Present: Sarah Gallagher, Micheline Bissell, Jen Howard, Tim Carter, A.J. Ruben (Zoning Administrator), Kimberly Gilbert (TRORC)
- Call to Order: Sarah called the meeting to order at 6:33 p.m.
- Agenda Modifications: A.J. to report briefly on process with owners of property of Route 100 south of town (across from Fellows Rd). A.J. reported the owners are seeking to subdivide the property into 3 lots. It was determined that they are not in the flood zone or river corridor. They will need an Act 250 permit from the State in order to proceed. A.J. will forward information to the Town Clerk and TRORC.
- Approval of Minutes from September 1, 2020, meeting. Tim motioned to approve, seconded by Micheline, all in favor.
- Public Present: Kimberly Gilbert, TRORC
- Grant applications for generator: Sarah confirmed with Tory Littlefield (TRORC) that there is not enough time to meet the 11/6/20 deadline for the HMGP, but we will proceed with the BRIC application due on January 6.
- Town Plan update, next steps. Kim Gilbert (TRORC) outlined the process and we agreed on a plan going forward. The grant application has been submitted, though it is doubtful it will be approved. However, there are other funds available through TRORC and the cost to the Town will be minimal. We are budgeting $500 in 2021 and will plan on the same in 2022, unless something changes. One of the new requirements for the Plan is a ‘Forest blocks & habitat connector’ section. This will require a public hearing to seek input and it was suggested that we do this once we have drafted the section. We will strengthen the Land Use chapter for Act 250 purposes, mainly by using stronger language throughout, i.e. using ‘must’ and ‘shall’ instead of could or should. We will add a budgeting section, to include capital budget priorities. Optional elements include an enhanced energy chapter and a public health element. Kim will provide some explanation and templates for review. For our January meeting, members are asked to read and make notes on the first six chapters of the 2015 plan. Kim will do the background data updates (tables, charts, etc) but we will need to review and provide local information. Note that Chapter 5 is the Health and Emergency Services where the Public Health element may be added (it can also be a stand-alone chapter).
- Next meeting: January 12, 2020, 6:30 p.m.
- Adjournment: Motion to adjourn was made at 7:17 p.m. by Jen, seconded by Tim. All in favor.
Approved: January 12, 2021 By: s/Sarah Gallagher