Meeting / Work Session Date: 7/21/22
Attendees: Marsha, Jenn, Mark, Ryan, Vaughn
- __Marsha____ Called the meeting to order at 6:15 p.m.
- Modifications: none
- Correspondence: none
- Approval of Prior Minutes: tabled
- Public Attendees: none
- Happenings: Discussed merit of sharing the editing through google docs using suggestions. Began on page 38 and worked through the ‘home buyouts’ section on page 55. Vaughn had some proposed edits for the parts that he missed after leaving at 7 on the previous meeting.
- Next Meeting Date/Time: Tuesday 7/26/22
- Adjourned: 8:10
These minutes were approved: July 26, 2022
By: Ryan Thompson and Marsha Hopkins