Tuesday, January 10, 2017, at 7:00 p.m.
Pittsfield Town Office Building
I. Call to Order: Kris calls the meeting to order at 7:08 p.m. with Richard Seaman and A.J. present. Ray absent with leave, and has communicated the WCSU passed its budget at meeting last night with his attendance helping to establish a quorum. Thanks Ray.
II. Amendments to the Agenda: Update that PSB received an overpayment rebate of FY 16 from Rutland school district in the amount of $27. 33. Discuss directors’ report and agree to have A.J. draft report and share at the next special meeting for inclusion in Town Report.
III. Approve Minutes of Previous Meeting: December 19, 2016. A.J. moves to continue this until next meeting as Ray not present and Kris not present at the December meeting, approved unanimously.
IV. Community Engagement/Public Comment: None.
V. Action/Discussion Items
1. New Business:
• Payment Orders: No. 5 – Cushing Academy ½ tuition one student secondary $5,850, Rochester ½ tuition one secondary student $10,000, Stockbridge ½ tuition three elementary $22,381.50 and two pre-K $3092, Otter Valley 1/2 one secondary student $7000, Killington pre-K tuition three students $2,319, Holderness one secondary student $14,773: TOTAL $65,425.50. A.J. moves to approve, Kris approves and passed unanimously.
• FY18 Budget Approval: Richard reports likely surplus from last year of approximately $200,000. The final audit has not been completed and accounting practices between the District and the SU may have an impact on the surplus amount. We recognize the importance of determining that number promptly so as not to enter into a new budget year with any uncertainty. Richard will investigate and work with Kris before next special board meeting to be able to resolve the actual budget surplus and recent deficits in contest due apparently to the different accounting methods used. We note that our books are audited every year and the concern is about forecasting only. The primary reason for the surplus that does exist is that we had fewer students than anticipated as well as having lower SPED and 504 costs than anticipated. We review the student count and determine we have budgeted for 72 students for FY18. This constitutes 68 known children and four potential students as well as four potential pre-k children.
2. Old Business:
• Update on Act 46: Discussion of status of our investigation into how to respond to Act 46 requirements. Consensus is to petition the SBE to allow us to remain an alternative structure. We discuss the impact of SBE denying us that status being a loss of potential tax break. All things considered, our lengthy and comprehensive search for alternatives to asking for alternative status resulting in no better option than continuing as we are, should be persuasive to the SBE to allow us the requested status. We discuss how an obvious solution to the problem of cost is to reduce the number of superintendents and business managers, noting that many systems around the country have one or two people running much larger school district or other similar organizations. We suggest that the issue of local control should be divorced from the number or supervisory unions.
• Review and Approve Checkbook Reconciliation (Nov/Dec): Kris moves to approve after review, A.J. seconds.
VI. Reports
1. Review YTD Financials: Review with Richard and see notes above on Richard reporting back at next meeting.
VII. Agenda Setting for Special January Meeting: Kris moves to have a special meeting next Tuesday, January 17th at 6 p.m., agenda to include approval of FY 18 budget, approval of December 19, 2016 minutes, Jean Colver Sofield Award Update, review and approve directors’ report for town meeting publication.
VIII. Adjournment: Kris moves to adjourn at 9 p.m., seconded by A.J. and meeting adjourned.
Next Meeting is the Special Meeting to be held Tuesday January 17th at 6 p.m. at the Town Office.
Approved January 17, 2017 by Kris Sperber and A. J. Ruben
Tuesday, January 10, 2017, at 7:00 p.m.
Pittsfield Town Office Building
I. Call to Order: Kris calls the meeting to order at 7:08 p.m. with Richard Seaman and A.J. present. Ray absent with leave, and has communicated the WCSU passed its budget at meeting last night with his attendance helping to establish a quorum. Thanks Ray.
II. Amendments to the Agenda: Update that PSB received an overpayment rebate of FY 16 from Rutland school district in the amount of $27. 33. Discuss directors’ report and agree to have A.J. draft report and share at the next special meeting for inclusion in Town Report.
III. Approve Minutes of Previous Meeting: December 19, 2016. A.J. moves to continue this until next meeting as Ray not present and Kris not present at the December meeting, approved unanimously.
IV. Community Engagement/Public Comment: None.
V. Action/Discussion Items
1. New Business:
• Payment Orders: No. 5 – Cushing Academy ½ tuition one student secondary $5,850, Rochester ½ tuition one secondary student $10,000, Stockbridge ½ tuition three elementary $22,381.50 and two pre-K $3092, Otter Valley 1/2 one secondary student $7000, Killington pre-K tuition three students $2,319, Holderness one secondary student $14,773: TOTAL $65,425.50. A.J. moves to approve, Kris approves and passed unanimously.
• FY18 Budget Approval: Richard reports likely surplus from last year of approximately $200,000. The final audit has not been completed and accounting practices between the District and the SU may have an impact on the surplus amount. We recognize the importance of determining that number promptly so as not to enter into a new budget year with any uncertainty. Richard will investigate and work with Kris before next special board meeting to be able to resolve the actual budget surplus and recent deficits in contest due apparently to the different accounting methods used. We note that our books are audited every year and the concern is about forecasting only. The primary reason for the surplus that does exist is that we had fewer students than anticipated as well as having lower SPED and 504 costs than anticipated. We review the student count and determine we have budgeted for 72 students for FY18. This constitutes 68 known children and four potential students as well as four potential pre-k children.
2. Old Business:
• Update on Act 46: Discussion of status of our investigation into how to respond to Act 46 requirements. Consensus is to petition the SBE to allow us to remain an alternative structure. We discuss the impact of SBE denying us that status being a loss of potential tax break. All things considered, our lengthy and comprehensive search for alternatives to asking for alternative status resulting in no better option than continuing as we are, should be persuasive to the SBE to allow us the requested status. We discuss how an obvious solution to the problem of cost is to reduce the number of superintendents and business managers, noting that many systems around the country have one or two people running much larger school district or other similar organizations. We suggest that the issue of local control should be divorced from the number or supervisory unions.
• Review and Approve Checkbook Reconciliation (Nov/Dec): Kris moves to approve after review, A.J. seconds.
VI. Reports
1. Review YTD Financials: Review with Richard and see notes above on Richard reporting back at next meeting.
VII. Agenda Setting for Special January Meeting: Kris moves to have a special meeting next Tuesday, January 17th at 6 p.m., agenda to include approval of FY 18 budget, approval of December 19, 2016 minutes, Jean Colver Sofield Award Update, review and approve directors’ report for town meeting publication.
VIII. Adjournment: Kris moves to adjourn at 9 p.m., seconded by A.J. and meeting adjourned.
Next Meeting is the Special Meeting to be held Tuesday January 17th at 6 p.m. at the Town Office.
Approved January 17, 2017 by Kris Sperber and A. J. Ruben