DATE: July 2, 2019
PRESENT: Charles Piso, Matt Corron, Ann Kuendig, Trish Fryer
Agenda Modifications: Old Business #7 – Town Hall Chimney; #8 – Sand Shed Bid; New Business #8 – Dog License Letter Update; #9 – Tax Rate
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting Minutes June 18, 2019
Public Present:
1.Town Highway Reclassification Chittenden – see New Business #4
2.Isabelle Green June 20, 2019
3.Applicant Briefing Hazard Mitigation – see New Business #2
4.US Forest Service Stakeholder
Old Business:
1.Leadership Recommendations
2.TRORC Commissioner
3.Unusual Circumstances FEMA
4.Conflict of Interest Policy (Approval)
5.Town Meeting Church Update
6.Colton Act 250 Update
7.Town Hall Chimney
8.Sand Shed Bid
New Business:
1.FEMA Applicant Meeting Update
2.Hazardous Mitigation Plan Renewal
3.Town Roads and Bridges Standards Adoption
4.Town Highway Reclassification Chittenden
5.Letter to Historical Society
6.Select Board Meeting July 9th
7.Municipal Roads Grants-In-Aid Program and Equipment Purchase
8.Dog License Update
9.Tax Rate
Executive Session:
Next Meeting Date: Special Meeting July 9, 2019; Regular Meeting August 6, 2019
Meeting Opened, Minutes Approval & Agenda Modifications
Charlie motioned to open the meeting at 6:03 p.m., Matt seconded, meeting opened. All in favor of the agenda modifications: Old Business #7 – Town Hall Chimney; #8 – Sand Shed Bid; New Business #8 – Dog License Letter Update; #9 – Tax Rate. Charlie motioned to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting held June 18, 2019; Matt seconded; minutes approved.
1.Town Highway Reclassification Chittenden – see New Business #4
2.Isabelle Green June 20, 2019 – the culvert has been cleared of debris by the Fire Dept.
3.Applicant Briefing Hazard Mitigation – see New Business #2
4.US Forest Service Stakeholder – Wildlife Services is preparing an Environmental Assessment for oral vaccination to control specific rabies virus variants. Draft should be available for public review starting July 1, 2019.
Old Business:
1.Leadership Recommendations - Charlie will contact a possible candidate and will let other board members know tomorrow as the deadline to register is July 5th.
2.TRORC Commissioner– tabled for a future meeting.
3.Unusual Circumstances FEMA – The FEMA Grant has come through. Charlie motioned to keep the grant date open for unusual circumstances for overtime until October 2019; Matt seconded; motion carried.
4.Conflict of Interest Policy (Approval) – This is mandated by the State and they request towns adopt the policy by July 1, 2019. All appointees and elected town officials, and employees are to sign the policy. This policy would supersede any other Conflict of Interest Policy that may have been signed for this fiscal year.
5.Town Meeting Church Update – Trish confirmed the town has $843.52 left in the pre-buy with CV Oil. Charlie motioned to donate $200 to the church to help offset the cost of holding Town Meeting in their building. Matt seconded; motion carried. The board will talk to Bruce Shaw about plans for Town Meeting 2020. Trish will contact CV Oil to transfer $200 of the pre-buy to the church’s account.
6.Colton Act 250 Update – Colton’s requested an extension and the Commission extended until August 12, 2019.
7.Town Hall Chimney – The Citizens Committee approved installing a power vent for the furnace at $1700. CV Oil will install and it becomes part of the annual maintenance at no extra cost. Currently investigating options for removal of the chimney.
8.Sand Shed Bid – The bid review committee consists of two town representatives, one from TRORC and one from VTrans. Still waiting on an update for when the bid will go out. Bidders will have 30 days to respond.
New Business:
1.FEMA Applicant Meeting Update – FEMA Quick Reference Guides have been distributed to board members, Trish and George. There is a FEMA conference call July 14 to find out when a representative will be visiting sites. All current bids are under the threshold and have the required three bidders. FEMA has streamlined the paperwork so payments should be faster than the previous disaster funding. Two more sites have been identified and added to the list: Hawk Lane culvert #3 and a site on Tweed River Road. Charlie will contact George to get some firm timeline information to post on the website.
2.Hazardous Mitigation Plan Renewal – This is due August of 2020. Charlie motioned to apply for the grant through TRORC to update the plan; Matt seconded; motion carried. It is a 25% match.
3.Town Roads and Bridges Standards Adoption – This is the annual review and adoption of the standards. Charlie motioned to adopt the updated Town Roads and Bridges Standards; Ann seconded; motion carried.
