DATE: October 15, 2019
PRESENT: Charles Piso , Matt Corron, Ann Kuendig, Trish Fryer
Agenda Modifications: Correspondence #3 – VTrans Better Back Roads VT; Old Business #4 – Town Seal; New Business #6 – Library Personnel; #7 – Building Safety
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting Minutes October 1, 2019
Public Present:
1.TRORC-Changes to Regional Plan
2.Skye Forest-Love is Everywhere in Vermont Initiative
3.VTrans Back Roads VT Program
Old Business:
1.Highway Notifications of work if Impacts are significant – Follow up
2.Upper Michigan Rd. Update
3.CAT4 Exercise
4.Town Seal
New Business:
1.Crash Plan Computer Security
2.Benefits Review
3.Town Report 2019
4.Treasurer Financial Report
5.Executive Session 1V.S.A§ 313
6.Library Personnel
7.Building Safety
Meeting Opened, Minutes Approval & Agenda Modifications
Charlie motioned to open the meeting at 6:00 p.m., Matt seconded, meeting opened. All are in favor of the agenda modifications: Correspondence #3 – VTrans Better Back Roads VT; Old Business #4 – Town Seal; New Business #6 – Library Personnel; #7 – Building Safety. Matt motioned to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting held October 1, 2019; Ann seconded; minutes approved.
1.TRORC-Changes to Regional Plan – Comments from 9/25/19 Draft require another meeting scheduled for October 30, 2019 at 6:30 pm at the Thompson Senior Center in Woodstock. Sarah will start the process for updating the town plan that is due in 2023.
2.Skye Forest-Love is Everywhere in Vermont Initiative – Requesting all 251 towns in Vermont to participate on Valentine’s Day 2020 by posting hearts around the community to demonstrate love conquers hate. Information forwarded to the Library.
3.VTrans Back Roads VT Program – Grant information with applications due 11/22/19. Materials forwarded to George.
Old Business:
1.Highway Notifications of work if impacts are significant – Follow up: Approved letter to George requesting updates on Thursdays for the following week so Trish can post on the website.
2.Upper Michigan Rd. Update – George met with Kricket to do the improved ditch project which is complete. Charlie and/or Ann plan to check on it during the upcoming rainstorm. Keith Hopkins would like to know when the rest of the road work will be done. Charlie to contact George to find out what it will take to do the road this fall.
3.CAT4 Exercise – This the statewide emergency preparedness exercise based on Tropical Storm Irene that was a category 4 hurricane. The practice is October 23 from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. with about 70 people from outside of Pittsfield participating. The story line is a response to a category 4 hurricane hitting the region with simulations and searches conducted along the Tweed River. The Town Office will be the emergency center and the town shelters will be activated. The State will provide feedback on the town’s shelters. Trish will post on the website so residents are aware.
4.Town Seal – Charlie motioned to table this topic for further discussion; Matt seconded; motion carried.
New Business:
1.Crash Plan Computer Security – Becky Donnet recommends the town use a back-up service to the cloud for $10 a month in addition to the current back-up procedure. Charlie motioned to utilize this service; Matt seconded; motion carried.
2.Benefits Review – discussed in Executive Session
3.Town Report 2019 – The timeline for the 2019 Town Report has been distributed and the board will proceed as normal in terms of handling donation requests.
4.Treasurer Financial Report – Trish does not have all the back statements yet so she will wait until the next meeting to review the financials.
5.Executive Session 1V.S.A§ 313: Charlie adjourned the regular meeting at 7:07 p.m. for the board to enter an Executive Session; Matt seconded; motion carried. Charlie motioned for the board to exit the Executive Session at 8:08 p.m. and re-open the regular board meeting; Ann seconded; motion carried. Matt motioned to re-organize boards duties where he will take on reviewing and signing orders, and Ann take on buildings; and Charlie continues as the chair; Matt feels Ann is doing more with buildings and he feels it would be best for him to do the orders; Charlie seconded; Ann is not in agreement as she would like to continue with orders and in light of a complaint believes this is a punitive move. Benefit review to continue upon further research.
6.Library Personnel – The board has been asked how a library trustee can be paid for time worked to cover when the librarian needs time off during hours of operation. The wording of Article 12 indicates one salary for one person in the position, not for multiple people.It does not authorize dividing the funds out to various people to cover for the librarian. Charlie motioned to send a letter to the Library Trustees informing them of this decision and recommend the trustees cover on a voluntary basis as they did prior to hiring a librarian; Ann seconded; motion carried.
7.Building Safety – Maya the librarian is inquiring about evacuation plan for the library and other safety questions. Charlie will seek advice from the Department of Fire Safety on October 23rd during the Cat4 Exercise.
Next Meeting Dates: November 5, 2019 Regular Meeting
Adjournment: Charlie motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:12 p.m.; Matt seconded; meeting adjourned.
