DATE: August 6, 2019
PRESENT: Charles Piso, Matt Corron, Ann Kuendig, Trish Fryer, Todd Jones, Anne Jones, Jean Shoemaker, Kevin Geiger
Agenda Modifications: New Business #4 – Jean Shoemaker – Hawk Mountain Rd; #5 – Letter of Resignation; #6 – Fiscal Health Survey; #7 – Meeting Schedule; #8 – Kevin Geiger – Buyout Update for Abrams
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting Minutes July 2, 2019; Special Meeting Minutes July 9, 2019
Public Present: Todd Jones, Anne Jones, Jean Shoemaker, Kevin Geiger
1.Regional Energy Plan Implementation Grant
2.Dog Complaint Letter
Old Business:
1.Town Hall Chimney Insurance Claim update
2.Personnel Policy review
3.Work Day Reschedule
4.Historical Society update
5.Upper Michigan Rd.
6.E911 Representative
7.TRORC Commissioner
8.Fire Truck update
9.Road Commissioner update on repairs
New Business:
1.FEMA Scope meeting update
2.Sand Shed Bids
3.Treasurer Financial Report
4.Jean Shoemaker – Hawk Mountain Rd
5.Letter of Resignation
6.Fiscal Health Survey
7.Meeting Schedule
8.Kevin Geiger – Buyout Update for Abrams
Meeting Opened, Minutes Approval & Agenda Modifications
Charlie motioned to open the meeting at 6:02 p.m., Matt seconded, meeting opened. All in favor of the agenda modifications: New Business #4 – Jean Shoemaker – Hawk Mountain Rd; #5 – Letter of Resignation; #6 – Fiscal Health Survey; #7 – Meeting Schedule; #8 – Kevin Geiger – Buyout Update for Abrams. Charlie motioned to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting held July 2, 2019; Ann seconded; minutes approved. Charlie motioned to approve the minutes of the Special Meeting held
July 9, 2019; Ann seconded; minutes approved.
1.Regional Energy Plan Implementation Grant – Grant opportunities through Efficiency Vermont. Funding to support local municipalities and connect with EV to develop comprehensive energy plan goals. The meeting is scheduled for September 5, 2019 at 6:30 p.m. at the Bethel Town hall. Ann might attend.
2.Dog Complaint Letter – Todd and Anne Jones were present to discuss dog running at large issue and trespassing. The Jones’ reside at 198 River View Trail and their neighbors (Dubois) reside at 39 The Commons. The Dubois repeatedly trespass on the private posted road and the Jones’ property with their dog running at large. Charlie motioned to send a letter along with a copy of Dog Ordinance to the Dubois’ and have the Constable deliver a copy as well; Matt seconded; motion carried. The Jones’ will need to take the matter of trespassing to the Rutland County Sheriff department or to the State Police.
Old Business:
1.Town Hall Chimney Insurance Claim update – The chimney issue is not covered by insurance as it was not the result of an occurrence. Ann will pursue further with the Town Hall Committee to review the structural report to determine if there may have been something that caused the chimney issue; or possibly the insulation project; or bricks disintegrating. Need to find out if they can appeal the insurance company’s determination.
2.Personnel Policy review – Topic tabled due to other board commitments.
3.Work Day Reschedule – Charlie will follow-up with Connie for a new date. Need pricing on fencing for the cemetery as well.
4.Historical Society update – The Board has not received any correspondence from the Society about their operations plan. Some members have been water-sealing and painting in the vault located in the lower level of the Town Office. A letter will be send to the Society inviting them to the next meeting to update the Board.
5.Upper Michigan Rd. – Request received from Original General Store to slope the lower section of the road away from their property. The Road Standards require roads to have a crown. Kricket from TR Fellows is working on the design plan and part of the plan includes lowering the level of the road.
6.E911 Representative – The Board is reviewing possible candidates to fulfill this position.
7.TRORC Commissioner – They meet the third Wednesday of each month except July, August and November. The Board is working on coming up with some possible candidates.
8.Fire Truck update – The truck has been lettered. Waiting on a part that is back-ordered with the manufacturer. Estimated completion date is mid-September.
9.Road Commissioner update on repairs – Board members and office personnel are getting questions regularly on the status. The Board would like a weekly update from George so it can be posted. Charlie will contact George for the information and Ann will draft the information to be posted on the website.
New Business:
1.FEMA Scope meeting update – Reviewed the Damage Inventory sheet. Katie Sullivan is the FEMA rep working with Trish and will touch base every 2-3 weeks. There is a benchmark calendar on the report indicating percentage of work completed since date of declaration.
