DATE: February 19, 2019
PRESENT: Matt Corron, Ann Kuendig, Trish Fryer, Charles Piso by telephone
Agenda Modifications: Correspondence #4 VLCT Spring Select Board Institute; #5 VLCT First Responders Workers’ Compensation; Old Business #4 Church Concerns for Town Meeting; New Business #5 Vermont Alerts; #6 Statewide Exercise 2019
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting Minutes February 5, 2019
Public Present: None
Next Meeting Date: March 12, 2019
Meeting Opened, Minutes Approval & Agenda Modifications
Matt motioned to open the meeting at 6:03 p.m., Ann seconded, meeting opened. All in favor of the agenda modifications: Correspondence #4 VLCT Spring Select Board Institute; #5 VLCT First Responders Workers’ Compensation; Old Business #4 Church Concerns for Town Meeting; New Business #5 Vermont Alerts; #6 Statewide Exercise 2019. Matt motioned to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting held February 5, 2019; Ann seconded; minutes approved.
Old Business:
New Business:
Next Meeting Dates: March 12, 2019 Regular Meeting
Adjournment: Matt motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:20 p.m.; Ann seconded; meeting adjourned.
Approved Date: March 19, 2019 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher
Matt Corron
Ann Kuendig
Charles Piso
DATE: February 19, 2019
PRESENT: Matt Corron, Ann Kuendig, Trish Fryer, Charles Piso by telephone
Agenda Modifications: Correspondence #4 VLCT Spring Select Board Institute; #5 VLCT First Responders Workers’ Compensation; Old Business #4 Church Concerns for Town Meeting; New Business #5 Vermont Alerts; #6 Statewide Exercise 2019
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting Minutes February 5, 2019
Public Present: None
- Rural Fire Program Survey (to Dave)
- Vermont Student Assistance Corporation (to library)
- Survey for National Rural Training Needs Assessment
- VLCT Spring Select Board Institute
- VLCT First Responders Workers’ Compensation
- Town Hall Letter regarding Town Meeting
- Act 250 Follow-up
- Town Meeting Petition Follow-up
- Church Concerns for Town Meeting
- Liquor License Applications; Casa Bella & Vermont Farms Catering
- Appointment to WRVA Board-Martha Beyersdorf
- Authorization for Scott Kaufman - Town Meeting
- Clerk/Treasurer Report
- Vermont Alerts
- Statewide Exercise 2019
Next Meeting Date: March 12, 2019
Meeting Opened, Minutes Approval & Agenda Modifications
Matt motioned to open the meeting at 6:03 p.m., Ann seconded, meeting opened. All in favor of the agenda modifications: Correspondence #4 VLCT Spring Select Board Institute; #5 VLCT First Responders Workers’ Compensation; Old Business #4 Church Concerns for Town Meeting; New Business #5 Vermont Alerts; #6 Statewide Exercise 2019. Matt motioned to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting held February 5, 2019; Ann seconded; minutes approved.
- Rural Fire Program Survey (to Dave) - Trish will forward the survey to the fire chief.
- Vermont Student Assistance Corporation (to library) – Workshops, resources, etc. Trish will forward to the library.
- Survey for National Rural Training Needs Assessment – This topic is related to New Business #6 Statewide Exercise 2019 that involves the State activating various pieces of emergency response to help assess infrastructure and preparedness. Charlie met with Eric Forean and Rich Cogliano from the State. They are reaching out to the town because of Pittsfield’s experience with Tropical Storm Irene. They would like the town to activate the Fire House shelter for the exercise. They will be hosting free trainings in Rutland tentatively scheduled for June. Charlie and Herb will continue to work with the state on this initiative.
- VLCT Spring Select Board Institute – The workshop will be held in Rutland March 30th. Registration deadline is March 22nd. Attendees will be determined at the next board meeting.
- VLCT First Responders Workers’ Compensation – Notice informing First Responders about their Workers’ Compensation rights. Trish will forward to Coral Hawley.
Old Business:
- Town Hall Letter regarding Town Meeting – Final edits done including information on parking and the presence of Rutland County Sheriffs to assist with crossing Route 100 from the Green to the church. Matt motioned to approve the letter and mail to registered voters; Charlie seconded; Ann dissented; motion carried. Trish will make copies of the letter and process the mailing.
- Act 250 Follow-up – Charlie received a letter from the Progressive Party wanting towns to endorse Act 250 policies. Charlie will forward letter to other board members. The topic may come up at Town Meeting and Ann will review the Select Board Handbook on procedure for handling business like this at Town Meeting.
- Town Meeting Petition Follow-up – The Board will bring up the topic during other business discussions at the end of the meeting.
- Church Concerns for Town Meeting – No parking at Casa Bella. Waiting for pricing on rugs from People’s Linens. Trish has a certificate of insurance for town meeting at the church. Ideas for a potluck meal were discussed and the topic requires more research. Trish will price out paper goods. The board will reconvene next week to come to a decision.
New Business:
- Liquor License Applications; Casa Bella & Vermont Farms Catering – Matt motioned to approve liquor license renewals for Casa Bella and Vermont Farms Catering; Ann seconded; motion carried.
- Appointment to WRVA Board-Martha Beyersdorf – Matt motioned to appoint Martha Beyersdorf as the town representative for the WRVA Board; Charlie seconded; motion carried.
- Authorization for Scott Kaufman - Town Meeting: Matt motioned to approve Scott Kaufman to clean the church after Town Meeting as long as it fits the schedule at the church; Charlie seconded; motion carried.
- Clerk/Treasurer Report – Trish reviewed the monthly financials; all in order.
- Vermont Alerts – Contacted the town about joining the service because of the November snowstorm issues. There’s no fee. The system alerts citizens electronically and individuals can opt out. The town designates who can issue messages on behalf of the town. Ann motioned to join VT Alerts; Charlie seconded; motion carried.
- Statewide Exercise 2019 – See Correspondence #3
Next Meeting Dates: March 12, 2019 Regular Meeting
Adjournment: Matt motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:20 p.m.; Ann seconded; meeting adjourned.
Approved Date: March 19, 2019 Recorded by: Tyna Gallagher
Matt Corron
Ann Kuendig
Charles Piso