DATE: November 5, 2019
PRESENT: Charles Piso , Matt Corron, Ann Kuendig, Trish Fryer, Marylou Scofield
Agenda Modifications: Correspondence #8 – EC Fiber, #9 - Marylou Scofield – Town Attorney, #10 – Bridge Inspection, #11 – Peter Borden, Original General Store re: Upper Michigan Road; Old Business #7 – Sand Shed, #8 Dog Letter.
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting Minutes October 15, 2019
Public Present:
1.Auditors – Call for Select Board Letter for Town Report
2.Secretary of State Transparency Tour
3.VSAA Report
4.VNA Connect Newsletter
5.Ordinance Enforcement Training VLCT
6.Constable T-Shirt
7.National Resource Board ACT 250 CV Oil
8.EC Fiber
9.Marylou Scofield – Town Attorney
10.Bridge Inspection
11.Peter Borden, Original General Store re: Upper Michigan Road
Old Business:
1.Fiscal Snap Shot
2.Open Space Sign (Approval of Kiosk)
3.911 Commissioner
4.Abram’s Buyout
5.Colton Letter
6.Insurance Renewal
7.Sand Shed
8.Dog Letter
New Business:
1.Health Care/HRA Renewal
2.Treasurer Report
Meeting Opened, Minutes Approval & Agenda Modifications
Charlie motioned to open the meeting at 6:01 p.m., Matt seconded, meeting opened. All are in favor of the agenda modifications: Correspondence #8 – EC Fiber, #9 - Marylou Scofield – Town Attorney, #10 – Bridge Inspection, #11 – Peter Borden, Original General Store re: Upper Michigan Road; Old Business #7 – Sand Shed, #8 Dog Letter. Charlie motioned to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting held October 15, 2019; Ann seconded; minutes approved.
1.Auditors – Call for Select Board Letter for Town Report – Requesting report by December 6th .
2.Secretary of State Transparency Tour – Jim Condos 5th Biennial Tour notice with dates and locations on file at the Town Office. The tour provides training and facilitates discussions on VT
Transparency Laws, Vermont Public Records Act and Open Meeting Law.
3.VSAA Report – Vermont Ski Areas Newsletter with updates about member resorts. No action.
4.VNA Connect Newsletter – Received, no action.
5.Ordinance Enforcement Training VLCT – Whit Montgomery of the Killington Police Department would like to make a presentation to the board about regionalizing the department. Constables need enforcement training as long it is voted in by the town. The board would like to hear Whit’s ideas at a future meeting.
6.Constable T-Shirt – Doug Mianulli thanked the town for providing the Constable t-shirt as it helped to identify him at a recent home visit where the occupants did not know him.
7.National Resource Board ACT 250 CV Oil – Land Use Permit has been received and authorizes permittees to demolish a barn, and to construct and operate a propane storage and dispensing facility.
8.EC Fiber – Invitation to attend their Annual Meeting on November 12th at 7 pm in Oak Hall at the Vermont Law School.
9.Marylou Scofield – Town Attorney: Charlie contact Marylou to possibly act as a mediator for Ann and Trish to resolve differences. This is not part of Marylou’s role as the town attorney however she will have an overview of resources that are available and may be of help. Marylou contacted VLCT for input and they suggested she attend some of the board meetings which she plans to do. Marylou reported the buyout for the Abrams property is moving ahead and TRORC has confirmed there is no duplication of benefits. Marylou will review the pertinent sections of the buyout document to make sure the town does not have any urgent tasks to address in the process.
10.Bridge Inspection – The Agency of Transportation will conduct an inspection of the Route 100 bridge on November 13th at 2 pm. Winterset is to remediate the Tweed River Open Space and will replace any trees that do not survive.
11.Peter Borden, Original General Store re: Upper Michigan Road – Peter contacted the town via e-mail Nov. 4th inquiring about the timeline for making changes to Upper Michigan Road. Kricket from TR Fellows was not able to attend tonight’s meeting however she did forward the plan which was distributed at the meeting. George is not available until next week to review the plan and create a bid package. Trish will invite Kricket to the next Select Board meeting and she will also inform Peter Borden.
Old Business:
1.Fiscal Snap Shot – Charlie and Sue (Wuerthele) were unaware of a fee for this service. The fee is not to exceed $630 which includes two to three hours on site plus travel time of approximately two hours. Trish will ask for references and Charlie will check with Sue about references for the service before the board makes a decision on whether to proceed or not.
