DATE: September 17, 2019
PRESENT: Charles Piso , Matt Corron, Ann Kuendig, Trish Fryer, George DebLon
Agenda Modifications: Correspondence #4 – PACIF Board of Director Nominations; Old Business #5 –Colton Support Letter; #6 – Liberty Hill Project; New Business #6 – Rivers and Roads Training; and #7 – Equipment Request
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting Minutes September 3, 2019
Public Present:
1.Tweed River Bridge B9
2.Notice of Public Hearing on Regional Plan
3.Rural Fire Protection –Thank you
4.PACIF Board of Director Nominations
Old Business:
1.Town Hall Insurance Survey Update
2.FEMA Update
3.E911 Commissioner
4.Accepting and Enacting Complaint Procedure
5.Colton Support Letter
6.Liberty Hill Project
New Business:
1.Hydraulic Study
2.Propane Tank removal from Town Hall
3.Tweed River Bridge B9
4.Town Seal
5.Clerk/Treasurer Report
6.Rivers and Roads Training
7.Equipment Request
Meeting Opened, Minutes Approval & Agenda Modifications
Charlie motioned to open the meeting at 6:00 p.m., Ann seconded, meeting opened. All are in favor of the agenda modifications: Correspondence #4 – PACIF Board of Director Nominations; Old Business #5 –Colton Support Letter; #6 – Liberty Hill Project; New Business #6 – Rivers and Roads Training; and #7 – Equipment Request. Charlie motioned to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting held September 3, 2019; Ann seconded; minutes approved.
1.Tweed River Bridge B9 – Parmenter bridge: NRCS approved 150 feet of rip rap on the Route 100 side along the Tweed River Open Space. Slated for the spring of 2020. There is no cost to the town. NRCS will have a design plan to present to the board for final approval.
2.Notice of Public Hearing on Regional Plan – TRORC is updating the Regional Plan and there is a meeting scheduled for September 25 at 6:30 p.m. at the Thompson Senior Center in Woodstock.
3.Rural Fire Protection –Thank you: Received a thank you for the town’s donation.
4.PACIF Board of Director Nominations – Currently there is a board vacancy. Nominations can be submitted to the Select Board.
Old Business:
1.Town Hall Insurance Survey Update – Trish contacted PACIF about the discrepancy and requested a refund for the error. PACIF will only go back this year and last year to refund $1,746 and $1,698 respectively. PACIF visits properties every 5 years. The revised policy has been received and Trish will review it closely. Ann suggests seeking quotes from other carriers. Charlie motioned to send a letter to PACIF indicating the town’s disappointment in the decision to only refund 2 years and request they go back to when the error occurred; Ann seconded; motion carried. Ann will write a draft to share with the board members.
2.FEMA Update – a.) FEMA considers the river bank along Tweed River Drive as unimproved and unprotected therefore they will not fix it. If the road washes out completely then FEMA would possibly fix it. Mike Lapointe of NRCS will be in Pittsfield on Friday September 20th at 10 a.m. to do an inspection as it may be similar to Parmenter Bridge B9. b.) 50 feet of rip rap along the cemetery river bank will be covered however damage from April 15th storm will not be covered. The property line goes across the river and a lot of property has been lost and could be considered infrastructure. May need a survey and need to find out if there are any mitigation rules that would apply. c.) The culvert by Manning is not covered because it was put in due to the repair/replacement of town road culvert #33. Drainage was added that was non-existent prior to the storm. Culvert #33 will fail again unless an armored box is installed per ANR. George will look into grants for this. d.) The dry hydrant at the bottom of Tweed River Drive is covered and will be repaired including armor around the strainer basket and replacement of iron pipe. e.) A cross drain for culvert #39 at Gokey Rd and Liberty Hill has been added to the list for inspection.
3.E911 Commissioner – Charlie has someone in mind and will reach out to them.
4.Accepting and Enacting Complaint Procedure – Ann is concerned there is no control for complainant to keep the information confidential, need some type of form. Charlie has an affidavit form that could be re-written for this purpose and will send to members for review. Ann suggests adding to the last paragraph of A. “any town official”. This is a requirement from the State for elected town officials, employees and appointees. Charlie motioned to approve the procedure with changes and include in the Town Report; Ann seconded; motion carried.
5.Colton Support Letter – Charlie will draft a letter of support for Colton Enterprises to send to the Act 250 Commission. Colton Enterprises is a valuable business to the town and an asset to the community and the state as they are 1 of 3 businesses certified to treat ash borer infestation. Board members will review draft before letter is submitted.
