DATE: May 21, 2019
PRESENT: Charles Piso, Matt Corron, Ann Kuendig via phone, Trish Fryer, Janice Stumpf, George Deblon, Jeff Hegewald, Dave Larkin, Paul Grindel, Trish & Ken Jarecki)
Agenda Modifications: Correspondence #2 – Peter Fellows, TRORC; #3 – (2) Act 250 Notices; #4 – Resignation; #5 – Resignation; #6 – US Census; #7 - GMEDC Green Mountain Economic Development Grant; Old Business #7 – Trish Jarecki Letter; New Business #7 – Delinquent Tax Properties; #8 - Appointments to fulfill resignations
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting Minutes May 7, 2019
Public Present: Janice Stumpf
1.VLCT News
2.Peter Fellows, TRORC
3.(2) Act 250 Notices
6.US Census
7.GMEDC Green Mountain Economic Development Grant
Old Business:
1.TRORC TAC Representative
2.Letter from Jo and Sandy Mas Re: 585 Hawk Mountain Rd.
3.Mascoma Note for Flood Repair
4.Upper Michigan Rd. – Update
5.Flood Repair Jobs-George Deblon
6.Chimney Request -Town Hall Citizens Advisory Committee
7.Trish Jarecki Letter
New Business:
1.100 on 100 Relay
2.Financial Management Questionnaire – Signature needed
3.EWP Letter
4.Generator Quote
5.Treasurer Reports – March and April
6.Executive session V.S.A § 313
7.Delinquent Tax Properties
8.Appointments to fulfill resignations
Next Meeting Date: June 6, 2019
Meeting Opened, Minutes Approval & Agenda Modifications
Charlie motioned to open the meeting at 6:00 p.m., Matt seconded, meeting opened. Ann is participating via phone. All in favor of the agenda modifications: Correspondence #2 – Peter Fellows, TRORC; #3 – (2) Act 250 Notices; #4 – Resignation; #5 – Resignation; #6 – US Census; #7 - GMEDC Green Mountain Economic Development Grant; Old Business #7 – Trish Jarecki Letter; New Business #7 – Delinquent Tax Properties; #8 - Appointments to fulfill resignations. Charlie motioned to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting held May 7, 2019; Ann seconded; minutes approved.
1.VLCT News – May issue on file at town office
2.Peter Fellows, TRORC – He provided an update via e-mail indicating the state will make a disaster declaration to FEMA and should hear back later in July.
3.(2) Act 250 Notices: The Act 250 Meeting for Colton Enterprises is scheduled for May 29, 2019 in regards to summer operations, insulation project and wood chipping. The Act 250 Meeting for CV Oil is scheduled for June 5, 2019 in regards to tank storage.
4.Resignation – Herb Kuendig has resigned as Emergency Management Co-coordinator.
5.Resignation – Herb Kuendig has resigned as TRORC Representative.
6.US Census – Information on new construction of infrastructure. Materials are being forwarded to the Planning Commission.
7.GMEDC Green Mountain Economic Development Grant – They have grants available for businesses suffering from disasters. Trish will post the information.
Old Business:
1. TRORC TAC Representative – George Deblon is still the TAC Representative for the town.
2. Letter from Joe and Sandy Mas Re: 585 Hawk Mountain Rd. – They would like to know what the town is doing about the storm damage. The road has been re-stored to condition prior to the storm. The Mas’ believe the town is responsible for their driveway damage and want the town to pay for the repair work.
3. Mascoma Note for Flood Repair – Mascoma offers the best rate which is 2% on funds that are used. By statute the town has to repair roads. Marylou Scofield, town attorney, reviewed and approved the line of credit note. Charlie motioned to sign the line credit up to one million dollars valid for one year at time of signature; Matt seconded; motion carried.
4. Upper Michigan Rd. – Update on proposal from Kricket at TR Fellows. Richard Lunna survey estimate is $2,200; Kricket estimates 40 hours at $115/ hour for design, specs and ready to bid the project for $4,600; bringing total estimate to $6,800. The plan includes lowering the roadway, modifying the drainage, re-grading of crown and recommendations for possible additional storm drains, culverts and addressing Route 100 re-paving. Still need a time frame for the work to be completed. Charlie motioned to approve the $6,800 for the engineering design; Matt seconded; motion carried.
