tweed River Open Space – Power poles and snowmobiles: TRORC discussed the power poles and trees with Eric Furs of VTrans. The power poles need to be approved by FEMA and it is VTrans responsibility to submit an application. VTrans is not willing to replace any trees damaged in the process; Tory of TRORC estimates the project would affect 5 trees. Tory recommends sending a letter to VTrans requiring a copy of their written request seeking permission from FEMA for the power poles. Tory also recommends to not sign any contract with VTrans until these items are sorted out. Charlie checked into snowmobile traffic through the park and this activity does not require FEMA approval.
4.Lower Michigan/Parmenter Place Snowmobile Service Trail – update: Charlie spoke with VLCT and the town would need to make a resolution for the trail to use the road and bridge. The town can dis-allow the use of the road for snowmobiles. The resolution is needed for use of the highway bridge and snowmobiles must be 5 feet or more off any plowed surface. Snowmobilers continued to disregard trail closed signs and barriers thus creating a safety issue. The club is to close the metal gate on the bridge that crosses the river. Charlie encouraged the community members to form a committee to seek solutions for an alternative route and work together.
5.Discontinuance of TH #15 – plan of action: Peter motioned for Patty to start the process by drafting the warning in order to hold the hearing and vote at the May 23rd meeting; Charlie seconded; all in favor.
6.Independent Contractor Documentation – Pezzetti: Patty contacted VLCT and they told her the town has covered all the bases and can sign the paperwork. Matt motioned to sign the documents; Peter seconded; all in favor.
New Business:
1.Lister Resignation – Colleen Stevens: The board accepted resignation.
2.Vermont Liquor License Renewal – Swiss Farm Market, Original General Store, Vermont Farms Catering, Clear River Tavern: All four businesses submitted renewal applications for their liquor licenses. Charlie motioned to approve Swiss Farm Market license; Matt seconded; all in favor. Charlie motioned to approve Clear River Tavern license; Peter seconded; all in favor. Charlie motioned to approve Original General Store and Vermont Farms Catering; Matt seconded; Peter recused himself from the vote; motion granted.
3.Clerk/Treasurer Report
a.First quarter financials – Patty reviewed and explained the financials; all in order.
b.Credit Card Use approval – HW Garage Surveillance System – Patty requested the board to approve the usage of the credit card to purchase the system. Peter motioned to approve; Charlie seconded; all in favor.
4.Casella – Buyout properties demolition contract: Tory Levite at TRORC reviewed contract and all is in order. Matt motioned to sign the contract; Peter seconded; all in favor. The snowmobile club would like to re-use the shed located at 2335 Route 100 and it is up to the club to work out the details with Casella to move the unit.
5.Lister Appointment: Martha Beyersdorf sent the board a recommendation to appoint David Larkin to the vacant position. Matt motioned to appoint David Larkin to the Lister position; Charlie seconded; all in favor. David has been appointed to fulfill the position until Town Meeting 2018 when the position will be up for a vote.
Next Meeting Date: April 25, 2017; May meetings are scheduled for the 9th and 23rd
Adjournment: Peter motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:40 p.m.; Charlie seconded; all in favor, meeting adjourned.
Approved: April 25, 2017 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher
Charles Piso
Matt Corron
Peter Borden
DATE: April 4, 2017
PRESENT: Matt Corron, Peter Borden, Charles Piso, Patty Haskins, Robert Mulzac, Betty Warner, Rebecca Steward, Dot Williamson, Jan Carbone, John Carbone, Jack Conboy, Margaret Conboy, Karen Marion, Bruce Shaw, Karen Waterworth, Tim Hunt, Chris Brun, Bill Oren
Agenda Modifications: New Business #5 Lister appointment
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting 3/21/17
Public Present:
- Betty Warner - EC Fiber
- Bill Oren – Importance of good communication in responding to lawsuits
- Central Vermont Council on Aging – March Newsletter
- VTrans – Guidance for paving
- VLCT – Municipal Employment Law and Human Resources Workshop
- VLCT News – April 2017 Issue
- VLCT Weekly Legislative Report
Old Business:
1.LEOP – Peter, Charlie, Patty set date to review and update
2.Village Green Paving update – Water issues and coordination with VTrans
3.Tweed River Open Space – Power poles and snowmobiles
4.Lower Michigan/Parmenter Place Snowmobile Service Trail – update
5.Discontinuance of TH #15 – plan of action
6.Independent Contractor Documentation - Pezzetti
New Business:
1.Lister Resignation – Colleen Stevens
2.Vermont Liquor License Renewal – Swiss Farm Market, Original General Store, Vermont Farms Catering, Clear River Tavern
3.Clerk/Treasurer Report
a.First quarter financials
b.Credit Card Use approval – HW Garage Surveillance System
4.Casella – Buyout properties demolition contract
5.Lister Appointment
Next Meeting Date: April 18, 2017 – re-scheduled to April 25, 2017; schedule May meetings
Charlie motioned to open the meeting; Peter seconded; the meeting was called to order at 6:03 p.m. Agenda modified to include: New Business #5 Lister Appointment. Charlie motioned to keep the meetings to 90-minutes or less; a motion will be needed to extend the meeting an additional 30 minutes; limit attendees speaking time to two minutes; and follow Robert’s Rules of Order to conduct meetings. Matt seconded the motion; all in favor.
