Minutes of July 9, 2019
MEMBERS PRESENT: Marsha Hopkins, Jennifer Howard, Sarah Gallagher and Colleen Wilcox.
1.The meeting was called to order by Sarah at 6:35pm at the Town Office.
2.Agenda Modifications: None
3.The minutes from the May 28th meeting were read. Jen made a motion to accept, seconded by Sarah, all in favor.
4.Public Present: None
5.Correspondence: None
6.Open Issues:
- Speed Sign- It was decided that the portable speed sign might have to wait until sometime in late 2020 or early spring 2021 due to VTrans construction and paving schedule.
- Generator grant possibilities – Jen had looked into several grants and forwarded the information to Trish to forward to the select board for the Building Community Grant Program but the deadline is July 31. Sarah said she attended the Municipal Planning Grant Conference and did not see anything that might cover the generator. Sarah said she would reach out to Two Rivers to see if they had any leads. Marsha asked if anyone had contacted FEMA directly, Sarah said Charlie would know more about that and she would check with him and get back to us.
- Route 100 crosswalk and bike path – Charlie was not in attendance to give an update. Concerns were raised about whether the new bridge would have a sidewalk like the original did for pedestrian traffic. The commission said they would try to check with the construction workers at the bridge.
- Act 250 Applications for CV Oil and Colton Enterprises – Sarah attended both hearings and gave the commission an update. Colton Enterprises was given an extension until July 31st to supply information; most of the issues rested with disturbances to one abutter. CV Oil was given until July 18th to furnish additional information to the Act 250 Commission. The main issue was disturbance to earth due to truck traffic and run off.
7.New Business: None
The meeting was adjourned at 7:10 pm. The Commission set the next meeting for October 8th but agreed that if something came up regarding a grant for the generator that another meeting could be called.
Respectfully Submitted,
Marsha Hopkins
The MINUTES of July 9, 2019 were duly APPROVED
On: October 8, 2019
Signed: s/Sarah Gallagher