Pittsfield Select Board Regular Meeting Minutes
DATE: June 6, 2019
PRESENT: Charles Piso, Ann Kuendig, Matt Corron, Tricia Fryer
Agenda Modifications: New Business #6 – Emergency Contact & 511 Information for the Bridge project; #7 – Select Board Secretary pay; #8 – Moment of Silence; #9 – Stabilization Fund; #10 – Summer Schedule
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting May 21, 2019
Public Present: Herb Kuendig, Diane Krass, Mike Moran
Old Business:
New Business:
Next Meeting Date: June 18, 2019
Meeting Opened, Minutes Approval & Agenda Modifications:
Charles motioned to open the meeting at 6:02pm. Seconded by Matt. Meeting opened.
All were in favor of the agenda modifications: New Business - New Business #6 – Emergency Contact & 511 Information for the Bridge project; #7 – Select Board Secretary pay; #8 – Moment of Silence; #9 – Stabilization Fund; #10 – Summer Schedule
Charles asked for a moment of silence to commemorate D-Day. He also noted that there are two WWII veterans living here in Pittsfield. This was done.
Matt made a motion to approve the May 21, 2019 Regular Meeting Minutes. Seconded by Charles. Minutes approved by all.
Charles introduced the public present.
Old Business:
- Diana Krass, representing her parents, presented invoices for driveway repair at this property. She stated that the repairs cost $7000.00. She said that the culverts and ditches failed causing erosion and wants the town to reimburse them. Charles noted that the Road Commissioner told him that the road has been graded up to the driveway and that the driveway across the street caused the issue with the Mas’. Diana disagreed and said that she had numerous photos of the road and surroundings and that the water came from above, causing the washout. Charles stated that similar situations occurred on Liberty Hill Road. He also stated that roads that weren’t affected by Irene are affected now due to rain, snowmelt, and ground saturation. Diana felt that the ditches were not maintained. She asked if a civil engineer is working going forward. Charles said that bids will be coming in and that the work will be done per FEMA standards. She stated repeatedly that in all the years her parents have owned their home, this has never been a problem. Charles stated that the Town is still waiting for the disaster declaration to be signed. Diana noted that previous letters sent to the Town regarding this have never been responded to. She asked who the Town’s attorney was. Charles said that any correspondence should be sent to the Town and would be forwarded to the attorney upon approval of the expense. She said she was very disappointed and left.
1. Sand Shed: Ann stated that Peter Fellows from TRORC has prepared a second bid. She said that she and George have been comparing it with the first one noting two differences. The first being the requirement of a geotechnical investigation and the second that subconsultant services are not anticipated. TRORC and VTrans had told them that for the rebid the geotechnical investigation may not be needed. However, when TRORC spoke with VTrans, it was determined that they would be required. They have asked for further clarification and are waiting for a response from Mr. Fellows. The size of the selection committee was discussed.
2. Upper Michigan Road. Tricia stated that she heard from Kricket McCuster of T.R. Fellows Engineering contacted Richard Lunna and that he has performed the work and submitted an invoice to the Town.
3. EWP Letter (Deadline June 13, 2019). Ann said she spoke with Pete Fellows and asked if when the Town submits the letter requesting Federal funding, is the Town obligated to take on any projects that a property owner applies for. Charles said that he has never
received a clear answer as to what the Town is ultimately responsible for. The letter about the Emergency Watershed Protection Program (EWP) was discussed and what would happen after the Town signs and submits it. Charles made a motion to sign the letter to participate in the EWP program. Seconded by Matt.
4. Town Hall update from Committee. Ann said that the meetings have been great and that there has been good conversation. Citizens Advisory Committee has indicated that the
chimney needs immediate attention. Discussion of power venting vs replacing the chimney. Charlie from CV Oil came and discussed power venting and that will be looked into. Charlie Martin will prepare an estimate. Removal of the chimney was discussed. In the meantime, the furnace has been turned off, the LP tank moved, and caution tape has been erected for safety concerns. The status of the Historical Society regarding moving their property from the building was also discussed. It’s the feeling now that they are not going to move anything even though they got an estimate for the moving. Some work inside the building will be starting and it could cause damage to their displays, etc. Charles made a motion to have the Select Board send an official letter to the Society inviting them to the next Regular Select Board meeting and that in the meantime they should prepare a plan of action and send it to the Board ASAP. Seconded by Ann. Motion approved. Also include in the letter that there are volunteers willing to help with the move.
5. Playground Update & Work Date Plan. Charles said that he has the part for the swings. The sand still needs to be rototilled and George has said that he will get more sand. Connie has been contacted and there will be a work session planned for leaf blowing and repainting of the lines in the parking lot. Connie has indicated she will take care of the bees. She will also price out the split rail fencing. Four sections will be needed. A work session will be planned for June 30th.