5. Flood Repair Jobs-George Deblon: George provided the board with description of needed road repairs. There are 7 Jobs of roads to be addressed with some having numerous sites to be remedied. The Jobs are: 1-Liberty Hill/Rochester Side with eight sites identified; 2-Upper Michigan Road with nine sites identified; 3-Hawk Mountain Road with four sites identified; 4-Hawk Run, Hawk Lane, Hawk Trail & Moose Run with five sites identified; 5-Liberty Hill Road, entire road needs repairs and it has 32 culverts to be inspected and cleaned as needed; 6-Guernsey Hollow Road; and 7-Tozier Hill Road. The rough estimate on road repairs id $690,000 plus river repairs. The town has spent $47,000+ so far. Funds already spent can be re-couped through FEMA as long as the declaration goes through. George has Liberty Hill Road as the number one priority. The town needs at least two written estimates for each job. Ann would like to see procurement verbiage included as boilerplate for estimate requests. George will work with Trish and plan to submit cover letter and jobs to three contractors: Mosher, Dave Colton and Harvey’s. Estimates will be due in one week. George will review and give his recommendations to the board. Victoria Littlefield of TRORC has provided a clear checklist of items needed to qualify for FEMA reimbursement.
6. Chimney Request -Town Hall Citizens Advisory Committee: Per Dave Larkin the committee has concerns about the stability of the chimney. This is the first item the committee believes should be addressed. Ann will contact the contractors that evaluated the chimney in the fall. Charlie motioned to allow the committee to use Town Hall Maintenance funds, not to exceed the balance of $4,691 to verify the safety of the chimney and conduct further inspections; Matt seconded; motion carried.
7. Trish Jarecki Letter – Mrs. Jarecki presented a letter to the Board that she wants entered into the record in reference to the towing issue that was discussed at the May 7, 2019 meeting. The letter is on file at the town office.
New Business:
1. 100 on 100 Relay – Andy Ellis is requesting permission to go through Pittsfield on August 17, 2019 for the relay. Matt motion to approve the request; Charlie seconded; motion carried.
2. Financial Management Questionnaire – Signature needed: The Treasurer fills out annually to be sure the town has checks and balances in place. Charlie motioned to approve the questionnaire; Matt seconded; motion carried.
3. EWP Letter –The Natural Resources Conservation Service sent the town a letter seeking approval to join the Emergency Watershed Protection Program (EWP). They sponsor specific types of river repairs and cover 75% of the cost with the remaining 25% paid by the landowner in cash or in-kind donation. The Board would like more information so Ann will contact Peter Fellows at TRORC to learn more. Charlie motioned to wait until the board receives clarification of the program; Matt seconded; motion carried.
4. Generator Quote – The town receive a quote of $11,026 from Brook Field Service for a generator to service the Town Office. This price does not include various options or maintenance. Charlie motioned to have the Planning Commission pursue and present grant opportunities to help offset the cost; Matt seconded; motion carried.
5. Treasurer Reports – March and April: New account lines were added for the new Fire Truck and for the April 2019 Flood Damage to help track expenses accurately. Connie Martin does not believe a split rail fence would work well along the roadway to the lower section of the cemetery. She will look into other options and make recommendations to the Board.
6. Executive session V.S.A § 313: Charlie adjourned the regular meeting at 8:07 p.m. for the board to enter an Executive Session; Matt seconded; motion carried. Executive Session began at 8:08 p.m. Charlie motioned for the board to exit the Executive Session at 8:33 p.m.; Matt seconded; motion carried. Charlie motioned to re-open the regular Board Meeting at 8:34 p.m.; Matt seconded, motion carried. Charlie motioned that the board explore developing a Human Resource Policy for all elected, appointed, paid and volunteer town personnel to be executed by the end of August 2019; Matt seconded; motion carried. There is a Human Resource Employment Law workshop sponsored by VLCT in Stowe June 5, 2019. Trish and board members will look into attending this workshop.
7. Delinquent Tax Properties – Janice reported there are three properties that have been on the list for a very long time: BHH Associates; Tiffany and Harry Watkins et al. All have gone up for tax sale in the past with no results. Janice will write up a description of the properties and the unique situations to be distributed to the board members for review. Kevin O’Toole is a resource that she would like to contact about what to do with the three properties. The board would like Janice to find out what it would cost to hire him. Also, there is one property that is over due by two years with no payments made. Janice would like to wait another year before pursuing further.
8. Appointments to fulfill resignations – The Board will work on finding new appointees for the two positions that Herb Kuendig recently vacated. The positions are Emergency Management Co-coordinator and TRORC Representative.
On a side-bar Ann updated the board about the Sand Shed re-bidding process. The town is waiting for Peter Fellows of TRORC to re-write the bid so it can be sent out again. George requests eliminating the wording, “bid will go to the lowest bidder”.
Next Meeting Dates: June 4, 2019 Regular Meeting
Adjournment: Charlie motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 p.m.; Matt seconded; meeting adjourned.
