Planning Commission
6:30 p.m.
Minutes of August 15, 2018
MEMBERS PRESENT: Suana Rubin, Marsha Hopkins, Jennifer Howard, Sarah Gallagher and Colleen Wilcox.
1. The meeting was called to order by Suana at 6:30pm at the Town Office.
2. The minutes from the April 10th meeting were read. Jen made a motion to accept, seconded by Sarah, all in favor.
3. Agenda Modifications: Mail
Announcement for the Town Fair October 3-4, 2018 sponsored by VLTC. Sarah said she was going, no other members of
Planning Commission committed at this time
Announcement of 2019 Municipal Planning Grants due October 1. The Commission had a brief discussion on the types
of things the funding might possibly be used for; burying electrical lines on green, fixing gazebo stairs if ADA did not trigger
and anything on town matrix that might be helpful for the Select Board to accomplish. No definitive plans yet.
4. Speed Signage
Marsha informed the Commission of her findings since the last meeting:
Two Rivers confirmed that because Pittsfield does not have any form of law enforcement that can police speeders, we could not get any federal or state funding to pay for speed monitoring signs
Pittsfield missed Elan City’s sale on speed monitoring equipment, however after contacting several companies, Marsha determined it would cost approximately $2500 for each sign. They would be affixed to speed limit signs and would be
solar powered and relatively small.
Marsha has still not been able to find a contact at the state level who is in charge of speed signage. She said she
would continue because the 35 mile/hour speed limit sign coming from the North on Route 100 might not be the ideal
place to put a monitoring sign, should Pittsfield come up with the money. Marsha said she felt if we could place another
sign somewhere within the speed limit change, it might be a better option to attach a monitoring sign. She is trying to
avoid blinking lights entering residential windows and is looking for a spot where speeds tend to increase, i.e. coming
down the hill from the cemetery. She asked the other members of the Commission to take a drive and really think about
a good location. The sign at the other end when driving south from Killington was in a good place.
Marsha also contacted the Rutland County Sheriff’s office and they would be willing to put up their mobile monitoring sign
for a week. The Planning Commission said they would attend the next Select Board meeting and get permission from
Select Board to have the mobile device delivered. Once a location was chosen the Commission would get permission from
the private homeowner. Marsha said the sheriff would have to have enough room on a flat area to back up his truck and
trailer. The sheriff informed Marsha that he needed to coordinate with the Pittsfield’s Road Commissioner. The Sheriff
also informed Marsha that the town’s reduced speed limit signs were out of date. He said the new signs are colorful
and bring more attention to the speed limit change. The Commission will bring this up when they attend the Select Board
Marsha also thought that after a week of data collection from having the mobile speed monitoring device up, we could
see if we get someone to fundraise for the town’s own signs if people had favorable attitudes toward the monitoring device.
The Commission felt the town would be receptive to slowing down traffic through town.
6. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at 7:40pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Marsha Hopkins
The MINUTES of August 16, 2018 were duly APPROVED
on April 9, 2019
s/Sarah Gallagher