6. Jarecki update. It was felt that things should not be addressed on Facebook or other media. Ann felt that the Board should look at the positives from this experience. It was felt the recent postings do not require an official response. Mike Moran asked if $7000 couldn’t be submitted for the damage. Ann stated that FEMA doesn’t pay for repairs on private property. There are several programs available to property owners that the Board is looking into. Mike Moran asked if the Sheriff could have been called to run the plate. The Board responded that this is no longer possible due to privacy issues.
7. 585 Hawk Mountain Road – Krass. Discussed earlier in meeting.
New Business:
1. Delinquent Dog List (review and approval for sending certified fine letters). The list was reviewed. Charles made a motion to accept the list and send out the letters. Ann seconded. Motion passed.
2. Personnel Policy Emergencies and Unusual Circumstances. This concerned overtime pay submitted by the Town Clerk/Treasurer relating to work performed regarding storm damage. Charles read the policy including how the rate of pay is calculated. Charles felt that the Select Board should have known about this policy beforehand. Discussion as to how to determine a clear way of delineating time between the appointed position and her salaried position. There should be a clear accountability as to what gets compensated and what doesn’t, Charles made a motion to approve the overtime. Matt seconded. Charles also made a second motion to determine what constitutes “unusual circumstance.” Both seconded by Matt. Vote was 2 yes, 1 no. Both motions passed.
3. Act 250 Support Letters. Ann said she would like to send letters of support both Colton Enterprises and CV Oil following the recent Act 250 hearings even though they would not be considered evidence at this point. Discussion. The letter should take into consideration respect for the business and neighboring properties if affected. Charles made a motion to not send letters at this time, but if Act 250 is reopened for CV Oil or Colton Enterprises, that letters would be sent and included as evidence. Ann seconded. Motion passed
4. Personnel Policies. Charles stated that this is different than New Business #2. He suggested putting together a small committee to develop a personnel policy that covers elected, appointed, and employees. Clear job descriptions, codes of ethics and confidentiality are needed. It was suggested that they look at existing documents and make them applicable to the above categories. Charles made a motion to execute a conflict of interest and ask department heads for a job description for all elected officials, appointees, and employees by July 1st. and Ann seconded. Motion passed.
5. Contact Information Bridge. This document, titled Highway Division/Construction & Materials Bureau/Regional Section Emergency Contact & 511 Information Input Form. This will be kept in the office while the bridge construction is ongoing.
6. Select Board Secretary Pay. Select Board Secretary Pay. Charles made a motion that Martha should be paid for tonight’s meeting the same as Tyna. Seconded by Ann. Motion passed
7. Moment of Silence. Addressed earlier in the meeting.
8. Stabilization Fund. The Contingency Fund has been reduced due to flood expenses. It was suggested by Charles that the Town open a Stabilization Fund using a portion of the Undesignated Funds at the end of the year. This fund would only be used for a specified expense, such as helping to offset taxes, whereas the Contingency Fund can be used for most anything. Charles made a motion to have Trish research how much might be available in Undesignated Funds at the end of this year. Matt seconded. The motion passed.
9. Summer Hours. Tricia stated that the Education Fund tax rate at the end of June and then the Board can set the tax rate at their next meeting on July 2nd. She also said she plans to send the tax bills out tentatively July 11. The Board will continue with the once-a-month meeting in July and August.
On a sidebar, Ann asked if an insert could be included with the tax bill that includes some background about the Town Hall issue and a link to a survey. The Board agreed to this. Also discussed was the history of taping the meetings. Martha will research this and find out why the practice was discontinued.
10. Executive Session. Charles adjourned the regular meeting at 8:58pm and the Board entered Executive Session to discuss a possible discipline/personnel issue. Matt made a motion to reopen the regular Board meeting at 9:45pm. Seconded by Charles. Motion made by Charles that the Board seek legal advice from the Town Lawyer regarding a personnel issue. Matt seconded. Ann abstained. Motion passed 2 to 1.
Next Meeting Date: July 2, 2019
Adjournment. Charles made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:46pm. Matt seconded. Motion passed.