4.Town Highway Reclassification Chittenden – A meeting is scheduled of July 27 at 10 am at the end of Upper Michigan Road at the Chittenden town line to review and discuss the re-classification of several sections of Class IV roads to trails.
5.Letter to Historical Society – The board is requesting a plan from the Society to meet their obligation to have operational hours. The board is reminding the Society that no one is to enter the Town Hall at this time for any reason while the building is under assessment and closed. If they need access they will need to contact Trish to make arrangements. The lower level of the Town Office is still an option for the Society to set up displays and/or store important artifacts.
6.Select Board Meeting July 9 – Town Attorney Marylou Scofield will meet with the Select Board in an executive session to review the Conflict of Interest Policy.
7.Municipal Roads Grants-In-Aid Program and Equipment Purchase – George is requesting to purchase the followings items with this funding: one leaf blower to clean out culverts and ditches; and a plate jumping jack compactor. Charlie motioned to approve the items; Ann seconded; motion carried.
8.Dog License Update – There are still two dog owners that have not registered their animals. Trish will ask Doug Mianulli to contact the owners otherwise they will face a $250 fine per animal. Both owners have already been notified by certified mail.
9.Tax Rate – The school expense has been received and the tax rate has been updated. The Homestead rate is 1.7061 and the Non-Residential rate is 1.9768. Tax bills will be printed the week of July 10th and mailed. Charlie motioned to approve the 2019 tax rate; Matt seconded; motion carried.
Executive Session:
Executive session V.S.A § 313: Charlie adjourned the regular meeting at 6:20 p.m. for the board to enter an Executive Session to discuss Conflict of Interest Policy and ethical conduct; Matt seconded; motion carried. Charlie motioned for the board to exit the Executive Session at 6:26 p.m.; Ann seconded; motion carried. Charlie motioned to re-open the regular Board Meeting at 6:26 p.m.; Ann seconded, motion carried. Charlie motioned to accept and adopt the Conflict of Interest Policy except for paragraph “G” under Article 5 until the town attorney can provide definitions. The Board will re-visit this if an amendment is needed; Ann seconded; motion carried.
Next Meeting Dates: July 9, 2019 Special Executive Meeting; August 6, 2019 Regular Meeting
Adjournment: Charlie motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:14 p.m.; Matt seconded; meeting adjourned.
Approved Date: Recorded by: s/Tyna Gallagher
s/Charles Piso
s/Matt Corron
s/Ann Kuendig
DATE: July 2, 2019
PRESENT: Charles Piso, Matt Corron, Ann Kuendig, Trish Fryer
Agenda Modifications: Old Business #7 – Town Hall Chimney; #8 – Sand Shed Bid; New Business #8 – Dog License Letter Update; #9 – Tax Rate
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting Minutes June 18, 2019
Public Present:
1.Town Highway Reclassification Chittenden – see New Business #4
2.Isabelle Green June 20, 2019
3.Applicant Briefing Hazard Mitigation – see New Business #2
4.US Forest Service Stakeholder
Old Business:
1.Leadership Recommendations
2.TRORC Commissioner
3.Unusual Circumstances FEMA
4.Conflict of Interest Policy (Approval)
5.Town Meeting Church Update
6.Colton Act 250 Update
7.Town Hall Chimney
8.Sand Shed Bid
New Business:
1.FEMA Applicant Meeting Update
2.Hazardous Mitigation Plan Renewal
3.Town Roads and Bridges Standards Adoption
4.Town Highway Reclassification Chittenden
5.Letter to Historical Society
6.Select Board Meeting July 9th
7.Municipal Roads Grants-In-Aid Program and Equipment Purchase
8.Dog License Update
9.Tax Rate
Executive Session:
Next Meeting Date: Special Meeting July 9, 2019; Regular Meeting August 6, 2019
Meeting Opened, Minutes Approval & Agenda Modifications
Charlie motioned to open the meeting at 6:03 p.m., Matt seconded, meeting opened. All in favor of the agenda modifications: Old Business #7 – Town Hall Chimney; #8 – Sand Shed Bid; New Business #8 – Dog License Letter Update; #9 – Tax Rate. Charlie motioned to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting held June 18, 2019; Matt seconded; minutes approved.
1.Town Highway Reclassification Chittenden – see New Business #4
2.Isabelle Green June 20, 2019 – the culvert has been cleared of debris by the Fire Dept.
3.Applicant Briefing Hazard Mitigation – see New Business #2
4.US Forest Service Stakeholder – Wildlife Services is preparing an Environmental Assessment for oral vaccination to control specific rabies virus variants. Draft should be available for public review starting July 1, 2019.
Old Business:
1.Leadership Recommendations - Charlie will contact a possible candidate and will let other board members know tomorrow as the deadline to register is July 5th.
