Planning Commission
Minutes of May 28, 2019
Pittsfield Town Office, 6:30 p.m.
Present: Jen Howard, Sarah Gallagher, Charles Piso
1. The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m.
2. Agenda Modifications: Charles asked to add discussion about researching a grant for a generator for the Town Office Building.
3. The minutes of the April 9, 2019, meeting were approved by motion of Jen, seconded by Sarah, all in favor.
4. Public present: None.
5. Correspondence
a. Act 250 Application and Hearing, Ray & Lynda Colton. The Coltons seek to amend their existing permit by, 1) eliminating the existing condition that restricts operations from May 1 to August 14 each year, and 2) adding the ability to chip wood into an insulated storage building during operating hours in addition to the 24 hours per year of chipping that is currently allowed outside the building. After some discussion, the Commission agreed that the project continues to be in conformance with the Town Plan, and the requests have more to do with the Settlement Agreement executed by the Coltons and the Grays. The Hearing will begin with a site visit at 9:00 a.m. on May 29, 2019.
b. Act 250 Application and Hearing, CV Oil. CV Oil seeks to construct a cold equipment/vehicle storage structure, a propane tank storage and loading area, an empty tank storage area with a chainlink fence, a small electrical equipment storage building, as well as the future construction of a garage and office, on a 4.94 acre parcel on Baker Road. Following discussion, the Commission agreed that the project is in conformance with the Town Plan and has no objections to the project. The Hearing will begin with a site visit at 9:00 a.m. on June 5, 2019.
c. VTrans Bicycle and Pedestrian Program. The Select Board passed along information on this program to see if there was interest in any Bike/Ped projects. There was some discussion about a possible crosswalk on Route 100 at the north end of the park. Charles will ask Eric at VTrans if it is possible to put a cross walk on a State highway, and he will find out if there will be a walk/bike way on the new bridge. We also talked generally about signage warning of increased pedestrian traffic and school bus stops.
d. Chittenden Town Plan, Village Center designation. As abutting neighbors, the Town was informed of Chittenden’s intent to apply for Village Center Designation an seeks to amend its Town Plan to reflect this intention. We support their application.
e. Grant possibilities for a generator for the Town Office building. The Select Board has forwarded a quote for the purchase of a generator, and asks that the Planning Commission research grant possibilities through the Vermont Dept of Emergency Management. Charles will forward contact information and Jen will follow up.
6. Open issues
a) Speed Sign. The Commission has tabled this item as the Sheriff’s Dept was unable to deliver the sign before the end of May. We will revisit once the bridge is complete and the road has been repaved, probably in 2020 or 2021.
Next Meeting: July 9. 2019, 6:30 p.m.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:34 p.m. upon motion from Jen, seconded by Sarah, all in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Sarah Gallagher
Approved: July 9, 2019
By: s/Sarah Gallagher