- Call to Order
- Agenda Modifications: None
- Correspondence:
- Approval of Minutes from April 13, 2021 meeting.
Approval of Minutes from July 13, 2021.
Motion to approve by Micheline, seconded by Marsha, all in favor.
- Public Present
- Town Plan Update:
The Energy Section appears overwhelming for a small town but is necessary for the Enhanced Energy Review at the regional level which will require larger scale energy developers to adhere to the Town Plan per Kimberly. Sarah said that Matt is the Energy Coordinator and Joyce is the alternate but we do not have an Energy Committee. When the plan goes before Select Board, AJ suggested that might be the time to suggest the formation of an Energy Committee. AJ liked the census detail that was detailed in the plan regarding consumption within Pittsfield. Marsha felt all you could do in Pittsfield was educate people unless you put more restrictions in the plan as to placement, noise, location etc. Kimberly said the plan has generic requirements for sites. AJ suggested the plan opens up the space for the Select Board or Planning Commission to revisit this in the future whether it by ordinance or something else. The Planning Commission asked Kimberly to send us some of the requirements for Preferred and Prohibited sites that other towns have put into their plans for our review.
Kimberly said the important part of this section is the policies and goals. Sarah reworded the third bullet to make more sense. Marsha did not know there was a new parking ordinance. Sarah said overnight spots have no signage but it is allowed in certain spots to encourage carpooling. The Commission questioned the PACE program and if it was relevant to Pittsfield. Kimberly was not sure which towns actually use it. Kimberly said the goal was to have the Select Board discuss it. Kimberly said Act 45 would have all the info. Sarah reworded 5th policy as well.
AJ said he would check into the status of the Capital Budget, Marsha wanted to reword the section.
Kimberly asked if we wanted to include Health and Emergency Services or have it stand alone as a chapter. The Commission preferred to have it stand alone as its own chapter.
Further discussion ensued regarding timing of plan, public forum and Select Board approval.
- Next meeting January 11, 2022.
- Adjournment – Meeting adjourned, motion by Micheline, seconded Marsha, all in favor
Respectfully Submitted,
Marsha Hopkins
The Minutes of October 19, 2021 were duly APPROVED on ______________________________
By __________________________________________