Pittsfield Select Board Special Meeting Minutes
DATE Dec. 26, 2019
PRESENT Charles Piso, Matt Corron, Ann Kuendig, Trish Fryer, Marylou Scofield, Herb
AGENDA PACIF, Budgeting with Clerk/Treasurer
Marylou asked to address the meeting, and asked that the meeting be kept on task.
PACIF discussion and over all insurance coverage discussion had to be brought up and decided due to coverage expiring at midnight Dec 31st.
The board discussed and went over the reasons for the initial questioning of and subsequent exploration of other options for insurance providers being used by the town.
The board had heard two presentations from underwriters including PACIF at the previous meeting on the 17th of Dec.
Charles made a motion to accept the PACIF proposal as he could not see a justification for the added expense of the other carrier and also the fact that PACIF had made good on the over payments for the town hall. Refunding the town $10,500, as well as reevaluating the overall square footage of town owned properties and the resultant valuations. Motion was seconded by Matt and unanimously voted on, the PACIF policy was accepted by the town, with an option to revisit next year by the board.
Discussion of budgeting for 2020 topics included
General Fund
Cemetery Fund
Highway Fund
During the budget discussion several questions came up about the proper allocating grant funds for the sand shed.
Charles started to discuss the reasons for the need to reschedule the previously set budget meetings, and the need to now have Marylou present at these meetings as well. While this discussion was taking place Ann interjected that this was not on the agenda and asked why “if this was going to be talked about why was the complaint not on the agenda”. Marylou town counsel advised this was correct. Charles stated it would be on the agenda for the next meeting which was scheduled for Thursday January 2, 2020 shortly thereafter a motion was made to adjourn the meeting
Charles motioned to adjourn the meeting at 6:23, Matt seconded.
Respectfully submitted by
Charles Piso
Approved: January 7, 2020
s/Charles Piso, chair
Ann Kuendig
s/Matt Corron
DATE Dec. 26, 2019
PRESENT Charles Piso, Matt Corron, Ann Kuendig, Trish Fryer, Marylou Scofield, Herb
AGENDA PACIF, Budgeting with Clerk/Treasurer
Marylou asked to address the meeting, and asked that the meeting be kept on task.
PACIF discussion and over all insurance coverage discussion had to be brought up and decided due to coverage expiring at midnight Dec 31st.
The board discussed and went over the reasons for the initial questioning of and subsequent exploration of other options for insurance providers being used by the town.
The board had heard two presentations from underwriters including PACIF at the previous meeting on the 17th of Dec.
Charles made a motion to accept the PACIF proposal as he could not see a justification for the added expense of the other carrier and also the fact that PACIF had made good on the over payments for the town hall. Refunding the town $10,500, as well as reevaluating the overall square footage of town owned properties and the resultant valuations. Motion was seconded by Matt and unanimously voted on, the PACIF policy was accepted by the town, with an option to revisit next year by the board.
Discussion of budgeting for 2020 topics included
General Fund
Cemetery Fund
Highway Fund
During the budget discussion several questions came up about the proper allocating grant funds for the sand shed.
Charles started to discuss the reasons for the need to reschedule the previously set budget meetings, and the need to now have Marylou present at these meetings as well. While this discussion was taking place Ann interjected that this was not on the agenda and asked why “if this was going to be talked about why was the complaint not on the agenda”. Marylou town counsel advised this was correct. Charles stated it would be on the agenda for the next meeting which was scheduled for Thursday January 2, 2020 shortly thereafter a motion was made to adjourn the meeting
Charles motioned to adjourn the meeting at 6:23, Matt seconded.
Respectfully submitted by
Charles Piso
Approved: January 7, 2020
s/Charles Piso, chair
Ann Kuendig
s/Matt Corron