Approved Date: June 6, 2019 Recorded by: s/ Tyna Gallagher
s/Charles Piso
s/Matt Corron
s/Ann Kuendig
DATE: May 21, 2019
PRESENT: Charles Piso, Matt Corron, Ann Kuendig via phone, Trish Fryer, Janice Stumpf, George Deblon, Jeff Hegewald, Dave Larkin, Paul Grindel, Trish & Ken Jarecki)
Agenda Modifications: Correspondence #2 – Peter Fellows, TRORC; #3 – (2) Act 250 Notices; #4 – Resignation; #5 – Resignation; #6 – US Census; #7 - GMEDC Green Mountain Economic Development Grant; Old Business #7 – Trish Jarecki Letter; New Business #7 – Delinquent Tax Properties; #8 - Appointments to fulfill resignations
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting Minutes May 7, 2019
Public Present: Janice Stumpf
1.VLCT News
2.Peter Fellows, TRORC
3.(2) Act 250 Notices
6.US Census
7.GMEDC Green Mountain Economic Development Grant
Old Business:
1.TRORC TAC Representative
2.Letter from Jo and Sandy Mas Re: 585 Hawk Mountain Rd.
3.Mascoma Note for Flood Repair
4.Upper Michigan Rd. – Update
5.Flood Repair Jobs-George Deblon
6.Chimney Request -Town Hall Citizens Advisory Committee
7.Trish Jarecki Letter
New Business:
1.100 on 100 Relay
2.Financial Management Questionnaire – Signature needed
3.EWP Letter
4.Generator Quote
5.Treasurer Reports – March and April
6.Executive session V.S.A § 313
7.Delinquent Tax Properties
8.Appointments to fulfill resignations
Next Meeting Date: June 6, 2019
Meeting Opened, Minutes Approval & Agenda Modifications
Charlie motioned to open the meeting at 6:00 p.m., Matt seconded, meeting opened. Ann is participating via phone. All in favor of the agenda modifications: Correspondence #2 – Peter Fellows, TRORC; #3 – (2) Act 250 Notices; #4 – Resignation; #5 – Resignation; #6 – US Census; #7 - GMEDC Green Mountain Economic Development Grant; Old Business #7 – Trish Jarecki Letter; New Business #7 – Delinquent Tax Properties; #8 - Appointments to fulfill resignations. Charlie motioned to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting held May 7, 2019; Ann seconded; minutes approved.
1.VLCT News – May issue on file at town office
2.Peter Fellows, TRORC – He provided an update via e-mail indicating the state will make a disaster declaration to FEMA and should hear back later in July.
3.(2) Act 250 Notices: The Act 250 Meeting for Colton Enterprises is scheduled for May 29, 2019 in regards to summer operations, insulation project and wood chipping. The Act 250 Meeting for CV Oil is scheduled for June 5, 2019 in regards to tank storage.
4.Resignation – Herb Kuendig has resigned as Emergency Management Co-coordinator.
5.Resignation – Herb Kuendig has resigned as TRORC Representative.
6.US Census – Information on new construction of infrastructure. Materials are being forwarded to the Planning Commission.
7.GMEDC Green Mountain Economic Development Grant – They have grants available for businesses suffering from disasters. Trish will post the information.
Old Business:
1. TRORC TAC Representative – George Deblon is still the TAC Representative for the town.
2. Letter from Joe and Sandy Mas Re: 585 Hawk Mountain Rd. – They would like to know what the town is doing about the storm damage. The road has been re-stored to condition prior to the storm. The Mas’ believe the town is responsible for their driveway damage and want the town to pay for the repair work.
3. Mascoma Note for Flood Repair – Mascoma offers the best rate which is 2% on funds that are used. By statute the town has to repair roads. Marylou Scofield, town attorney, reviewed and approved the line of credit note. Charlie motioned to sign the line credit up to one million dollars valid for one year at time of signature; Matt seconded; motion carried.
4. Upper Michigan Rd. – Update on proposal from Kricket at TR Fellows. Richard Lunna survey estimate is $2,200; Kricket estimates 40 hours at $115/ hour for design, specs and ready to bid the project for $4,600; bringing total estimate to $6,800. The plan includes lowering the roadway, modifying the drainage, re-grading of crown and recommendations for possible additional storm drains, culverts and addressing Route 100 re-paving. Still need a time frame for the work to be completed. Charlie motioned to approve the $6,800 for the engineering design; Matt seconded; motion carried.