2.Sand Shed Bids – Three bids were received and the selection committee reviewed via telephone on August 5, 2019. VTrans schedule for the Environmental Review pushes construction into 2021. The Board concurs with the Selection committee’s decision on awarding the bid to Dubois & King and for TRORC to take appropriate next steps as the administrator. Ann motioned to accept bid from Dubois & King that was selected by the committee; Charlie seconded; motion carried. Pete Fellows, TRORC, will do follow-up with VTrans to move the project forward.
3.Treasurer Financial Report – Trish reviewed with the Board. She is tracking all the storm paperwork as well.
4.Jean Shoemaker – Hawk Mountain Rd: She would like to know if the culvert at the end of her driveway is being replaced. Charlie does not know if this specific culvert is slated for replacement. This type of culvert is called a “pass through”. Charlie will contact George and Harvey’s tomorrow morning to find out. Charlie will then call Jean with an update.
5.Letter of Resignation – Martha Beyersdorf has submitted her resignation as a Lister. The Board needs to determine a replacement.
6.Fiscal Health Survey – VLCT provides for free. They work with the town auditors and clerks to take a snapshot of the town’s fiscal health. Information can be shared at town meeting. Sue Wuerthele would like to pursue and will meet with the representative so she can present the
information to the Board. There is a Budge Workshop September 18, 2019 in Montpelier and Charlie plans to attend.
7.Meeting Schedule – The Board will meet again August 20, 2019.
8.Kevin Geiger – Buyout Update for Abrams: Kevin updated the Board on the status of buying out the Abrams house due to the April storm. There is HUD funding to buy out the house; there are other grants to pay for costs that would normally fall on the town. Charlie motioned to approve the contract for the buyout; Ann seconded; motion carried. Trish will contact Marylou Scofield, attorney, to do the title work. Asbestos assessment is required and the board will put together a bid package; 3 bids are required.
Next Meeting Dates: August 20, 2019 Regular Meeting
Adjournment: Charlie motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:45 p.m.; Ann seconded; meeting adjourned.
Approved Date: August 20, 2019 Recorded by: s/ Tyna Gallagher
s/Charles Piso
s/Matt Corron
s/Ann Kuendig
DATE: August 6, 2019
PRESENT: Charles Piso, Matt Corron, Ann Kuendig, Trish Fryer, Todd Jones, Anne Jones, Jean Shoemaker, Kevin Geiger
Agenda Modifications: New Business #4 – Jean Shoemaker – Hawk Mountain Rd; #5 – Letter of Resignation; #6 – Fiscal Health Survey; #7 – Meeting Schedule; #8 – Kevin Geiger – Buyout Update for Abrams
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting Minutes July 2, 2019; Special Meeting Minutes July 9, 2019
Public Present: Todd Jones, Anne Jones, Jean Shoemaker, Kevin Geiger
1.Regional Energy Plan Implementation Grant
2.Dog Complaint Letter
Old Business:
1.Town Hall Chimney Insurance Claim update
2.Personnel Policy review
3.Work Day Reschedule
4.Historical Society update
5.Upper Michigan Rd.
6.E911 Representative
7.TRORC Commissioner
8.Fire Truck update
9.Road Commissioner update on repairs
New Business:
1.FEMA Scope meeting update
2.Sand Shed Bids
3.Treasurer Financial Report
4.Jean Shoemaker – Hawk Mountain Rd
5.Letter of Resignation
6.Fiscal Health Survey
7.Meeting Schedule
8.Kevin Geiger – Buyout Update for Abrams
Meeting Opened, Minutes Approval & Agenda Modifications
Charlie motioned to open the meeting at 6:02 p.m., Matt seconded, meeting opened. All in favor of the agenda modifications: New Business #4 – Jean Shoemaker – Hawk Mountain Rd; #5 – Letter of Resignation; #6 – Fiscal Health Survey; #7 – Meeting Schedule; #8 – Kevin Geiger – Buyout Update for Abrams. Charlie motioned to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting held July 2, 2019; Ann seconded; minutes approved. Charlie motioned to approve the minutes of the Special Meeting held
July 9, 2019; Ann seconded; minutes approved.
1.Regional Energy Plan Implementation Grant – Grant opportunities through Efficiency Vermont. Funding to support local municipalities and connect with EV to develop comprehensive energy plan goals. The meeting is scheduled for September 5, 2019 at 6:30 p.m. at the Bethel Town hall. Ann might attend.
