DATE: April 25, 2017
PRESENT: Matt Corron, Peter Borden, Charles Piso, Patty Haskins, Rebecca Steward, Ed Herson
Agenda Modifications: Correspondence #2 Efficiency Vermont; Old Business #8 LEOP Review & Approval; and New Business #6H Claims Cost Detail and #7 Annual Financial Plan – Town Highways
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting 4/4/17
Public Present:
1. Ed Herson - Snowmobiles
Old Business:
1. Budget Projects
2. Cost Analysis migration from FairPoint to EC Fiber
3. Discontinuance TH #15 update
4. Paving Questions
5. Robinson Integrated Resource Project Proposed Actions
6. Parmenter Place Snowmobiles
7. Buy-out properties update
8. LEOP Review & Approval
New Business:
1. 4-year Maintenance Program Copier
2. Annual Certification Codes and Standards
3. Back up for signatories – Select Board Orders
4. VLCT Vacancy Downtown Board
5. Request to Cater Malt - Vermont Farms Catering
6. Town Clerk Treasurer Report
A. Pezzetti contract services signatures
B. Chair & Table Usage/Rental Policy
C. Proposed Fraud Prevention Policy
D. Proposed Cash Receipts, Petty Cash and Returned Check Policy
E. Proposed Accounting, Auditing & Financial Reporting Policy
F. Parking Ordinance review
G. Purchasing Policy review
H. Claims Cost Detail
7. Annual Financial Plan – Town Highways
Next Meeting Date: May 9, 2017
Charlie motioned to open the meeting; Peter seconded; the meeting was called to order at 6:03 p.m. Charlie presented agenda modifications: Correspondence #2 Efficiency Vermont; Old Business #8 LEOP Review & Approval; and New Business #6H Claims Cost Detail and #7 Annual Financial Plan – Town Highways. Matt motioned to accept agenda modifications; Peter seconded; all in favor.
Minutes Approval: Peter motioned to approve the regular meeting minutes for April 4, 2017; Matt seconded; all in favor.
Public Present:
Old Business:
1. Budget Projects – Matt will follow-up with Mona to do the painting and wall paper at the Town hall. Charlie motioned to contract with Corey Novotny to re-finish the town office floors; Matt seconded; all in favor. Patty will contact Corey. Charlie motioned to approve window cleaning proposal from contractor in Randolph for $1,280; Peter seconded; all in favor. Matt will contact window cleaner. Matt will contact Efficiency Vermont about the lighting in the Town Hall and possible grants.
2. Cost Analysis migration from FairPoint to EC Fiber – Betty Warner and Patty provided cost comparison for the board to review. Peter motioned to approve migration to EC Fiber; Matt seconded; all in favor. Patty will start migrating e-mail addresses and estimates this will take 4-6 weeks. She will contact Betty.
3. Discontinuance TH #15 update – A new property description of the road is needed from the town attorney before Patty can publish the warning. Charlie motioned to have Patty contact Marylou Scofield for new description; Matt seconded; all in favor. Patty will contact Marylou.
4. Paving Questions – Charlie will contact VTrans to set-up a meeting in May to review issue with water flowing across Route 100 from Upper Michigan Road. Currently this section of Route 100 is scheduled to be re-paved in 2020.
5. Robinson Integrated Resource Project Proposed Actions – open house to review proposed actions is scheduled for April 26 at 6:30 p.m. at the Rochester School; public comments accepted until May 17, 2017. No action.
6. Parmenter Place Snowmobiles – See Public Present
7.Buy-out properties update – Matt met with Mike Hildebrand from DuBois & King and Harvey’s to walk and review Tweed River Park/Open Space plans. No poles or ditching per VTrans request at this time. It is up to VTrans to get FEMA approval before the town will consider the right-of-way request. Rebecca asked about the status of planting willow stakes. The board understands this will be done and there is a 25-foot buffer from the edge of the river to leave vegetation untouched. Removal of 113 Park Place underway and Kyle from Casella’s has been keeping the town informed.
8. LEOP Review & Approval – Board reviewed missing information and updated the plan. Additional appendices will be added to complete the packet. Peter motioned to adopt the LEOP; Matt seconded; all in favor.
New Business:
1. 4-year Maintenance Program Copier – The board would like Patty to obtain a quote on replacing the machine. Maintenance/service is now an additional fee on top of the lease payment. New machines typically include maintenance in the lease payment.
2. Annual Certification Codes and Standards – Charlie motioned to approve the annual certification for town roads, bridges and culverts; Peter seconded; all in favor.
3. Back up for signatories – Select Board Orders: Charlie motioned to approve Matt as the third back-up signor when both Charlie and Peter are unavailable; Peter seconded; all in favor.
