DATE: January 8, 2019
PRESENT: Charles Piso, Matt Corron, Ann Kuendig, Trish Fryer, Caleb Hawley, Dave Colton,
Katie Stiles, Marsha Hopkins, Peter Borden, Verna Borden
Agenda Modifications: Correspondence 5, 6 & 7; and New Business 2 & 3
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting Minutes December 18, 2018; Special Budget Meeting December 26, 2018
Public Present: Fire Department, Katie Stiles and/or Kevin Lasko
1. Criterium Study
2. VT Dept of Taxes
3. Chittenden EMD
4. VTRANS-Certificate of Highway Mileage
5. Cat – 4 Emergency Exercise
6. Placemaking Workshop sponsored by AARP
7. Dept. of Environmental Conservation room rental guidelines
Old Business:
New Business:
1. Fire Department- Budget Presentation
2. Sue Wuerthele’s Resignation from Auditors
3. Executive Session
Next Meeting Dates: January 22, 2019 Regular Meeting
Meeting Opened, Minutes Approval & Agenda Modifications
Charlie motioned to open the meeting at 6:03 p.m., Ann seconded, meeting opened. All in favor of the agenda modifications: Correspondence #4 – Cat – 4 Emergency Exercise; Correspondence #5 – Placemaking Workshop sponsored by AARP; Correspondence #6 - Dept. of Environmental Conservation room rental guidelines; New Business #2 – Sue Wuerthele’s Resignation from Auditors; and New Business #3 – Executive Session. Charlie motioned to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting held December 18, 2018; Matt seconded; minutes approved. Charlie motioned to approve the minutes of the Special Budget Meeting held December 26, 2018; Ann seconded; minutes approved.
1. Criterium Study – The results of the engineer’s building inspection indicated the main level of the Town Hall should not be used for public assembly or group gatherings until appropriate upgrades to the floor system have been made. The Select Board has closed the building and anyone with a key to the building will be asked to return their keys with the exception of Matt who oversees buildings. Charlie motioned to warn an article at Town Meeting to form a citizens committee to address the future of the Town Hall; Matt seconded; motion carried.
2. VT Dept of Taxes – Trish to file.
3. Chittenden EMD (Emergency Management Department – Requesting Peter Borden to join their discussion on January 9, 2019 regarding a plan for catastrophic failure of Chittenden Reservoir due to his experience with Tropical Storm Irene. Peter has the information.
4. VTRANS-Certificate of Highway Mileage – Trish will pass along to George for review before the Board can sign it.
5. Cat – 4 Emergency Exercise – this is the state-wide emergency exercise scheduled for October 2019. Charlie and Herb will review the town’s emergency plan with Trish after Town Meeting to determine the extent of participation.
6. Placemaking Workshop sponsored by AARP – Workshop is March 13th in White River Junction. Attendees can apply for grants to support local projects. Ann will review the information.
7. Dept. of Environmental Conservation room rental guidelines – Memo to towns listing guidelines for anyone renting rooms or space for sleeping. Trish will pass along to the Listers.
Old Business:
1. Katie Stiles & Kevin Lasko-Upper Michigan Driveway, The Original General Store – See the minutes from January 7, 2019 for recommendations from T.R. Fellows Engineering. George did bring in a load of hard pack on 1/7/19 and tapered it from the road into the parking lot as a short-term solution. George will look into grants from Better Back Roads VT to address a long-term solution. The engineer will send the town written recommendations for solutions to be reviewed by the board and George.
2. Criterium update – See Correspondence #1 and the minutes from January 7, 2019.
3. 2019 Budget Continued – The process moved forward with a review of line items that still needed to be filled in. A preliminary draft of the Town Warning and articles were crafted and Trish updated the Anticipated Tax Rate several times. Additional figures are needed in order to get a better idea of the status. Trish will work on this tomorrow.
New Business:
1. Fire Department- Budget Presentation – Caleb reviewed the proposed annual operating budget and Capital Plan. Actual expenses for 2018 still need to be submitted. The new fire truck payment will be added as a line item in the operating budget. Discussed SCBA replacements, extrication equipment and future truck replacement for capital funding. Fire department personnel will need to explain their requests at Town Meeting.
2. Sue Wuerthele’s Resignation from Auditors - On January 5, 2019 Sue submitted a written resignation via e-mail from her position as an auditor, effective as of this year’s Town Meeting.
3. Executive Session – Charlie motioned to adjourn the regular meeting and enter an executive session at 7:20 p.m. to review Conflict of Interest Policy and discuss personnel topics; Matt seconded; motion carried. Charlie motioned to adjourn the executive session and re-open the regular meeting at 7:43 p.m.; Matt seconded, motion carried. The board secretary will add to the Select Board Tickler the task of developing guidelines for personnel leaving positions to provide their replacements with information on expectations and duties.
Next Meeting Dates: January 22, 2019 Regular Meeting
Adjournment: Charlie motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:13 p.m.; Matt seconded; meeting adjourned.