Approved Date: Recorded by:
s/Charles Piso s/ Martha L. Beyersdorf
s/Ann Kuendig
s/Matt Corron
DATE: June 6, 2019
PRESENT: Charles Piso, Ann Kuendig, Matt Corron, Tricia Fryer
Agenda Modifications: New Business #6 – Emergency Contact & 511 Information for the Bridge project; #7 – Select Board Secretary pay; #8 – Moment of Silence; #9 – Stabilization Fund; #10 – Summer Schedule
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting May 21, 2019
Public Present: Herb Kuendig, Diane Krass, Mike Moran
- Invitation to participate in Municipal Roads Grants-in-Aid Program SFY’20
Old Business:
- Sand Shed
- Upper Michigan Road
- EWP Letter (Deadline June 13, 2019)
- Town Hall update from Committee
- Playground Update & Work Date Plan
- Jarecki update
- 585 Hawk Mountain Road – Krass
New Business:
- Delinquent Dog List (review and approval for sending certified fine letters)
- Personnel Policy Emergencies and Unusual Circumstances
- Act 250 Support Letters
- Personnel Policies
- Executive Session
- Contact Information Bridge
- Select Board Secretary Pay
- Moment of Silence
- Stabilization Fund
- Summer Hours
Next Meeting Date: June 18, 2019
Meeting Opened, Minutes Approval & Agenda Modifications:
Charles motioned to open the meeting at 6:02pm. Seconded by Matt. Meeting opened.
All were in favor of the agenda modifications: New Business - New Business #6 – Emergency Contact & 511 Information for the Bridge project; #7 – Select Board Secretary pay; #8 – Moment of Silence; #9 – Stabilization Fund; #10 – Summer Schedule
Charles asked for a moment of silence to commemorate D-Day. He also noted that there are two WWII veterans living here in Pittsfield. This was done.
Matt made a motion to approve the May 21, 2019 Regular Meeting Minutes. Seconded by Charles. Minutes approved by all.
Charles introduced the public present.
- Invitation to participate in Municipal Roads Grants-in-Aid Program SFY’20. This will be forwarded to George Deblon, Road Commissioner.
Old Business:
- Diana Krass, representing her parents, presented invoices for driveway repair at this property. She stated that the repairs cost $7000.00. She said that the culverts and ditches failed causing erosion and wants the town to reimburse them. Charles noted that the Road Commissioner told him that the road has been graded up to the driveway and that the driveway across the street caused the issue with the Mas’. Diana disagreed and said that she had numerous photos of the road and surroundings and that the water came from above, causing the washout. Charles stated that similar situations occurred on Liberty Hill Road. He also stated that roads that weren’t affected by Irene are affected now due to rain, snowmelt, and ground saturation. Diana felt that the ditches were not maintained. She asked if a civil engineer is working going forward. Charles said that bids will be coming in and that the work will be done per FEMA standards. She stated repeatedly that in all the years her parents have owned their home, this has never been a problem. Charles stated that the Town is still waiting for the disaster declaration to be signed. Diana noted that previous letters sent to the Town regarding this have never been responded to. She asked who the Town’s attorney was. Charles said that any correspondence should be sent to the Town and would be forwarded to the attorney upon approval of the expense. She said she was very disappointed and left.
1. Sand Shed: Ann stated that Peter Fellows from TRORC has prepared a second bid. She said that she and George have been comparing it with the first one noting two differences. The first being the requirement of a geotechnical investigation and the second that subconsultant services are not anticipated. TRORC and VTrans had told them that for the rebid the geotechnical investigation may not be needed. However, when TRORC spoke with VTrans, it was determined that they would be required. They have asked for further clarification and are waiting for a response from Mr. Fellows. The size of the selection committee was discussed.
2. Upper Michigan Road. Tricia stated that she heard from Kricket McCuster of T.R. Fellows Engineering contacted Richard Lunna and that he has performed the work and submitted an invoice to the Town.
3. EWP Letter (Deadline June 13, 2019). Ann said she spoke with Pete Fellows and asked if when the Town submits the letter requesting Federal funding, is the Town obligated to take on any projects that a property owner applies for. Charles said that he has never
received a clear answer as to what the Town is ultimately responsible for. The letter about the Emergency Watershed Protection Program (EWP) was discussed and what would happen after the Town signs and submits it. Charles made a motion to sign the letter to participate in the EWP program. Seconded by Matt.
4. Town Hall update from Committee. Ann said that the meetings have been great and that there has been good conversation. Citizens Advisory Committee has indicated that the
chimney needs immediate attention. Discussion of power venting vs replacing the chimney. Charlie from CV Oil came and discussed power venting and that will be looked into. Charlie Martin will prepare an estimate. Removal of the chimney was discussed. In the meantime, the furnace has been turned off, the LP tank moved, and caution tape has been erected for safety concerns. The status of the Historical Society regarding moving their property from the building was also discussed. It’s the feeling now that they are not going to move anything even though they got an estimate for the moving. Some work inside the building will be starting and it could cause damage to their displays, etc. Charles made a motion to have the Select Board send an official letter to the Society inviting them to the next Regular Select Board meeting and that in the meantime they should prepare a plan of action and send it to the Board ASAP. Seconded by Ann. Motion approved. Also include in the letter that there are volunteers willing to help with the move.