4. VLCT Vacancy Downtown Board – no action.
5. Request to Cater Malt - Vermont Farms Catering – no applications received; no action.
6. Town Clerk Treasurer Report
A. Pezzetti contract services signatures – All board members needed to sign the document not just the Chairman. All signed.
B. Chair & Table Usage/Rental Policy – Board reviewed; Matt will keep calendar for rentals.
C.Proposed Fraud Prevention Policy – PACIF insurance requests if the town has this policy annually. Patty drafted a policy based on VLCT’s recommendations. Charlie motioned to approve the Fraud Prevention Policy; Matt seconded; all in favor.
D. Proposed Cash Receipts, Petty Cash and Returned Check Policy - PACIF insurance requests if the town has this policy annually. Patty drafted a policy based on VLCT’s recommendations. Peter motioned to approve the Cash Receipts, Petty Cash and Returned Check Policy; Charlie seconded; all in favor.
E. Proposed Accounting, Auditing & Financial Reporting Policy - PACIF insurance requests if the town has this policy annually. Patty drafted a policy based on VLCT’s recommendations. Matt motioned to approve the Accounting, Auditing & Financial Reporting Policy; Charlie seconded; all in favor.
F. Parking Ordinance review – Distributed to board members to discuss at the next meeting.
G. Purchasing Policy review - Distributed to board members to discuss at the next meeting.
H. Claims Cost Detail – Reviewed most recent PACIF claims cost detail. No action.
7. Annual Financial Plan – Town Highways: The board reviewed the financial plan for town highways as required by the State annually. Charlie motioned to accept the plan; Peter seconded; all in favor.
Next Meeting Date: May 9, 2017
Adjournment: Peter motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:01 p.m.; Charlie seconded; all in favor, meeting adjourned.
Approved: May 9, 2017 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher
Charles Piso
Matt Corron
Peter Borden
DATE: April 25, 2017
PRESENT: Matt Corron, Peter Borden, Charles Piso, Patty Haskins, Rebecca Steward, Ed Herson
Agenda Modifications: Correspondence #2 Efficiency Vermont; Old Business #8 LEOP Review & Approval; and New Business #6H Claims Cost Detail and #7 Annual Financial Plan – Town Highways
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting 4/4/17
Public Present:
1. Ed Herson - Snowmobiles
- Richard Amore Downtown Historic Preservation Project
- Efficiency Vermont
Old Business:
1. Budget Projects
2. Cost Analysis migration from FairPoint to EC Fiber
3. Discontinuance TH #15 update
4. Paving Questions
5. Robinson Integrated Resource Project Proposed Actions
6. Parmenter Place Snowmobiles
7. Buy-out properties update
8. LEOP Review & Approval
New Business:
1. 4-year Maintenance Program Copier
2. Annual Certification Codes and Standards
3. Back up for signatories – Select Board Orders
4. VLCT Vacancy Downtown Board
5. Request to Cater Malt - Vermont Farms Catering
6. Town Clerk Treasurer Report
A. Pezzetti contract services signatures
B. Chair & Table Usage/Rental Policy
C. Proposed Fraud Prevention Policy
D. Proposed Cash Receipts, Petty Cash and Returned Check Policy
E. Proposed Accounting, Auditing & Financial Reporting Policy
F. Parking Ordinance review
G. Purchasing Policy review
H. Claims Cost Detail
7. Annual Financial Plan – Town Highways
Next Meeting Date: May 9, 2017
Charlie motioned to open the meeting; Peter seconded; the meeting was called to order at 6:03 p.m. Charlie presented agenda modifications: Correspondence #2 Efficiency Vermont; Old Business #8 LEOP Review & Approval; and New Business #6H Claims Cost Detail and #7 Annual Financial Plan – Town Highways. Matt motioned to accept agenda modifications; Peter seconded; all in favor.
Minutes Approval: Peter motioned to approve the regular meeting minutes for April 4, 2017; Matt seconded; all in favor.
Public Present:
- Ed Herson shared the research he conducted to find a solution for snowmobilers to access town businesses without using Parmenter Place. He mapped out the area with VAST trails and divided it into quadrants. Two quadrants were unaffected by the trail closure through Joe Desena’s property. The other two quadrants do have access as well – one is just under10 miles to reach town and the other one is just over 7 miles. The temporary trail using Parmenter Place was rescinded in February. The board thanked Ed for the information and encouraged Ed to contact Tim Hunt and Greg Martin to discuss further.
- Richard Amore memo re: Downtown Vermont and Historic Preservation Conference June 8 in White River Junction sponsored by VT Agency of Commerce and Community Development. No action.
