DATE: October 1, 2019
PRESENT: Charles Piso , Matt Corron, Ann Kuendig, Trish Fryer, Peter Borden, Katie Stiles, Kricket McCusker of TR Fellows
Agenda Modifications: Correspondence #5 – Fair Labor Standards Act Change; Old Business #11 – Fence Payment; New Business #4 – Alan Greene cross drain on Hawk Run; #5 – Liquor License – Clear River Inn; #6 – Executive Session
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting Minutes September 17, 2019
Public Present: Kricket McCusker, Peter Borden
1.Peter Borden: Upper Michigan Rd
2.NPO Litigation
3.Vermont Transportation Alternatives Fall 2019 Application Guide
4.United States Geological Survey (USGS); request for meeting space
5.Fair Labor Standards Act Change
Old Business:
1.FEMA Update
2.Policy Approval (Affidavit Form)
3.Update Upper Michigan Rd. Plan from Kricket
4.VT Alerts
5.Colton Letter Approval
6.Reimbursement from FEMA update
7.Key for Town Hall
8.Insurance Renewal
9.Town Logo
10.Auditors Job Description: Review
11.Fence Payment
New Business:
1.Highway Notifications of Work if Impacts are significant
2.Dates for Fiscal Snapshot with Mike Gilbar
3.Polling Place Accessibility Survey
4.Alan Greene cross drain on Hawk Run
5.Liquor License – Clear River Inn
6.Executive Session
Meeting Opened, Minutes Approval & Agenda Modifications
Charlie motioned to open the meeting at 6:04 p.m., Ann seconded, meeting opened. All are in favor of the agenda modifications: Correspondence #5 – Fair Labor Standards Act Change; Old Business #11 – Fence Payment; New Business #4 – Alan Greene cross drain on Hawk Run; #5 – Liquor License – Clear River Inn; #6 – Executive Session. Charlie motioned to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting held September 17, 2019; Ann seconded; minutes approved.
1.Peter Borden: Upper Michigan Rd – see Old Business #4 for status related to Peter’s correspondence
2.NPO Litigation – National Prescription Opiate organization soliciting for cities and towns to voluntarily join their class action. No further action.
3.Vermont Transportation Alternatives Fall 2019 Application Guide – Notice of upcoming workshops and application guide. Deadline is 11/22/19. Materials forwarded to George.
4.United States Geological Survey (USGS); request for meeting space – Request to use the Town Office meeting area in lower level for their meeting on Wednesday, October 30th from 9 am to noon. Board approved request.
5.Fair Labor Standards Act Change – Notice from VLCT regarding changes to the act. No action.
Old Business:
1.FEMA Update – FEMA will fund a temporary repair for culvert #33 now and a permanent repair in the spring of 2020. NCRS is filing paperwork for Tweed River “cut out” issue near Tweed River Drive to pursue repair of this area. Ann found that Pittsfield is not listed as part of the river corridor on the Emergency Relief Assistance Fund (ERAF) website. The town has been assured they are part of the river corridor. Charlie will follow up on this.
2.Policy Approval (Affidavit Form) – Charlie spoke with the VLCT legal department regarding Complaint Procedure documentation and there are two options: a. Statement from citizen, or b. Use an affidavit form. VLCT legal will look at form Charlie has and would like to use as an example for others to use.
3.Update Upper Michigan Rd. Plan from Kricket – Kricket of TR Fellows reviewed the survey by Richard Luna and possible plan to address the road issue by the Original General Store. It would be a significant expense to lower the road to the extent Peter Borden and Katie Stiles would like. A poor sub-base causes the muddy and is not unusual for many roads in VT. Improving the sub-base in the muddy section will lower the height of the road 2-3 inches. Whether the road is lowered a few inches or a foot or more water is going to run downhill. Improving catch basin above the store may help as long as the drainage all the through is open. Charlie motioned to have Kricket talk to George about digging out the ditch, line with large stones and lower the drain; Ann seconded; motion carried. Kricket can meet with George to review if needed. Peter believes the board has not given this issue a timely response. The board has been addressing this topic regularly since it was brought to their attention. Due to the significant town wide damage from the April storm it was not given top priority however work did continue throughout the months. No decision made on addressing the muddy section.
4. VT Alerts – Peter Borden was concerned with the timing of the dry hydrant repair on Tweed River Road due to a large event scheduled at Riverside. Repair was completed before event however the board would like the town office to be notified of upcoming repairs for better communications to the townspeople. The town can use the VT Alert center for road closures. Charlie motioned to ask George to notify the Town Clerk’s office on Thursdays about upcoming road work for the following week so it can be posted on the website; Ann seconded; motion carried. A letter will be sent to George asking him to implement this process.
5.Colton Letter Approval – Charlie will forward the letter to Garrett at VLCT legal to make sure it is okay. Charlie will forward letter to other board members for review.
6.Reimbursement from FEMA update – Trish is trying to get all the paperwork in for reimbursement for completion in December 2019 versus February 2020.