2.Open Space Sign (Approval of Kiosk) – The White River Partnership has informed the town it would be a 2-post sign versus a single post sign because it is larger than they expected. Trish will ask for the dimensions and wording so the board can make a final decision.
3.911 Commissioner – Charlie does have a possibility and will follow up before bringing the name forward at a meeting.
4.Abram’s Buyout – See Correspondence #9 Marylou Scofield
5.Colton Letter – Charlie shared the draft and noted suggested changes for their letter of support. He will update and forward revised draft to Ann and Matt for a final review before sending to District 3 Environmental Commission.
6.Insurance Renewal – Trish verified the board wants her to fill out the multitude of spreadsheets to get an alternative insurance carrier quote now that PACIF is refunding overcharges and providing a complete reassessment. The board would like Trish to proceed with obtaining an alternative quote.
7.Sand Shed – Ann and George reviewed the bid contract with geotechnical addendum from TRORC for Dubois & King and recommend going forward with it. The addendum gives the town the right of refusal for extra geotechnical inspections. Charlie motioned to sign the contract; Ann seconded; motion carried. The signed contract goes to Pete Fellows at TRORC.
8.Dog Letter – It was determined that no decision was made to send a letter at the September 3rd meeting. The dog at Sal and Maggie’s house continues to bark incessantly and at all of hours of the day and night. The board needs written complaints to proceed.
New Business:
1.Health Care/HRA Renewal – MVP has an increase of $67.98 per month per member. The BC/BS comparable plan has a much higher cost. MVP’s HRA renewal also has a promotion waiving their fee. Charlie motioned to approve the continuance of MVP Health Insurance for town employees and the HRA component; Matt seconded; motion carried.
2.Treasurer Report – Trish reviewed the reports with the board. The first payment for the new fire truck has been processed. The board would like an update from the Fire Department’s truck committee to make sure they are satisfied with the truck and if there are any outstanding issues. The Board Secretary will send an invitation to the committee for the next meeting.
Next Meeting Dates: November 26, 2019 Regular Meeting
Adjournment: Charlie motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:42 p.m.; Matt seconded; meeting adjourned.
Approved Date: December 3, 2019 Recorded by: s/ Tyna Gallagher
s/Charles Piso
s/Matt Corron
s/Ann Kuendig
DATE: November 5, 2019
PRESENT: Charles Piso , Matt Corron, Ann Kuendig, Trish Fryer, Marylou Scofield
Agenda Modifications: Correspondence #8 – EC Fiber, #9 - Marylou Scofield – Town Attorney, #10 – Bridge Inspection, #11 – Peter Borden, Original General Store re: Upper Michigan Road; Old Business #7 – Sand Shed, #8 Dog Letter.
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting Minutes October 15, 2019
Public Present:
1.Auditors – Call for Select Board Letter for Town Report
2.Secretary of State Transparency Tour
3.VSAA Report
4.VNA Connect Newsletter
5.Ordinance Enforcement Training VLCT
6.Constable T-Shirt
7.National Resource Board ACT 250 CV Oil
8.EC Fiber
9.Marylou Scofield – Town Attorney
10.Bridge Inspection
11.Peter Borden, Original General Store re: Upper Michigan Road
Old Business:
1.Fiscal Snap Shot
2.Open Space Sign (Approval of Kiosk)
3.911 Commissioner
4.Abram’s Buyout
5.Colton Letter
6.Insurance Renewal
7.Sand Shed
8.Dog Letter
New Business:
1.Health Care/HRA Renewal
2.Treasurer Report
Meeting Opened, Minutes Approval & Agenda Modifications
Charlie motioned to open the meeting at 6:01 p.m., Matt seconded, meeting opened. All are in favor of the agenda modifications: Correspondence #8 – EC Fiber, #9 - Marylou Scofield – Town Attorney, #10 – Bridge Inspection, #11 – Peter Borden, Original General Store re: Upper Michigan Road; Old Business #7 – Sand Shed, #8 Dog Letter. Charlie motioned to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting held October 15, 2019; Ann seconded; minutes approved.
1.Auditors – Call for Select Board Letter for Town Report – Requesting report by December 6th .
2.Secretary of State Transparency Tour – Jim Condos 5th Biennial Tour notice with dates and locations on file at the Town Office. The tour provides training and facilitates discussions on VT
Transparency Laws, Vermont Public Records Act and Open Meeting Law.
3.VSAA Report – Vermont Ski Areas Newsletter with updates about member resorts. No action.
4.VNA Connect Newsletter – Received, no action.
