The citizens of Pittsfield who are legal voters in the Pittsfield Town School District are hereby warned and
notified to meet at the Pittsfield Town Hall on Tuesday, March 7, 2017 to transact business:
Article 1. To elect a Moderator for the year ensuing.
Article 2. To hear and act upon the Auditor’s report.
Article 3. To see if the Pittsfield School District will vote to pay taxes in the same manner as the Town.
Article 4. To hear reports of the School Directors.
Article 5. Shall the voters of the Pittsfield School District approve a total budget in the amount of
$1,242,508 for the 2017-18 school year? It is estimated that this proposed budget will result in education
spending of $13,088 per equalized pupil. This projected spending is 15% lower than spending for the
current year.
Article 6. To elect a School Director for a three year term.
Article 7. To do any other proper and necessary business.
Dated at Pittsfield, Vermont this 17th day of January 2017.
Pittsfield School Board,
s/Ray Rice 2017
s/Kris Sperber 2018
s/AJ Ruben 2019
Received for record this 18th day of January, 2017 at 9:00 am.
Any individuals needing special accommodations can contact the Town Clerk’s Office at least two weeks
prior to the Town Meeting.
Notice to Voters
If you are not already a registered voter in the Town of Pittsfield, please register to vote if you are
eighteen or over, are a U.S. citizen, and a resident of this town. Eligible residents can register to vote at
the town office on any day prior to the election during regular business hours. Registration will also be
available at the Town Hall on Town Meeting Day.
For more information about Town Meeting, please contact the Town Clerk at 746-8170. Office Hours:
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 9 am to 5 pm.
The citizens of Pittsfield who are legal voters in the Pittsfield Town School District are hereby warned and
notified to meet at the Pittsfield Town Hall on Tuesday, March 7, 2017 to transact business:
Article 1. To elect a Moderator for the year ensuing.
Article 2. To hear and act upon the Auditor’s report.
Article 3. To see if the Pittsfield School District will vote to pay taxes in the same manner as the Town.
Article 4. To hear reports of the School Directors.
Article 5. Shall the voters of the Pittsfield School District approve a total budget in the amount of
$1,242,508 for the 2017-18 school year? It is estimated that this proposed budget will result in education
spending of $13,088 per equalized pupil. This projected spending is 15% lower than spending for the
current year.
Article 6. To elect a School Director for a three year term.
Article 7. To do any other proper and necessary business.
Dated at Pittsfield, Vermont this 17th day of January 2017.
Pittsfield School Board,
s/Ray Rice 2017
s/Kris Sperber 2018
s/AJ Ruben 2019
Received for record this 18th day of January, 2017 at 9:00 am.
Any individuals needing special accommodations can contact the Town Clerk’s Office at least two weeks
prior to the Town Meeting.
Notice to Voters
If you are not already a registered voter in the Town of Pittsfield, please register to vote if you are
eighteen or over, are a U.S. citizen, and a resident of this town. Eligible residents can register to vote at
the town office on any day prior to the election during regular business hours. Registration will also be
available at the Town Hall on Town Meeting Day.
For more information about Town Meeting, please contact the Town Clerk at 746-8170. Office Hours:
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 9 am to 5 pm.