Planning Commission
Minutes of October 8, 2019
MEMBERS PRESENT: Sarah Gallagher, Marsha Hopkins and Colleen Wilcox.
1.The meeting was called to order by Sarah at 6:30 pm at the Town Office.
2.Agenda Modifications:
3.The minutes from the July 9th meeting were read. Sarah made a motion to accept, seconded by Colleen, all in favor.
4.Public Present:
- Two Rivers thanked Pittsfield for their annual dues
- Two Rivers notified Planning Commission of upcoming Energy Grant meeting on September 5, 2019
6.Open Issues:
- Speed Sign- Discussion ensued, no change in status, portable speed sign will be set up after all road work on Route 100 was completed and caution and speed warning signs were removed by VTrans
- Generator grant possibilities – Still waiting on update from Charlie Piso, funds are said to be available
- Route 100 crosswalk and bike path – Sarah believes there will be at least one side of the new bridge with a pedestrian path but waiting on official update from Charlie Piso
- Act 250 Applications for CV Oil and Colton Enterprises – Sarah believes the Act 250 Commission has all the documentation they requested and we are just waiting on announcement
7.New Business
The commission discussed the energy awareness that could be brought to town with grant funds; local button up awareness, training, home heating workshops, setting up an energy committee. Current grant funding deadline passed but Commission decided to look for other funding opportunities
Sarah was going to be meeting with Peter Gregory in late October and would let us know about the updates required for the next version of the Town Plan. It was decided that everyone would go through the existing plan and highlight what they thought needed updating as a pre-emptive measure before the Commission goes to the actual update phase.
The Matrix was discussed and the Commission will attempt to meet with the
Select Board to make sure they are working on tasks assigned; capital fund was
Meeting Adjourned at 6:57 pm, next meeting scheduled for Jan 14, 2020 at the Town Office, 6:30 pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Marsha Hopkins
The MINUTES of October 8, 2019 were duly APPROVED
On January 14, 2020
s/Sarah Gallagher