Planning Commission
Minutes of October 10, 2017
MEMBERS PRESENT: Suana Rubin, Marsha Hopkins, Jennifer Howard and Sarah Gallagher.
1. The meeting was called to order by Suana at 6:30pm at the Town Office.
2. The minutes from the August 16, 2017 meeting were read. Jennifer made a motion to accept, seconded by Suana, all in favor.
3. Agenda Modifications: Mail
Mail from Act 250 Commission regarding the Riverside Farm permit.Commission dismissed 600 parking spaces and reiterated 50 roundtrips allowed. Commission still deliberating on other issues.
Two Rivers notified the Commission that our town plan was now valid through August 18, 2023. New ruling; all plans that were approved after July 1,2015 now are good for an 8-year period of time. Pittsfield’s was approved July 1, 2015.
4. Additional Member for PC
The Commission discussed the need to add one more member to make sure we are able to maintain a quorum for meetings. Several names were mentioned, Sarah Gallagher said she would contact several people to see if they were interested.
5. Possible Grants Available
The Commission discussed ways of determining what grants or opportunities would be beneficial to the Town. Sarah suggested we meet with the Orton Family Foundation because of their innovative methods in community outreach and participation. The Commission decided to have them come and speak with us. Sarah said she would see if they could come to our next meeting.
Further discussion of town development, changes, safety lead the Commission to discuss private speed containment signs posted throughout town. It was decided Marsha would contact the state and gather information regarding obtaining a register that checked vehicular mph along the roadways that the town could rent or possibly buy like the one in Rochester placed on Route 100. Marsha would also look into the requirements for a 25 mile per hour zone through town. Suana suggested that possibly a grant was available for those type of safety issues.
6. Adjournment
Next meeting scheduled for January 9 at 6:30pm. Meeting adjourned at 7:30pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Marsha Hopkins
The MINUTES of October 10, 2017 were duly APPROVED on January 9, 2018
Signed: Suana Rubin