7.Key for Town Hall – New locks are needed for the building. Charlie motioned to change out the deadbolt locks; Ann seconded; motion carried.
8.Insurance Renewal – Trish has reached out for quotes. There are only two other companies that provided this type of insurance besides PACIF. Trish has filed a notice with VLCT for an alternative carrier. The president from PACIF called the town office and spoke with Charlie regarding the over charges and will reimburse the town $10,150. If the town stays with PACIF they will have an adjuster do an on-site re-assessment for the true value.
9.Town Logo – Clarifying the town is seeking a design for a seal not a logo. Ann will take a photo of the seal on the town truck and forward to Erica.
10.Auditors Job Description: Review – The auditors contacted the select board stating they did not have authority to audit the library and fire department funds. Charlie contacted VLCT legal and the town auditors do have oversight of any funds that go through the Town Clerk/Treasurer. Charlie motioned to contact auditors with this information; Ann seconded; motion carried.
11.Fence Payment – Trish will use the balance of the Wray Park Beautification money market account to go towards the $270.90 fence invoice. The remaining balance will come from the regular Parks fund account.
New Business:
1.Highway Notifications of Work if Impacts are significant – See Old Business #4
2.Dates for Fiscal Snapshot with Mike Gilbar – Trish will check with the auditors to meet October 29th.
3.Polling Place Accessibility Survey – Disability Rights Vermont ensures compliance with ADA and they have suggestions that Trish will forward to the select board members to review.
4.Alan Greene cross drain on Hawk Run – The blockage is caused by debris from Mr. Greene’s property and it is the responsibility of the landowner to clear it.
5.Liquor License – Clear River Inn – Application for a Second Class Liquor License to sell beer and wine in the lobby of the Inn. Charlie motioned to approve the license; Matt seconded; motion carried.
6.Executive Session - Executive session V.S.A § 313: Charlie adjourned the regular meeting at 8:18 p.m. for the board to enter an Executive Session; Matt seconded; motion carried. Charlie motioned for the board to exit the Executive Session at 8:40 p.m.; Matt seconded; motion carried. The session was informational therefore no motion for action to be made. Charlie motioned to adjourn the regular Board Meeting at 8:41 p.m.; Matt seconded, motion carried.
Next Meeting Dates: October 15, 2019 Regular Meeting
Adjournment: Charlie motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:41 p.m.; Matt seconded; meeting adjourned.
Approved Date: Recorded by: s/Tyna Gallagher
s/Charles Piso
s/Matt Corron
s/Ann Kuendig
DATE: October 1, 2019
PRESENT: Charles Piso , Matt Corron, Ann Kuendig, Trish Fryer, Peter Borden, Katie Stiles, Kricket McCusker of TR Fellows
Agenda Modifications: Correspondence #5 – Fair Labor Standards Act Change; Old Business #11 – Fence Payment; New Business #4 – Alan Greene cross drain on Hawk Run; #5 – Liquor License – Clear River Inn; #6 – Executive Session
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting Minutes September 17, 2019
Public Present: Kricket McCusker, Peter Borden
1.Peter Borden: Upper Michigan Rd
2.NPO Litigation
3.Vermont Transportation Alternatives Fall 2019 Application Guide
4.United States Geological Survey (USGS); request for meeting space
5.Fair Labor Standards Act Change
Old Business:
1.FEMA Update
2.Policy Approval (Affidavit Form)
3.Update Upper Michigan Rd. Plan from Kricket
4.VT Alerts
5.Colton Letter Approval
6.Reimbursement from FEMA update
7.Key for Town Hall
8.Insurance Renewal
9.Town Logo
10.Auditors Job Description: Review
11.Fence Payment
New Business:
1.Highway Notifications of Work if Impacts are significant
2.Dates for Fiscal Snapshot with Mike Gilbar
3.Polling Place Accessibility Survey
4.Alan Greene cross drain on Hawk Run
5.Liquor License – Clear River Inn
6.Executive Session
Meeting Opened, Minutes Approval & Agenda Modifications
Charlie motioned to open the meeting at 6:04 p.m., Ann seconded, meeting opened. All are in favor of the agenda modifications: Correspondence #5 – Fair Labor Standards Act Change; Old Business #11 – Fence Payment; New Business #4 – Alan Greene cross drain on Hawk Run; #5 – Liquor License – Clear River Inn; #6 – Executive Session. Charlie motioned to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting held September 17, 2019; Ann seconded; minutes approved.
1.Peter Borden: Upper Michigan Rd – see Old Business #4 for status related to Peter’s correspondence
2.NPO Litigation – National Prescription Opiate organization soliciting for cities and towns to voluntarily join their class action. No further action.
3.Vermont Transportation Alternatives Fall 2019 Application Guide – Notice of upcoming workshops and application guide. Deadline is 11/22/19. Materials forwarded to George.
4.United States Geological Survey (USGS); request for meeting space – Request to use the Town Office meeting area in lower level for their meeting on Wednesday, October 30th from 9 am to noon. Board approved request.