Approved Date: November 5, 2019 Recorded by: s/Tyna Gallagher
s/Charles Piso
s/Matt Corron
s/Ann Kuendig
DATE: October 15, 2019
PRESENT: Charles Piso , Matt Corron, Ann Kuendig, Trish Fryer
Agenda Modifications: Correspondence #3 – VTrans Better Back Roads VT; Old Business #4 – Town Seal; New Business #6 – Library Personnel; #7 – Building Safety
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting Minutes October 1, 2019
Public Present:
1.TRORC-Changes to Regional Plan
2.Skye Forest-Love is Everywhere in Vermont Initiative
3.VTrans Back Roads VT Program
Old Business:
1.Highway Notifications of work if Impacts are significant – Follow up
2.Upper Michigan Rd. Update
3.CAT4 Exercise
4.Town Seal
New Business:
1.Crash Plan Computer Security
2.Benefits Review
3.Town Report 2019
4.Treasurer Financial Report
5.Executive Session 1V.S.A§ 313
6.Library Personnel
7.Building Safety
Meeting Opened, Minutes Approval & Agenda Modifications
Charlie motioned to open the meeting at 6:00 p.m., Matt seconded, meeting opened. All are in favor of the agenda modifications: Correspondence #3 – VTrans Better Back Roads VT; Old Business #4 – Town Seal; New Business #6 – Library Personnel; #7 – Building Safety. Matt motioned to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting held October 1, 2019; Ann seconded; minutes approved.
1.TRORC-Changes to Regional Plan – Comments from 9/25/19 Draft require another meeting scheduled for October 30, 2019 at 6:30 pm at the Thompson Senior Center in Woodstock. Sarah will start the process for updating the town plan that is due in 2023.
2.Skye Forest-Love is Everywhere in Vermont Initiative – Requesting all 251 towns in Vermont to participate on Valentine’s Day 2020 by posting hearts around the community to demonstrate love conquers hate. Information forwarded to the Library.
3.VTrans Back Roads VT Program – Grant information with applications due 11/22/19. Materials forwarded to George.
Old Business:
1.Highway Notifications of work if impacts are significant – Follow up: Approved letter to George requesting updates on Thursdays for the following week so Trish can post on the website.
2.Upper Michigan Rd. Update – George met with Kricket to do the improved ditch project which is complete. Charlie and/or Ann plan to check on it during the upcoming rainstorm. Keith Hopkins would like to know when the rest of the road work will be done. Charlie to contact George to find out what it will take to do the road this fall.
3.CAT4 Exercise – This the statewide emergency preparedness exercise based on Tropical Storm Irene that was a category 4 hurricane. The practice is October 23 from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. with about 70 people from outside of Pittsfield participating. The story line is a response to a category 4 hurricane hitting the region with simulations and searches conducted along the Tweed River. The Town Office will be the emergency center and the town shelters will be activated. The State will provide feedback on the town’s shelters. Trish will post on the website so residents are aware.
4.Town Seal – Charlie motioned to table this topic for further discussion; Matt seconded; motion carried.
New Business:
1.Crash Plan Computer Security – Becky Donnet recommends the town use a back-up service to the cloud for $10 a month in addition to the current back-up procedure. Charlie motioned to utilize this service; Matt seconded; motion carried.
2.Benefits Review – discussed in Executive Session
3.Town Report 2019 – The timeline for the 2019 Town Report has been distributed and the board will proceed as normal in terms of handling donation requests.
4.Treasurer Financial Report – Trish does not have all the back statements yet so she will wait until the next meeting to review the financials.
5.Executive Session 1V.S.A§ 313: Charlie adjourned the regular meeting at 7:07 p.m. for the board to enter an Executive Session; Matt seconded; motion carried. Charlie motioned for the board to exit the Executive Session at 8:08 p.m. and re-open the regular board meeting; Ann seconded; motion carried. Matt motioned to re-organize boards duties where he will take on reviewing and signing orders, and Ann take on buildings; and Charlie continues as the chair; Matt feels Ann is doing more with buildings and he feels it would be best for him to do the orders; Charlie seconded; Ann is not in agreement as she would like to continue with orders and in light of a complaint believes this is a punitive move. Benefit review to continue upon further research.
6.Library Personnel – The board has been asked how a library trustee can be paid for time worked to cover when the librarian needs time off during hours of operation. The wording of Article 12 indicates one salary for one person in the position, not for multiple people.It does not authorize dividing the funds out to various people to cover for the librarian. Charlie motioned to send a letter to the Library Trustees informing them of this decision and recommend the trustees cover on a voluntary basis as they did prior to hiring a librarian; Ann seconded; motion carried.
7.Building Safety – Maya the librarian is inquiring about evacuation plan for the library and other safety questions. Charlie will seek advice from the Department of Fire Safety on October 23rd during the Cat4 Exercise.
Next Meeting Dates: November 5, 2019 Regular Meeting
Adjournment: Charlie motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:12 p.m.; Matt seconded; meeting adjourned.
Approved Date: November 5, 2019 Recorded by: s/Tyna Gallagher
s/Charles Piso
s/Matt Corron
s/Ann Kuendig