5. Flood Repair Jobs-George Deblon: George provided the board with description of needed road repairs. There are 7 Jobs of roads to be addressed with some having numerous sites to be remedied. The Jobs are: 1-Liberty Hill/Rochester Side with eight sites identified; 2-Upper Michigan Road with nine sites identified; 3-Hawk Mountain Road with four sites identified; 4-Hawk Run, Hawk Lane, Hawk Trail & Moose Run with five sites identified; 5-Liberty Hill Road, entire road needs repairs and it has 32 culverts to be inspected and cleaned as needed; 6-Guernsey Hollow Road; and 7-Tozier Hill Road. The rough estimate on road repairs id $690,000 plus river repairs. The town has spent $47,000+ so far. Funds already spent can be re-couped through FEMA as long as the declaration goes through. George has Liberty Hill Road as the number one priority. The town needs at least two written estimates for each job. Ann would like to see procurement verbiage included as boilerplate for estimate requests. George will work with Trish and plan to submit cover letter and jobs to three contractors: Mosher, Dave Colton and Harvey’s. Estimates will be due in one week. George will review and give his recommendations to the board. Victoria Littlefield of TRORC has provided a clear checklist of items needed to qualify for FEMA reimbursement.
6. Chimney Request -Town Hall Citizens Advisory Committee: Per Dave Larkin the committee has concerns about the stability of the chimney. This is the first item the committee believes should be addressed. Ann will contact the contractors that evaluated the chimney in the fall. Charlie motioned to allow the committee to use Town Hall Maintenance funds, not to exceed the balance of $4,691 to verify the safety of the chimney and conduct further inspections; Matt seconded; motion carried.
7. Trish Jarecki Letter – Mrs. Jarecki presented a letter to the Board that she wants entered into the record in reference to the towing issue that was discussed at the May 7, 2019 meeting. The letter is on file at the town office.
New Business:
1. 100 on 100 Relay – Andy Ellis is requesting permission to go through Pittsfield on August 17, 2019 for the relay. Matt motion to approve the request; Charlie seconded; motion carried.
2. Financial Management Questionnaire – Signature needed: The Treasurer fills out annually to be sure the town has checks and balances in place. Charlie motioned to approve the questionnaire; Matt seconded; motion carried.
3. EWP Letter –The Natural Resources Conservation Service sent the town a letter seeking approval to join the Emergency Watershed Protection Program (EWP). They sponsor specific types of river repairs and cover 75% of the cost with the remaining 25% paid by the landowner in cash or in-kind donation. The Board would like more information so Ann will contact Peter Fellows at TRORC to learn more. Charlie motioned to wait until the board receives clarification of the program; Matt seconded; motion carried.
4. Generator Quote – The town receive a quote of $11,026 from Brook Field Service for a generator to service the Town Office. This price does not include various options or maintenance. Charlie motioned to have the Planning Commission pursue and present grant opportunities to help offset the cost; Matt seconded; motion carried.
5. Treasurer Reports – March and April: New account lines were added for the new Fire Truck and for the April 2019 Flood Damage to help track expenses accurately. Connie Martin does not believe a split rail fence would work well along the roadway to the lower section of the cemetery. She will look into other options and make recommendations to the Board.
6. Executive session V.S.A § 313: Charlie adjourned the regular meeting at 8:07 p.m. for the board to enter an Executive Session; Matt seconded; motion carried. Executive Session began at 8:08 p.m. Charlie motioned for the board to exit the Executive Session at 8:33 p.m.; Matt seconded; motion carried. Charlie motioned to re-open the regular Board Meeting at 8:34 p.m.; Matt seconded, motion carried. Charlie motioned that the board explore developing a Human Resource Policy for all elected, appointed, paid and volunteer town personnel to be executed by the end of August 2019; Matt seconded; motion carried. There is a Human Resource Employment Law workshop sponsored by VLCT in Stowe June 5, 2019. Trish and board members will look into attending this workshop.
7. Delinquent Tax Properties – Janice reported there are three properties that have been on the list for a very long time: BHH Associates; Tiffany and Harry Watkins et al. All have gone up for tax sale in the past with no results. Janice will write up a description of the properties and the unique situations to be distributed to the board members for review. Kevin O’Toole is a resource that she would like to contact about what to do with the three properties. The board would like Janice to find out what it would cost to hire him. Also, there is one property that is over due by two years with no payments made. Janice would like to wait another year before pursuing further.
8. Appointments to fulfill resignations – The Board will work on finding new appointees for the two positions that Herb Kuendig recently vacated. The positions are Emergency Management Co-coordinator and TRORC Representative.
On a side-bar Ann updated the board about the Sand Shed re-bidding process. The town is waiting for Peter Fellows of TRORC to re-write the bid so it can be sent out again. George requests eliminating the wording, “bid will go to the lowest bidder”.
Next Meeting Dates: June 4, 2019 Regular Meeting
Adjournment: Charlie motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 p.m.; Matt seconded; meeting adjourned.
Approved Date: June 6, 2019 Recorded by: s/ Tyna Gallagher
s/Charles Piso
s/Matt Corron
s/Ann Kuendig