6.Liberty Hill Project – George asked to move forward with the Better Roads VT grant of $16,020 for replacing a culvert, ditching and ledge work on left side of the road. The work needs to be completed by June 30, 2020. The original estimate for the work is $20,025 and the difference could come out of the highway budget. Charlie motioned for George to bid the Liberty Hill project now; Matt seconded; motion carried.
New Business:
1.Hydraulic Study – ANR’s study at culvert #33 on Upper Michigan Road – George to pursue grant funding.
2.Propane Tank removal from Town Hall – CV Oil removed the tank and credited the town for remaining propane. The tank was used for the stoves in the basement.
3.Tweed River Bridge B9 – Duplicate of Correspondence #1
4.Town Seal – The town needs a design for a town seal. Trish will contact the Library to come up with ideas for generating designs. Possibly set a contest with the end of October as the deadline. The contest could be announced at the bazaar.
5.Clerk/Treasurer Report – Monthly financial reports reviewed and all in order.
6.Rivers and Roads Training – Charlie motioned to have this presentation from ANR for the board, planning commission and any other interested parties; Ann seconded; motion carried.
7.Equipment Request – George is requesting the board’s approval to purchase a Cyclone KB4 Blower to use on the loader for blowing leaves and debris from the roads and ditches. HP Fairchild quoted $7,610 and there’s $4,400 in equipment grant money available to pay for part of the cost. The balance would come from the equipment fund. Charlie motioned to approve the purchase; Matt seconded; motion carried.
Side Note 1: Town Hall power vent will have an exterior motor because there is not enough space inside the building where it needs to be installed. No issue with noise or snow to have it outside. Ann has submitted request to Charlie at CV Oil to order the power vent. The committee is looking into waterproofing the wall to avoid moisture and mold.
Side Note 2: Ann will contact Susie Martin to let her know restrooms in the Town Office will be open for the bazaar and they can use electricity as well. No one is to enter the Town Hall.
Next Meeting Dates: October 1, 2019 Regular Meeting
Adjournment: Charlie motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:52 p.m.; Matt seconded; meeting adjourned.
Approved Date: Recorded by: s/Tyna Gallagher
s/Charles Piso
s/Matt Corron
s/Ann Kuendig
DATE: September 17, 2019
PRESENT: Charles Piso , Matt Corron, Ann Kuendig, Trish Fryer, George DebLon
Agenda Modifications: Correspondence #4 – PACIF Board of Director Nominations; Old Business #5 –Colton Support Letter; #6 – Liberty Hill Project; New Business #6 – Rivers and Roads Training; and #7 – Equipment Request
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting Minutes September 3, 2019
Public Present:
1.Tweed River Bridge B9
2.Notice of Public Hearing on Regional Plan
3.Rural Fire Protection –Thank you
4.PACIF Board of Director Nominations
Old Business:
1.Town Hall Insurance Survey Update
2.FEMA Update
3.E911 Commissioner
4.Accepting and Enacting Complaint Procedure
5.Colton Support Letter
6.Liberty Hill Project
New Business:
1.Hydraulic Study
2.Propane Tank removal from Town Hall
3.Tweed River Bridge B9
4.Town Seal
5.Clerk/Treasurer Report
6.Rivers and Roads Training
7.Equipment Request
Meeting Opened, Minutes Approval & Agenda Modifications
Charlie motioned to open the meeting at 6:00 p.m., Ann seconded, meeting opened. All are in favor of the agenda modifications: Correspondence #4 – PACIF Board of Director Nominations; Old Business #5 –Colton Support Letter; #6 – Liberty Hill Project; New Business #6 – Rivers and Roads Training; and #7 – Equipment Request. Charlie motioned to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting held September 3, 2019; Ann seconded; minutes approved.
1.Tweed River Bridge B9 – Parmenter bridge: NRCS approved 150 feet of rip rap on the Route 100 side along the Tweed River Open Space. Slated for the spring of 2020. There is no cost to the town. NRCS will have a design plan to present to the board for final approval.
2.Notice of Public Hearing on Regional Plan – TRORC is updating the Regional Plan and there is a meeting scheduled for September 25 at 6:30 p.m. at the Thompson Senior Center in Woodstock.
3.Rural Fire Protection –Thank you: Received a thank you for the town’s donation.
4.PACIF Board of Director Nominations – Currently there is a board vacancy. Nominations can be submitted to the Select Board.
