1. Call to Order Meeting called to Order at 6:03pm.
2. Agenda Modifications: None.
3. Correspondence: None.
4. Approval of Minutes from February 9, 2021 meeting. Motion to approve by Sarah, seconded by Ryan all in favor
5. Public Present Kimberly Gilbert from TRORC and Josh Merrill.
Josh Merrill said he had started the Act 250 process for his project on the east side of Route 100 and it was turning out to be a cumbersome and expensive process. He wanted the Commission’s thoughts on the process and circumstances surrounding his project. A discussion ensued. In conclusion, the Commission told him we were not a governing board and the approval lies in the hands of the Act 250 Commission, the decision to proceed is up to him.
6. Town Plan Update and Remaining Work
Sarah informed the Commission that Kim would be leaving her position at TRORC in May. The timeline for preview to the Select Board and the public forum were discussed, Kim suggested we present the draft to Select Board at the same time we advertise for the public forum. Kim said she would send over a document that walks through the entire adoption process. The only requirement of our Municipal Planning Grant is that we have an adoptable version by the end of May. Everyone felt we were very close at this point and with a couple of meetings we could get the Plan to that point.
Kim and the members of the Commission reviewed the following items we marked to revisit at a later date.
- Overall purpose and objectives of the Plan, Chapter 1, Section E; verbiage on flood language was added.
- Housing stats for second homes needed for plan; the Commission felt the Listers in town could get Kim those stats.
- Economic transformation section was updated to reflect current trends.
- Demographics Section II, Part B, projections for population were updated to reflect more current population trends.
- Chapter 10, Economic Development; median gross income class deleted as there is no relevant current information.
- Land Use, Village Center Section E, policies section; edited to include quiet enjoyment of residential property.
- Land Use, Route 100 Corridor Section; policies edited to include surface water run-off.
- Economic Development, Arts section; edited to include Pittsfield Community Connections.
- Map review; edited to reflect the newly created Tweed River Open Space Park. Kim suggested everyone visit the TRORC.ORG/towns/maps to further review the maps prior to the next meeting. The Commission went back to Utilities, Facilities section to reflect the park. Kim wanted us to review the Forestry map created by Vermont Fish and Wildlife. This map coincides with new Forestry habitat section.
- Airbnb section in Housing was updated and renamed.
- The Commission reviewed other small items.
Kim said she would send everyone out a new revised edition for review. The Commission agreed to meet one more time in April to firm up plan and do any additional editing.
7. Selection of New Chairperson Tabled
8. Next Meeting – April 26
9. Adjournment; motion to adjourn 8:09 pm by Sarah, seconded by Jen, all in favor.
Respectfully Submitted,
Marsha Hopkins
The Minutes of April 12, 2022 were duly APPROVED on Tuesday, the 19th Day July, 2022
By Marsha Hopkins