2.TRORC Commissioner– tabled for a future meeting.
3.Unusual Circumstances FEMA – The FEMA Grant has come through. Charlie motioned to keep the grant date open for unusual circumstances for overtime until October 2019; Matt seconded; motion carried.
4.Conflict of Interest Policy (Approval) – This is mandated by the State and they request towns adopt the policy by July 1, 2019. All appointees and elected town officials, and employees are to sign the policy. This policy would supersede any other Conflict of Interest Policy that may have been signed for this fiscal year.
5.Town Meeting Church Update – Trish confirmed the town has $843.52 left in the pre-buy with CV Oil. Charlie motioned to donate $200 to the church to help offset the cost of holding Town Meeting in their building. Matt seconded; motion carried. The board will talk to Bruce Shaw about plans for Town Meeting 2020. Trish will contact CV Oil to transfer $200 of the pre-buy to the church’s account.
6.Colton Act 250 Update – Colton’s requested an extension and the Commission extended until August 12, 2019.
7.Town Hall Chimney – The Citizens Committee approved installing a power vent for the furnace at $1700. CV Oil will install and it becomes part of the annual maintenance at no extra cost. Currently investigating options for removal of the chimney.
8.Sand Shed Bid – The bid review committee consists of two town representatives, one from TRORC and one from VTrans. Still waiting on an update for when the bid will go out. Bidders will have 30 days to respond.
New Business:
1.FEMA Applicant Meeting Update – FEMA Quick Reference Guides have been distributed to board members, Trish and George. There is a FEMA conference call July 14 to find out when a representative will be visiting sites. All current bids are under the threshold and have the required three bidders. FEMA has streamlined the paperwork so payments should be faster than the previous disaster funding. Two more sites have been identified and added to the list: Hawk Lane culvert #3 and a site on Tweed River Road. Charlie will contact George to get some firm timeline information to post on the website.
2.Hazardous Mitigation Plan Renewal – This is due August of 2020. Charlie motioned to apply for the grant through TRORC to update the plan; Matt seconded; motion carried. It is a 25% match.
3.Town Roads and Bridges Standards Adoption – This is the annual review and adoption of the standards. Charlie motioned to adopt the updated Town Roads and Bridges Standards; Ann seconded; motion carried.
4.Town Highway Reclassification Chittenden – A meeting is scheduled of July 27 at 10 am at the end of Upper Michigan Road at the Chittenden town line to review and discuss the re-classification of several sections of Class IV roads to trails.
5.Letter to Historical Society – The board is requesting a plan from the Society to meet their obligation to have operational hours. The board is reminding the Society that no one is to enter the Town Hall at this time for any reason while the building is under assessment and closed. If they need access they will need to contact Trish to make arrangements. The lower level of the Town Office is still an option for the Society to set up displays and/or store important artifacts.
6.Select Board Meeting July 9 – Town Attorney Marylou Scofield will meet with the Select Board in an executive session to review the Conflict of Interest Policy.
7.Municipal Roads Grants-In-Aid Program and Equipment Purchase – George is requesting to purchase the followings items with this funding: one leaf blower to clean out culverts and ditches; and a plate jumping jack compactor. Charlie motioned to approve the items; Ann seconded; motion carried.
8.Dog License Update – There are still two dog owners that have not registered their animals. Trish will ask Doug Mianulli to contact the owners otherwise they will face a $250 fine per animal. Both owners have already been notified by certified mail.
9.Tax Rate – The school expense has been received and the tax rate has been updated. The Homestead rate is 1.7061 and the Non-Residential rate is 1.9768. Tax bills will be printed the week of July 10th and mailed. Charlie motioned to approve the 2019 tax rate; Matt seconded; motion carried.
Executive Session:
Executive session V.S.A § 313: Charlie adjourned the regular meeting at 6:20 p.m. for the board to enter an Executive Session to discuss Conflict of Interest Policy and ethical conduct; Matt seconded; motion carried. Charlie motioned for the board to exit the Executive Session at 6:26 p.m.; Ann seconded; motion carried. Charlie motioned to re-open the regular Board Meeting at 6:26 p.m.; Ann seconded, motion carried. Charlie motioned to accept and adopt the Conflict of Interest Policy except for paragraph “G” under Article 5 until the town attorney can provide definitions. The Board will re-visit this if an amendment is needed; Ann seconded; motion carried.
Next Meeting Dates: July 9, 2019 Special Executive Meeting; August 6, 2019 Regular Meeting
Adjournment: Charlie motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:14 p.m.; Matt seconded; meeting adjourned.
Approved Date: Recorded by: s/Tyna Gallagher
s/Charles Piso
s/Matt Corron
s/Ann Kuendig