Minutes Approval: Peter motioned to approve the regular meeting minutes for March 21, 2017; Matt seconded; all in favor.
Public Present:
- Betty Warner - EC Fiber: Betty and Patty gathered more information on costs and Betty confirmed that EC Fiber can provide the phone line for the elevator. The Board would like a full written report on making the switch from FairPoint including a cost analysis and any estimates for installing the service. Charlie motioned to table the discussion until a full report is presented; Peter seconded; all in favor.
- Bill Oren – Importance of good communication in responding to lawsuits: Bill arrived at 7:05 pm and Charlie invited him to address his concerns to the Board. Bill stated the lack of communication between the town and his attorney regarding the lawsuit could have cost the town more money. They were not kept up-to-date. Bill advised the board to pay more attention to communication or it will cost the town.
- Central Vermont Council on Aging – March Newsletter, no action.
- VTrans – Guidance for paving: Memo informing towns to be aware that some asphalt companies are using ground up asphalt shingles in their mix. This type of mix is experiencing pre-mature cracking. Patty will forward memo to George.
- VLCT – Municipal Employment Law and Human Resources Workshop, no action.
- VLCT News – April 2017 Issue, no action.
- VLCT Weekly Legislative Report: Bill 42 has been passed along to the Senate Government Operations Committee. The bill allows voters to authorize selectboards to appoint town clerks and treasurers.
Old Business:
1.LEOP – Peter, Charlie, Patty set date to review and update: They will meet April 5th at 10 a.m. to review the Local Emergency Operations Plan.
2.Village Green Paving update – Water issues and coordination with VTrans: Charlie will make an appointment to meet with a representative from Vermont Better Roads to review the situation.
3.Tweed River Open Space – Power poles and snowmobiles: TRORC discussed the power poles and trees with Eric Furs of VTrans. The power poles need to be approved by FEMA and it is VTrans responsibility to submit an application. VTrans is not willing to replace any trees damaged in the process; Tory of TRORC estimates the project would affect 5 trees. Tory recommends sending a letter to VTrans requiring a copy of their written request seeking permission from FEMA for the power poles. Tory also recommends to not sign any contract with VTrans until these items are sorted out. Charlie checked into snowmobile traffic through the park and this activity does not require FEMA approval.
4.Lower Michigan/Parmenter Place Snowmobile Service Trail – update: Charlie spoke with VLCT and the town would need to make a resolution for the trail to use the road and bridge. The town can dis-allow the use of the road for snowmobiles. The resolution is needed for use of the highway bridge and snowmobiles must be 5 feet or more off any plowed surface. Snowmobilers continued to disregard trail closed signs and barriers thus creating a safety issue. The club is to close the metal gate on the bridge that crosses the river. Charlie encouraged the community members to form a committee to seek solutions for an alternative route and work together.
5.Discontinuance of TH #15 – plan of action: Peter motioned for Patty to start the process by drafting the warning in order to hold the hearing and vote at the May 23rd meeting; Charlie seconded; all in favor.
6.Independent Contractor Documentation – Pezzetti: Patty contacted VLCT and they told her the town has covered all the bases and can sign the paperwork. Matt motioned to sign the documents; Peter seconded; all in favor.
New Business:
1.Lister Resignation – Colleen Stevens: The board accepted resignation.
2.Vermont Liquor License Renewal – Swiss Farm Market, Original General Store, Vermont Farms Catering, Clear River Tavern: All four businesses submitted renewal applications for their liquor licenses. Charlie motioned to approve Swiss Farm Market license; Matt seconded; all in favor. Charlie motioned to approve Clear River Tavern license; Peter seconded; all in favor. Charlie motioned to approve Original General Store and Vermont Farms Catering; Matt seconded; Peter recused himself from the vote; motion granted.
3.Clerk/Treasurer Report
a.First quarter financials – Patty reviewed and explained the financials; all in order.
b.Credit Card Use approval – HW Garage Surveillance System – Patty requested the board to approve the usage of the credit card to purchase the system. Peter motioned to approve; Charlie seconded; all in favor.
4.Casella – Buyout properties demolition contract: Tory Levite at TRORC reviewed contract and all is in order. Matt motioned to sign the contract; Peter seconded; all in favor. The snowmobile club would like to re-use the shed located at 2335 Route 100 and it is up to the club to work out the details with Casella to move the unit.
5.Lister Appointment: Martha Beyersdorf sent the board a recommendation to appoint David Larkin to the vacant position. Matt motioned to appoint David Larkin to the Lister position; Charlie seconded; all in favor. David has been appointed to fulfill the position until Town Meeting 2018 when the position will be up for a vote.
Next Meeting Date: April 25, 2017; May meetings are scheduled for the 9th and 23rd
Adjournment: Peter motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:40 p.m.; Charlie seconded; all in favor, meeting adjourned.
Approved: April 25, 2017 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher
Charles Piso
Matt Corron
Peter Borden