Approved Date: January 22, 2019 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher
Charlie Piso
Matt Corron
Ann Kuendig
DATE: January 8, 2019
PRESENT: Charles Piso, Matt Corron, Ann Kuendig, Trish Fryer, Caleb Hawley, Dave Colton,
Katie Stiles, Marsha Hopkins, Peter Borden, Verna Borden
Agenda Modifications: Correspondence 5, 6 & 7; and New Business 2 & 3
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting Minutes December 18, 2018; Special Budget Meeting December 26, 2018
Public Present: Fire Department, Katie Stiles and/or Kevin Lasko
1. Criterium Study
2. VT Dept of Taxes
3. Chittenden EMD
4. VTRANS-Certificate of Highway Mileage
5. Cat – 4 Emergency Exercise
6. Placemaking Workshop sponsored by AARP
7. Dept. of Environmental Conservation room rental guidelines
Old Business:
- Katie Stiles & Kevin Lasko-Upper Michigan Driveway, The Original General Store
- Criterium update
- 2019 Budget Continued
New Business:
1. Fire Department- Budget Presentation
2. Sue Wuerthele’s Resignation from Auditors
3. Executive Session
Next Meeting Dates: January 22, 2019 Regular Meeting
Meeting Opened, Minutes Approval & Agenda Modifications
Charlie motioned to open the meeting at 6:03 p.m., Ann seconded, meeting opened. All in favor of the agenda modifications: Correspondence #4 – Cat – 4 Emergency Exercise; Correspondence #5 – Placemaking Workshop sponsored by AARP; Correspondence #6 - Dept. of Environmental Conservation room rental guidelines; New Business #2 – Sue Wuerthele’s Resignation from Auditors; and New Business #3 – Executive Session. Charlie motioned to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting held December 18, 2018; Matt seconded; minutes approved. Charlie motioned to approve the minutes of the Special Budget Meeting held December 26, 2018; Ann seconded; minutes approved.
1. Criterium Study – The results of the engineer’s building inspection indicated the main level of the Town Hall should not be used for public assembly or group gatherings until appropriate upgrades to the floor system have been made. The Select Board has closed the building and anyone with a key to the building will be asked to return their keys with the exception of Matt who oversees buildings. Charlie motioned to warn an article at Town Meeting to form a citizens committee to address the future of the Town Hall; Matt seconded; motion carried.
2. VT Dept of Taxes – Trish to file.
3. Chittenden EMD (Emergency Management Department – Requesting Peter Borden to join their discussion on January 9, 2019 regarding a plan for catastrophic failure of Chittenden Reservoir due to his experience with Tropical Storm Irene. Peter has the information.
4. VTRANS-Certificate of Highway Mileage – Trish will pass along to George for review before the Board can sign it.
5. Cat – 4 Emergency Exercise – this is the state-wide emergency exercise scheduled for October 2019. Charlie and Herb will review the town’s emergency plan with Trish after Town Meeting to determine the extent of participation.
6. Placemaking Workshop sponsored by AARP – Workshop is March 13th in White River Junction. Attendees can apply for grants to support local projects. Ann will review the information.
7. Dept. of Environmental Conservation room rental guidelines – Memo to towns listing guidelines for anyone renting rooms or space for sleeping. Trish will pass along to the Listers.
Old Business:
1. Katie Stiles & Kevin Lasko-Upper Michigan Driveway, The Original General Store – See the minutes from January 7, 2019 for recommendations from T.R. Fellows Engineering. George did bring in a load of hard pack on 1/7/19 and tapered it from the road into the parking lot as a short-term solution. George will look into grants from Better Back Roads VT to address a long-term solution. The engineer will send the town written recommendations for solutions to be reviewed by the board and George.
2. Criterium update – See Correspondence #1 and the minutes from January 7, 2019.
3. 2019 Budget Continued – The process moved forward with a review of line items that still needed to be filled in. A preliminary draft of the Town Warning and articles were crafted and Trish updated the Anticipated Tax Rate several times. Additional figures are needed in order to get a better idea of the status. Trish will work on this tomorrow.
New Business:
1. Fire Department- Budget Presentation – Caleb reviewed the proposed annual operating budget and Capital Plan. Actual expenses for 2018 still need to be submitted. The new fire truck payment will be added as a line item in the operating budget. Discussed SCBA replacements, extrication equipment and future truck replacement for capital funding. Fire department personnel will need to explain their requests at Town Meeting.
2. Sue Wuerthele’s Resignation from Auditors - On January 5, 2019 Sue submitted a written resignation via e-mail from her position as an auditor, effective as of this year’s Town Meeting.
3. Executive Session – Charlie motioned to adjourn the regular meeting and enter an executive session at 7:20 p.m. to review Conflict of Interest Policy and discuss personnel topics; Matt seconded; motion carried. Charlie motioned to adjourn the executive session and re-open the regular meeting at 7:43 p.m.; Matt seconded, motion carried. The board secretary will add to the Select Board Tickler the task of developing guidelines for personnel leaving positions to provide their replacements with information on expectations and duties.
Next Meeting Dates: January 22, 2019 Regular Meeting
Adjournment: Charlie motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:13 p.m.; Matt seconded; meeting adjourned.
Approved Date: January 22, 2019 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher
Charlie Piso
Matt Corron
Ann Kuendig