5.Ordinance Enforcement Training VLCT – Whit Montgomery of the Killington Police Department would like to make a presentation to the board about regionalizing the department. Constables need enforcement training as long it is voted in by the town. The board would like to hear Whit’s ideas at a future meeting.
6.Constable T-Shirt – Doug Mianulli thanked the town for providing the Constable t-shirt as it helped to identify him at a recent home visit where the occupants did not know him.
7.National Resource Board ACT 250 CV Oil – Land Use Permit has been received and authorizes permittees to demolish a barn, and to construct and operate a propane storage and dispensing facility.
8.EC Fiber – Invitation to attend their Annual Meeting on November 12th at 7 pm in Oak Hall at the Vermont Law School.
9.Marylou Scofield – Town Attorney: Charlie contact Marylou to possibly act as a mediator for Ann and Trish to resolve differences. This is not part of Marylou’s role as the town attorney however she will have an overview of resources that are available and may be of help. Marylou contacted VLCT for input and they suggested she attend some of the board meetings which she plans to do. Marylou reported the buyout for the Abrams property is moving ahead and TRORC has confirmed there is no duplication of benefits. Marylou will review the pertinent sections of the buyout document to make sure the town does not have any urgent tasks to address in the process.
10.Bridge Inspection – The Agency of Transportation will conduct an inspection of the Route 100 bridge on November 13th at 2 pm. Winterset is to remediate the Tweed River Open Space and will replace any trees that do not survive.
11.Peter Borden, Original General Store re: Upper Michigan Road – Peter contacted the town via e-mail Nov. 4th inquiring about the timeline for making changes to Upper Michigan Road. Kricket from TR Fellows was not able to attend tonight’s meeting however she did forward the plan which was distributed at the meeting. George is not available until next week to review the plan and create a bid package. Trish will invite Kricket to the next Select Board meeting and she will also inform Peter Borden.
Old Business:
1.Fiscal Snap Shot – Charlie and Sue (Wuerthele) were unaware of a fee for this service. The fee is not to exceed $630 which includes two to three hours on site plus travel time of approximately two hours. Trish will ask for references and Charlie will check with Sue about references for the service before the board makes a decision on whether to proceed or not.
2.Open Space Sign (Approval of Kiosk) – The White River Partnership has informed the town it would be a 2-post sign versus a single post sign because it is larger than they expected. Trish will ask for the dimensions and wording so the board can make a final decision.
3.911 Commissioner – Charlie does have a possibility and will follow up before bringing the name forward at a meeting.
4.Abram’s Buyout – See Correspondence #9 Marylou Scofield
5.Colton Letter – Charlie shared the draft and noted suggested changes for their letter of support. He will update and forward revised draft to Ann and Matt for a final review before sending to District 3 Environmental Commission.
6.Insurance Renewal – Trish verified the board wants her to fill out the multitude of spreadsheets to get an alternative insurance carrier quote now that PACIF is refunding overcharges and providing a complete reassessment. The board would like Trish to proceed with obtaining an alternative quote.
7.Sand Shed – Ann and George reviewed the bid contract with geotechnical addendum from TRORC for Dubois & King and recommend going forward with it. The addendum gives the town the right of refusal for extra geotechnical inspections. Charlie motioned to sign the contract; Ann seconded; motion carried. The signed contract goes to Pete Fellows at TRORC.
8.Dog Letter – It was determined that no decision was made to send a letter at the September 3rd meeting. The dog at Sal and Maggie’s house continues to bark incessantly and at all of hours of the day and night. The board needs written complaints to proceed.
New Business:
1.Health Care/HRA Renewal – MVP has an increase of $67.98 per month per member. The BC/BS comparable plan has a much higher cost. MVP’s HRA renewal also has a promotion waiving their fee. Charlie motioned to approve the continuance of MVP Health Insurance for town employees and the HRA component; Matt seconded; motion carried.
2.Treasurer Report – Trish reviewed the reports with the board. The first payment for the new fire truck has been processed. The board would like an update from the Fire Department’s truck committee to make sure they are satisfied with the truck and if there are any outstanding issues. The Board Secretary will send an invitation to the committee for the next meeting.
Next Meeting Dates: November 26, 2019 Regular Meeting
Adjournment: Charlie motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:42 p.m.; Matt seconded; meeting adjourned.
Approved Date: December 3, 2019 Recorded by: s/ Tyna Gallagher
s/Charles Piso
s/Matt Corron
s/Ann Kuendig