Minutes of July 13, 2021
Members Present: Sarah Gallagher, Jen Howard, Micheline Bissell
- Call to Order: Meeting called to Order at 6:05 p.m. with no Zoom participants.
- Agenda Modifications: None
- Correspondence: BRIC Technical Assistance Program. Selectboard Chair Ann Kuendig had emailed Sarah to let her know we were accepted to this program. Sarah forwarded the link to an online meeting for participants to find out first steps. Everyone is encouraged to attend.
- Approval of April 13 minutes. Tabled until October meeting.
- Public Present: Kim Gilbert, TRORC
- Town Plan update: Chapter 7, Flood Resilience. Much of the material specific to Irene will be deleted as we don’t need to re-tell the story. Mention of the additional flooding in April of 2019 will be added. Kim updated the buyout information. Some definitions/descriptions of terms will be added (flood zone, floodways, flood area, river corridor area). Chapter 8, Kim had updated road and culvert information. Sarah will follow up with George again about an updated list of current vehicles and equipment as well as plans for future needs. Note that the ‘Stagecoach’ does not currently stop in Pittsfield though residents may call to request a pickup. The Energy Chapter was not reviewed due to lack of participation by Energy Coordinator. Figure 12 was removed from Chapter 10, Kim will update chart data. There was mention of the region’s active creative sector and updating farming to include maple sugaring and beef cattle.
- Next Meeting: October 19, 2021. (PLEASE NOTE CHANGE FROM OCTOBER 12 TO ACCOMMODATE KIM’S SCHEDULE). We will review Energy chapter and continue to move forward. Reminder that our draft must be completed by May of 2022. After that the Commission will host a Public Forum, and the Select Board must also host a Public Forum before they can adopt the plan. Sarah will again invite Energy Coordinator Matt Corron and alternate Joyce Stevens to attend the October meeting.
- Adjournment: Motion to adjourn at 8:37 by Jen, seconded by Micheline, all in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Sarah Gallagher (with thanks to Micheline)
Minutes of the July 13, 2021, meeting were duly approved on ____________________________________________
By: _____________________________________________________