Minutes of March 16, 2021
Members Present: Sarah Gallagher, Jen Howard, Tim Carter, Micheline Bissell and Marsha Hopkins, along with AJ Ruben from Zoning. Kimberly Gilbert from TRORC.
- Call to Order
- Agenda Modifications
- Correspondence: None
- Approval of Minutes from January 12, 2021 meeting.
- Public Present
- Commission Appointments
- Town Plan update, finalize draft of Land Use and Forestry Sections
The structure of the meeting would be one hour for public comment and the next hour would be for the Planning Commission to review the next sections. Kimberly asked if we wanted to include other sections besides Land Use, the Commission agreed for this forum we would include Land Use only.
- Next meeting April 13, 2021 at 6pm.
- Adjournment – Meeting adjourned, motion by Tim, seconded Jen, all in favor
Marsha Hopkins
The Minutes of March 16, 2021 were duly APPROVED on April 20, 2021
By (s)Sarah Gallagher