5. Playground Update & Work Date Plan. Charles said that he has the part for the swings. The sand still needs to be rototilled and George has said that he will get more sand. Connie has been contacted and there will be a work session planned for leaf blowing and repainting of the lines in the parking lot. Connie has indicated she will take care of the bees. She will also price out the split rail fencing. Four sections will be needed. A work session will be planned for June 30th.
6. Jarecki update. It was felt that things should not be addressed on Facebook or other media. Ann felt that the Board should look at the positives from this experience. It was felt the recent postings do not require an official response. Mike Moran asked if $7000 couldn’t be submitted for the damage. Ann stated that FEMA doesn’t pay for repairs on private property. There are several programs available to property owners that the Board is looking into. Mike Moran asked if the Sheriff could have been called to run the plate. The Board responded that this is no longer possible due to privacy issues.
7. 585 Hawk Mountain Road – Krass. Discussed earlier in meeting.
New Business:
1. Delinquent Dog List (review and approval for sending certified fine letters). The list was reviewed. Charles made a motion to accept the list and send out the letters. Ann seconded. Motion passed.
2. Personnel Policy Emergencies and Unusual Circumstances. This concerned overtime pay submitted by the Town Clerk/Treasurer relating to work performed regarding storm damage. Charles read the policy including how the rate of pay is calculated. Charles felt that the Select Board should have known about this policy beforehand. Discussion as to how to determine a clear way of delineating time between the appointed position and her salaried position. There should be a clear accountability as to what gets compensated and what doesn’t, Charles made a motion to approve the overtime. Matt seconded. Charles also made a second motion to determine what constitutes “unusual circumstance.” Both seconded by Matt. Vote was 2 yes, 1 no. Both motions passed.
3. Act 250 Support Letters. Ann said she would like to send letters of support both Colton Enterprises and CV Oil following the recent Act 250 hearings even though they would not be considered evidence at this point. Discussion. The letter should take into consideration respect for the business and neighboring properties if affected. Charles made a motion to not send letters at this time, but if Act 250 is reopened for CV Oil or Colton Enterprises, that letters would be sent and included as evidence. Ann seconded. Motion passed
4. Personnel Policies. Charles stated that this is different than New Business #2. He suggested putting together a small committee to develop a personnel policy that covers elected, appointed, and employees. Clear job descriptions, codes of ethics and confidentiality are needed. It was suggested that they look at existing documents and make them applicable to the above categories. Charles made a motion to execute a conflict of interest and ask department heads for a job description for all elected officials, appointees, and employees by July 1st. and Ann seconded. Motion passed.
5. Contact Information Bridge. This document, titled Highway Division/Construction & Materials Bureau/Regional Section Emergency Contact & 511 Information Input Form. This will be kept in the office while the bridge construction is ongoing.
6. Select Board Secretary Pay. Select Board Secretary Pay. Charles made a motion that Martha should be paid for tonight’s meeting the same as Tyna. Seconded by Ann. Motion passed
7. Moment of Silence. Addressed earlier in the meeting.
8. Stabilization Fund. The Contingency Fund has been reduced due to flood expenses. It was suggested by Charles that the Town open a Stabilization Fund using a portion of the Undesignated Funds at the end of the year. This fund would only be used for a specified expense, such as helping to offset taxes, whereas the Contingency Fund can be used for most anything. Charles made a motion to have Trish research how much might be available in Undesignated Funds at the end of this year. Matt seconded. The motion passed.
9. Summer Hours. Tricia stated that the Education Fund tax rate at the end of June and then the Board can set the tax rate at their next meeting on July 2nd. She also said she plans to send the tax bills out tentatively July 11. The Board will continue with the once-a-month meeting in July and August.
On a sidebar, Ann asked if an insert could be included with the tax bill that includes some background about the Town Hall issue and a link to a survey. The Board agreed to this. Also discussed was the history of taping the meetings. Martha will research this and find out why the practice was discontinued.
10. Executive Session. Charles adjourned the regular meeting at 8:58pm and the Board entered Executive Session to discuss a possible discipline/personnel issue. Matt made a motion to reopen the regular Board meeting at 9:45pm. Seconded by Charles. Motion made by Charles that the Board seek legal advice from the Town Lawyer regarding a personnel issue. Matt seconded. Ann abstained. Motion passed 2 to 1.
Next Meeting Date: July 2, 2019
Adjournment. Charles made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:46pm. Matt seconded. Motion passed.
Approved Date: Recorded by:
s/Charles Piso s/ Martha L. Beyersdorf
s/Ann Kuendig
s/Matt Corron