Planning Commission
Minutes of September 1, 2020
MEMBERS PRESENT: Sarah Gallagher, Marsha Hopkins and Micheline Bissell
1. Sarah called the meeting to order at 6:45 pm. The meeting was conducted via conference call due to COVID 19.
2. Agenda Modifications: None.
3. The minutes from the July 14, 2020 meeting were read. Marsha made a motion to accept, seconded by Sarah, all in favor.
4. Public Present: Tory Littlefield, TRORC
5. Review and Approve Municipal Planning Grant
Tory explained that we had to tell a story to justify the need for the Grant. She disussed what was included in the draft. She asked Commission members if they had anything else to add.
• Marsha wanted her to emphasize the need for a bullet proof town plan since Pittsfield does not have zoning. In addition, she wanted emphasized the new commission members' status and that only a few had ever participated in a revision before.
• Sarah wanted something added regarding the Green Mountain Trails and recreation in Pittsfield as well adding the need for affordable housing in the Village Center.
• Tory agreed to add those items.
• The Commission discussed the budget and felt it would be sufficient, not wanting to ask for too much and risking rejection.
• The commission discussed approving the draft application and then working on revisions over email to shore it up.
• Sarah made a motion to Approve the draft Municipal Planning Grant application, seconded by Marsha, all in favor.
• Sarah asked about the time line for approval and Tory said it would be somewhere in the October-November time frame.
6. Next Meeting: October 13, 2020 at 6:30pm.
7. Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 7:15pm
Submitted by: Marsha Hopkins
Approved: October 13, 2020 By: s/Sarah Gallagher, Chair