5.Fair Labor Standards Act Change – Notice from VLCT regarding changes to the act. No action.
Old Business:
1.FEMA Update – FEMA will fund a temporary repair for culvert #33 now and a permanent repair in the spring of 2020. NCRS is filing paperwork for Tweed River “cut out” issue near Tweed River Drive to pursue repair of this area. Ann found that Pittsfield is not listed as part of the river corridor on the Emergency Relief Assistance Fund (ERAF) website. The town has been assured they are part of the river corridor. Charlie will follow up on this.
2.Policy Approval (Affidavit Form) – Charlie spoke with the VLCT legal department regarding Complaint Procedure documentation and there are two options: a. Statement from citizen, or b. Use an affidavit form. VLCT legal will look at form Charlie has and would like to use as an example for others to use.
3.Update Upper Michigan Rd. Plan from Kricket – Kricket of TR Fellows reviewed the survey by Richard Luna and possible plan to address the road issue by the Original General Store. It would be a significant expense to lower the road to the extent Peter Borden and Katie Stiles would like. A poor sub-base causes the muddy and is not unusual for many roads in VT. Improving the sub-base in the muddy section will lower the height of the road 2-3 inches. Whether the road is lowered a few inches or a foot or more water is going to run downhill. Improving catch basin above the store may help as long as the drainage all the through is open. Charlie motioned to have Kricket talk to George about digging out the ditch, line with large stones and lower the drain; Ann seconded; motion carried. Kricket can meet with George to review if needed. Peter believes the board has not given this issue a timely response. The board has been addressing this topic regularly since it was brought to their attention. Due to the significant town wide damage from the April storm it was not given top priority however work did continue throughout the months. No decision made on addressing the muddy section.
4. VT Alerts – Peter Borden was concerned with the timing of the dry hydrant repair on Tweed River Road due to a large event scheduled at Riverside. Repair was completed before event however the board would like the town office to be notified of upcoming repairs for better communications to the townspeople. The town can use the VT Alert center for road closures. Charlie motioned to ask George to notify the Town Clerk’s office on Thursdays about upcoming road work for the following week so it can be posted on the website; Ann seconded; motion carried. A letter will be sent to George asking him to implement this process.
5.Colton Letter Approval – Charlie will forward the letter to Garrett at VLCT legal to make sure it is okay. Charlie will forward letter to other board members for review.
6.Reimbursement from FEMA update – Trish is trying to get all the paperwork in for reimbursement for completion in December 2019 versus February 2020.
7.Key for Town Hall – New locks are needed for the building. Charlie motioned to change out the deadbolt locks; Ann seconded; motion carried.
8.Insurance Renewal – Trish has reached out for quotes. There are only two other companies that provided this type of insurance besides PACIF. Trish has filed a notice with VLCT for an alternative carrier. The president from PACIF called the town office and spoke with Charlie regarding the over charges and will reimburse the town $10,150. If the town stays with PACIF they will have an adjuster do an on-site re-assessment for the true value.
9.Town Logo – Clarifying the town is seeking a design for a seal not a logo. Ann will take a photo of the seal on the town truck and forward to Erica.
10.Auditors Job Description: Review – The auditors contacted the select board stating they did not have authority to audit the library and fire department funds. Charlie contacted VLCT legal and the town auditors do have oversight of any funds that go through the Town Clerk/Treasurer. Charlie motioned to contact auditors with this information; Ann seconded; motion carried.
11.Fence Payment – Trish will use the balance of the Wray Park Beautification money market account to go towards the $270.90 fence invoice. The remaining balance will come from the regular Parks fund account.
New Business:
1.Highway Notifications of Work if Impacts are significant – See Old Business #4
2.Dates for Fiscal Snapshot with Mike Gilbar – Trish will check with the auditors to meet October 29th.
3.Polling Place Accessibility Survey – Disability Rights Vermont ensures compliance with ADA and they have suggestions that Trish will forward to the select board members to review.
4.Alan Greene cross drain on Hawk Run – The blockage is caused by debris from Mr. Greene’s property and it is the responsibility of the landowner to clear it.
5.Liquor License – Clear River Inn – Application for a Second Class Liquor License to sell beer and wine in the lobby of the Inn. Charlie motioned to approve the license; Matt seconded; motion carried.
6.Executive Session - Executive session V.S.A § 313: Charlie adjourned the regular meeting at 8:18 p.m. for the board to enter an Executive Session; Matt seconded; motion carried. Charlie motioned for the board to exit the Executive Session at 8:40 p.m.; Matt seconded; motion carried. The session was informational therefore no motion for action to be made. Charlie motioned to adjourn the regular Board Meeting at 8:41 p.m.; Matt seconded, motion carried.
Next Meeting Dates: October 15, 2019 Regular Meeting
Adjournment: Charlie motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:41 p.m.; Matt seconded; meeting adjourned.
Approved Date: Recorded by: s/Tyna Gallagher
s/Charles Piso
s/Matt Corron
s/Ann Kuendig