Old Business:
1.Town Hall Insurance Survey Update – Trish contacted PACIF about the discrepancy and requested a refund for the error. PACIF will only go back this year and last year to refund $1,746 and $1,698 respectively. PACIF visits properties every 5 years. The revised policy has been received and Trish will review it closely. Ann suggests seeking quotes from other carriers. Charlie motioned to send a letter to PACIF indicating the town’s disappointment in the decision to only refund 2 years and request they go back to when the error occurred; Ann seconded; motion carried. Ann will write a draft to share with the board members.
2.FEMA Update – a.) FEMA considers the river bank along Tweed River Drive as unimproved and unprotected therefore they will not fix it. If the road washes out completely then FEMA would possibly fix it. Mike Lapointe of NRCS will be in Pittsfield on Friday September 20th at 10 a.m. to do an inspection as it may be similar to Parmenter Bridge B9. b.) 50 feet of rip rap along the cemetery river bank will be covered however damage from April 15th storm will not be covered. The property line goes across the river and a lot of property has been lost and could be considered infrastructure. May need a survey and need to find out if there are any mitigation rules that would apply. c.) The culvert by Manning is not covered because it was put in due to the repair/replacement of town road culvert #33. Drainage was added that was non-existent prior to the storm. Culvert #33 will fail again unless an armored box is installed per ANR. George will look into grants for this. d.) The dry hydrant at the bottom of Tweed River Drive is covered and will be repaired including armor around the strainer basket and replacement of iron pipe. e.) A cross drain for culvert #39 at Gokey Rd and Liberty Hill has been added to the list for inspection.
3.E911 Commissioner – Charlie has someone in mind and will reach out to them.
4.Accepting and Enacting Complaint Procedure – Ann is concerned there is no control for complainant to keep the information confidential, need some type of form. Charlie has an affidavit form that could be re-written for this purpose and will send to members for review. Ann suggests adding to the last paragraph of A. “any town official”. This is a requirement from the State for elected town officials, employees and appointees. Charlie motioned to approve the procedure with changes and include in the Town Report; Ann seconded; motion carried.
5.Colton Support Letter – Charlie will draft a letter of support for Colton Enterprises to send to the Act 250 Commission. Colton Enterprises is a valuable business to the town and an asset to the community and the state as they are 1 of 3 businesses certified to treat ash borer infestation. Board members will review draft before letter is submitted.
6.Liberty Hill Project – George asked to move forward with the Better Roads VT grant of $16,020 for replacing a culvert, ditching and ledge work on left side of the road. The work needs to be completed by June 30, 2020. The original estimate for the work is $20,025 and the difference could come out of the highway budget. Charlie motioned for George to bid the Liberty Hill project now; Matt seconded; motion carried.
New Business:
1.Hydraulic Study – ANR’s study at culvert #33 on Upper Michigan Road – George to pursue grant funding.
2.Propane Tank removal from Town Hall – CV Oil removed the tank and credited the town for remaining propane. The tank was used for the stoves in the basement.
3.Tweed River Bridge B9 – Duplicate of Correspondence #1
4.Town Seal – The town needs a design for a town seal. Trish will contact the Library to come up with ideas for generating designs. Possibly set a contest with the end of October as the deadline. The contest could be announced at the bazaar.
5.Clerk/Treasurer Report – Monthly financial reports reviewed and all in order.
6.Rivers and Roads Training – Charlie motioned to have this presentation from ANR for the board, planning commission and any other interested parties; Ann seconded; motion carried.
7.Equipment Request – George is requesting the board’s approval to purchase a Cyclone KB4 Blower to use on the loader for blowing leaves and debris from the roads and ditches. HP Fairchild quoted $7,610 and there’s $4,400 in equipment grant money available to pay for part of the cost. The balance would come from the equipment fund. Charlie motioned to approve the purchase; Matt seconded; motion carried.
Side Note 1: Town Hall power vent will have an exterior motor because there is not enough space inside the building where it needs to be installed. No issue with noise or snow to have it outside. Ann has submitted request to Charlie at CV Oil to order the power vent. The committee is looking into waterproofing the wall to avoid moisture and mold.
Side Note 2: Ann will contact Susie Martin to let her know restrooms in the Town Office will be open for the bazaar and they can use electricity as well. No one is to enter the Town Hall.
Next Meeting Dates: October 1, 2019 Regular Meeting
Adjournment: Charlie motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:52 p.m.; Matt seconded; meeting adjourned.
Approved Date: Recorded by: s/Tyna Gallagher
s/Charles Piso
s/Matt Corron
s/Ann Kuendig