2.Dog Complaint Letter – Todd and Anne Jones were present to discuss dog running at large issue and trespassing. The Jones’ reside at 198 River View Trail and their neighbors (Dubois) reside at 39 The Commons. The Dubois repeatedly trespass on the private posted road and the Jones’ property with their dog running at large. Charlie motioned to send a letter along with a copy of Dog Ordinance to the Dubois’ and have the Constable deliver a copy as well; Matt seconded; motion carried. The Jones’ will need to take the matter of trespassing to the Rutland County Sheriff department or to the State Police.
Old Business:
1.Town Hall Chimney Insurance Claim update – The chimney issue is not covered by insurance as it was not the result of an occurrence. Ann will pursue further with the Town Hall Committee to review the structural report to determine if there may have been something that caused the chimney issue; or possibly the insulation project; or bricks disintegrating. Need to find out if they can appeal the insurance company’s determination.
2.Personnel Policy review – Topic tabled due to other board commitments.
3.Work Day Reschedule – Charlie will follow-up with Connie for a new date. Need pricing on fencing for the cemetery as well.
4.Historical Society update – The Board has not received any correspondence from the Society about their operations plan. Some members have been water-sealing and painting in the vault located in the lower level of the Town Office. A letter will be send to the Society inviting them to the next meeting to update the Board.
5.Upper Michigan Rd. – Request received from Original General Store to slope the lower section of the road away from their property. The Road Standards require roads to have a crown. Kricket from TR Fellows is working on the design plan and part of the plan includes lowering the level of the road.
6.E911 Representative – The Board is reviewing possible candidates to fulfill this position.
7.TRORC Commissioner – They meet the third Wednesday of each month except July, August and November. The Board is working on coming up with some possible candidates.
8.Fire Truck update – The truck has been lettered. Waiting on a part that is back-ordered with the manufacturer. Estimated completion date is mid-September.
9.Road Commissioner update on repairs – Board members and office personnel are getting questions regularly on the status. The Board would like a weekly update from George so it can be posted. Charlie will contact George for the information and Ann will draft the information to be posted on the website.
New Business:
1.FEMA Scope meeting update – Reviewed the Damage Inventory sheet. Katie Sullivan is the FEMA rep working with Trish and will touch base every 2-3 weeks. There is a benchmark calendar on the report indicating percentage of work completed since date of declaration.
2.Sand Shed Bids – Three bids were received and the selection committee reviewed via telephone on August 5, 2019. VTrans schedule for the Environmental Review pushes construction into 2021. The Board concurs with the Selection committee’s decision on awarding the bid to Dubois & King and for TRORC to take appropriate next steps as the administrator. Ann motioned to accept bid from Dubois & King that was selected by the committee; Charlie seconded; motion carried. Pete Fellows, TRORC, will do follow-up with VTrans to move the project forward.
3.Treasurer Financial Report – Trish reviewed with the Board. She is tracking all the storm paperwork as well.
4.Jean Shoemaker – Hawk Mountain Rd: She would like to know if the culvert at the end of her driveway is being replaced. Charlie does not know if this specific culvert is slated for replacement. This type of culvert is called a “pass through”. Charlie will contact George and Harvey’s tomorrow morning to find out. Charlie will then call Jean with an update.
5.Letter of Resignation – Martha Beyersdorf has submitted her resignation as a Lister. The Board needs to determine a replacement.
6.Fiscal Health Survey – VLCT provides for free. They work with the town auditors and clerks to take a snapshot of the town’s fiscal health. Information can be shared at town meeting. Sue Wuerthele would like to pursue and will meet with the representative so she can present the
information to the Board. There is a Budge Workshop September 18, 2019 in Montpelier and Charlie plans to attend.
7.Meeting Schedule – The Board will meet again August 20, 2019.
8.Kevin Geiger – Buyout Update for Abrams: Kevin updated the Board on the status of buying out the Abrams house due to the April storm. There is HUD funding to buy out the house; there are other grants to pay for costs that would normally fall on the town. Charlie motioned to approve the contract for the buyout; Ann seconded; motion carried. Trish will contact Marylou Scofield, attorney, to do the title work. Asbestos assessment is required and the board will put together a bid package; 3 bids are required.
Next Meeting Dates: August 20, 2019 Regular Meeting
Adjournment: Charlie motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:45 p.m.; Ann seconded; meeting adjourned.
Approved Date: August 20, 2019 Recorded by: s/ Tyna Gallagher
s/Charles Piso
s/Matt Corron
s/Ann Kuendig