Minutes of April 13, 2021
Members Present: Sarah Gallagher, Jen Howard, Tim Carter, Micheline Bissell and Marsha Hopkins, along with AJ Ruben from Zoning.
- Call to Order
- Public Forum: Land Use/Forestry section of the town plan. In attendance from general public was Betty Warner. Sarah explained that the forum was a requirement of the grant received by the Planning Commission to revise the plan. Kimberly reviewed the revisions that were incorporated into this draft. Emphasis was on wording and language changes. A discussion ensued regarding further clarity, references and detail on some of the sections. Marsha had issues with the Residential section finding it contradictory and confusing. The Commission agreed this section needed some editing before it was finalized. Marsha volunteered to come up with some edits and distribute through email. No objections, changes or suggestions were noted by public present. The forum ended at 7:10 and the Commission conducted regularly scheduled business.
- Agenda Modifications: None
- Correspondence: None
- Approval of Minutes from March 16, 2021 meeting.
- Public Present:
- Town Plan Update:
Kimberly said we could conceivably be finished with the draft plan by October.
- Next meeting: July 13, 2021.
- Adjournment: Meeting adjourned, motion by Tim, seconded Jen, all in favor
Respectfully Submitted,
Marsha Hopkins
The Minutes of April 13, 2021 were duly APPROVED on ______________________________
By __________________________________________