Minutes of January 18, 2023
Members Present: Marsha Hopkins, Jennifer Howard, Ryan Thompson and Mark Stugart
- Call to Order
- Agenda Modifications:
- Discussion of Primary retail, secondary retail and Wildlife Area
The Commission made a motion to accept the proposed draft Town Plan for transmittal with the inclusion of the full definition of primary and secondary retail, required policy changes pertaining to primary retail outside the village center and the addition of some wording in the Economic Development section pertaining to energy costs and scarcities. Motion made by Ryan, seconded by Mark, all in favor.
The Commission made a motion to accept the map labeling changes for Utilities, Facilities and Education and Transportation and the overlay of the GMNF on our Future Land Use designating the Wildlife Area. Motion made by Marsha, seconded by Ryan, all in favor.
The Commission made a motion to revise the report to the Select Board outlining the feedback received from TRORC in keeping the Plan consistent with the Regional Plan. Motion made by Marsha, seconded by Jen, all in favor.
The Commission agreed they would review the revised maps via email prior to sending the transmittal copy to the Select Board.
- Approve the Minutes from November 2, 2022, motion by Ryan, seconded by Jen, all in favor
- Next Meeting
Adjournment 7:00pm
Respectfully Submitted,
Marsha Hopkins
The Minutes of January 18, 2023 were duly APPROVED on Mark Stugart and Marsha Hopkins
By April 12, 2024