1. Call to Order
Meeting called to Order at 6:37pm.
2. Agenda Modifications: Terms
Sarah Gallagher said she would be ending her tenure when her term was up. Micheline Bissell’s term is also up but she did not make a decision as to whether she would renew her term. She would let the Select Board know by town meeting day.
3. Correspondence:
Josh Merrill sent a request to the Planning Commission asking for an opinion on his future project for the construction of a storage unit facility on the east side of Route 100. The Commission discussed this in depth. The conclusion of the Commission was that since we are not the authoritative governing board for a project such as this, we could not issue an opinion. Sarah said she would draft an email and send to everyone for their edits prior to sending to Josh.
4. Approval of Minutes from October 19, 2021 meeting.
Motion to approve by Marsha, seconded by Micheline, all in favor
5. Public Present
Kimberly Gilbert from TRORC. Introduction
6. Town Plan Update and Remaining Work
Kimberly sent an updated draft to everyone with all track changes. The Commission agreed that they would individually send Kimberly their thoughts and changes on what has already been updated so the Commission could move forward to the Natural, Historic and Scenic Resources section.
All agreed the Wetlands section was pretty boiler plate; the goals and policies were reviewed to ensure accuracy. The Commission carefully reviewed the Flood Hazard policies and goals so future revisions to the Flood Hazard Regulations could be made using the goals and policies in the plan as a reference point. Ryan Thompson suggested we add something regarding run off in the Water Resources section. Kimberly looked at other local town plans to see if that was addressed but did not see anything. The Commission felt some reference to run off should be addressed in goals and policies. The remaining sections were reviewed and few edits were made.
The timeline was reviewed again, and the hope was by May we could send a draft to the Select Board. Any changes requested by the Board could be made prior to the public hearing. Kimberly said she would construct the matrix by our next meeting.
7.Next meeting April 12th.