Wednesday, May 10, 2017, at 7:00 p.m.
Pittsfield Town Office Building
1. Call to Order: Ray, A.J. and Kris present, Kris calls the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.
2. Amendments to the Agenda: None.
3. Approve Minutes of Previous Meeting: April 5, 2017 Ray moves to approve, Kris seconds approved unanimously.
4. Community Engagement/Public Comment: None.
5. Action/Discussion Items
□ New Business:
o Payment Orders: #7 Killington Elementary 1/3 tuition 23 students $98,118; Woodstock UMHS 1/3 21 students $112,014; Killington SPED costs $62,398.93; Town of Pittsfield General Fund reimbursement for overpayment to ED, $25,574/81: Total of $300,105.74. Kris moves to approve and Ray seconds, approved unanimously.
□ Old Business:
o Review and Approve Checkbook Reconciliation: Kris moves to accept, Ray seconds, approved unanimously.
o Update on Jean Colver Scofield Award Process: The Board received three applications for review. After much discussion and reviewing the criteria, the Board agreed unanimously on a winner, and noted that all applicants were impressive and deserving and the decision was a difficult one and we wish all Pittsfield’s graduating Seniors the best in their futures!
o Update on Act 46 Process: We discuss that the legislature is likely to pass a law this week that will provide an option for Pittsfield to comply with the law by retaining choice and joining as a side by side with the impending WCSU ED (see below). We expect to have clarity on the new law by next meeting and will determine if an alternative plan to the current plan (to ask for an exemption to the ED requirement) is available.
6. Reports: No Superintendent, no business manager present. Ray reports WCSU board meeting from earlier this week. Budgets were approved. Act 46 update on moving forward with consolidation. Barnard said no, but they think Plymouth will vote soon to move fully into the new ED. No mention of Pittsfield during this last discussion. Discussion on unifying a computer system for all schools within the SU.
7. Agenda Setting for June Meeting: payment order, checkbook reconciliation, Act 46 update, Sofield Scholarship Update. NOTE: Next Meeting to be held on Wednesday June 21, 2017 NOT June 14th, same time.
8. Adjournment: Kris moves to adjourn at 8:15 p.m. and Ray seconds, approved unanimously.
Enclosures: Draft minutes from April 5, 2017
Approved: June 21, 2017
By: Kris Sperber, Ray Rice, AJ Ruben
Next Scheduled Meeting:
Pittsfield- Wednesday, June 21, 2017, at 7:00 P.M. at the Pittsfield Town Office Building
WCSU- Monday, June 12, 2017, at 6:00 P.M. in the WCSU Conference Room
Wednesday, May 10, 2017, at 7:00 p.m.
Pittsfield Town Office Building
1. Call to Order: Ray, A.J. and Kris present, Kris calls the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.
2. Amendments to the Agenda: None.
3. Approve Minutes of Previous Meeting: April 5, 2017 Ray moves to approve, Kris seconds approved unanimously.
4. Community Engagement/Public Comment: None.
5. Action/Discussion Items
□ New Business:
o Payment Orders: #7 Killington Elementary 1/3 tuition 23 students $98,118; Woodstock UMHS 1/3 21 students $112,014; Killington SPED costs $62,398.93; Town of Pittsfield General Fund reimbursement for overpayment to ED, $25,574/81: Total of $300,105.74. Kris moves to approve and Ray seconds, approved unanimously.
□ Old Business:
o Review and Approve Checkbook Reconciliation: Kris moves to accept, Ray seconds, approved unanimously.
o Update on Jean Colver Scofield Award Process: The Board received three applications for review. After much discussion and reviewing the criteria, the Board agreed unanimously on a winner, and noted that all applicants were impressive and deserving and the decision was a difficult one and we wish all Pittsfield’s graduating Seniors the best in their futures!
o Update on Act 46 Process: We discuss that the legislature is likely to pass a law this week that will provide an option for Pittsfield to comply with the law by retaining choice and joining as a side by side with the impending WCSU ED (see below). We expect to have clarity on the new law by next meeting and will determine if an alternative plan to the current plan (to ask for an exemption to the ED requirement) is available.
6. Reports: No Superintendent, no business manager present. Ray reports WCSU board meeting from earlier this week. Budgets were approved. Act 46 update on moving forward with consolidation. Barnard said no, but they think Plymouth will vote soon to move fully into the new ED. No mention of Pittsfield during this last discussion. Discussion on unifying a computer system for all schools within the SU.
7. Agenda Setting for June Meeting: payment order, checkbook reconciliation, Act 46 update, Sofield Scholarship Update. NOTE: Next Meeting to be held on Wednesday June 21, 2017 NOT June 14th, same time.
8. Adjournment: Kris moves to adjourn at 8:15 p.m. and Ray seconds, approved unanimously.
Enclosures: Draft minutes from April 5, 2017
Approved: June 21, 2017
By: Kris Sperber, Ray Rice, AJ Ruben
Next Scheduled Meeting:
Pittsfield- Wednesday, June 21, 2017, at 7:00 P.M. at the Pittsfield Town Office Building
WCSU- Monday, June 12, 2017, at 6:00 P.M. in the WCSU Conference Room