- Efficiency Vermont –Information on obtaining customized energy report for town buildings. Matt will research further.
Old Business:
1. Budget Projects – Matt will follow-up with Mona to do the painting and wall paper at the Town hall. Charlie motioned to contract with Corey Novotny to re-finish the town office floors; Matt seconded; all in favor. Patty will contact Corey. Charlie motioned to approve window cleaning proposal from contractor in Randolph for $1,280; Peter seconded; all in favor. Matt will contact window cleaner. Matt will contact Efficiency Vermont about the lighting in the Town Hall and possible grants.
2. Cost Analysis migration from FairPoint to EC Fiber – Betty Warner and Patty provided cost comparison for the board to review. Peter motioned to approve migration to EC Fiber; Matt seconded; all in favor. Patty will start migrating e-mail addresses and estimates this will take 4-6 weeks. She will contact Betty.
3. Discontinuance TH #15 update – A new property description of the road is needed from the town attorney before Patty can publish the warning. Charlie motioned to have Patty contact Marylou Scofield for new description; Matt seconded; all in favor. Patty will contact Marylou.
4. Paving Questions – Charlie will contact VTrans to set-up a meeting in May to review issue with water flowing across Route 100 from Upper Michigan Road. Currently this section of Route 100 is scheduled to be re-paved in 2020.
5. Robinson Integrated Resource Project Proposed Actions – open house to review proposed actions is scheduled for April 26 at 6:30 p.m. at the Rochester School; public comments accepted until May 17, 2017. No action.
6. Parmenter Place Snowmobiles – See Public Present
7.Buy-out properties update – Matt met with Mike Hildebrand from DuBois & King and Harvey’s to walk and review Tweed River Park/Open Space plans. No poles or ditching per VTrans request at this time. It is up to VTrans to get FEMA approval before the town will consider the right-of-way request. Rebecca asked about the status of planting willow stakes. The board understands this will be done and there is a 25-foot buffer from the edge of the river to leave vegetation untouched. Removal of 113 Park Place underway and Kyle from Casella’s has been keeping the town informed.
8. LEOP Review & Approval – Board reviewed missing information and updated the plan. Additional appendices will be added to complete the packet. Peter motioned to adopt the LEOP; Matt seconded; all in favor.
New Business:
1. 4-year Maintenance Program Copier – The board would like Patty to obtain a quote on replacing the machine. Maintenance/service is now an additional fee on top of the lease payment. New machines typically include maintenance in the lease payment.
2. Annual Certification Codes and Standards – Charlie motioned to approve the annual certification for town roads, bridges and culverts; Peter seconded; all in favor.
3. Back up for signatories – Select Board Orders: Charlie motioned to approve Matt as the third back-up signor when both Charlie and Peter are unavailable; Peter seconded; all in favor.
4. VLCT Vacancy Downtown Board – no action.
5. Request to Cater Malt - Vermont Farms Catering – no applications received; no action.
6. Town Clerk Treasurer Report
A. Pezzetti contract services signatures – All board members needed to sign the document not just the Chairman. All signed.
B. Chair & Table Usage/Rental Policy – Board reviewed; Matt will keep calendar for rentals.
C.Proposed Fraud Prevention Policy – PACIF insurance requests if the town has this policy annually. Patty drafted a policy based on VLCT’s recommendations. Charlie motioned to approve the Fraud Prevention Policy; Matt seconded; all in favor.
D. Proposed Cash Receipts, Petty Cash and Returned Check Policy - PACIF insurance requests if the town has this policy annually. Patty drafted a policy based on VLCT’s recommendations. Peter motioned to approve the Cash Receipts, Petty Cash and Returned Check Policy; Charlie seconded; all in favor.
E. Proposed Accounting, Auditing & Financial Reporting Policy - PACIF insurance requests if the town has this policy annually. Patty drafted a policy based on VLCT’s recommendations. Matt motioned to approve the Accounting, Auditing & Financial Reporting Policy; Charlie seconded; all in favor.
F. Parking Ordinance review – Distributed to board members to discuss at the next meeting.
G. Purchasing Policy review - Distributed to board members to discuss at the next meeting.
H. Claims Cost Detail – Reviewed most recent PACIF claims cost detail. No action.
7. Annual Financial Plan – Town Highways: The board reviewed the financial plan for town highways as required by the State annually. Charlie motioned to accept the plan; Peter seconded; all in favor.
Next Meeting Date: May 9, 2017
Adjournment: Peter motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:01 p.m.; Charlie seconded; all in favor, meeting adjourned.
Approved: May 9, 2017 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher
Charles Piso
Matt Corron
Peter Borden