Meeting / Work Session Date:
Attendees: Marsha, Ryan, Jenn, Vaughn,
- ___Marsha_____ Called the meeting to order at 6:04 p.m.
- Modifications:
- Correspondence: Ann asked the planning commission to supply a letter of recommendation for the updates to the recreation area at the town hall. Vaughn’s reservations about providing the letter for Ice Rink without knowing the liability or future planning were voted down and the group went with the letter provided by Marsha which listed the ice rink without change.
- Approval of Prior Minutes:
- Public Attendees:
- Happenings:
Approval of meeting minutes from July 21 2022 Ryan and Marsha Approval of meeting minutes for July 19 2022 Jenn and Ryan
The group worked through edits, revisiting the nature of property buyouts (whether they were only from FEMA and only after a disaster or not) and realized they needed more information from TROQ. The group stopped in the town highway section for the evening.
- Next Meeting Date/Time: 8/10/22 6:00
- Adjourned: 8:12 pm
These minutes were approved: ___________________________
By: ______________________________